


love to use the audio book reader when I drive, and I read/listen to my books a lot.

2018-02-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • heli
    Replied to kitsune_wife

    i think it is the way the case was presented, it included aidibg in the sales.... the first few sentence may find he guilty but case has other sentences that made it difficult to give her the guilty verdict ( i think.. not an expert) i have learnt that wordings and the way they are given are important to investigation and court cases. like the Jonathan majors case.. the wordings allowed for him to be guilty in some things and not guilty in some.

    "I'm innocent, I don't have to go to prison, oh my heavens!"
    Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?
    Urban · Some Dog
  • heli

    but it is still being done... how do all those bad men escape jail time or the law

    "A lawyer cannot deliberately provide false evidence, cannot state facts to the jury that they know are false. That means, whether you believe it or not, if I know my client is guilty, I cannot stand here, in front of you, and claim that my client is innocent!"
    Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?
    Urban · Some Dog
  • heli

    this is the same person talking about the professor that cleaned after his son some couple of chapters ago.. lawyers are.....

    "She helped her brother simply because he is her family. No matter his crimes, even if he is a scoundrel, he is still her family. That's the very essence of family, where members should support each other."
    Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?
    Urban · Some Dog
  • heli

    In the series edgerunners i was of the mind that david was having a concussion because he was 'asking trauma team' for help.

    Seeing the armed men in green and white uniforms, David said with relief, "Is that the Trauma Team? Oh, thank Christ."
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • heli
    Replied to castormed378

    its getting annoying, he can't even tell her to clean after herself,

    "Alright then, remember to come down for lunch!"
    Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?
    Urban · Some Dog
  • heli

    this...... is so cringe!!... if the stupid man(boy) did not reprimand the girl thus book will become tiresome, someone who wants to be in the middle of action and is not self aware is an annoyance.

    With a simple smile on his face, he pushed the simple-minded person in front of him away, then felt a piercing pain in his abdomen — the dagger had plunged into his flesh.
    Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?
    Urban · Some Dog
  • heli

    it seems he is not learning, he really has a temper issue.

    Donnie frowned and shouted discontentedly, "Hey! What are you doing!?" Before his words finished, there was a loud smack, and he felt a tremendous pain on his left cheek as his head involuntarily jerked to the right—it was Wang Yang's fist smashing into his face! With a pained and astonished expression, Donnie tried to struggle, but Wang Yang landed another punch in his stomach and hissed, "Has anyone ever told you this? You're nothing but a pile of dog shit!"
    The Best Director
    Urban · Wallee The Robot
  • heli
    Replied to DavyDarkDaoist

    yes, but that is the hypocrisy, he a black musclar alpha man, was stumped on by a white underage girl and he called the police. he looses street cred.

    But at this point, no one paid him any attention, Terrence Ben clenched his teeth; although he felt humiliated and was seething with anger, he dared not make a move. For one, he knew he couldn't beat Wang Yang; and secondly, in America, whoever strikes first, whether it's a punch or just a shove, the other person may hit back hard, and even if you're beaten half to death, a good lawyer and a solid defense could get you off scot-free.
    The Best Director
    Urban · Wallee The Robot
  • heli
    Replied to Orions

    that is the benefit of power and being useful, they had to discuss it with someone that knows him more and because he is intelligent they chose something that an intelligent person will accept. like the generals accepting a reprimand from the president in the open but still running and allowed to run a clandestine operation in the dark ( to what i think real life does)

    "House arrest?" asked Andrew, amusement shining through in his voice. "Oh, he will grumble, but do what you want."
    Interesting Times
    Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido
  • heli
    Replied to Thanatos_the1

    they exist, you don't want to meet them.

    Clenching her pretty little fist, a wicked smile on her lips, Haley vowed to make sure Kyle paid for how he rejected her advances… even if it had only been a prank orchestrated by her friends.
    Rise To Stardom
    Urban · Caeruleum_
  • heli

    sign!! transmigators ego, them thinking they are more intelligent than peoplea who have lived for more than 100 years in politics and politicians and powers that can influence an individual, just because they have read a book or seen a movie...

    "I dont know," Dumbledore said, "But, I have to say.. I am also having the same thoughts as you," Ronan couldnt help but inwardly smile. The old Dumbles was falling into his trap.
    HP: Ronan's Journey
    Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG
  • heli

    hmmm, mortal kombat in this is a new one for me, really interesting, i was waiting for when he will use his business mind, since he has shown something of such at the orphanage.

    The puppet then joined its hands together, and as it started separating its hands, ice started forming between them in the shape of a sword. After the sword was formed, the puppet then jumped into the air and slammed its sword into the ground, shattering the sword, while also rumbling the whole ring in the process as well. A piece of ice came sliding toward the twins, one of them picked it and up watched it in amazement.
    HP: Ronan's Journey
    Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG
  • heli

    people talk about transmigators ego or something like that, this is an example, you don't remember the story book or canon very well and you want to steal! for dumble x .... i mean Dumbledore, you that did not remember that Dumbledore can read you f mind or thoughts by speaking with you!! this ego is spreading

    And if the old coot is really the owner of the Elder Wand, he wanted to steal it.
    HP: Ronan's Journey
    Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG
  • heli

    i do like were this went, now they know despite iron beast being little, it is better to just leave it alone, that way more people get to share the cake it will make.

    Ch 138 My name is... II
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • heli

    i do like were this went, now they know despite iron beast being little, it is better to just leave it alone, that way more people get to share the cake it will make.

    Ch 138 My name is... II
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll
  • heli

    so now we have mass effect included, lets see where this goes.

    Ch 126 126. Neutronium
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • heli
    Replied to Leviathan_Daoist

    i might agree but the human mind is filled with a lot of twist and turns

    Sael stood still, coldly saying, "Collecting the remains of such a traitor could harm your honor, Knight Cain."
    The First Vampire
    Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale
  • heli

    nice, someone should plan for the future.

    Lin Xuan refused, "You're my brother and yet you don't understand me at all? Do you really think I love studying that much? The thing I've hated most since childhood is going to school! It was always mom who nagged at me that a good education can help you get a good job. And I thought, getting a good job means earning money to fund your treatment. That's why I forced myself to keep studying, studying, studying... studying till my brain blew up! Now that you're earning so much money, why do I need to keep it up? I'm happy to just work diligently. Besides, I quite like my current job. If you can't produce any more songs in the future, at least I can still support you, so we won't end up destitute."
    All-rounder Artist
    Urban · I am the fairest
  • heli

    sign... i would say typical of some mothers ' mine'... woman!!! i said i will send you money to spend not to save for me...

    Mom quivered as she spoke: "I'll keep it for you. If you fall ill again, we can afford the treatment and wouldn't need to bother our relatives."
    All-rounder Artist
    Urban · I am the fairest
  • heli
    [Tag No: Unknown]
    Received A Mechanic System On Another Planet.
    Sci-fi · Night_phantom