
Chapter 1

A cool sensation crept down Acerola's spine as she shivered from the chilly forest breeze that hit her. A picture perfect evening with her and her mysterious hunk of a lover was a vivid painting of the clouds in the sky as the sun set in it's rightful place.

He gently took Acerola's hand in his and started walking to a secret place within the woods. As they gree closer to their destination, an old cabin appeared in their sight. Acerola began to blush, only for the man to smile. He unlocked the door and with such astonishing chivalry, opened it and allowed her to go in first.

The cabin was a bit old fashioned, but was perfect for a couple like the two of them. He gently shut the door and kissed Acerola's lips passionately. She kissed him back with no hesitation and moaned as he picked her up, his hands grasping her adorable butt.

Then he gently whispered,

"It's time to wake up, my dear~".

And with those words, Acerola immediatly hit the cold, hard floor of her room. She groaned not only because she had school today, but her mysterious man vanished within her mind. Yet again, it was going to be a decent day as soon as her ferret, Yaeger, began his kissing spree on her face. Acerola soon arose from the floor, only to notice she had fallen onto some of Yaeger's small, but favorite stash of plushies he had "hidden".

"At least that helped..." she grumbled, wondering where that little rascal was.

As soon as she spoke those few words, Yaeger's chocolate brown and white head peeked around the room in search of her. He excitedly ran right to her and kissed her while face with no doubts. He was her little man the day Acerola's mother picked him and Parker up from a pet store.

"Good morning, creeper. I hope you weren't chasing mom all over the place before you kindly paid me a visit. You know how she hates you getting into the pots and pans all of the time."

Once he seemed content with all of the love and attention he gave her, he skedaddled off to the kitchen. Acerola rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle and got dressed into a very comfortable black hoodie with Cero on it from the Nightmare That Recked Christmas with a black pair of ripped jeans and dark blue running shoes.

Acerola soon walked out of her room and straight to the kitchen, only to discover her mother was not home and a Yaeger all curled up in a ball onto her sofa. Parker, all blonde as he was, bounced around with some plastic from the garbage can he loved.

"I guess mom gave you a few Honey O's before she left for work." Acerola snickered while she prepared her own breakfast; Crunchy peanut butter and Rhubarb jelly on an English muffin.

Once breakfast was made, she ate it quickly due to her noticing how close the time was getting for her bus. Yes, it did run late sometimes, but it was a pain in the ass to deal with the consequences. She watched Parker slowly calm down from his Cheerio spree. He sat his fat and somewhat lazy butt beside Yaeger and yawned.

Acerola got her backpack off her mother's chair and headed out the door, leaving the two buggers out of their cage. They were allowed to be out when both her and her mother were gone due to the fact that there wasn't much for them to get into and they were potty trained.

Acerola walked to the bus stop while enjoying the view of the countryside she has grown up since she was a baby. Not much has changed, other than the Amish moving in and adorable youngsters from their community running around and doing their day-to-day tasks. As always, the 17 year old Amish boy walked by her house, singing a simple song and waved to her with a genuine smile.

But today, Acerola knew by her gut that something was going to happen....