


Tired and looking for something interesting enough to distract me

2017-08-03 JoinedUnited States

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  • TorrentAB

    The only thing I’ll say is that maybe you should post this on Spacebattles, as judging from the comments most people here can’t appreciate this novel, as they only want a Mary Sue power fantasy with the MC curbstomping everyone who inconveniences him

    Ch 26 C26 Look to the Future.
    God is a Game Designer
    Fantasy · Cddizzym
  • TorrentAB

    Is 5’11” impressive?

    Kaye stood at an impressive height of 5'11, her muscles defined and able to put any man to shame. Confidence and pride showed on her face, as she knew her mission was of the utmost importance. Short rough-cut brown hair hung on her head like a mop. She also sported freckles and one large scar along her jaw that showed her skill in previous combat. Her armour was made of iron plates and silver inlining, magical runes carved onto it, with magic stones attached in the sockets to allow cooling of the armour.
    God is a Game Designer
    Fantasy · Cddizzym
  • TorrentAB

    This bothers me, because he doesn’t actually need much of an explanation. It’s not as complicated as he’s making it out to be, all he has to say is that you can find a rare metal nearby these gemstones usually. Boom, explanation done, everyone understands why he’s excited

    Diaspore consisted mainly of aluminum oxide and was a by-product of bauxite and its discovery suggested that there was probably a large amount of aluminum in this area. That meant, the mud and rocks dumped by them could be used as raw materials for aluminum extraction. As the most abundant metal element in the earth, aluminum was more common than iron and could practically be found everywhere. Lucia could extract small amounts of aluminum from any rock on the ground, but it was clearly not efficient enough for industrial needs. Only places that were rich in aluminum were worth excavating.
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    Wait, when did the month of demons end? I thought it was still ongoing?

    Ch 431 From the Kingdom of Dawn
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    Wait, if it’s distributing steam to every room, wouldn’t they get really wet?

    Ch 376 The Castle's new facilities
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to Squelsh

    To be fair, he had just gotten finished telling her that normal people hunt down, torture, and then execute witches in this time. Which would make anyone kinda murderous if they’re in the ‘being hunted’ group

    Ch 348 Mortals and Extraordinaries
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    My question is how much refilling will these things actually need? The material seems to be more airproof than regular balloons and such, so will there be any hydrogen loss? I guess there would be some whenever they land, but that just means they should build high docks so that they never land and hydrogen loss is kept at a minimum

    Ch 270 High Pressure Tanks
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    Ok, so in his description of what he could do with the husks, one option was return it to the field as fertilizer, so why did he decide to burn it instead? Using it as fertilizer seems like it’d be the easiest and most effective method, yet instead he burns it forcing his people to deal with all the smoke. Why? It’s one of the few actions he’s taken that i truly don’t understand

    Ch 264 A Bumper Harvest
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    Ok, not sure why author brought up rifling for the harquebus, rifling wasn’t invented until much later so it wouldn’t have been an issue for crafting one back then.

    Ch 27 The Past
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to DaoistYIp1Cz

    My brother does it. It’s an abomination to see, but it works and nothing falls off or out. (An abomination because he shouldn’t, not because it’s difficult or anything)

    Ch 17 The Ambassador (Part I)
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to tl_traveler

    Why would you need versatile ? You’re picking up food and moving it to your mouth, it’s not that complicated. The only situation i see where you would need something other than a fork is when you’re eating something liquid, and chopsticks won’t work there anymore than a fork would

    Ch 17 The Ambassador (Part I)
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB

    For some reason i can’t comment on the paragraph , so I’ll do it here. I don’t understand what the author meant in the coexistence of polytheism requires the gods to be real and check each other paragraph. Polytheistic religions did coexist quite easily for most of history and still do today. It’s monotheistic religions that usually have issue with coexistence, and even then what i mean is christianity. Judaism has historically had no issue with coexistence, rather other religions have issues with coexisting instead. Islam has only recently had issues with coexistence, and that’s only because of extremists using the religion as an excuse in recent times. Christianity is the only big one that has historically, since the Catholic church first formed and ever since, refused to allow other religions to exist in their territory. Only recently has this died down as some christian branches return to their original roots. The only other group that’s as fanatical about kicking out or killing those who disagree as the medieval Christianity were are atheists ironically, as can be seen by China currently with the Xinjiang concentration camps which are mostly filled with muslim people

    Ch 15 Misconceptions
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to Sin_Of_Sloth19

    Stands for Final Fantasy 15

    After he was done with the assimilation of vital energy, he practiced using the different weapons. While practicing Lin Mu came to the conclusion that he was more comfortable with swords, daggers, and the spear. He practiced with the axes but found them to be awkward to use and the shields did not matter much, as all he could do with them was defend.
    Walker Of The Worlds
    Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to aedwards_120

    There was one story i remember where the main character had it before he died. His biggest regret was that he couldn’t return the love of this girl because he was so focused on cultivation and couldnt have *** without losing the Pure Yang body. So it exists somewhere, probably just doesn’t last long

    Actually, it wasn’t very difficult to solve Zhao Ya’s problem. She wasn’t really sick but rather, she possessed the Pure Yin Body, a physical body which countless women desired. The yin energy in her body was overpowering and if it was directed correctly, her cultivation would soar rapidly!
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to GraySerpent

    Sounds like someones got a case of the grumpies. Mama not give you enough hugs as a child?

    Ch 11 Begging for Mercy
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to JKaiya

    No one said he had to, he just had to not pretend like it was nothing because it didn’t effect him. If i found out a rapist got away with it and the girl committed suicide, I wouldn’t be taking it to the police either. Though he may be discovered tied up in the forest with a certain piece of anatomy missing. If nothing else, you can at least assure that girls family that someone else believes her, and they wont get away with it without at least some kind of backlash

    Ch 11 Begging for Mercy
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to Daoist3Chainz

    He could easily introduce a flaw into their body so the next time they cultivate they die. No one said he had to have proof or that he had to bring it to court, just that he had to do something. And honestly he doesn’t even have to do that, he just has to not act so blase about their crimes. Saying that he doesn’t care because it doesn’t effect him is what people are mad about, not him doing nothing

    Ch 11 Begging for Mercy
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to Arrange

    So why doesn’t he just kill them. I mean youve got this long rant on why doing nothing when you find out something makes you the better person because it might backfire or whatever (which is honestly about the most cowardly, pathetic, worthless stance I’ve ever seen anyone take) since this is a world of might makes right. So what’s to stop him from using the knowledge in the book to introduce some flaw in their cultivation that will cause them to die or explode or whatever in a week or so? Might makes right after all. Or is your stance held just because you know that if you were in that situation you would be too cowardly to do anything so you have to come up with some excuses for why it’s actually the right choice. Cause it seems like that’s what’s going on in all of these xianxia stories. “Because it’s hard and might cause me trouble Im gonna pretend that all these issues aren’t my problem and then get mad at others when I’m in trouble and they do the same to me. As long as it’s not happening to me it’s not my problem.” It’s pathetic, and everytime i see it, i lose respect for the author, as i know it’s actually them trying to defend their cowardly stance

    Ch 11 Begging for Mercy
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to FAustVL

    If you can take action and don’t, you are just as evil as the ones doing the crime. Nowhere does this mean that you must go out and find everyone who is harming others, but at least when you see it you should not do nothing

    Ch 11 Begging for Mercy
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • TorrentAB
    Replied to Dae_27

    You mean every MC ever? I don’t think ive read a xianxia story where this wasn’t the MC’s belief, at this point an actually heroic MC would be the abnormal one

    However, he wasn’t the savior of the world, so no matter what they did in the past and do in the future, as long as they did not cross his path, he wouldn’t be concerned with them!
    Library of Heaven's Path
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya