


I waste way too much of my life reading these novels, lol.

2018-01-29 JoinedUnited States



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  • LazySky
    Replied to Ada_Paik

    Ahaha, ouch, it hurts but it's so accurate. No, I'm writing the chapter so it should be out soon. I'm trying to be better but life hasn't been helping. Thanks for reading!

    Ch 181 Let Off
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Philthy_T

    Stressed, busy, but managing! Thanks for asking ^_^ I hope you are doing better than me, haha. I will try to update soon! Thanks for the support~

    Ch 180 Surprise Encounter
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Fotia

    I put the chapter in my Author's Note. I think I said 84? Haha trust me, I had to go back and re-read too just to make sure I was keeping things consistent XD

    Ch 180 Surprise Encounter
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Philthy_T

    yikes, I really wish I could confidently say no but... I'll try my best not to leave you on this cliffhanger for that long!

    Ch 180 Surprise Encounter
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Technique

    It's his best chance to get permission to go into the inner region. He wants to continue to move forward and contact more powerful people. It would be difficult to get challenged if he stayed in the outer region, especially by others his age. At least, this is my thinking behind him going to the tournament. I hope that makes sense?

    Ch 180 Surprise Encounter
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Storm_Creator

    Some of them like dragons and phoenixes are obviously part of real mythology. The rest, I just make some names up and base their physical appearance off some real animal traits and give them abilities. It's actually pretty hard to come up with random names. More than I thought.

    "Take us away from Daddy?!" Snow gasped and widened her eyes. "Okay, Little Snow will stay out. We don't want bad guys to take us away." Innocently nodding, Snow agreed with Greyson's words. Although he saw her agreement, Greyson still had to wonder if she understood. Feeling a headache coming, he felt concerned about this situation. His only real experience with magic beasts before meeting the dragons was with Lucius. Every single magic beast he has met has always been older and experienced. This was the first time he had to deal with such a young magic beast. Usually this was the best for others when they wanted to rear a magic beast. They would capture it while it was young and impressionable to make it loyal to them. Greyson looked at the bright-eyed, cute little cub staring back at him in happiness before sighing yet again. What a disaster...
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to PR_King24

    ahaha sorry I did think that this chapter would be expensive after I looked at the word count. But wow 19, that's more than I thought. I'm glad you had a pass, too.

    Ch 177 I'll Kill You First Then Fail, Okay?
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to PR_King24

    Thank you for your understanding. Trust me I do sympathize because I also have to wait for chapters or translations on books I like. I really wish I could release every day, but making sure I write things coherently with a clear direction in mind that connects with the plot can actually be really difficult. I also feel stressed that one day I will write a chapter and be criticized because it's boring or nonsensical. Anyways, I really appreciate your comment and I hope you continue to enjoy my story! Thanks again~ <3

    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to BookReader69

    I'm not dropping it. TBH, recently I've just been hitting a dry spot creatively. Like I have the plot lined up but I don't have it written out chapter by chapter. So, sometimes, the writing just doesn't flow right which causes these odd gaps in release times. I'm trying my best to get another chapter out soon! Sorry for always making you wait.

    Ch 176 The Art of Teamwork (Part 2)
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to NebulaShadow

    Aw, that's so sweet. Thank you for that! You just made my night <3

    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Wragged

    Hmmm i was going for like the people who scout in front of armies or look for signs of enemies. Maybe I’m just thinking of the wrong word?

    Ch 174 Awkward Beginnings
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to MBE1

    No, I was just sick last week so I missed my release. I will be updating again soon. But I do have a slow release rate normally.

    Ch 171 Taking a Step Back
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Leonardo_Williams

    I actually have been sick this weekend (no it's not COVID), so the chapter has been delayed. I should get it out by tomorrow at the latest. Sorry about that!

    Ch 171 Taking a Step Back
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to Matt_pike

    It means no harem, yes romance.

    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky
  • LazySky
    Replied to EmzByte13

    Dang, that’s the worst. Normally I have to either find and kill the spider or sleep somewhere else.

    Arrived at the Academy
    Genius Seventh Prince
    Fantasy · LazySky