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  • crusaderf

    then give him a quest reward that can fix that

    "Alright," said Mary hesitantly. She was really starting to get concerned about how much the tumor was affecting Lex.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf

    so a set of wolf skin rugs for the inn

    The fox looked at the desperate face the man before her was making and thought for a few moments. Finally she said, "send word to the Brown Bari Wolf pack. Tell them I want the entire pack after the two humans. Also send word back to the Iron Mountains, tell them moving forward they should assume that details of our actions in Red Nation have been leaked. Speed up the infiltration and don't hesitate to use drastic measures if necessary."
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf

    sounds like Lex is connected to a couple of those rumors

    While waiting for Larry, Lex continued to search the Blue Bird Portal for details of what happened.There were countless rumors, about war breaking out in the region, about an ancient heritage that had been uncovered, about a unique treasure that had been uncovered that attracted all the rich and powerful. However, there was no credible news. Neither Blue Bird nor any other organization released a statement about what was actually happening, just that all cultivator activity had to cease temporarily. Regardless of whatever it was, Lex was most confused about why he would be affected by it in New York if a battle happened in Egypt. Based on everything he knew, despite the fact that there were always a lot of security cultivators engaged in battles all the time.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Tekbox

    no, but he might ask if his tier 5 reward can be a key to the zombie planet

    And with that, his body disappeared, with no one the wiser of the great feat the once giant man had completed.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Ala_Huckbar

    part of it is probably that she will be more willing to accept the money if it is an 'exchange' then a 'handout'

    "I'm an old man, on the verge of death. What value does money have for me? One million or a hundred million, neither will keep me from dying, nor will they affect how I live my life. You, on the other hand, still have a long life ahead of you and a son to take care of. This money will seriously affect you every day for the rest of your life. This decision will follow every other decision you will make for the rest of your life. How can I lack this little bit of virtue and steal from you, who are like my own daughter? You should make the decision you think is best for you and your child."
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Feliprins1

    i mean, its basically like the police and common sense. if you follow the law, they protect you if you wander into an area with no police coverage, you are on your own if you follow shady people, you are inviting trouble

    Lex even asked Hamid why security was so strict and how dangerous the cultivation world really was. All he got for a reply was that as long as he stayed in a Bluebird supervised area, followed the law and avoided shady people, he had no reason to be concerned. If that couldn't be considered dodging a question, Lex didn't know what could.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Gabus_Deux

    depending on their strength, forget just a gun, it would be like having the codes to an ICBM ready to go

    "This token is built using a spiritual metal, combined with the latest formation as well as modern technology. Once it is complete, it can become personalized to you by dripping a drop of blood on it. In it will be a Bluebirds certificate of approval, signifying that you have gone through the Bluebird registration process and are recognized as a non-hostile entity. You need to carry it with you at all times, as it can be sensed by authorized Bluebird personnel. If you are caught without it on your person, you will be treated as if you had intent to do harm and will be detained pending an investigation on your activities! Which is why I must stress this again, always keep it on you! If you ever lose it, report it immediately to a Bluebird office near you to get a new one, though you have to pay for any replacements. That's also why Jessica treated you so harshly, as a cultivator without a token you are a suspected threat, even if your actual cultivation is low.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to GifflarGod

    no, he's just never run a business before.

    The first thing he learnt was that the Inn required a monthly expense of 25 Midnight points and was a fixed expense that could not be evaded. It included a variety of miscellaneous items required for the Inns use that Lex had completely overlooked such as cutlery, linens for rooms, towels, soaps and shampoos, scents, room service items, general maintenance as well as groceries and various other things that gave Lex a headache. It was extremely fortunate that the Inn covered for these things automatically or Lex would have never even thought of them until it was too late, and he didn't want to imagine the consequences.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf

    how about non euclidean architecture like in R'leyh from Cthulhu. nothing like a little san loss from not complying with the laws of physics and dimensional space

    Truth be told, despite his grand thoughts, he knew next to nothing about architecture or design and anything spectacular he had ever made in video games was achieved through picking designs he liked from online and mixing and matching until he was satisfied. That was also his plan for this, but what should his theme be?
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Chex_Geam

    baka and test

    A hundred golden core cultivators escorted the caged monster while 20 nascent soul cultivators walked in front of them. Everybody wore black robes and black cone masks, revealing only their eyes and hands.
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Shallow_Thoughts

    no, cause Gage ended up on pandora because her robot science fair project killed her classmate

    She nodded, "Yeah, for a school's science project actually. I could even say that was what got me to my valedictorian status."
    What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?
    Sci-fi · Draekai
  • crusaderf

    sounds like Gage from Borderlands 2

    She nodded, "Yeah, for a school's science project actually. I could even say that was what got me to my valedictorian status."
    What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?
    Sci-fi · Draekai
  • crusaderf

    See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

    Ch 2419 "The Weak and Pitiful Soul"
    I Become Baby Mafia Boss
    Fantasy · Zehell2218
  • crusaderf

    welp, thats a bunch of corpses lined up

    Some were even bold enough to try to connect a soul string to Ainsley's soul, wanting to control her soul!
    I Become Baby Mafia Boss
    Fantasy · Zehell2218
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Astraeus_23

    'oh, nevermind, my dog found the chainsaw'. one of my favorite scenes of all time

    "Our 'Zuu Shaa' have evolved." Mako revved up her chainsaw with vigor. "Now it's 'BRRRRNG TENG TENG TENG'!"
    My Apocalyptic Rabbit Wife
    Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG
  • crusaderf

    is leas brain broken right now?

    Ch 208 I'm Not Ready To Explain Yet
    What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?
    Sci-fi · Draekai
  • crusaderf

    my saying has always been 'when tou make lemonade, life likes to p*** in your pitcher

    ""When life gives you lemon, you make a lemonade!""
    My Apocalyptic Rabbit Wife
    Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG
  • crusaderf

    great, so they are rabbit eared Krieg guardsmen

    "Shovels are the only things we need." Owen snickered in response. "It is a multi-purpose tool, serving various jobs at once. Shovel helps with digging and transplanting soil, making shallow trenches, and in removing dirt or debris. It's great for fighting close combat too!"
    My Apocalyptic Rabbit Wife
    Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG
  • crusaderf
    Replied to Blaze_Zero

    i was thinking the same thing, actually. except the grinding;) here sounds much more fun

    "Unlike human mothers, where they need to nurture their vulnerable offspring for a long time inside them, I can skip what you call the 'pregnancy process' and instantly deploy our children into existence~!" Owen played with her fingers, the whirring sound of space appeared with a small spark of prism. "When the Patriarch's form of 'seed' is extracted, it is filtered and selectively chosen, before it is fused with the Queen's eggs to form an Usalian 'kit'~!"
    My Apocalyptic Rabbit Wife
    Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG
  • crusaderf

    unfortunately, Cultivator Florida Man moved his general store to another dimension

    70 years after the apocalypse, Humanity managed to corner their unruly invader into a last stand within the continent of North America, Florida.
    My Apocalyptic Rabbit Wife
    Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG