

Upon reaching the hospital, Eve was immediately ushered into the emergency room, fortunately salvaging a life hanging by a thread.

Three days later, Cecil took Eve out of the hospital.

Adorned in exquisite attire, she accompanied him to an upscale soirée.

"Here, this is the cost of repairing my sports car."

In the black executive car, Cecil, clad in a well-tailored suit, presented a repair invoice to Eve.

Though Eve's complexion lacked vitality, her makeup skillfully concealed the ordeal she had endured.

Upon glimpsing the repair bill totaling five hundred thousand, she remarked, "I don't have the money right now."

Her purse was lost, along with her identification and cards.

"In addition to the hospital fees, I also damn well saved your life. In any case, you owe me for all of this," Cecil lit a cigarette and took a drag.

"You know how I ended up inside back then. We'll settle this debt gradually, but you better behave, or else, well, I'll tally up old and new accounts together."

"Bryan is also attending, but don't do anything I didn’t tell you to!"

Cecil cautioned.

Eve regained her composure and nodded, "I understand."

"Our two companies are competing for a high-end sanatorium project. I need you to charm the foreign representative; he has a penchant for your type."

Suppressing her disgust, Eve replied, "Do you think I'm capable of that?"

Cecil smirked, "I just want to see how he would react seeing the mother of his children accompany another man. I'll be a bystander."

"In case he gets provoked and snatches you away from that foreign friend, their nearly finalized cooperation will be ruined, and that's when I can take advantage."

Cecil spoke with great satisfaction.

The soirée took place in a European-style vineyard, and Eve entered with Cecil.

"Cecil, over here."

A tall man in a black striped suit not far away called out to Cecil.

Eve glanced in that direction and recognized the man as Calvin, Bryan's childhood friend.

Upon seeing Eve, Calvin hesitated for a moment before leaving the others and approaching.

"Cecil, why did you bring her here?"

Calvin whispered to Cecil.

Cecil smiled and then took Eve's hand.

"She's mine now."

Calvin frowned, "Don't cause trouble!"

"What trouble am I causing? I'm just enjoying the company of a woman. Is that bothering you?"

"You know her relationship with Bryan."

"Is it that I cannot touch the air he breathes, the places he has stayed, or the women he has slept with? Who does he think he is?"

"She's different."

Cecil chuckled, "Certainly different in bed."

Eve stood aside, ignoring Cecil's nonsense.

At that moment, she heard a slight commotion at the entrance.

Turning her head, she saw Bryan in a light blue suit entering with a woman in a burgundy low-cut evening gown, whom she recognized as a recently popular actress.

However, all the spotlight was on Bryan.

He was dazzling, his meticulously crafted face a masterpiece.

Without a smile, he seemed somewhat aloof, exuding a powerful presence when mildly angered.

Yet, when he smiled, he radiated a mesmerizing charm.

While many celebrities attended the event, they paled in comparison to him.

"Don't stare. Your eyes are about to fall out," Cecil muttered in annoyance.

Eve retracted her gaze.

"Is the lady beside him the newly crowned Best Actress, Zara?"

"Yes," Cecil glanced over.

"So, in your opinion, who is more beautiful, me or Zara?"

"Heh, are you blind?"

"Who has more charm?"

"Is your brain okay?"

"Whom would you want to sleep with?"

"Of course, her! I'm not that casual."

Eve sighed, "So, on what basis do you think Bryan would reject a woman like Zara, and offend a business partner for me?"

Cecil pursed his lips, suddenly feeling that he might have miscalculated.

Nevertheless, at this point, making Bryan uncomfortable was worth it.

"Bryan, over here," Cecil loudly greeted.

Bryan looked over, cast a cold glance at Eve, but quickly regained his composure.

He then walked towards them with his companion.

However, Calvin took a couple of steps forward, blocking Bryan.

"I just saw an elder. Let's go say hello."

Bryan patted Calvin's shoulder, smiling, "No rush."

"Bryan, Cecil is just like this..."

"Why are you so flustered?"

Calvin sighed and had to step aside.

Bryan approached the two, first glancing at Eve with a slight frown, but soon returning to his natural demeanor. He then turned his gaze to Cecil, "Seems like you've been doing well recently."

"Noticed, huh?"

Cecil laughed, putting his arm around Eve and squeezing her.

"Mainly, the nightlife is good."

Bryan signaled a waiter, ordered two glasses of champagne, and handed one to Cecil.

"My maid does have some skills in bed."

Cecil intentionally glanced at the leading lady, making Eve feel uneasy.

"Bryan, a night of marital bliss deserves a hundred nights of gratitude. You've slept for eight years; there's no need to be so stingy. Eve is wonderful, not just in bed. She cooks well, has a gentle personality, and most importantly—"

Cecil paused, then grinned mischievously.

"She said she wants to give me a son."