


Fuck you! 🥐

2017-11-30 JoinedAustralia

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  • JustJoeKing

    lawful and chaotic are contradictory. it would just be neutral...

    [Age 17: I have made the decision that this will be the last year of monitoring. Sylas Brown has a Lawful Neutral Moral Alignment, but he has a Chaotic Spin. He and his girlfriend seemed to have broken up, and days later, he displayed his first signs of violence. I have not seen such ruthlessness in a boy who has yet to see a battlefield in all my days]
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    He has Primordial Human lineage. Pretty far off base-line in some ways.

    "Perhaps you do not fully realize it yet, but you have quickly emerged to become one of the standard bearers of posthumanism. You are the most successful example of your generation. Think about it. As far as we know, you were born a baseline human or close to it in a small and modest third-rate state in the galactic rim. Once you embarked on your career, you relied on your brilliance as well as many different adventures to evolve into a Senior Mech Designer, the first human phase lord and the youngest tier 3 galactic citizen in human history. Your superhuman capabilities have played a key role in all of your accomplishments. It is impossible for a baseline human or lightly augmented human to replicate just 1 percent of your record."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    Feeding the Metal Scroll wood... smh

    However, Lucky's reaction towards being forced to swallow a piece of alien wood was genuine. The gem cat truly detested what just entered into his stomach and immediately began to show signs of getting sick.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    Thats very normal trivia and dude is supposedly a high IQ biologist at the most prestigious university in the world.

    The only animals he had an intimate understanding of were venomous snakes. The patterns of the others were just broken tidbits of trivia to him. He wasn't sure if mammoths moved in packs or not, but it was doubtful that such a young mammoth would truly be alone.
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    Helpful info on other cities inbound.

    Ch 546 Chapter 546 – Absolute Power
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • JustJoeKing

    Thickest door on Earth is 2 metres currently.

    'I might be able to break through the door now,' Nick thought.
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • JustJoeKing

    If they dont work, you still learn something new?

    "I think I have begun to understand how you can produce so many radical and successful innovations over the years. Your risk tolerance is higher than every other mech designer that I know of. You are also much more impulsive. Many mech designers would at least conduct feasibility studies and other forms of analysis before following up on their whims. You just take action even if you do not have any concrete proof that your ideas will lead to the desired results."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    False. He told her his life story including most of his deepest secrets, like the crimson sea and admitting he killed her former business partner of decades and his son.

    Nevertheless, he always stayed away from her, acted on his own, and kept all his secrets to himself.
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • JustJoeKing

    DNA is a language. Would help with taboo path...

    [Will exists in all things. The written word and the voice are all things, whether others realize it or not, that are infused with the Will and projected with Charisma. See through the truth and lies in people's words, translate languages you've never seen before, comprehend ancient runes of long-forgotten disciplines. The world is an open book to you.]
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    Thats MORE reason to give it back after experimenting with it. A way to repay the favor for his gains despite exiling her. 😅

    "...I'll think about it." He hesitantly replied. "I am still in favor of keeping the Elegant Rage in my possession. None of you understand how well this mutated mech aligns with my design philosophy. I can make a huge amount of progress if I thoroughly decipher her mysterious workings."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    Lanie should have been given a choice. Exile or experimentation on by Ves. 🤷‍♂️

    Ch 6081 The Double Sentencing
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    Aetherflow as foundation... Or one of his many op titles, like system breaker, tamer or willful.

    Sylas decided to consider this later. It was a hard decision. On the one hand, Madness was his strongest foundation and one he should build upon. But with Aetherflow active, Blade Aura synergized with it well.
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    V-man knows Prisoners Dilemma?

    The male expert pilot let out an exasperated breath. "This entire screw up could have ended in a good way if either Taon or Lanie backed off first. That would have given the other pilot a chance to step back as well and end this fight. That did not happen. Something called the prisoner's dilemma forced both of them to fight to the death because just one of them backing off would mean he or she would get killed."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing
    Replied to Benjamin_Gribnau

    He hasnt asked the key how to get rid of them. He is kind of stupid.

    How many people had weapons like this? How many hidden items were there? How much greater would his disadvantage become because of these Scorned Wraps?
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    He doesnt have a PHD?

    Sylas sighed. He wasn't a doctor, so he wasn't absolutely certain. But that seemed like the only real conclusion.
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing
    Replied to JustJoeKing

    Its not like some stricter human states dont have the death penalty for destroying property already. Hexers had it for pretty much being an outspoken male.

    Venerable Jannzi's expression clearly showed what she thought about this taboo. "To put it in simpler terms, our hands are tied. No matter how much we want to raise the treatment of living mechs so that they can truly stand equal to humans such as ourselves, we are literally forbidden from doing so by the Red Two. If we try to force this change regardless of the consequences, we would contradict one of the central principles of RA jurisprudence, RF jurisprudence, Terran jurisprudence, Rubarthan jurisprudence and so on. We will become the nail that sticks out. Not just the mechers, but every other human group will be eager to hammer us down!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    Just call it 'mechi-cide' instead then with a similar punishment.

    Venerable Jannzi's expression clearly showed what she thought about this taboo. "To put it in simpler terms, our hands are tied. No matter how much we want to raise the treatment of living mechs so that they can truly stand equal to humans such as ourselves, we are literally forbidden from doing so by the Red Two. If we try to force this change regardless of the consequences, we would contradict one of the central principles of RA jurisprudence, RF jurisprudence, Terran jurisprudence, Rubarthan jurisprudence and so on. We will become the nail that sticks out. Not just the mechers, but every other human group will be eager to hammer us down!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • JustJoeKing

    In the US, only 60% of homicides are solved...

    On Earth, he wasn't allowed to kill to meet his own ends. In fact, doing so would limit and cut off his future instead of enhancing it. It was almost impossible to commit the perfect crime in modern times. 
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    Countless? Theres six.

    "Your textbooks have told you that these extinction events were caused by various things. Volcanoes, ice ages, asteroids, countless horrible things. 
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • JustJoeKing

    It has a few that 'can' manifest.

    Dementia obviously didn't have outward signs, but Sylas hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, and he interacted with his grandfather every day. 
    Genetic Ascension
    Fantasy · Awespec