



2017-11-09 JoinedNorway

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  • SweetJette

    hope it gets picked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Ashes Of Deep Sea
    Sci-fi · Yuan Tong
  • SweetJette

    very good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds
    Fantasy · His Majesty Scholar
  • SweetJette

    this is awesome. im so bored of those face slap novels. this is purely cultivation slice of life so far and i love it. i need something wholesome to read to relax and this is it.

    Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully
    Urban · 400 Grams Of Loquat
  • SweetJette
    Replied to Sin_of_GREED

    good question. i think its more the attitude. i feel like amaricans have a habit of arrogance when it comes to things amarican. they habitualy feel they are the best. like how many amaricans hate socialism and kommunism, and defend capitalism without really understanding what it is. but yeah, i didnt really mean to shame the us, i just used that country as an example because most people are familiar with it. there are a lot of other countries with similar issues. honestly i feel like sexism is a lot worse than racism on this site. the way some of these books portray women is quite disturbing. anyway, rant over.

    Naming Technique of the Night
    Urban · The Speaking Pork Trotter
  • SweetJette
    Replied to Eddicted

    No im not saying it is okay. i am saying it is normal. this book is intended for chinese people so the attitude is chinese nationalist. i guess the reason i am not offended is because im used to americans being just as bad, and few ever complained about them. if you want to make this a social issue, you cant just blame chinese media, you need to discuss the rise of nationalism on a global scale.

    Naming Technique of the Night
    Urban · The Speaking Pork Trotter
  • SweetJette
    Replied to Eddicted

    its less racism and more like nationalism and patriotism. and thats on the rise all over the world. i feal like there is a lot of people commenting about how the chinese are so rasist on this site, but if you really think about it they are not the only ones. im norwegian, but i lived in the us for a while and the "racism"(nationalism) on this site pales compared to stuff amaricans say on a daily basis(about how America is the best ever and how every other country is worse in some way). its like this in norway too to some extent.

    Naming Technique of the Night
    Urban · The Speaking Pork Trotter
  • SweetJette

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 47 Echo
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • SweetJette

    if disaster struck in the Atlantic ocean and China survived, What about all the other countries far from the atlantic. mongolia, Kasakhstan, Afghanistan and... hello!?!? Russia. Russia would have survived and they are also strong enough not to get eaten up by China.

    The entire globe was struck by a massive disaster. Countless countries were obliterated, and people cried out all over. Humanity's population dropped to less than a billion, most of them being Chinese. Accordingly, they started the Chinese Renaissance.
    I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head
    Eastern · Fu Xiao Chen
  • SweetJette
    Replied to The_Adventurer

    Sorry bro, you know how it goes, MLs with an iq of 85 and above are harder to find than Nemo.

    With My Awakened Gathering Skill Talent, I Am Invincible
    Fantasy · Eternal Dream
  • SweetJette

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 592 Recruiting Duan He
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • SweetJette

    Will he eat it to gain genetic points??

    "Could this be the semen of those 10 people?"
    Godly Evolution: I Can Fuse with the Genes of Every Living Creature
    Sci-fi · Lang Li Bai Piao
  • SweetJette
    Replied to Rhaelbarnes

    Valid argument.

    MMORPG: I Can See Hidden Information
    Games · Hong Chen Qian Zhang
  • SweetJette

    I like it. it feels a bit similar to a «hint» novel, a novel where the MC gets hints from a system to steer them clear of danger and help them find treasure. This system is somewhat different though. the similarity is that both of these systems lets the MC choose the best outcome of a situation, the easyest road to walk. The different thing about this system is that it lets the MC choose his drops regardless of drop rates, instead of choosing situations that could be both positive and negative. i guess i just find it charming. who wouldnt want to choose their drops? its the sacred dream of every gamer.

    Desolate World: Starting with [Selection Option]
    Sci-fi · Beating Wood
  • SweetJette

    Yes. this i can read. although not terribly unique, this novel is interesting enough to please a bored person with too much time on their hands such as myself.

    Signing Into Immortal Martial World
    Eastern · White Sugar Cane
  • SweetJette

    I actually quite like this one, but although its a nice enough read, its not very original. A very typical VR game novel with an OP MC. the cheat reminds me of the tunnel digging novels where you are given hints to avoid danger and find treasure. I guess its pretty fun to see one of those cheats in a new environment, in this case, a game novel. I rate it Average +, a bit above average, but still pretty average.

    MMORPG: I Can See Hidden Information
    Games · Hong Chen Qian Zhang
  • SweetJette

    i dont really get where this is going. the mc is already the richest guy in the world, he has a wife, and he seems setteled in life. where is this going? I dont know, but based on what i do know of the chapters so far(20) and the genre, i really cant imagine it going anywhere exiting. also, i find the whole plot way to far fetched, its just to improbable to follow. it seems boring and lame.

    My Identity As The World's Richest Man Was Exposed On a Money Borrowing Television Program
    Urban · Soy Sauce San
  • SweetJette

    I guess its okay? It could have been interesting. The idea was good, just not that well executed. i would like it more if it was written in a more serious fashion. more like a book than a webnovel you know, more depiction. the portrayal is too simple to depict the tension of the situation, making it less serious than i feel it should have been.

    Interstellar War: My Star Fleet is Invincible
    Sci-fi · Laugh and Joy
  • SweetJette

    I was more hung up on the fact that he could easily explain his medical knowledge to her. I mean, even if he knew the latin terms it is highly unlikely that she would know them as that was most likely highly spesialised knowledge at the time. Even without medical terms mixed in, it should still be difficult as language has evolved a lot in over a thousand years. I do get that latin is probably the best preserved language, but it just seamed like a crutch to me. The guy just happens to know latin, and some random lady in the middle of nowhere just happens to know it too. I think the author couldnt be botherd to write the akward first meeting of two people not knowing the language, and being mistaken for a demon as he couldnt explain himself. .

    You do not have to worry about sequelae in your body or that something terrible happens to you; you will only have to rest for some time in bed; after this, your body will be immune to smallpox, but in the process, you will be the node with which we can immunize everything the town.
    The Sage of Einar
    History · KENTARO12100
  • SweetJette
    Replied to SweetJette

    It is later in the story confimed that they are of norwegian decent. Norway spoke old norse(islandic is the closest moderen language). They only started speaking danish after the plague wiped out everyone that could write norse. That happened at least 500 years after the story has taken place.

    "Hvordan foeler du deg"
    The Sage of Einar
    History · KENTARO12100
  • SweetJette

    Yeah no. Dude, that is moderen skandinavian. If this is set in the early viking age they should really be speaking something more similar to icelandic.

    "Hvordan foeler du deg"
    The Sage of Einar
    History · KENTARO12100