
Battle of Public Opinion

The issue with Zoe wasn't brought up much, but Walter's matter immediately trended on hot searches.

Little Star's 101 live broadcasts had been watched by countless people, causing severe damage.

Many now questioned whether the accusations against Walter were also fake or even all fabricated.

This was when Rachel played a crucial role.

While keeping the fans engaged, she clarified in posts, pointing out that many of the past scandals were false and provided evidence for each claim.

Soon, the top searches were all about Walter.

Unexpectedly, Laban, a lesser-known figure, tweeted, "I believe in Walter's character!"

Although Laban had spoken up for Walter before, her influence was limited, and it didn't cause much of a stir.

Rachel, realizing the opportunity, rallied her fans to boost Laban's statement.

The situation escalated, creating a storm of public opinion.

In the evening, Zoe finally spoke up: "I didn't expect to be the first victim, but I hope to be the last one."