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  • sunsofmidnight

    How are they colored if the blade is pitch black

    Soon Leo's sword fully took form. A pitch black sword with an Azure Dragon and a White Tiger engraved on either side of the blade presented before them.
    Animeverse Slayer!
    Others · DreAm_b0At
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to ILMATTEO

    But still, the books available to children would have no mention of *that* type of thing

    Now, some of you might be wondering why they're talking to a child about pregnancy and all that stuff since children shouldn't understand that and you would be right if it was a normal child but this is Ryuuto we're talking about, the Jiro couple already knows about how smart he is for a child since the director told them that, so they decided to just be direct with him.
    Tenno's Chat Group
    Anime & Comics · ILMATTEO
  • sunsofmidnight

    ik all this destruction of the wood is supposed to make them seem strong, but honestly it kindof just makes the mc look weak

    Deciding it was easier to ignore the pair, Ren waited for Cyan and Tier to emerge. Both did about the same time. When Cyan broke out of her room, she did it through raw physical strength. Tier on the other hand was able to cut through it and with a single cut.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Lmao, the entire society is built around lazy writing i.e. no character growth

    Both wanted to smack their friend on the head for still not being tactful after all these years but Ren was used to it. In a society that was as stagnant as theirs, the change did not happen for most.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to TeetoBanditto

    Having depth perception is so boring, just remove one of my eyes, might as well see how it feels! :DDDDD

    "I trust your judgment. I also wish to see how I change after being the same for so long."
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Poor dude was probably just minding his own business, not bothering anyone. kidnapped, given a chance to start a new life, hell maybe he'd want to turn it around since he was on both sides of the war, start a orphanage for all disenfranchised people, and spend his quasi-human life helping and protecting anyone who felt unwelcome elsewhere. But instead, he was given a chance at life, by fighting an enemy incredibly stronger then him to the death, and obviously died. His last thoughts could have been him cursing the world before he got swept up and forgotten in the reincarnation cycle. This version of him destroyed forever more.

    By the time that Ren had returned with Franceska, Emilou, and Shin as well as the 3 Gillian-class Arrancar, the former Arrancar's body was starting to disperse as its dead body was releasing all the souls within its body back into the reincarnation cycle.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    If she bumps into a loose board, or is interrupted in any way, she could die, when fighting with swords and other weapons, in real life, the one who strikes first wins, and if he makes a mistake, the other does. You can't possibly predict a fight with perfect certainty without watching it

    Ren turned around and went to go get the other while he left Baiken to battle with the man. He already knew the results of the battle anyway.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Gotta love how from their perspective he's literally kidnapping and torturing them to death

    But with each failure, Ren got closer and closer to the answer. He finally figured out, or thought he did, how to do it and the missing ingredient that would cause it to work.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to BoredAsura

    ... They where made for his body tho... no theirs.... feel like u just skimmed over it lmao

    During those 3 days, Shin and Baiken were taught the basics of a style that suited each of them.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to DeathBeastKing

    pen hacking is very common bud

    'A person can be the best hacker in the world but without a computer that can keep up with them, they would be too limited.'
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to sunsofmidnight

    Not actually that early, but you get my point

    The Beast God's spirit also saw all of Ren's memories. With each battle he saw Ren partake in, he was impressed. No matter the opponent he faced, Ren did not back down and fought with his all until either him or his opponent lost.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Untrue. He literally said in the first ten chapters he was keeping afew of his trump cards hidden, like his ability to use all the forms at once

    The Beast God's spirit also saw all of Ren's memories. With each battle he saw Ren partake in, he was impressed. No matter the opponent he faced, Ren did not back down and fought with his all until either him or his opponent lost.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Uhhh, thinking on it, it does seem unfair that these peeps are getting special treatment, it seems like most of their power (at least some of them) comes from being in direct contact with basically a god, a large amount of the time

    """Ugh""" several voices let out. This was a nickname given when someone noticed that all of the female officers of the division beautiful women that Ren had personally recruited. Shin and Naoko were caught in the crossfire since there were no rumors about them being in a relationship with any women os most thought of them as eunuchs or gay.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight
    Replied to Walrico

    Burhhhh tfffff!!!! you can't just post that! what if children saw it???

    Ren took Tier's hand into his own under the table. The woman turned to look at him but Ren just looked ahead with a blank face. Unable to read Ren's face, Tier gave up on trying to understand why he did it out of the blue and let her hand rest within his.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Duels where prohibited between heads of divisions

    With each new Kenpachi, the Captain of the 11th division would challenge Ren to prove that they were stronger. But with each match, Ren had thoroughly defeated every Kenpachi from the 5th to the current 9th.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Honestly, props for not just going the full blown: "Everybody there hates everyone here" You didn't take the easy way out, and for that I commend you

    The 11th division was more like a rivalry than a grudge if most were honest. With their title of the strongest and Ren's defeat of Suzuka, the 11th division kept trying to prove themselves.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Sending in a corp known for showing no respect to nobles, to deal with nobles, would be seen as a direct affront. That's how politics work, on the most basic level.

    So in addition to becoming the division that dealt with Arrancars, the 8th division was also placed in charge of incidents involving nobles. But with their new duties, also came hate from all sides.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Nobody who was like: "I understand what they did but went far overboard" Nobody was like: "Wow they're so cool, but kind of evil" Nobody was like: "I'm scared of them, but have to respect their power" kk

    After the Storm Rebellion, the 8th division had gotten themselves a reputation. Depending on who you asked, it was either very positive or very negative.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    Heartbroken why? clothes and lodging would be luxuries to any of the innocent slaves he killed without a second thought. Hell even the demon girls would prolly consider their treatment so far a vast luxury compared to grinding it out in the desert. like my man, this isn't some peacefull world where most people are well fed and happy like first world countries here. Even the soldiers living off their rations on a long mission would find their home a luxury

    If anyone could hear the girl's thoughts, they would feel heartbroken. Simple things such as being clothed and fed were luxuries to her.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura
  • sunsofmidnight

    y tho? he literally killed hundreds of children elderly and women? hell he probably personally killed a pregnant woman and her fetus without a second thought. but this *one* kid, he's like: "Oh no, she makes me sad so I won't kill her!" Also why would he have to kill the slaves, tfff???? the only reason I could see is that maybe the people who wanted to live would disguise themselves as slaves? In which case, if that's the reason....kill. the. girl. This also really shows how abhorent the MCs actions where since there are probably hundreds of people like this, who just wanted to be freed and given a new life. He said the fact of reincarnation made it so he wasn't morally dug up over killing hundreds of innocents? then surely he wouldn't care if she died too, she will just reincarnate.... come to think of it, y tf did he get mad when his team died? they're just gonna reincarnate. anyway, rant over

    Ren felt a headache coming on. He was supposed to kill everyone in the clan, even any prisoners that they had taken. By taking in the little girl, there was a huge risk to him. But when he saw the desperate and lonely look in her eyes, he could not help but take pity on the girl.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    Anime & Comics · BoredAsura