


Not much to say. I love to read, and I'm a professional sword fighter, and a college student.

2017-11-10 JoinedUnited States

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  • Zarracki
    Replied to Tyler_rigby

    That's not my point

    Harry continued eating, looking up from his plate to her. "Hagrid," he replied, his tone casual. "I need some information about creatures. He's one of the best available for that sort of thing."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Book&Literature · TheFanficGod
  • Zarracki

    Kirito and Asuna named her Yui

    In the core of the Cardinal System, the main program that ran and supervised every aspect of Sword Art Online, a sudden warning about a detected anomaly popped up for a second, before the Artificial Intelligence dismissed it, having detected nothing out of the ordinary in its latest scan of the players' data. Even so, a currently unable to act sub-program known as MHCP-001, codename 'YUI', looked at the warning and tilted 'her' head, something akin to curiosity running through her main data streams.
    One Punch-Gamer
    Anime & Comics · SaintInfernalNeos
  • Zarracki


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    HP: Magic Punk
    Book&Literature · kamidemond
  • Zarracki

    I'm assuming this is due to it being an AU, and not because the author didn't know that the puffs dorm is in the dungeons near the kitchen.

    He was right now on the 2nd floor. The place where the dorms of the Hufflepuffs are. This sound he heard from the extreme corner. The place where the kitchen of the entire school is. 
    HP: Magic Punk
    Book&Literature · kamidemond
  • Zarracki

    A true AU Potterverse, as in the original, he was still knowingly alive in Nurmengrad until Voldemort killed him asking about the death wand.

    So the old man walking in front of him was the legendary Gellert Grindelwald. Everyone thought he was dead, but a year ago, he reappeared in the world, although he started as just a rumor.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Zarracki

    I think she's underestimating military weapons. Armor Piercing rounds excluded, there's plenty of rounds that shouldn't have any issue taking out a wizard with multiple shots or a well placed shot regardless of any increase in durability, unless their magic makes their bodies denser than a cinder block

    "It was full of bias, self-hatred, and incorrect assumptions. For example, guns aren't as fatal to magicals as he fears. Compared to muggles, our bodies are incredibly stronger and more resilient. There've been many cases where the bullets didn't even penetrate the skin and left a mere welt. Muggles are dangerous, no doubt. But it is more due to their sheer, mind-boggling numbers than any weapons. While it is not tested, I can assure you that if the Hogwarts' wards are strengthened to their fullest, then there's a pretty good chance it can even stand a direct nuclear missile hit."
    Magiscape (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    This is a point of contention for a few reasons. 1. England during this time period l, there aren't many guns in the hands of the general populace, so it's primarily the military here that's the concern. There was some bit in the first book about them not being concerned about guns, but unless I'm misremembering it l, most of that has to do with Hagrid bending the shotgun with his hands. In the original work, there's nothing to indicate that magic shielding can or can not stop high caliber projectiles, and there's been lots of debate amongst the fans of the series due to this.

    Guns are the bane of wizards and witches. The bullets are hard metal. The velocity is deadly and unblockable. And no shield charms can protect us if it isn't already up by the sound of gunfire. I can only dread our extinction if we are ever attacked by normal people (I won't use the disparaging term 'muggle'). Normal people have nuclear and other thousand types of weapons in their hands. And what do we have? A primaeval magic that gets innovated at a pace that would make a snail proud. Our only hope is to keep on hiding and pray that normal people never discover us. Because if they do, there will be cleansing and genocide by religious groups first, which will then be followed by human experiments. The only thing we sorry magicals can do is hide and pray to God for salvation. After all, if we can't even face a simple gun, then what are our odds of survival against superior weapons?
    Magiscape (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    Hufflepuff is supposedly worse. They brainwash their members into the cult.

    He slumped face first at the table and groaned. "Yes. I'm now an outcast. Don't ask why. Secret stuff and all that."
    Magiscape (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki
    Replied to dagemer1234

    You completely missed the point of the year at which this takes place, versu the current time.

    When Gabrielle and Esmée were having their reunion, the fireplace blazed again, And a girl who looked to be about 16 gracefully stepped out of the fireplace. The girl was extremely beautiful. She was tall and willowy with long blonde hair and appeared to emanate a faint, silvery glow. She was wearing what looked like a dueling attire. She went to went over to my parents and greeted them formally.
    HP: I Have "Pure" Magic
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • Zarracki
    Replied to Whadyamean

    I get your point, but in a story like this context matters.

    Harry, maintaining his steps meticulously to avoid any missteps, replied mentally, "Worry not, Nigel. I've been known to have a certain finesse on the dance floor when the occasion calls for it."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Book&Literature · TheFanficGod
  • Zarracki
    Replied to One_Punch999

    Brooms, yes. The whole gryfindor fireplace usage by Sirius in book 4, is an active plot hole by Rowling, since she herself said it was blocked by wards

    The three dark wizards disappeared, leaving Quirrell and Harry speechless.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Zarracki

    Guess that answers that.

    Including Aberforth. His estranged brother.
    Magiscape (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    Even Aberforth? That is...... oof

    "The demons first tried to attack Hogwarts. But the wards propelled them away. So they rushed here instead and killed every man, woman, and child," Professor McGonagall whispered, picking up a broken wand from a small pool of blood.
    Magiscape (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    YES!!!!! So many have not written this part!

    "This is just your trust vault. Your family vault is many many times bigger than this." Harry was in a daze. He was fucking rich. He was powerful, what else did he need? He filled the bottomless bag provided by the goblin with the coins.
    Kill Me If You Can
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    He has the trust vault until 17 (or a legal adult, in the case of being accepted by the Goblet of Fire) If you're keeping that part, canon

    "Of course you have. You are the heir to The Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. Your parents were very rich." she replied, patting his back.
    Kill Me If You Can
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    I didn't expect him to meet Magic's daughter first thing.

    The girl sighed and started for her house. She smiled. 'He was a nice boy.'
    Kill Me If You Can
    Book&Literature · Percypendragon3
  • Zarracki

    The one spell that doesn't use a verbal component, that they learn after learning about silent casting.

    "You're not the only one," said the man, then the other two dark wizards smiled. "Apparition"
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Zarracki
    Replied to One_Punch999

    Same ward blocks portkeys.

    The three dark wizards disappeared, leaving Quirrell and Harry speechless.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Zarracki
    Replied to dagemer1234

    My point stands, my guy. The time period represented should be the early 90s if accurate to the original worlds timeline. We have several factors to consider. 1. She's part of a magical community, not the muggle. So, there's no extra hormones in her food to make her look older than she actually is, like we see in the U.S. 2. Even if she has been eating muggle food, the extra preservatives and hormones in American food are illegal in France. On top of that, why are you getting so defensive?

    When Gabrielle and Esmée were having their reunion, the fireplace blazed again, And a girl who looked to be about 16 gracefully stepped out of the fireplace. The girl was extremely beautiful. She was tall and willowy with long blonde hair and appeared to emanate a faint, silvery glow. She was wearing what looked like a dueling attire. She went to went over to my parents and greeted them formally.
    HP: I Have "Pure" Magic
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • Zarracki

    No shoes?

    This was his casual clothing that he wore while exercising and doing chores outside the Café, so as to keep those white clothes in pristine condition, or at least as white and new-looking as possible. His pants were also brown but did not go all the way down to his feet, ending someone between his heel and knee to prevent mud from ruining them. Finally, he had a make-shift hat on that would block the sun of the late morning which could get pretty strong despite the weather being just as cool as before.
    Singularity: Lord of Mysteries
    Book&Literature · Shadow_Magus