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  • Nargol
    Replied to readingreading

    According to their idea, and the idea of any non-materialist, just because they have no memory does not mean they are a completely different person. It is the soul that matters, not the mind. And with their idea of karma, just because she has reincarnated, it does not mean their karma has ended. "ruin another fate" is a weird way to put it in my eyes too. If there is fate, why do you imagine her former masters interference is ruination for her? It would be fate for her to be found again too.

    Jiang Lin'er adjusted her emotions quickly and whispered, "Later, I will search through the five continents and the trichiliocosm. I will try my best to find your Aunt-Master's reincarnation."
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol
    Replied to I_am_low_profile

    What your comment really says is "I don't understand respect, sincerity or why I should care about others wishes. I am the most important, after all." Because that is the central theme of what she is doing here, and what you are apparently agreeing with. What the heck does what she wants matter? She has sworn to keep her senior brothers secrets, and she flagrantly breaks that promise. In this situation, what she wants is completely irrelevant: by breaking this, she makes herself the most repulsive kind of liar; a selfish one. "I don't want him to be misunderstood, and what I want is much more important than what he wants and what I have promised him." This is the opposite of love and selflessness. It's ruining her entire character, and that's a sad thing indeed.

    "Master, you'd better take it as if I didn't say anything today and pretend nothing happened. Treat him as you usually do," Lan Ling'e replied with a smile. "When he comes in to receive us in a moment, whack his butt with the horsetail whisk…
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol

    How presumptuous, annoying, selfish and repulsive. I wonder what it is with CN and portraying trampling other peoples wishes, especially those of whom you love, as something good or caring. It's always portrayed as out of "concern" or "for the better", but it isn't. It isn't her place to talk about her senior brothers secrets. To anyone. She shouldn't speak of them loudly to herself, let alone to someone else, even if it is their master. If he was sick, in danger of dying, or going insane, it is different. But as long as he is in his right mind, she really should shut up. It isn't ok to talk about others private affairs, and especially not those they've asked you to keep secret. It is repulsive, and should result in complete social ostracism for whoever does it.

    "While Senior Brother has been taken to the East Ocean by Uncle-Master Jiu Wu, I want to let you know about these clearly.
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol
    Replied to NP_3228

    chaotic neutral would mean he wants to create chaos. Introducing monopoly is quite clearly lawful evil. through an ordered, regulated game with clearly defined rules, you tear apart families and sow enmity between friends.

    "Road to Immortality, also known as 'Immortal Life Simulation' or 'Immortal Monopoly'…
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol
    Replied to EvilAsura

    i think its because they never invented it, but sure

    The Faraday Cage helped to divert the first bolt of lightning, but it also took away the benefits that were to come with it.
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol

    yes he doesn't look a day over 1050 now

    Beams of light were shining around him. His brand new cyan, silk Dao robe, was a pretty good defensive Dharma treasure. It also made Qi Yuan look a few years younger than he was.
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol
    Replied to Supreme_Leader

    to show respect to the great man who invented it? not everyone is a shameless plagiarizer you know lol and why do you think he would claim he invented it at all? if it can actually help against the tribulation, its name will live forever. thats the opposite of what he wants

    Li Changshou replied nonchalantly, "This is the Faraday Cage. Stay in there a while longer. I'll try increasing the voltage."
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol

    It's always funny when this scenario appears. She did wrong. Her senior brother only planned to minimise the problems if she actually committed a fault. What he did was a good thing. It was responsible. What she did was a bad thing. It was irresponsible. Yet she feels like she has the right to be unhappy that he understands her this well, because.... why? What did he do wrong? It is funny to me when people feel like calculation is a bad thing, when it is actually devoid of morality by itself. She is in the wrong, and he is not. No matter how cowardly and reprehensible he can be otherwise, in speech if not in action, he's completely blameless here.

    Lan Ling'e was unhappy about it—she could not help but feel that her senior brother still did not trust her.
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol
    Replied to SaxDudeWrites

    leave him a little bit of face, jeez

    "Stop using this tone with me. If Master hears you, he might think I'm doing something else."
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • Nargol

    umm so, basically, these bandits robbed them, but didn't kidnap anyone, harassed no women, and hurt no one after they paid? It isn't described completely, but because she's so beautiful that's the obvious conclusion to draw. and then author thinks "let's have a scene where this repulsive madwoman tortures them egregiously, that'll be entertaining"? at least set them up as actually being reprehensible, rather than the most gentlemanly highwaymen anyone has ever encountered. I realise this entire community is filled with twisted people who wont mind, I'm pretty messed up myself, but its just poor writing. And the whole "it's ok to sexually torture men" thing is too ****ed for me tbh

    I strung every one of them up by their manhood and tortured them slowly with my Lightning, starting with their leader of course.
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasy · Draekai
  • Nargol
    Replied to redwaterdrought

    what do you mean "poor girl"? she disintegrated four other starving squatters. all they wanted to do was steal the bread she had, which she in turn had already stolen. if she'd done it to one of those syndicate rapists, i could have sympathy, but this is just another element of cruelty. those four hardly deserved to die for trying to eat lol

    In my panic as they assaulted me, I unconsciously channeled Elemental Quark into my Cultivation Point and disintegrated them into ashes. Till this day I still don't know what I did, but I never regretted my actions.
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasy · Draekai