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  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to DeQuindrick

    This was not a simple fight in her vision. Neph was going to be killed from what she saw. This isn't just a feud between her best friends. She envisioned that Sunny was going to kill Neph. Of course she had to get involved. From what she knew of her new powers and what she experienced over that year and a half is that her visions are always true and she had never failed to interpret them correctly. Now she has and will learn from it. We can only say all this stuff from hindsight about what she should have done since we know that Neph doesn't die. But, what if she did after Sunny had left and her name disappeared from the runes just like Cassie forsaw. Would everyone's reaction be different if Neph was dead and Sunny killed her? Cause that is what Cassie was certain would happen.

    Ch 350 End of the Nightmare
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to DeQuindrick

    Her vision was Sunny killing Neph, not the other way around.

    Ch 350 End of the Nightmare
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Roinuji

    I mean for Neph, she exchanged her freedom for her friend, Stayed locked in the spell for Sunny. Cassie would have never done that if it was anyone else and Sunny that she saw. She would have picked him in an instant. Just like the parent example I gave. If I had to let my mom control my dad to stop them dying/him killing her, I would do it if I thought it would prevent that. Everyone is taking Cassie's love for the two of them out of it. They are her best friends, like family to her and I feel more pity for her than anger.

    Ch 360 Broken
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to BlueVash

    She is a child who has only awakened her abilities recently and in all her experiences with her abilities they have all been 100% true and the way she interpreted. It's no wonder she took her interpretation of this one to be certain as well. The important part is when she tells Sunny that no matter what she did the outcome stayed the same which implies that just letting them know did not stop her vision from staying the same which means she likely can verify when a change is made. She felt powerless and fate showed her a vision of Sunny saying his true name. Why? Likely cause the fated aspect/the spell wants Sunny and Neph to be bound together I'm assuming. But that's besides the point. If she wants to save Neph at any cost then standing by and doing nothing will let her die, actively or passively doesn't matter. From what she knows, if she doesn't keep trying to change the future she envisions, Neph will die. It's all about intention for me. She is a child new to her powers and this will be a lesson to her. Her ability is an unbearable curse that has her make cruel choices such as this but it is also a blessing for humanity if she masters it and is somehow able to control it so I hope she learns and helps save many many people/the world in the future.

    "...I can understand. Rationally, I do. You were forced to make a terrible decision, with both choices being a betrayal. And you chose to help Neph, who was with you first. Who saved you when I would have just left you to die."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630

    I feel so taken aback by all the people wanting Cassie dead. I get that Sunny is hurt she chose Neph over him and it's fine to me that their friendship might be over, but really to go that far? Cassie loves him almost as much as she does Neph and if it's not Sunny being weighed against Neph or her family like in that terrible situation, then I don't think she would ever betray him. Like legit if I had her ability and I saw a vision that told me my dad was going to kill my mom if nothing changes that would be one of the f-ed up situations I can imagine and I genuinely feel bad for Cassie. To have to choose between two of the people you love most is a fate she shouldn't have had to deal with, but it comes with her ability. For me, it's all about the intention. She loves them both and she did whatever she could think of. It's a shame their friendship was hurt by this and Neph is still trapped regardless, but really to want to kill her he would have to be a lot more cruel. What if her vision was the opposite and told her Neph would kill Sunny and she had chose Sunny instead and gave a secret weakness of hers to Sunny in the hopes that it might allow him to survive the vision? Would that make people feel different? Since it seems exactly the same to me.

    Ch 360 Broken
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Scar_Wolf

    I disagree. She only did this because she thought it would save Neph. If it were any other situation, I think she would have maybe even risked her life to help Sunny. But it just happened that it was him being weighed against Neph.

    Ch 360 Broken
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to BlueVash

    I just can't understand this viewpoint. Letting fate play out when she thought Neph was going to die is betrayal. She was slightly closer to Neph. She had to make a choice. Simple as that. She tried to protect Neph at all costs. This is not a black and white situation that deserves death. Her intentions were not malicious at all.

    "...I can understand. Rationally, I do. You were forced to make a terrible decision, with both choices being a betrayal. And you chose to help Neph, who was with you first. Who saved you when I would have just left you to die."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to lordseven

    Doing nothing, according to what she knew, was betraying Neph. Her vision told her if nothing changed that Sunny would kill Neph. Simple as that. To her, do nothing and Neph dies.

    "...I can understand. Rationally, I do. You were forced to make a terrible decision, with both choices being a betrayal. And you chose to help Neph, who was with you first. Who saved you when I would have just left you to die."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to DeQuindrick

    My question is why would Cassie choose Sunny. She saw all this coming and even asked him directly hypothetical questions in the past to make sure she was interpreting her visions correctly. In any way she could have interpreted it, it seemed like Sunny was going to kill Neph. The way it played out may have been slightly different from expected but if she could have thought of a way to save both of them she would have. This way by giving Neph this trump card, she probably thought Neph would survive and control Sunny so he would too. But that's all just speculation. These characters are not black and white. Just because Cassie cares for Neph more doesn't mean she wouldn't put her own life on the line to help Sunny if Neph wasn't involved. Having to weigh and decide the lives of two of the people you car about most is possibly one of the most torturous things possible. It's no wonder she became so gloomy afterwards. I have nothing but sympathy since her vision is a cruel fate.

    Ch 350 End of the Nightmare
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Skeptical_Bookworm

    Because Sunny is a jealous person. The one thing I can't stand is Harems with a selfish person in the middle. If it's a harem surrounding a person with a widely embracing heart then it's less bothersome to me. I like a lot of parts of Sunny's personality because he is entertaining, but him specifically having a harem would be unreadable to me. He is inherently untrusting, jealous, and closed off. Him having a close romance with many people is just not comprehensible with his character at the moment, at least not if we are talking real romance and extremely close relationships that I enjoy reading about that feel special and not the stereotypical shallow romances of many harem novels.

    Right! Why start a family when you can start seven?
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to BlueVash

    I think why it's a paradise to Effie is that she's kinda a little crazy as well in that she loves fighting and danger and lives for it (as seen in the most recent chapters) and I bet Neph spicing things up was something even more enjoyable to her (getting to fight against more and tougher enemies).

    Just like Princess had said. She was somewhat full of shit, but also never wrong.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Caio_Raeli

    No one had to be manipulated. They are in an extremely dangerous place filled with nightmare creatures and could die any day. The lifestyle in the castle stopped being sustainable after new sleepers stopped being sent by the spell to the Forgotten Shore. Without Neph and Cassie doing anything, everyone there would die soon enough if nothing changes. They all understand that after having the harsh reality explained to them (not manipulation). The only chance the sleepers of the forgotten shore have at survival in the long term is to escape. Anyone who prevents that escape is indirectly killing everyone there. They have to try or die trying otherwise they just sit and wait to die.

    Ch 326 Siege of the Crimson Spire (12)
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Caio_Raeli

    How? I don't think it's Sunny, Cassie, or Neph's fault. Everyone battling knew what they were getting into and that the chance of death was extremely high.

    Ch 326 Siege of the Crimson Spire (12)
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to BlueVash

    The thing is though with no new sleepers coming, her paradise would’ve been destroyed soon regardless and Effie knows that.

    Just like Princess had said. She was somewhat full of shit, but also never wrong.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Another_random_guy

    I hope so, their world needs as many brave and strong people committed to the cause of stopping the Spell as possible, otherwise the world will die out soon enough.

    Ch 314 Leaving the Dark City
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Depressed_support

    I'd say it was more like their former prison. I'm guessing there are very few among them with positive memories of that place. Burn their prison and move towards hope.

    Ch 314 Leaving the Dark City
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to Depressed_support


    But no, it was the decision of the people themselves.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to VoidGhost

    Can't say I agree, the truth is simple, without action all of them will die maximum within a few years. They can't defend the castle for long, even all together if they didn't try to escape, without reinforcements being sent every year. Their choices are do nothing (die), try to escape the nightmare (highest chance is do it all together and band together with the strongest person), or try to escape separately (probably die). Neph has the capability by working together with all of them to save some of them. Many will die, maybe even most, but I'm sure a lot of them would prefer to die fighting with hope and a chance to return to their home then just wait for the nightmare to kill them soon. I doubt there are many that when knowing up they're up against will think "this is totally safe." She is not underselling the death potential. She and everyone here has the power to grasp a chance to escape if they fight with their lives. People seem to be pushing some idea that Neph is heartless, but I don't really buy into that, especially when it comes to the people she cares for like Sunny and Cassie. But if it comes down to it, would she choose them over saving more lives, over destroying the spell? I'm not sure. If she ever had to make a choice and go against them, I have no doubt she would not take any joy in it. She is a true leader who knows that no great advancements can be achieved without sacrifices. Anyone can claim moral high ground and say no matter what I won't sacrifice lives of my comrades, but in reality in this kind of situation that is just foolishness and irresponsible moral grandstanding since that would lead to every single comrade dying soon. As far as we know there is only one way to escape and that way can only be pushed through by force and like Neph tells them, many are likely to die. She is being real with them, they can either spend their last bit of life here being trapped by the spell or fight and perhaps escape or die trying. This can be applied to a wider scale too with Neph and Sunny having never before seen potential in their world to perhaps save the entire world's population that remains. We've seen what happens in the long run of a world that falls victim to the spell (where they are right now). Her goal is not just to escape, it is ultimately to destroy the spell and the nightmares that have a grip on their world, and if she pulls that off it will save everyone. Does she have personal reasons like revenge for it? Yes. Does that make it any less important? I don't think so.

    Ch 312 Invisible Chains
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630
    Replied to lordseven

    Yep and not grasping the chance to escape the nightmare is also a death sentence. No one will survive for much longer with no reinforcements coming.

    …But in the end, not a single one of them left.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Darkshade5630

    Some people are making this seem like some sort of diabolical scheme or her tricking these people into sacrificing themselves. But, the truth is simple, without action all of them will die within a few years. She has the capability by working together with all of them to save some of them. Many will die, maybe even most, but I'm sure a lot of them would prefer to die fighting for hope and a chance to return to their home then just wait for the nightmare to kill them soon. I doubt there are many that when knowing up they're up against will think "this is totally safe." She is not underselling the death potential. She and everyone here has the power to grasp a chance to escape if they fight with their lives.

    "Come with me! Follow me. Only I know how to save you."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree