


An avid reader and hobby author.

2018-03-21 JoinedUnited States



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  • TJ_Watkins

    *Remembers Legends Reborn Palpatine summoning a Force Storm that would have consumed the entire star system if Luke and Leia hadn't stopped him* You sure it's weaker than the others? I don't see any wizards destroying planets on a whim.

    And finally, to those peeved at the lack of Metaknowledge, don't be. The Force is the Ultimate Plot Armor and even without Metaknowledge, it will ensure all the nice things happen to my MC as long as he stays in Balance. At max level the Force is weaker than many power systems, but only the Force has built-in Plot Armor which is why my MC has it as his main class.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    and once they can do that and get accepted by a Jedi they become a Padawan.

    Rayleigh nodded, "Pretty much. Some telekinesis, being able to see a step ahead during an intense fight, and using their minds to make their bodies move way faster than normal."
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    most of his Force use is either internal or sense oriented, so they won't stand out much.

    Red chuckled, "5 million is a lot for someone who isn't a Hunter. The collective wealth of Whale Island doesn't add up to 100 million, and it's a trade island. The total assets of a small island tribe holding a value to 5 million is normal. As for what else you could get if you had more points? This already covers most of it, but if you paid more points you'd have more leeway to use the Force. There is a limit to everything. Even this background won't protect you if you draw too much attention before you gain any proficiency with Nen. Though, if you were willing to give up the chance to take this year's Hunter Exam, you could afford an identity that wouldn't raise eyebrows if you went all out with the Force."
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    And the Jedi specifically preach NOT to use the Force for oneself.

    Using the Force to figure out the best way to resolve a planetary, generation-spanning conflict was a big thing. Using the Force to enhance your ability to move fast or Jump Good was a little thing. In fact, just about any personal use of the Force that didn't affect anyone else was a little thing.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    good good

    From every fantasy or history book, Rayleigh had ever read, peace was just a polite way of saying stagnation. There could be no real progress with peace. Progress comes from conflict. Was a world at peace a world without conflict? No, there was always conflict. So why was there such a long period of peace without any great conflicts? According to Republic History, it was the Jedi, the Peacekeepers. But could conflict actually be removed? No, only suppressed. What did that mean? It meant that the Jedi had been suppressing the conflict in the Galaxy for a thousand years. But nothing can be suppressed forever. It was a dam waiting to burst.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    Is that true peace, or is it simply ignorance and isolation? Does true peace not come from within, so that one might stand in the middle of a raging storm but remained centered despite the winds that buffet them?

    "Tython is completely different. There are no children here because Tython is not safe. Tython is not a place for leisure or rest. Tython is a continuous test. If you remain here, you will have to work very hard to find peace and be tested constantly, while at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, you can have true peace and train in peace to learn how to protect the peace of others. On this planet, there are things worse than you could ever imagine and there are things we cannot protect you from. If we encounter such a thing, your life may end."
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    Thems figh'en words, boy!

    [Swordsman: A few in my new memories. Nothing cool though like from Star Trek.]
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    Huh, neat

    If Ray looked through the glass wall, it was like having some access to knowledge from his past life. If it didn't look through the wall, then he didn't have access to the knowledge and wasn't too different from a normal four-year-old mentally. If he entered the room, he had all the knowledge and experience of his past life with one exception. He could not recall his name from his previous life.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • TJ_Watkins

    I keep forgetting they had that feature, but it's better this way. Another author might have used it as an excuse for them to have an orgy at the end of every day playing the game. I much prefer this more genuine method of developing relationships rather than just fucking to fuck.

    Bella chuckled at his reaction, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Come on, Allen. We've done it before. You know we both get more attributes from it. Plus, after the day you've had, it might help you relax."
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Games · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    Better to get it out of the way now before your limbs start crying.

    Ken had taken Daichi as his partner and they were currently in the burpee zone. This happened to be one of his most hated exercises, but he grit his teeth and pushed through.
    Major League System
    Sports · leeroycgna
  • TJ_Watkins

    They gonna die~

    The problem was, would the team mind?
    Major League System
    Sports · leeroycgna
  • TJ_Watkins

    Wait! We need his blood to curse the emperor!

    Ch 444 Chapter 272: Three Hundred Years Old Ah!_1
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    how many of those does he even have left at this point?

    Gritting his teeth, he popped a "Pearl of Fertility" into his mouth, crushing it into powder and swallowing. Powered by the rejuvenating effects of [Heart of Gluttony], within mere seconds, his fractured bones knitted themselves whole again, his vitality swiftly returning.
    Reborn As a Pirate
    Fantasy · Rqmk
  • TJ_Watkins

    Oh you poor sweet summer child.

    Then, within her heart, Chu Yuqin comforted herself: wasn't it just becoming Lu Chen's woman? What was there to be nervous about? They had hugged and kissed before; doing that wasn't any different from hugging and kissing, and there was no need to be this nervous.
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    Nah, if you had lost the protection of the title Crown Prince and the support of the Southern Aristocrats you would have died soon after at the hands of the other princes to remove any threat to their path to the throne you might have posed. Just like you tried to do to Lun Chen.

    Lu Shuyun was beginning to regret coming to the South to rebel. Had he not, at worst he would have been stripped of his title as the Crown Prince.
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    Death and Thunder

    At this moment on the city walls, soldiers were setting up cannons. Seeing the huge metal tube beside her, Chen Wanrong finally couldn't help but ask directly, "What is this?"
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    No light cavalry from the barbarians?

    Although this parade featured only three main divisions, the sheer number of troops meant that the event lasted over two hours.
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    How much cool down is left on the Flatulence Protocol?

    Ch 330 Afternoon Walk (2)
    Major League System
    Sports · leeroycgna
  • TJ_Watkins

    When's he going to remember the second effect of that sapling he got at the beginning. Didn't the seeds it produce help induce pregnancy, or something like that.

    But speaking of which, it was exceedingly difficult for a martial artist to conceive. No matter how cooperative Yelv Nanyan was or what methods he tried, she just couldn't get pregnant.
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • TJ_Watkins

    Yah hitched your wagon to the wrong horse. Now you've got to ride it out to the end. Even if that end is off a cliff.

    After much deliberation, Lu Shuyun finally made a decision. The southern aristocratic families were irrevocably tied to him, so he could not back down now. If he could not ascend, his fate would be even worse in the end.
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.