


Just a guy that likes reading and writing stuff.

2017-10-11 JoinedGlobal



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  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Well I started counting differently. The First one they entered is not counted, since it is the one they docked and is safe, only from then on are they counted

    Luckily, thanks to their darkness, they were not attacked by anything during their flight to the second island.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Amiin_Z

    From what I remember, it's a sci-fi where the military manages to get in contact with aliens, a race that is about to be destroyed, and they decide to come here and see if they wanna conquer us or not.

    Ever since the year 2018, technology had stagnated, many religious fanatics were sure it was the sign of the end of the world, and in a way, they were right.
    Is this really a Game?!
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    ah, should have been apprehensive or freeze for an instant. Hmm, freeze would be the better one

    "Yo, beautiful night, isn't it?" Lyle's sudden appearance and nonchalant attitude made the two men for an instant before they moved, both attacking him, only to find both their arms broken in an instant.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    A lie ofc, hahahahaha

    "No, that is not me, that is not something I wish to do, nor does it have anything to do with my ambition, the only reason I am doing this is to help out a friend who died before being able to see all of this happen, that is all."
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Yes, just shortening it

    "That has been left to the Golden Lion," Lyle said as he glanced at the camp of the Golden Lion that was placed about 2 miles away from them.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Well, it's kinda more the emperor who is following the god, the rest of the family just got involved shallowly, just to gain some more power and that's it

    "Please reconsider brother, there is nothing any of us can do here, the empire will fall, even if Father uses the Eclipsed Heart, it will not be enough, we all know it, their army is too large, and even that artifact does not hold that much power." The second son of the emperor, Altrus said as he stood next to his brother.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Yes, it was a spear of light, that would be a typo, sorry bout that

    Lyle didn't know exactly what Priscila had done nor what the badge that she had used to create the spear of lightning was, but he knew that if she woke up, she would definitely be able to help them out.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Alexandre_Medeiros

    yes, that is a mistake, will be fixed

    Lyle leaned back, steepling his fingers. "They want the elimination of key figures within the Iradel Empire. The nobles that stand against them, especially those from the Song and Rain families."
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    There is a reason for that, you will see soon, Lyle could have evolved earlier and reached the Grand Knight realm, there is a reason why he doesn't do so

    His level was now almost at the high level of the Titled Knight realm, and one reason for that was what had happened right after Conrad showed them his identity and joined them.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Alexandre_Medeiros

    That was supposed to be more a figure of speech tbh, I just didn't word it that well I believe

    Even his armor, which was custom-made for him, was penetrated by the sword that was stabbed forward with full force. The wound wasn't very deep, but it was still enough to make the general flinch for an instant as he glanced behind Lyle, finally seeing the shadow that had suddenly appeared behind him and attacked him.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Alexandre_Medeiros

    Not hundreds, the rebels have like 10 of them, as for the imperial forces, you have to remember the scope of the empire and the millions of people present there, it isn't that weird for an empire to have over a hundred Titled Knights, which is still very low when compared to how many people they have in total

    Ch 358 Conrad's Reason: Ambushing the Reinforcements
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    a random skill improvement, which means one skill will be chosen randomly and improved

    [ Skill 'Blood spear' has been improved, the host will now gain a higher understanding of how to create a spear out of blood, allowing the host to create spears using less mana as well as to create them faster and make them more powerful ]
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    That was before, now the total number is lower for all as there are more Lt. Colonels and less soldiers thanks to the battles

    The position meant that Lyle was in charge of almost 400 soldiers, which was not a small amount of pressure. He was the one who would order them during a large battle, and if things went to hell and his men died, that would be on his conscience.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    from below, it entered the stomach from an angle from below, going up to the heart

    Out of the 8 stabs, 3 were right at his neck, 2 on the chest, one from the back, targeting the heart, one on the stomach that would penetrate through and pierce through more than one organ before hitting the heart, and one at the back of his head.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    That would be a mistake then as they are Silver Knights, I probably added one more I without even noticing it, will check back to fix it

    Kleagan and the soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, ready for a battle unlike any they had faced before. Lyle knew that their Silver Knight abilities would be put to the ultimate test against this formidable foe, but Lyle wasn't planning on letting them fight.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Well, he won't be able to coat it or use it by itself, but he will be able to withstand the light and there is a part of an arc where he uses the light as well

    Race: True Vampire Lord (more info in the race menu)
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    yeah, that part of the sentence do be weird, I agree, will change

    The skill allowed him to slash at an opponent with incredible speed, often making it impossible for others to even see his arm and blade move. The slash would then cut and sever everything in its path. It gained the name 'Severing Slash' because there was nothing that Nicholas was unable to cut through with it, Lyle had even seen him cut through Titled Knight in half once together with an entire building that was behind the Knight. Unparalleled speed and sharpness, were the two attributes that made up the skill.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    technically yes, but not quite

    [ Unique Ability acquired, Servants of Darkness. ]
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    I will only give a slight spoiler and tell you one already has evolved further

    [ The ability Darkness Manipulation – Rank S has been successfully unlocked by the host. ]
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign
  • TheReign
    Replied to Red_dragon

    Yeah, there was a point in time I was writing multiple chaps a day for each of my novels, including the one I stipped writing which is free, and because of that, didn't have time to edit as much. Also, I will go and edit some of the mistakes you pointed out, but not all because once you do change a paragraph, all the comments on it are gone. i honestly prefer to have the comments there because as a reader myself, I do like to see what people's thoughts were qhen reading a novel on this app

    "Well look at what a smart boy you are." The empress suddenly said with a wide smile on his face before suddenly stretching her hand and grabbing Lyle's check. She pinched his cheek, she just went ahead and pinched it before shaking her hand a bit and letting go of him, making Lyle stare in shock as to what had happened.
    Rise of the Blood Sovereign
    Fantasy · TheReign