

2018-02-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • Pmerriken

    Yea! Finally caught back up! (Life got in the way) The lack of updates has me a bit worried. You ok author-san?

    Ch 169 Death of a Hell House
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to Nykooo

    They have no clue how many "other" experts are there and what the mechs look like. Plan is basically "we plan to fight whoever shows up". And using some of the elite mech squads to throw numbers at them.

    Ch 3231 Calling Dibs
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to DaoCoffee

    Which is why the troops sorty from waayyy back.

    Ch 3231 Calling Dibs
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Pmerriken

    His knowledge that the dragon was coming is gonna be clutch!

    Ch 213 The Dragon arrives
    MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master
    Games · Raj_Shah_7152
  • Pmerriken

    Rean could probably just sit down and write "see previous tests" and... still pass.

    Ch 440 Original
    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to Harem_Hater

    That is probably a great idea and only ONE of the tricks he'll need to rank first in the school.

    Ch 458 Concocting Rejuvenation Potion!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Ok - you've probably already written AND uploaded the chapter where they spend their wish, and the coin from the game, on something appropriately selfish and luxiourous. I mean... a high-tech surveillance system? Really? And what exactly are they gonna do once they actually spot the criminals. They'll need to spend ANOTHER wish just to get weapons that actually have a chance to damage them. But... I have an idea for a wish that will solve more than one problem at once! The government should vote to buy as MANY of the cheapest UVR bracelets as they can. Bulk discount even. Then distribute them as evenly over the planet as possible. Everyone who gets a bracelet must sign a contract reporting back to the government the instant Queen spots an invader. After all, those bracelets have a much higher scanning range than the best survalence system they could purchase with the same wish! Allocating the bracelets by square mileage also means poor countries and rural areas get a FAR higher percentage of "the wish" than any other distribution method. Every boat captain, island, and oil rig would get one too! Cities might feel left out until they realize the "invite 10 friends" function means they have a high chance of getting a UVR class. Also... small, densely populated countries should be allocating their streaming revenue to purchase bracelets. That "starting loan" alone can do a lot of good. Mind you - they will STILL need a 2nd wish to actually do anything once they spot the bad guys. But the bracelet trick will buy a lot of goodwill until the 2nd game. Especially with so many going to the poorest and most undeveloped areas of the planet. And... to the people who own large plots of land. :P (We know Felix has already spent a wish to kill the bad guys - they don't)

    Ch 394 Being Seen As a Moron.
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Offering the option to see her family again might be pointless if they are ALSO slaves.

    Ch 368 Getting a Bit Closer.
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to MidGard

    You mean... the VR store stocked with information from Queen? Information that includes a bunch of recent Earth stuff? And that VR store that gave him a selection of items to choose from based on his search terms? Search terms that the story gave NO indication Felix was using the Galactic Common language instead of casually using his native tongue for a quick and lazy shop. I fully expected the "formal clothes" Felix picked out to be more in line with VR fashion trends. (Even if the colors/patterns are probably far closer to Earth trends then he might be comfortable with if he knew more about fashion) It's not any of his clothing choices individually that were a mistake. It's the consistent set of Earth patterns plus the VERY distinct Earth art. (The smiley emoji and wolf mask) Remember, you now have lots and lots of very smart and very rich people looking intently at ANY clue he leaves behind. Pretty sure Felix managed to separate Landlord from himself very thoroughly. But he left a breadcrumb trail to Earth - and he showed off something that could be a "Mythical bloodline" in his real body.

    Ch 352 The Artifacts Creation System (Entry Level).
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to MidGard

    A "hoodie" is a specific cut and weight of fabric. It is quite distinct to this time period. (Especially when color and patterns are taken into account) "Nike style sneakers" are also a distinct fashion item. And the "yellow smiley emoji" is a HIGHLY identifiable art object! Ditto the "wolf mask" which references an animal native to Earth. While he might have gotten away with just one of the first two distinctly "Earth" items... both plus the emoji and the wolf mask are a LOT of clues. Especially when all that information absolutely had to be in the data sold by Earth. The Landlord persona is simply not as anonymous as he thinks. Especially by very smart people combing over details with high-powered computers. Remember - they don't have to connect Landlord to Felix. They simply have to connect Landlord to EARTH. And once they do that... Felix might pop up on their radar. (They are looking for the "background" behind Landlord/Felix anyway)

    Ch 352 The Artifacts Creation System (Entry Level).
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    If "Landlord" is trying to hide his identity... why is he using Earth fashions? Re: the hoodie, emoji smiley face and Nike style sneakers?

    Ch 352 The Artifacts Creation System (Entry Level).
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    I bet he can sell 100% essence bottles! It won't be weird showing up in THIS auction and will be verified by Queen. He might even get lucky enough to filter out some higher rarity bloodlines while he is sorting all those bottles. (Because 100% essence bottles will be valuable even at common and uncommon rarity)

    Ch 348 Needing Coins ASAP!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken
    Replied to MidGard

    If he is trying to get an "extinct" bloodline, like illusion or space... the low-tier scam bottles might be the only method! Plus, upgrading is already incredibly painful and hard. Stabbing yourself thousands of times is merely tedious in comparison.

    Ch 344 Princess Bird's 6 Months Efforts!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Random thought here. Why is Felix buying high-tier bloodline "lotteries" and re-selling at a loss? When he COULD be buying hundreds or thousands of low tier and "mixed" bottles on the open market and reselling the purified bottles at a profit now that he has a sales outlet? I mean that first bottle he got had THREE bloodlines in it! Keep the primagenter ones for himself and sell others by the bottle. Any time he filters out a rare/legendary bloodline from low-tier bottles he's made an epic profit!

    Ch 344 Princess Bird's 6 Months Efforts!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Felix has been very careful to ONLY show abilities in one persona or another. The simple fact "Landlord" showed up in Games over a year before anyone else from Earth had their act together should make it hard to pin him down. Especially because Landlord clearly has a ton of practice and Earth got access to VR at a specific date that is easy to find.

    Ch 344 Princess Bird's 6 Months Efforts!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Well - a funny highlight like that will still improve her fame!

    Ch 343 Lisa's Nomination!
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Yea! Break that fishing game!

    Ch 326 The Fishing Stage II
    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • Pmerriken

    Ves... the simple fact you said NOTHING about "gods" at all this time screams volumes to anyone who's heard your rants before.

    Ch 2325 Shortcomings
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Pmerriken

    Now she just needs to make sure to heal them up before they wake up and all will be good!

    Ch 240 Chapter 240: Heading to Quanhai City!
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • Pmerriken

    And... here is the ticket for a better school to attend!

    Ch 160 The Bandit Senior
    Forsaken Immortals
    Fantasy · Tinalynge