


I'm very intelligent with a high need for unknown knowledge .

2017-12-25 JoinedUnited States



of reading


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  • loskro
    Replied to LazyWriterZ


    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Deejay309

    case by case

    Cursed tools with more restrictions also tend to be more powerful as well so once I imbued this technique on the prototype because I had to test it I'll know what I'm looking at for the real deal. The answer it turned out was a little more restricted than I had thought but not by so much that it still wasn't a good piece. I had not accounted for the time it would take for the adaptation to the environment to occur but it was merely thirty seconds so it wasn't something that would cause me much issues on the real deal.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to nemker

    Jujutsu Kaisen

    In fact from my understanding of the subject that was just the first step in most cases. All it was was turning whatever the tool was into a vessel to hold whatever cursed technique was being added to it. From there the manga didn't really give all that many details about how cursed tools are made other than that the power had something to do with the skill and power of the craftsmen themselves. For example a third grade sorcerer couldn't make a special grade cursed tool without seriously weird circumstances that usually involved a lot of sacrifice and death.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Human_thing


    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to JTGTitan_96

    It's a sequel so that's to be expected

    The biggest thing in the region was Mt. Battle though that was an active volcano that had been built around as a sort of challenge for trainers to overcome. One hundred battles before a challenger could claim to be the best in the whole region with each being harder than the last ever so slightly. Supposedly there was even a Ho oh in the region that was VERY rarely seen around the volcano. Yes I can say that I was looking forward to seeing the region myself in the not so distant future.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to FeralLover1


    The biggest thing in the region was Mt. Battle though that was an active volcano that had been built around as a sort of challenge for trainers to overcome. One hundred battles before a challenger could claim to be the best in the whole region with each being harder than the last ever so slightly. Supposedly there was even a Ho oh in the region that was VERY rarely seen around the volcano. Yes I can say that I was looking forward to seeing the region myself in the not so distant future.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Blacklares

    Dear gods I had never thought anyone would read this story again. Please understand that this was my first attempt at writing and I was absolutely dreadful at it at that time.

    old sun and lo mia were surprised as while it made sense to a degree it was simply an uncommon way of thinking since all it covered was how inconvenient an action was compared to how valuable it was. "aye lad if you can truly flatten all that land i will personally ensure no one bothers you with grunt work." old sun says with conviction. nick nods "that is all i want , though keep in mind i 'd mind grunt work so long as it makes me stronger for example clearing monsters and such things." nick said calmly. "alright lad once i clear this with the others I'll take you to the land to do your part." old sun said before leaving by himself. nick looked over at lo mia "i gonna guess you want to finish what we were doing before the invasion occurred?" he said calmly. lo mia nodded "though that is only one reason why i am here." she said confidently. nick raised an eyebrow at what she said "i see , but before we discuss such things onto the matter at hand first." nick said before taking the sect treasury out and activating it. the decrepit jade cup rapidly began expanding until it turned into a glowing gate over three meters tall with depictions of swords all over it.
    The destruction and creation system
    Fantasy · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to 0skutre

    More or less 👍

    [Pokemon: Charizard(Rune)
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Robi_Kenobi99


    [Pokemon: Charizard(Rune)
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Isak_Svartrapmo

    No romance just casual flings.

    Ch 182 Chat with Snow
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Ttrion

    He knows they are part of his power but also recognizes that using them for everything will make him overly reliant on them.

    The answer was simple and clear as day, I'd die. If I relied on my flames to handle all my enemies then I'd just be leaving myself vulnerable in the case they didn't work. Understanding this I relegated my flames to a last resort or something I used when I didn't want to waste time fighting something or someone. This caused me no small amount of suffering but that was where the falna and cursed energy excelled the most so my gains outweighed the cost. Perhaps my stats weren't growing rapidly but my skill in combat was improving by leaps and bounds.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to BeetleReUs

    Currently writing three stories at the same time actually. My pokemon story, my Danmachi story and my Naruto story.

    Ch 611 Trolling Zeus
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Nemty

    Currently writing three stories at the same time actually. My pokemon story, my Danmachi story and my Naruto story.

    Ch 611 Trolling Zeus
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to zeypher

    yeah on the last few chapters in fact.

    Ch 611 Trolling Zeus
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to blddevil

    Nah almost at the end of my Harry Potter story.

    Ch 178 Salty showdown
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Wizardlyllc

    His cursed technique causes any part of the body it is used on to drop remember?

    I wasn't going to use wood for this project though as I wanted to make my lair a gods damn nightmare to breach. To accomplish this I grabbed a massive tarp and headed to the dungeon to slaughter me some orcs. My plan was simple really, I was going to refine the things entire skeletons and use their bones to build my base, fucking metal as hell right? Obviously this was going to take more than one trip but I was more than happy to put in the leg work. Killing the orcs was also easy as shit as I just ran up to them and used my cursed technique to seal their eyes, ears, noses and mouths before patiently waiting for them to suffocate to death.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to Leon_Britton

    I know, I thought it would be a good fit.

    "Ogun and yes he spoke positively of you. It is rare he takes a shine to someone so I make a point of meeting those he does." The god spoke calmly as he shook my hand but I could feel the power in that grip, this was no soft god but a warrior in his own right.
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to nareikT

    Hunter x hunter

    Ch 606 Improvements and nen
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to KILLSECURED

    In the home stretch now so I'm not stalling the inevitable.

    Ch 604 Displeasure and time skip
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • loskro
    Replied to D_REAPER

    No clue who that is.

    Mizuhe(the cricket) was at the mid special Jonin level and had stopped growing at two feet long and five inches thick from back to belly. Despite this however it had begun to learn how to create mist that allowed it's natural ability to shine. My lizard was also at the mid chunin level but that was mostly because it specialized in stealth rather than combat. Finally of course was my first beast Ren(the scorpion) that was now the size of a large hill and showed no signs of stopping it's growth.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    Anime & Comics · loskro