


ı love science evolution ext.... your daily fanboy crazy scientist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2018-02-03 JoinedTurkey



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  • Scientistx
    Replied to Kuroki_Shishiro

    those will be guys like the one above all from marvel and presence from dc and other such similar level entitied I think dr manhattan chested his way through to that level by his powers one of the most ridiclous labe experiment power up ever though addmitedly his power gain process was also one of the worst

    "Abominations that should not exist. Devouring the children of my Daughter's sun." I held my spear out once more, tilting it to the side so the flat of the spear faced the sky. I borrowed Wilhelm's storm, a single raindrop fell down from the sky. The droplet hit my spear, the miniscule sound that should have been drowned out instead echoed to the ears of everyone present. Creation in one of its purest forms shined along the bladed edge. I then swung my spear towards the sky, a droplet shooting off towards every single of the Hollows present. "Be purified." I commanded.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Kuroki_Shishiro

    this is akin to seeing sun than saying I am sun in a self assured funny wayso bassicaly gods are bassicaly wearing costymes their concepts are costumes and they couldn't been original enough to create something new rather than copy what they are already seeing which makes them even lamer

    "Abominations that should not exist. Devouring the children of my Daughter's sun." I held my spear out once more, tilting it to the side so the flat of the spear faced the sky. I borrowed Wilhelm's storm, a single raindrop fell down from the sky. The droplet hit my spear, the miniscule sound that should have been drowned out instead echoed to the ears of everyone present. Creation in one of its purest forms shined along the bladed edge. I then swung my spear towards the sky, a droplet shooting off towards every single of the Hollows present. "Be purified." I commanded.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to

    than what you are saying is mute point too though

    "Abominations that should not exist. Devouring the children of my Daughter's sun." I held my spear out once more, tilting it to the side so the flat of the spear faced the sky. I borrowed Wilhelm's storm, a single raindrop fell down from the sky. The droplet hit my spear, the miniscule sound that should have been drowned out instead echoed to the ears of everyone present. Creation in one of its purest forms shined along the bladed edge. I then swung my spear towards the sky, a droplet shooting off towards every single of the Hollows present. "Be purified." I commanded.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Kuroki_Shishiro

    she doesn't own the sole ownership of the sun by that logic though there is a dozen more atleast sun gods on earth and they would like to have words if she is going to boast thats sun belongs to her alone

    "Abominations that should not exist. Devouring the children of my Daughter's sun." I held my spear out once more, tilting it to the side so the flat of the spear faced the sky. I borrowed Wilhelm's storm, a single raindrop fell down from the sky. The droplet hit my spear, the miniscule sound that should have been drowned out instead echoed to the ears of everyone present. Creation in one of its purest forms shined along the bladed edge. I then swung my spear towards the sky, a droplet shooting off towards every single of the Hollows present. "Be purified." I commanded.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    plz dont gaslight them you and wilhelm made them suffer so much as it is

    And I couldn't help myself but smile slightly. I was worried he would be put off by my….anger, but there is nothing but warmth in his gaze. "Yes, now, what to do about these Shinigami?" The world shook as I hummed, looking at their stunned and confused faces.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    I am pretty sure even in dxd universe amaterasu had nothing to do with creation of the sun things like alien gods from other worlds were a thing in dxd in dxd gods are probably a side effect of life kind of like mana formed spirits coalesing to powerful entities

    "Abominations that should not exist. Devouring the children of my Daughter's sun." I held my spear out once more, tilting it to the side so the flat of the spear faced the sky. I borrowed Wilhelm's storm, a single raindrop fell down from the sky. The droplet hit my spear, the miniscule sound that should have been drowned out instead echoed to the ears of everyone present. Creation in one of its purest forms shined along the bladed edge. I then swung my spear towards the sky, a droplet shooting off towards every single of the Hollows present. "Be purified." I commanded.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    Yhwach: sigh out of context problem foregin gods out of this universe I liked the times when things were simpler

    "I'm sure your people will appreciate your gift."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    he is kind of right she did not exist in this world before lol

    "O-objection!" A thin and rather mundane looking member of their retinue held up a shaking hand at me. "Y-you can't possibly exist. His Majesty gave me the Letter 'Q' and I 'Question' to your existence!"
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    he said no to genocide by respawning humans and you were salty over it I think you are at fault here lady

    There would never be any reconciliation after his betrayal, but I was not completely without sin in our conflicts. And many centuries after the fact, he wished to bury the hatchet as the humans say.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    the problem here is while something like saviors could formed without negan saviors without kogan would not be saviors at all negans own tactical acumen methods and intellect improved saviors to the level they were in the show without negan they are just the biggest stringest bandit community in the reigon bjt thwy should be nowhere comparable to the level in the show neither in terms of numbers, equipment, strength, resources or organisation negan was the heart of saviors so without hin there would be no saviors so such a groups copy paste here is ridiclous to me

    Ch 469 What is fought for 3
    TWD: A New Beginning From the End of the World
    TV · SrCuervo
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Daoistof34

    he done that by bassicaly cheating by using techniques like aura which did not even exist in his birth world and mind you he intitally needed to refill it again and again after reishi got exhausted in intital attacks he created from it and by the looks of it his reishi amount is still very small compared to a natural talented shingiamis reserves though this might change laterso even circumstances of him gaining reishi was very unique and only possible because he travelled to multiple worlds from which he gained unusual abilities in the first place methaphysical alteration of the soul does not seem that simple in this fanfc

    [I gave it.]
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Daoistof34

    thsts the thing though type moon soul is not made up same stuff bleach soul is in bleach souls are composed of reishi but in type moon its composed of spiritrons so they are nade up from different materials entirely like lets say they might be from the same element group but they are not the very same element among that group their fundamental properties are different even though there is crossing similarities

    [I gave it.]
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Big_Hug_Toni


    Can Hollows Bankai now!?
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Hameleon

    and you need to actually read my comment it was on how people will percieve them in general lol

    I believe he merely picked at random, as he appeared next to the child born from both Japan and Mexico.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Daoistof34

    unless it can interface with mana it woill not stack other aspects just improving his reishi bleach power system and physical capability is other magic system spells and powers will not improve but who knows maybe his zanpakuto spirit is amalgam eldritch abominstion energy types wise

    [I gave it.]
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to Scientistx
    Your….baby spirit, it wants the thing you gave me.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx

    lady judging people by their looks is racist even if they are the invading side

    There were Hollows pouring in through the tears in space they opened in the sky. There were even more Hollows that appeared near Wilhelm, much stronger and humanoid looking. I did not like them.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to
    Your….baby spirit, it wants the thing you gave me.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to
    Your….baby spirit, it wants the thing you gave me.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Scientistx
    Replied to
    Your….baby spirit, it wants the thing you gave me.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne