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  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Theoritizer

    And in real world everybody will die eventually anyway from old age or something else. It doesn't give people right to murder each other, just because sooner or later people die on their own ;-D

    Ch 3 Chapter 3 - Long Time
    Fantasy Simulator
    Eastern · Salted Fish Jienan
  • AnthonyCerbic

    The story is somewhat boring, to be honest. Yes, there's magic/cultivation and stuff, but there's no thrill - the MC gets a "secret" OP gold finger, everybody is dismissing him at first and then impressed with his progress... *yawn*... Very cliche. The author tried to be original with the general setting - i.e. its "us" invading other world, not the other way around - I'll give you that. But its not enough to make the book worth reading. The plot setting is novel, but not used well enough to carry the book with everything else being mediocre. There is silly school drama, the face slapping, tournaments... *triple yawn*. Overall, it never feels like the stakes are high for the main character - we just know in our guts that he will win everything, have all the luck, all the best encounters. Basically, even when formally in danger, it never feels like that - he can (and does) go without any lasting losses through mortal challenges he extremely under-prepared for again and again. I found I was worried more about his support female character (the smart one) than the MC himself. At least her situation is really dire and she is on a countdown to solve it without any cheats.

    Elite Mages' Academy
    Sci-fi · The Final Fool
  • AnthonyCerbic

    scum brown nosing begins.

    Ch 3 Chapter 3 - Long Time
    Fantasy Simulator
    Eastern · Salted Fish Jienan
  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Alex_Guetta

    If you had a perfect memory erasing and healing technology, would it be alright to torture people if you heal them and made them forget afterwards? This "simulation" is good enough for people living in it to be self-aware with emotions, logic and desires. "Just a simulation" is not an excuse, very much like its not good to torture people if you can make them forget it afterwards.

    Ch 3 Chapter 3 - Long Time
    Fantasy Simulator
    Eastern · Salted Fish Jienan
  • AnthonyCerbic

    The synopsis don't even tell what's the story about or who's the character. Neither any of the reviews - they sound so vague and indistinct, these "reviews" could be easily copy-pasted to any other novel, makes you wonder it this is just bots. Unless the synopsis at least gives me an idea what's the book is about, I'm not going to bother spending my time on it.

    Brain Blame & The Undying
    Sci-fi · Pweasy_18
  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Dweia

    Thanks for the reply. To clarify, most of frustration comes from the way you chose to do the synopsis. If was dramatic, it ended with a cliffhanger, I was excited and then I open the actual book to... normal school stuff... more of normal school stuff... **** self-esteem drama.... >:-O

    Ch 2 An Unexpected Call
    The Soul Keeper
    Games · Dweia
  • AnthonyCerbic

    The summary would make you believe the MC was somehow abused or mistreated. I've read the prologue (which is frustratingly long and lasts 5 chapters) and nothing of sorts is happening. In fact, everyone is super-nice to him and he is the one who acts weird and extremely paranoid. To main character, Kai, is some introverted kid with inferiority complex so deep, he flinches even when people give him compliments. He can't talk to his mother, he can't talk to his landlady and he can barely communicate with his new friends. If (on of his friends) wasn't so social and kept inviting him in, he'd probably never had any friends at all. All along the story (as far as I read) he is complaining on an on in his head, feeling miserable for no reason, even when his friends offer him amazing adventure, he somehow twists it in his head to feel like a victim of kidnapping. Its like if you constantly hear ominous music playing in the background of his life... Really, if something bad happens to him in the story, I would feel satisfaction. He probably deserves it at some point.

    The Soul Keeper
    Games · Dweia
  • AnthonyCerbic

    How many of these garbage filler chapters are there? I am losing patience with this Kai's stupid emotional hang-ups. Get to the good stuff already, author, nobody cares about yet another shy kid doing NORMAL stuff.

    Ch 2 An Unexpected Call
    The Soul Keeper
    Games · Dweia
  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Masterchef_Gaming

    "the world of deities." its here on webnovel and its good

    Village Building Order Frenzy
    Eastern · Lazy Bird
  • AnthonyCerbic

    Alright, I am not going to write a review on this novel, simply because I think its (almost always) unfair to write a review after reading only one chapter. And I am not going to read more than one, I am sorry. You English is just too awful. I don't mean to offend, please don't be upset - I want you to improve (or better, write in your native language and find a translator). As far as the first chapter goes, it's too much nonsense. The boy is a prisoner, but they didn't search him and didn't take his spacial storage items? There are other things that are illogical and don't work, but this is the biggest one.

    This book has been deleted.
  • AnthonyCerbic

    What is this ridiculous showing off? Is he so sexually frustrated he must impress any first girl that talked to him? This is so out of character for Jimmy, I can't believe what I read in this chapter. Is the Spirit already corrupting his soul or something?

    This chapter has been deleted.
    error: 404
    Fantasy · grimofdoom
  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Big2naFLAKES

    if a reasonable action that is obvious to a random internet novel reader is forbidden because "will make a plot hole", the plot was bonkers to begin with :D

    Ch 31 VR Headset
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • AnthonyCerbic
    Replied to Big2naFLAKES

    What constitutes "energy" tho? I am not trying to play a trick here, listen me out. If pulling out an item spends charge proportional to the item's _full_energy_ as physics understands it, then by formulae E=mc^2 it is absolutely impossible to recharge the USB with any modern power source, even industrial one. Clearly, its not how this is working in the novel - charge energy limits weight and size of an item, but its not _full_energy_ of the item that is being the "equivalent energy" for cost. If for some reason thorium or exotic fuel is a special case, you can pull your standard sci-fi FUSION REACTOR that works on regular hydrogen/helium gases - easily obtainable and cheap. Pull the portable reactor, buy fuel for it online.

    Ch 31 VR Headset
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • AnthonyCerbic

    No way?! The author-sama is back!!!

    Ch 24 IRatAPS Novel Competition!
    I Reincarnated as the Ancient Philosopher's Stone!?
    Action · smithnj
  • AnthonyCerbic

    Boring. Just boring. Too slow, too predictable. Not even enjoyable as slice of life, just a slow rolling book, with an infallible MC who gets a cheat without any downsides or efforts. No risk, no drama, no pressure. Just a slow roll to be the smartest man in the room and face slap everyone with his intellect.

    Wandering Spaceship in Deep Space
    Sci-fi · Finally Eternal
  • AnthonyCerbic

    Its not a bad story, and it escapes the usual tropes. Yes, the country "Vermillion" is basically China, but its not super nationalistic, its more or less realistic with China's current world ambitions and pull power. Its getting destroyed with the rest of the world anyway, so who cares really. The MC is supposed to be a clever type, but realistically he is just a guy who plans ahead and is reasonably erudite about sciences - i.e. he knows what is EMP and stuff. :D The decisions he makes don't particularly strike me as "smart", more or less just plain reasonable - which is good enough, compared to some other MCs. The huge downside is that the book is WORDY. Like, lots and lots of irrelevant side-tracks and details that nobody cares about. Its a river of words flowing from inside the hero's head about literally everything that he looks at and what is going on. The dude is talking to himself in his head and we get to be annoyed with that exposition after exposition. After reading the first 5 chapters I just started "scanning" the pages skipping whole paragraph where nothing happens but some mundane stuff is discussed, repeated, revisited and munched over and over. The meteor FINALLY hits after 20 chapters. And the next 20 are even more boring with the guy sitting in the bunker. For the second 20 chapters only 2-3 events happen, I won't spoil it for you. In any novel of better quality the first 40 chapters (and not short ones too!) would fit in 4. So, if you don't have life to live, this novel is for you.

    Doomsday Bunker Upgrade
    Sci-fi · Seventeenth Zither
  • AnthonyCerbic

    Water filtering chip.... Cuttlefish, you cheeky bastard

    Ch 13 A Sense of Ritual
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • AnthonyCerbic

    A very boring novel, tbh. 1. The protagonist just wakes up as a plant in another world - no explanation on why or how. 2. His cheat is not outrageously stupidly strong, but "simply" stupidly strong. Bleagh. Basically, his cheat is that he gets to roleplay a plant, while being a plant - just sit there under sun and do nothing and grow in cultivation passively. Fighting? Studying? Doing some mystical energy circulation? Nope, just sit there and your cultivation grows on its own. How boring. 3. No enemies, no real danger, no struggle - yep, just a plant life. This book should be in the girls section, and the MC should be a girl, then it would make sense - it belongs to "pampered wife" genre really. Everyone just gives him stuff, skills and sutras and plain direct energies. So "the plot" is just some forced weak comedy about eating herbs and getting slapped. And just sitting more and watching your stat points grow on their own. 4. The personality of MC is just so bland. No goals, no past, no future. No thinking about his family. Some occasional pouting and greed, that's all.

    My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World
    Eastern · Low Profile Teenager
  • AnthonyCerbic

    OK. The first two chapters were interesting enough, but here I am off this ride. Layton was supposed to have mistrusting asocial personality, and now he is best friends with a person who he met just today? I could ignore this - pretty girls do weird things to boys' brains after all - but the style of writing went down as well, its all "tell, don't show".

    Ch 6 Can You Keep A Secret?
    Shapeshifter Parasite
    Sci-fi · Immanioripse
  • AnthonyCerbic

    what a cunt!

    Ch 3 My Name Is Layton
    Shapeshifter Parasite
    Sci-fi · Immanioripse