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  • AV3S_Tube

    Overambitious much?

    Right now, the top priority for him was to obtain all the divine-grade rewards as quickly as possible and build the most perfect foundation.
    Global Survival: 100 Times Cultivation Speed From The Start
    Sci-fi · Waiting For Compliments Online
  • AV3S_Tube

    So he just left his first two guests alone for 8 hours and was completely unavailable. I understand his excitement but this is just reckless.

    The process continued for 8 hours, completely transforming Lex's body internally with minimal external changes. When the tubes fell off his body, he looked slightly more muscular and his posture and bone structure had improved to the optimal state. While he could not have been called fat or even chubby before, his cheeks had gone in and he had developed a sharp jawline. His skin was a lot clearer, and he had lost the few stretch marks he'd developed growing up.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • AV3S_Tube
    Replied to Sidharth_PJ

    Amon is certainly someone who would create a treasure and throw it out there just to amuse himself.

    * Fancy Monocle
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • AV3S_Tube

    A coffin and an owl... Who thinks this is Darkwill who managed to become a Shaman King? XD

    The owl flew over and perched on the coffin's edge.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    🙂 No

    "Madame Pualis's brother?" Lumian hazarded a guess based on his appearance.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Fors, that book better be a recreation of the assassination and not a sappy romance

    The books on the table were mostly popular novels, including Fors Wall's masterpiece, "The Adventurer 5: Vice Admiral Ailment," and Aurore's latest work, "The Substitute Detective." The documents pertained mainly to various matters in the Dariège area. As for the five photos displayed in the frames, four were of Madame Pualis, and one belonged to a man Lumian did not recognize.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Supernatural means or just incredible balance from being a Clown? Interesting

    What was even more remarkable was that the four silver bells on her person remained motionless and silent.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Murky, yet clear eyes - isn't that kind of contradictory?

    This old man wearing worn-out clothing beneath his washed-out hood was unsteadily ascending the tall mountain. His eyes were a bit murky, but his clear pupils contained a profound sense of wisdom.
    The Herb King
    Eastern · Malignant
  • AV3S_Tube

    Why would the system care?

    <There have been many records of hosts, who didn't have emotions, going on to use the system to do terrible things to the universe they lived in>
    Reincarnated as an Energy with a System
    Eastern · Snoring_Panda
  • AV3S_Tube

    Wait a second. I could understand how he kept himself together when he was only a small droplet, but turning into steam and then into what should be snow would break his vessel into many small parts. So, how does he still maintain cohesion? As water vapour, he should've been scattered by the winds into all the corners of the globe, but yet he appears to maintain a main 'position', where 'he' is. So, he must be maintaining cohesion. As he grows in size, wouldn't this be noticeable? A few droplets or a tiny clump of snow keeping close by can be easily ignored, but imagine if he grew to like, 10 cm in diameter. That would be easily noticeable as something like a classic slime.

    <The steam you inhabit has changed to ice particle, and you are starting to gather a lot of supercooled water>
    Reincarnated as an Energy with a System
    Eastern · Snoring_Panda
  • AV3S_Tube

    Pain as a sense exists to notify an organism that something is breaking. As an energy based life form that can possess objects, it wouldn't make sense for him to *feel* pain if his current vessel was significantly changed.

    'Temperature, texture…. Pain. Yes, that is one more. God, I hope I don't unlock pain. That would be so bad.'
    Reincarnated as an Energy with a System
    Eastern · Snoring_Panda
  • AV3S_Tube

    Wait ... This reminds me of something. When Cuttlefish was talking about ideas for the next book, he mentioned his plans for the Western Continent. There, obtaining power works differently - instead of consuming Characteristics through Potions and Rituals, the Sefirah bestows powers - iirc the inspiration was from Taoism. Anyhow, Lumien getting these powers bestowed upon him is very similar to how Cuttlefish described his ideas for the Western Continent. So, is Lumien cultivating both types of ways? He's a dual cultivator!

    "As your Soul Body and Body of Heart and Mind strengthen, and your body adapts to the slight changes brought about by the power of the boon, you can consider Alms Monk."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Wait, does Fors want Lumien to take another potion? Or just pray for a boon corresponding to a Sequence 9 of another Pathway

    Ch 60 "Dancer"
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube
    Replied to lierra_0522

    I can bet half of my appendix that at least one Amon is a member of this organisation or just peeks at the members sometimes.

    Ch 48 Knowledge Pursuer
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Tbf, Amon probably acts like Doraemon sometimes with all the things he compulsively steals.

    "What —Amon?" Lumian asked, not understanding the reference.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Yep. The one big gripe I have with the original LotM is the fact that Klein didn't revive anyone. Just go to the fog of history and summon a projection of Daly, Dunn, Kenley and Old Neil. 'oh but the rules of mysticism-' Does he not have the power to 'fool' the world itself? And the powers of Error? Just deceive and fool the rules, summon a historical projection of a dead person with their consciousness and make them a new spirit body from a paper figurine. They will be able to live for however long the projection can be kept up (hundreds of years as Klein is the Fool). Sure, they won't be able to advance in Sequence (maybe? Idk), but I would argue getting revived is pretty good already.

    "You can't die! Who'll bring me back if you're gone? Anything's possible in the world of mysticism," lectured Aurore to her brother. "That's why I said all those sappy lines. So you'll remember to work hard and bring me back."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube
    Replied to godofdemonandangel

    Not necessarily 'must have'. I doubt she has any pen pal with whom she communicates on a very regular basis, and on top of that, the way the letters are transported is most likely quite prone to delays, so having no contact for a few more days than usual wouldn't be anything irregular. Furthermore, there's still the possibility that they did find out, sent a letter which arrived during a previous loop, and after the loop reset, the letter disappeared - though I doubt the loop was in place long enough for this to happen. Still, they will definitely notice the problem eventually, but definitely after the authorities did, at which point they won't be able to do a whole lot.

    Ch 41 Undead
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube
    Replied to 20_20_Visionary

    Same. Though generally, Paramita refers to 'the other side'. Here, it could be death.

    Naroka's gaze was vacant as she replied in a deep voice, "No, I'm not going to Junak. I want to go to Paramita."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Or its just because the entire village lost a few weeks of memories.

    "Perhaps Madame Pualis's gardener has a special method," Lumian said. He recalled that Madame Pualis was a Beyonder of an abnormal pathway and suspected that this was related to some supernatural phenomenon, but he couldn't say it out loud.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • AV3S_Tube

    Why would it be impossible? He hasn't tried yet.

    After hesitating whether he should take the opportunity to confess to his sister, he realized that it was impossible for him to escape from Cordu. He might as well take the opportunity to search Madame Pualis's house for clues. Lumian tersely acknowledged, "Will do," and reached out to take his sister's suitcase. With two pieces of luggage in hand, he headed for the door.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼