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  • loingwufin
    Replied to Viduus

    I fully agree, before he got the white death legacy the fights had some tension to them, now the white death is like a fail safe he can rely on and since he got the white death Issac has had to use it too many times, I really wouldn't mind Issac dieing and loosing the legacy, the sniper is nice but the passive really dosen't suit a marksman class that much. I also would like to see Issac actually fight like a marksman, Issac rarely fights at a distance or even approaches a fight like a marksman would. I really think the White death legacy was a mistake, vrmmo novels have a problem with tension, if the mc dies it's just a game so theirs rather little the mc looses from dieing, the mythical legacies gave a decent loss to dieing that could have added some tension but quickly was not an option when the mc got a death cheat.

    Ch 326 Odin's Legacy.
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • loingwufin

    the journey is more important than the destination !

    That was the secret to his rapid leveling-up speed. He was basically doing nothing except hunt animals and monsters!
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • loingwufin

    Ugh. I really like parts of this novel but most of the time I feel like Issac would do better as a melee class, I understand it's more exciting to see a life or death struggle or a melee brawl but Issac almost never uses his class like it should be used, he knew there was something in the cave and could have set up an ambush and waited it out or he could have baited the area, instead he goes into a cave and looses his advantage of distance and surprise.

    Ch 324 Wendigo.
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • loingwufin
    Replied to TheDreamingQuill

    it could but humans can be more resilient than expected sometimes, I remember when I was about 10 me and my friend were tossing a part of a brick over a fence, not sure why we had fun doing that, anyway I missed a catch and took it to the head, I walked away from it and got like 7 stitches.

    The rock struck the teenager in the head only short seconds later, causing him to fall headfirst on a snow pile.
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • loingwufin
    Replied to Santos_Mesquita

    I doubt it will happen soon, it will most likely happen in stages similar to Issac's own health/strength related problem.

    Ch 321 Ring of Commitment.
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • loingwufin

    I assumed the reason Trista couldn't use Void flames was because she has no abomination side, she is Phoenix/dragon, I kinda assumed the Abomination was required for the void flame, nothing in the combination of Phoenix and Dragon makes someone expect black flames, dragons and Phoenixs both have the same bloodline abilities when it comes to fire, dragons also get some eye abilities do decipher magic better and Phoenixs get there emotion link and can release origin flame from there body/feathers, so I dont think Trista will ever get black flames, I do think she could potentially have stronger regular origin flames or use origin flames in unique ways, and she might get the dragons eye abilities.

    Ch 1822 Primordial Flames (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • loingwufin
    Replied to Lawgiver

    ves could have nudged in the opposite direction , its obvious how easy the dwarfs are to manipulate with religion, I don't think it would have taken too long for ves to have them under his control.

    What discomforted Ves quite a lot was how casually Rion dismissed the wellbeing of most of the citizens of his current empire. Although he talked a lot about trying to free and improve the lives of dwarvenkind, in reality he had no qualms condemning billions if not trillions of Vulcanites to death, captivity, exile or foreign occupation!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor