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2017-09-23 JoinedUnited States



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  • SusshiRoll

    Bias Review: This book is absolutely exceptional. Very much above average, sadly back then (2-3 years ago) we have live translators that knew chinese and English and they actually edited their work. Now webnovel only have mtl translators who doesn't know English or Chinese. So starting at Chapter 41, the translation will dip in quality. For the sake of my sanity and not to ruin my reading enjoyment. I'm going to stop here and read on Qidian. But for those of you who probably lack English or Chinese, please do read. Support the mtl groups and webnovel, let them scam the shit out of you. Book Stats Title: 神秘复苏 Author: 佛前献花 Chapters: 1601 Status: Complete Last Update: n/a

    Mysterious Revival
    Eastern · Buddha's Flower Offering
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to anonynamja

    at least it's not a ghost child or worse a winny teen

    Ch 29 Handprints In The Bathroom
    Mysterious Revival
    Eastern · Buddha's Flower Offering
  • SusshiRoll

    This is what happens to a country where censorship disables people's survival skills.

    Ch 3 The Old Man
    Mysterious Revival
    Eastern · Buddha's Flower Offering
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to Rainbow666666

    no need to apologize. the author will never see your comment. they don't even know their novel is being mtl'ed on here.

    After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person
    Urban · Netizen thirteen
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to FreddyDeathBear

    it could also be a mistranslation. in Chinese 万 equals to 10,000. 10(十)万 equals to 100,000. 100(一百)万 equals to 1million. Chinese to English is weird. Without exact number of orders sold. how many he made, we have no way of calculating. but with all honestly, who cares about that. I'm here to read about Tuan Tuan lol.

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 Medium Lottery
    After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person
    Urban · Netizen thirteen
  • SusshiRoll

    Bias Review: Good 9 chapters. This book appeared and disappeared 3 times, each time those who paid to get chapters now have to pay again. That's webnovel for ya. Book Stats Title: 和明星老婆离婚后, 成为全球 首富 Author: 网友十三 Chapters: 575 Status: Dropped/Complete* Last Update: January 31, 2023 *There are no closing notes, so I don't know if it is dropped or not.

    After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person
    Urban · Netizen thirteen
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to bigmadtoe

    the chapters released here is mtl so just search the title

    Ch 8 Chapter 8: Wife, Children
    After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person
    Urban · Netizen thirteen
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to Gamer_Adela

    this is all society's fault. K-Idols is the biggest example. No other country I know is this messed up.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: One Day After Divorce, Reward Mobile Food Truck
    After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person
    Urban · Netizen thirteen
  • SusshiRoll

    wouldn't that be a good thing? after all, if that is so Black Divine would either need to negotiate or fight it.

    This thing was just a coordinate. Chen Fei truly worried that if more people started practicing the Reincarnation Slaughter Technique, it might have brought another powerful figure akin to the Black Divine into the Boundless Sea.
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • SusshiRoll

    because you would die if you drank her usual wine.

    Ch 201 Chapter 202 Suddenly Vigilant Lin Baiwei_1
    Attaining Immortality, Starting From Slaying Demons
    Eastern · June 19
  • SusshiRoll

    Bias Review: This book is different definitely above average. The characters including the main character feels real. The world background feels alive, its Earth and the author or possibly the MTL used makes it feel alive. Translation error: names and Africa, they translate it as Afica, for whatever reason. Note: Since this is worked by a Chinese author, writing a modern setting. You will get bits of nationalism. The biggest issue is the author will talk shit about other countries and how they ruin lives despite himself being an arms dealer. Oh, also because this novel is in China, he can't say anything bad about China either like them doing the exact things foreigners are doing. Or else his book being axed (which is now complete) would be the least of his worries. Book Stats: Title: 从军火商到战争之王 Author: 耗子爱吃鸡腿 Status: Complete Last Updated: n/a Chapters: 1618 This is author's 1st book.

    King Of War: Starting with Arms Dealer
    Urban · Mice love to eat chicken legs
  • SusshiRoll

    arms dealer calling out others for their wrong doing. China also uses the same debt trap contract with 3rd world countries. and when asked they say they copy it from westerners.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23 I Didn't Mean It
    King Of War: Starting with Arms Dealer
    Urban · Mice love to eat chicken legs
  • SusshiRoll

    Bias Review: Read the free chapters and some with free pass and I can say for certainty this is quite a good book. Unique in its own way and quite thought out, and that is considering it is the author's first book. Characters are not 2D and plots and story isn't being spoon fed to us. Translation... It is MTL from pirated source. This book is moving to my list of Qidian reads for sure. Gotta support the author and not the scam called Webnovel but then again they aren't a complete scam since it allowed me to find this book. Book Stats: Title: 从斩妖除魔开始长生不死 Author: 陆月十九 Status: Ongoing Last Update: July 17th Chapters: 525 This is author's 1st book. Book is rank in the men's list at 24. Just to be put in perspective. Lord of the Mysteries 2 is ranked #2 on the list.

    Attaining Immortality, Starting From Slaying Demons
    Eastern · June 19
  • SusshiRoll

    "You want to learn?" "NO I DON'T" "don't be shy. here let this teacher embark your knowledge of these techniques"

    Ch 832 Breathing is Enough
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • SusshiRoll

    Bias Review: Read the free chapters and they were pretty well decently translation (good MTL translator) even went and used my free pass that I usually save for another book to read and couldn't wait to do the daily free pass mission to read since it was exciting until I hit chapter 62 and got banged with mistranslation, knowing full well by this point there is no editing. I'm dropping this and reading elsewhere (on Qidian the official source). Book Stats: Title: 我有一个授徒模拟器 Author: 一剑开天关 Status: Ongoing* Last Update: June 27th 9:59 AM Chapters: 751 * There is no closing note so it is unconfirmed if it is dropped or author is taking a break. This is author's 1st book.

    I Have A Disciple Simulator
    Eastern · One sword to open the heavenly gate
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to GerryCdL

    it will be then this will get axed

    Coming here to discuss cultivation in the middle of the night?
    I Have A Disciple Simulator
    Eastern · One sword to open the heavenly gate
  • SusshiRoll

    oh not paper evils again lol.

    Ch 830 Breaking the Limit
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • SusshiRoll

    probably the author plot hole but why didn't the Sun Moon realm inspect every sect/clan that enters the Holy City. They clearly have the ability to do so, as seen those who defected rather kill themselves then be interrogated

    Ch 827 Massacre
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • SusshiRoll
    Replied to efesta_geret

    The MTL translation team is playing tricks. Chapters with the same name with name and name (2) is one chapter. It is one chapter on Qidian (Official Source). Since per contract they are required to translate 3 chapters a day (probably got warned when they attempted to stop translating the last week + some days and start again in the beginning of the month and repeat). So now they are splitting chapters to make up for the number... translate less, make the same. Lol.

    Ch 825 One Sword One Kill (2)
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish
  • SusshiRoll

    ayo, once more our MC gonna be "powerful" then once more he is going to be "weak" again...

    Ch 822 Crossing the Void (2)
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Eastern · Eat More Fish