


Gosto de ler novels e mangas, me irrito muito fácil com barulhos

2018-02-24 JoinedBrazil

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  • BadWolf

    Truck-chan doing its wonderful job of sending miserable people to parallel worlds, hahahahaha

    He couldn't even think before a painful impact pushed him. His body went flying a few feet up in the air as the world came to a crawl, his brain processing the information of pain - a broken spine? The impact came from the side, so most likely no. A broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a broken shoulder blade? Possibly. His eyes could only see the asphalt a few feet down and a dark shadow, looming beneath him as a truck passed through. The thing was speeding too quickly. However, his body was not directly hit but rather hit in an angle where his whole body was thrown up to the sky due to the sheer speed and force of the object.
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    Is this masochism what I'm seeing here? hahahaha

    "Well, some of us do like feet, isn't that right grass!?"
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    How sexy, he defeated 3 alphas in a row, where did all that strength come from??? I swear that a few chapters ago, a bunch of alphas were a terror to him, hahahahaha

    Next, Derek did transform back, thanks to his clothes being magical in nature they returned with him so he wasn't naked for everyone to see- Stiles has claimed that body and no one is allowed to see him naked, except him! "Now I'll initiate the fighting tradition- Any Alpha who wishes to challenge me for my Mate, speak now." And indeed there were challengers who wanted Stiles for themselves, which was weirdly flattering? Anyway, Stiles watched enthralled as Derek defeated three Alphas one after the other, which was when Stiles himself decided to do the same! There were other people who were entertained by the fights between the Alphas, so he decided to do the Alpha Mate thing and open himself to the challenge too! "Now I'll start a new tradition- Anyone who wishes the Alpha Hale for themselves  can challenge me~" And oh boy! There were twice the amount of challenges, like, twice the amount of people who wanted Derek and were willing to fight Stiles for him.
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    It seems that Stiles' naughtiness is genetic on his mother's side, hahahahahaha

    Stiles promised he'd be his sub forever if time allowed, and that's how Derek decided to get a collar for Stiles' 18th birthday that is in 3 months- He knows they'll fuck before he is 18, the Sheriff is actually okay with that? "Son, when I met Claudia, she was 17 and I was 24, she managed to climb on my bed and convinced me to just do her, I don't doubt Stiles would do the same to you." And sure enough, Stiles did try- But no anal until the ceremony because it is a tradition! The Alpha will claim their mate in the Preserve after the run where the Alpha has to catch the Mate and make them submit.
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf
    Replied to DaoOfGay

    I can't see Peter with anyone other than the Sheriff or Chris, hahahaha, I can ship several other polyamory couples, but Stiles and Derek never, hahahaha

    A new skill? Useful, but now he felt sleepy: "I've decided... I'm gonna keep you, pup." Stiles scoffed as he whispered: "I'm 17, Derek's 22 and you're 35. Want me to call you daddy or something?" It was neant as a joke, but Peter let out this purr from the back of his throat and he sounded pleased as fuck to do thag: "Only if you're into thag kind of stuff- I am very kinky myself." Stiles snorted but couldn't help the little twitch his cock did- I mean, he's being pressed against two hot guys and he's a teenager, have mercy please: "... I think you're my Mate" Derek's words seemingly had a weight behind them because Peter tensed behind him; "And i don't know if I deserve you... If i deserve a mate." Stiles did not say anything for a moment and opened his eyes, staring right at Derek's: "Do you want me as your Mate?" Derek only gave a small little nod that made Stiles smile: "Then you deserve me. I'll tell you, always, no need to be verbal- Three taps with my index finger on you, it means 'I love you', 'you're important', 'you're okay', 'i need you'..."
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    Urgh, I don't like polyamory Sterek + another character, I'm dropping this, hahahahaha

    A new skill? Useful, but now he felt sleepy: "I've decided... I'm gonna keep you, pup." Stiles scoffed as he whispered: "I'm 17, Derek's 22 and you're 35. Want me to call you daddy or something?" It was neant as a joke, but Peter let out this purr from the back of his throat and he sounded pleased as fuck to do thag: "Only if you're into thag kind of stuff- I am very kinky myself." Stiles snorted but couldn't help the little twitch his cock did- I mean, he's being pressed against two hot guys and he's a teenager, have mercy please: "... I think you're my Mate" Derek's words seemingly had a weight behind them because Peter tensed behind him; "And i don't know if I deserve you... If i deserve a mate." Stiles did not say anything for a moment and opened his eyes, staring right at Derek's: "Do you want me as your Mate?" Derek only gave a small little nod that made Stiles smile: "Then you deserve me. I'll tell you, always, no need to be verbal- Three taps with my index finger on you, it means 'I love you', 'you're important', 'you're okay', 'i need you'..."
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf
    Stiles couldn't help but sigh in relief once he was back at the kitchen, he squealed as he threw his hands in the air in excitment: "I have a date with Derek fucking Hale, ohmygodohmygodohmygod- Wait, you can't go soft on him Stiles, make him beg! On his knees, with preferably a ring in hand- No, can't think about that yet, we didn't even start to date yet- I haven't even forgiven him yet! And i don't even know if i can forgive him! He's been through so much and I'm making everyone worse for hin- Well, he kinda deserve it to be honest- but it's kinda cruel as well-" Stiles didn't notice how fast he was talking to himself, if he were to try to become a rapper he would destroy Eminem completely. "Boss?" Taylon's shocked voice broke Stiles out of his stupor, he coughed awkwardly and smiled professionally to him before asking: "Yes, Taylon?" Taylon looked behind himself again and then turned to Stiles: "There's... Uhm... Someone with Derek- A red head girl and argh- A black haired one, they're holding hands while talking to Derek... I think they're Lydia Martins and Allison Argent, the ones you told me about."
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    Eu sou uma pessoa ruim por rir e me divertir com Stiles torturando Derek desse jeito? hahahaha, por mais que eu ame Derek, não consigo perdoá-lo facilmente depois de ter sido um idiota por anos

    Every day for the next week Derek was there from the moment the shop opened to the moment the shop closed, from 7 AM to 7PM, 12 whole hours spent there, he just kept to himself and from hour to hour asked for a coffee, spending money there to eat and drink. Stiles wanted to make him suffer a little bit, but the way he looked at him like a lost puppy always managed to make Stiles hesitate before striking on his girlbossing gaslighting gatekeeping, he couldn't do it to Derek, so he kept sending Taylon to poke Derek where it hurt- Telling him bits and pieces of how Stiles suffered through the years without him, always pondering why he wasn't enough for Derek that he just left without even saying goodbye or some nightmares he had, how he would wake himself up shouting and crying before and now always woke up silently, how he would call his name whenever he was crying while having a panick attack
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    I'm not judging you, I would do the same, hahahaha

    When he woke up once again, on his thied day since he got this system, Stilws decided to train more and level up a lot today, so he used [Dungeon Creation/Destruction] to enter the Fairy Field of Flowers or something like that, and instantly was met with dozens of little annoying humanoids that looked like bug with sharp teeth, biting him. He did not take actual damage, it only hurts! He slapped them hard, each slap killing one, he only kept slapping them and hearing his sysyem since he discovered he could make his notifications be read out loud to him in his head by a male voice, since he could choose the voice of the person that read it to him, he chose Derek Hale's hoarse, husky voice to read it. He is not proud to say he got a boner every time he heard Derek's voice as if it was whispering on his ear..
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    I can't believe there weren't more chapters like this, I was dying to see some Derek and Stiles puppies, hahahahahaha

    Ch 47 Wolf (#12)
    [Random Novel Ideas]
    LGBT+ · DaoOfGay
  • BadWolf

    Thought I would have to ditch the story in this chapter hahahahahaha at the moment he looks decent mentally

    Ch 14 14 - Wendy
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • BadWolf

    Well, I'm not at all surprised that the girl was saved before having her head ripped off by the mouse, if before she was already a little obsessed with the protagonist, now that she's saved she'll probably chase the guy for the rest of his life 😐 Well that's the pattern I've seen in all the novels and manga I've read so far, I've never seen it happen differently

    Ch 10 10 - Fight
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • BadWolf

    I doubt at all that she will be saved by the protagonist in this dungeon, she will fall in love with him and start chasing him '-'

    In their group, they had 7 Blessed. There were 5 Blessed Rank E and 2 Blessed Rank D: the Rank D being Harry and Wendy (the girl who wanted to talk to Noah because he was handsome, but gave up after finding out how weak he was).
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • BadWolf

    I was the one who lost interest after that, I'm still in the first chapter and I've already found a possible heroine created to depend on a man, at least that's what I understood I hate stories with romance because 90% of them women are always like that, dependent on a strong man, apart from that they look like crazy stalkers when they realize that the protagonist is strong

    Ch 1 01 - What is strong on him...
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • BadWolf
    Replied to DeadpanDeme

    I don't abandon any story if the heroine is decent, for example, Tales of Demons and Gods, MMORPG: Transmuter of the Divine Monster, the female characters don't disturb the prota because they are strong and get stronger being able to defend themselves without depending on the protagonist, but it's not like that in most stories because it's always the same pattern, the protagonist finds the heroine practically at the beginning of the story, if she's strong there's a 90% chance she'll be nerfed because she will always enter places that put her life at risk danger and the protagonist goes after her to save her, or she is kidnapped by the protagonist's enemies and the guy has to go save her again since instead of the strong heroine saving herself, she stays still most of the time crying as if the world were collapsing waiting for the protagonist to come to her rescue, we cannot forget the classic scenes in which it is necessary to run for her life, the heroine 90% of the time trips and falls and instead of get up to run for her life, she stays still waiting for her end, so the prota always throws himself in front of the heroine to save her, with only two results, either the protagonist is already strong and saves her or saves her and gets out of there almost dead. Anyway, if a story has romance and the heroine is at least decent like the stories I mentioned, then I'm still leaning, but if they are equal to the standard of heroines being saved by the protagonist all the time because of their incompetence to depend on the protagonist instead of getting strong and saving yourself, so I abandon

    Lin sighed and looked back at Drake, "T-The Snake has been found."
    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre
  • BadWolf
    Replied to DeadpanDeme

    On the contrary, every relationship has its ups and downs, I've never considered any of my relationships to be bad, my opinion about romance in fantasy and action stories is purely a reading experience in these genres, I'm someone who likes to see logic in basically everything, and after years of reading fantasy and action novels and mangas, I just came to the conclusion that the romance in these genres is crap, because it interferes a lot with the protagonist's goals, protagonists who focus on getting strong have a much better development than the ones protagonists who have something loving with someone from the beginning to the end of the story, because these guys are always having to deal with several setbacks involving their love affairs, since the protagonist who doesn't have any romance doesn't have such setbacks, they get stronger faster and only at the end of the story when he dealt with the final boss that the romance enters because the guy is already so strong that no one can interfere with anything in his life

    Lin sighed and looked back at Drake, "T-The Snake has been found."
    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre
  • BadWolf

    (Maybe there are small spoilers, read at your own risk) I'm at chapter 177 but there are still things that bother me, for example, at the beginning the protagonist says he can go to the code altar and exchange codes for skill points, from what i understand the skill points are the free points to allocate in any status you want (strength, vitality, agility, intelligence, etc etc) and you also have the option to exchange codes for XP to level up faster, but from my point of view the protagonist definitely doesn't make use of skill point exchange because if he did, he would definitely be much stronger than he is in the chapter I'm reading, and he has skills that the protagonist doesn't even use properly even though it's vital for increase his strength, an example of these skills is the primordial serpent skill that copies someone's skill after seeing it being performed, the protagonist seems intellectual because of his intelligence status ability unlocked but the truth is that the protagonist doesn't know how to use this intelligence properly because if he used it he would be much stronger than he is in the chapter I'm reading

    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre
  • BadWolf

    What I understood was that Geralt was caught cheating on his wife with another man, and due to all this mess he decided to run away with his lover, if that's what the author meant, so I support Geralt in the matter of running away with his lover be happy man if you love him then run away with him hahahahaahaha

    This issue was released by the man's wife who told the news outlets in Haven, and in Earth, that her wife was cheating on her. This angered Geralt and he wanted to run away with the man.
    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre
  • BadWolf

    You seem desperate, so is it true that when a poor person becomes rich, he likes to show his wealth to the whole world? Like, what's the need to be famous? Just because you got something that makes you stronger quickly? Isn't anonymity the best option to become strong? If you know too much, it's like putting a target on your chest and asking people to get in your way🤔🤔

    Popularity is essential. Allen had carved those words in stone. He was going to gain popularity by any methods he can.
    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre
  • BadWolf

    Oh...I accept a forbidden romance between these two, hahahahaha, from what I'm seeing the beauties seem too dangerous, hahahahaha

    Ch 52 My Life is Yours
    Code Collector
    Fantasy · Peltivierre