

2018-04-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • Hopps

    My god, seriously SHUT THE FUDGE UP! Do SOMETHING!! Seriously the internal monologues in these is waaaaay too long.

    There was another human with obvious combat experience, but he wasn't wearing any armor. He was armed with a simple staff that found himself easily outclassed in fighting prowess by Rose who didn't even seem to see him as a potential threat as she focused her ferocious attack on Starfire.
    Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan
    Anime & Comics · Demon_King22
  • Hopps

    Exactly what I said after I read that last paragraph...

    Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance
    Anime & Comics · GodOfGreedAs
  • Hopps

    My man you don't need to go into this much detail about an event that happened only a couple chapters ago, simplify or just focus on the reaction of the characters outside of this event. You are wasting pages and time doing this. it's unnecessary and serves only for people to skip paragraphs. PS it Is BORING!

    "Orach was holding Hal's severed arm, examining the Green Lantern's ring with a curious gaze. It was as if he had never encountered a Green Lantern before, and later, we discovered that was indeed the case. He bombarded Hal with questions about the ring, its source of power, the Green Lantern Corps...everything! During his relentless questioning, Orach did something incredible. He healed Hal and reattached his arm. It was a spectacle unlike any other. Orach claimed that he meant no harm from the beginning and that his actions were simply a response to Hal's attack. None of us believed him. Batman, ever the skeptic, stepped forward to challenge Orach, asking why he refused to acknowledge Hal's request for identification. Orach seemed genuinely confused by this. He then asked us if we've ever had dealings with higher dimension beings before. We were all taken aback! Sure, we knew of aliens, Superman is one after all. But a being from a higher dimension? It was an astounding revelation! Later, Batman admitted that they didn't even know higher dimensions existed, let alone interacted with beings from them. Orach introduced himself as a science officer from some God branch of the mighty Saiyan race in the higher dimensions," Barry explained, his voice filled with awe and disbelief.
    Journey of the Last Saiyan
    Anime & Comics · G009ps
  • Hopps

    Didn't they literally break the dimension during the fight in the 'new' movie.

    The excuse Toriyama gives for this issue is that they restrain themselves from destroying the planet while fighting. But tell me, Akira, how is it possible for a berserk Broly to hold back while fighting?! Dragon Ball is one of those worlds where it's better not to dwell on details and just watch them throw punches and flashy ki blasts.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Hopps

    Just a reminder, when writing, PLEASE read all your chapters, or at least skim through them. From chapter 1 to now, the amount of 'disrespect' that has been shown towards the MC is FAR too much. you've written an especially prideful MC, someone who won't take disrespect lying down, so him taking this much, and the retaliation being, him being pouty, just makes him look like... Well no other words to put it a simp and a bitxhe. It's off putting to read, unless you are already into that sort of thing. I'll give this a couple more chapters, I hope it improves, but as of now, starting to hit my limit.

    "I think I have fallen for you so you can be my wife just as Toki once was for Oden". Yamato said this to Rayon with a happy smile Rayon hearing this couldn't accept this at all he wasn't going for that shit the disrespect couldn't be more real. 
    System in the Multiverse [R18]
    Anime & Comics · dog_2037
  • Hopps

    Hmm feels like the pot calling the kettle black here...

    "Then, what is the goal of this Yuuki Kagurazaka." Erix recalled that Webnovel Yuuki just wanted to conquer everything like an annoying edgy manchild while Light Novel is a reasonable one who sought to make a fair society that he somewhat respected.
    Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.
    Anime & Comics · ChesterCure
  • Hopps
    Replied to Jazpex

    lol cmon bro, just go with it, no need to pull out a PHD, so long as it is 'plausible'... which this is Marvel so I guess anything is plausible lol.

    "We also discovered new antibodies we could use, compared to the 15 available, we discovered that they're 63 different types. Everything we discovered and learned is in there" said Peter. 
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Hopps

    Well, that was quite a... not gonna lie, boring chapter, nothing really hooking me with these characters. Like seriously. If in stories, there is 'A' Plot, and 'B' Plot. Reading this felt like reading the 'Z' Plot, dialogue between faceless background characters that shouldn't be getting focused on right now. It will probably culminate to a payoff, but my guy, the destination to get there is getting long and kinda boring. We need to start picking up the pace with your MC at this point. But I guess that's the payoff with chapter by chapter releases, we won't see the full picture of what you are doing till probably 10 chapters more.Anyways Thank you for the chapter and hopefully you take this LONG comment the right way. Just merely providing feedback based on my current mood atm.

    Ch 69 New World XXXII
    Overlord: Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · PrimisOptimus
  • Hopps

    Oh boy.Here we GOOOO!!!

    Hancock in that moment felt overwhelming dismay at the idea of Dante leaving. She had to keep him there, she didn't know why, but she refused to allow him to go.
    Reborn As Dante
    Anime & Comics · Felwinter
  • Hopps

    Don't be too sure sir, the quality has been very... off, the last couple of months.

    Before we begin, I wanna say thank you for selecting to read my story even though there are millions of better ones out there. Your precious time means a lot to me, dear reader. So, thank you. (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
    Solo Leveling : Infinite Path
    Anime & Comics · ashes_
  • Hopps

    TBH there's not really much out there atm.

    ***** Bonus Chapter ***** A/N: I've found myself spending less time reading fanfics ever since I started writing..... Not that I stopped completely, more like just not up to date on a lot. Feel kinda bad Im so behind tbh ahaha *****
    A Legacy Continued
    Video Games · Sudoku
  • Hopps

    No, he's a villain. 'villain' by definition, in stories anyway, is a cruel or by definition 'bad' person. Doesn't matter what led to that moment, the actions he took were reprehensible. To the murder of innocent humans, and eventual enslavement of a child and a town full of people. You are NOT gonna convince ME, that if someone knowingly does these actions, seemingly even enjoying it, that they are not a villain. You would have to be morally bankrupt to even try to 'justify' his actions... or just dumb.Sure we can try to understand 'why' he did these actions and look at his backstory, it would give solid understanding on how to prevent it in the future. At the end of that day, your actions NOW are what define you, not all the what if BS.

    After all, villainy by definition is never evil. Arlong was never truly a villain, was he? Hashirama didn't think so.
    In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • Hopps
    Replied to ConstellatingJade

    OK genuinely confused, I stopped reading during the midway through school. Why is the guy saying kill her? pretty sure she hasn't done anything...yet?

    Tessia Eralith
    My Second Life in Another World
    Anime & Comics · OVERLOAD69
  • Hopps

    ooofff I see you have also been infected with the 'art of wordsmithing' from this game 🤣Honestly one of the best written dialogues and voice acting I've heard in a while, especially for a Final Fantasy game.Hopefully you can keep this up😄

    And so, with the resolve burning brightly in my heart, I closed my eyes once more, the image of my mother's loving gaze etched into my mind. I drifted into a peaceful slumber, knowing that the journey before me would be arduous, but filled with the potential to reshape our destiny.
    Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16
    Video Games · Quarette
  • Hopps
    Replied to NIRVANAFLAME1

    lol or... I was thinking along the lines of DEMOTING an Admiral just so they can tag along 😆

    This book has been deleted.
  • Hopps


    "I hate all this discrimination. Just because I have Asian features it doesn't mean that I'm not American!" I protested.
    Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic
    TV · WebReaderPub
  • Hopps

    Thank you for the heads up Author. I've read far too many Chinese novels for me to be interested in the next volume then. 😅 Not disparaging this novel at all, if that is the direction you want this novel to go then props to you for keeping your vision and moving forward. Unfortunately for me, this is where I will leave. Thanks for the previous chapters, it was enjoyable.

    Anyways, I'm here to tell y'all to please quietly stop reading this book if you're Someone who hates, 1. Chinese/Wuxia/Xianxia novel references.
    Naruto: Back in Ancient Times
    Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie
  • Hopps

    Hahaha, reminds me of that scene in parks and recreation. 'this is my boyfriend Derek and his boyfriend ben' lol 😆

    "Really? That's a big help." Kairi smiled as she was a princess of heart as well. "So, how's your boyfriend Sora? And his boyfriend Riku?" Ramiel asked and Axel choked on his saliva.
    Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility
    Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua
  • Hopps
    Replied to Genesis_Primordial

    Bruh... after 300+ chapter... You notice this now?

    Months passed and Tessa gave birth to twin girls, whom she named Hiyori and Hira.
    One Piece: The Ship of Lust
    Anime & Comics · muhned
  • Hopps

    MORE!! GIVE. ME. MORE!! Lol thanks for the chapter 😁

    Ch 125 Chapter 118: Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
    Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility
    Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua