

2018-03-30 JoinedGlobal

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    Got infinite whiskey and cigarettes, didn't even bother with infinite water or food rations, and he could have landed on a barren rock. "Getting priorities straight".

    Ch 2 chapter 2
    One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Spejs

    That's quite some confidence, thinking they will beat the game in a single day.

    "*Sigh* Today will be a long day."
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs
    Ch 43 Chapter 43 - You Need Not Fear Me
    All-Powerful : Summoning System
    Anime & Comics · I_S_Rift
  • Spejs
    Replied to MrFinkledink

    And used Naruto's ultimate move to surround poor baby dragon.

    Joelson surrounded Du Lu and ate the eggshell piece by piece.
    Breeding Dragons From Today
    Fantasy · Fish For Every Year
  • Spejs
    [Kurama! Why are you here? Did you also get sealed in Fuu? How are you? What has happened to you since the last time I saw you? Did you enjoy yourself? I hope you did! Ah, I accidentally said your name in front of a human! I know you don't want to reveal your name to humans, so I will stop using it. Sorry about that, Kurama... AH! I used it again. I am so sorry, Kurama!]
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    Orochimaru's DIY guide, special offer only today - for 2 rinnegans, it's practically free.

    Making 100 Friends?
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs
    "Congratulations, from now on, we two are friends!"
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    Where is PETA when you actually need them?

    "After being isolated for so long, I thought I finally understood how to communicate with others, but I guess I was wrong. Not just that, everything I thought about the Bijuu was wrong as well. I thought they were just monsters but just look at the current Kurama. Why isn't he retaliating against Fuu despite being bothered the whole time? Isn't he supposed to be a demon even worse than Shukaku? Are all the Bijuu like that, or is Yuna the cause for Kurama's current personality? What did she do to him?"
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    Vietna... I mean, mmorpg flashbacks.

    A pout appeared on Fuu's face as she continued pestering Kurama with friend requests, which were all shot down by him.
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs
    Replied to PrincessLacie

    The other 10% of time she doesn't even ask

    "Yes, but it was boring, so I pretended you said something else."
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    "Unsavory people"? Is this an inner monologue of a street rat or a polite discussion between nuns in some church?

    Her climb to the nearest ledge felt as if she was moving slower than time itself. What was worse was every so often, a gust of wind would rush up the mountain, almost knocking her clear off the wall. "I swear if anyone ever invites me to go mountain climbing after this, they will get a tail in the face. I will whip them so good their own mothers won't even be able to recognize them. The only good thing about this is that I would rather do this than spend all day searching for food or hiding from unsavory people. Those days were no fun. Humans are truly rotten to the core. I have no idea how many times I was almost sold off, beaten, or spat on by those assholes. I guess I was lucky to even escape from any of those situations. But I know a few who did not… It was good most thought I was ten years old compared to my actual age. Because if they knew I was sixteen, then I shiver at the thought of what would have happened to me.
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Spejs

    Stage 3: bargaining

    'N-No way! What's with that insane harem size? T-There is no way I will allow it to grow to that size! T-Ten, n-no fifteen. I won't allow more than fifteen...b-but Yuna had much more in her previous life. Will she really be satisfied with just fifteen? F-Fine, twenty! Twenty is the absolute maximum I will allow!'
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    "You are courting death!" <- here is all you need to achieve this dao. That is, if you can survive more than an arc after your introduction.

    How to be a Proper Young Master
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs
    Replied to Queen_of_stupidity

    Because Orochimaru just had his way with him? And in the original, iirc, Sasuke went to him asking for more.

    Sasuke Awakens
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Spejs

    Cat has a fluffy tail, not hairy, you heretic

    "WAIT!? What happened to my hands?" he thought, trying to move his now little paws that were in front of his face. When trying to see his entire body, which was now full of black fur, he was even more startled to realize something else. "Is this- Is this a tail?" Ataz had acquired a big, hairy tail next to his little body.
    I Became a Necromancer Cat
    Fantasy · Toruu
  • Spejs
    Replied to fictionadict

    Anf if you rob the victims, you even gain a profit

    "Hmmph Baka" she huffed turning her nose up to the air. Killua felt a migraine coming along, but he decided not to comment this time. Was this a better obsession than blood? He was starting to doubt that... He would have to find some people for her to kill so she would spend less time doing... other stuff.
    Killua Zoldyck in MHA
    Anime & Comics · Dato
  • Spejs
    Replied to BattleTracs

    I re-read the text, looks like I misunderstood the way she was climbing. You are right, my bad

    Misaki placed both hands on opposite walls one higher than the other. She then pressed one foot on to the wall and used it as a brace lifting her body up and sliding her hands along with it never letting the pressure off the wall. She brought her other leg up and braced it up against the wall as well. Very slowly Misaki made her way up the wall. Things were going well as she climbed all the way to the top within thirty minutes of in game time. She peaked her head out from the crack and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Once she was sure nothing was around, Misaki climbed her way out of the crack and on top of a large plateau.
    Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Spejs
    Replied to BattleTracs

    What does it have to do with my comment?

    Misaki placed both hands on opposite walls one higher than the other. She then pressed one foot on to the wall and used it as a brace lifting her body up and sliding her hands along with it never letting the pressure off the wall. She brought her other leg up and braced it up against the wall as well. Very slowly Misaki made her way up the wall. Things were going well as she climbed all the way to the top within thirty minutes of in game time. She peaked her head out from the crack and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Once she was sure nothing was around, Misaki climbed her way out of the crack and on top of a large plateau.
    Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Spejs

    This will have 2 possible outcomes: 1) Every time he tries to buy the console, some random villain will obliterate the store 2) If he somehow fools the destiny, his happiness will not last long, because everyone and everything will be out to destroy the poor toy

    Back at Rumi's apartment, Hiroto was slightly depressed since he found out he didn't have enough money to purchase a game console but consoled himself knowing that after saving up some more he should be able to.
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime & Comics · Suploly
  • Spejs
    Replied to _Bonk

    And? One of the characteristics of good fiction - it must be believable. By either following the logic of real world or actually explaining why it doesn't

    Putting his other hand on the opposite side of the broken hood, Hiroto then split the car apart in half, causing liquid and car parts to scatter everywhere as the criminal stared at him with apprehension, clinging onto their seats so they wouldn't fall out of the car.
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime & Comics · Suploly