
~My Mermaid Prince~ BL

After mermaids were believed to have been hunted to extinction by humans in pursuit of their power, no one has seen one in over two hundred years. Yet, when the Gaiwarth Imperial Academy of Magic's new school year begins and the crown prince attends under a disguise, he can't help but notice that his new roommate seems a little bit fishy. Update Schedule Sporadic ~Authors Note~ BTW dear readers, there will be some 'spicy scenes' throughout this novel... you have been warned ^-^ Also sorry for some minor mistakes with grammar or naming that may occur here or there. I'll try my best to edit them out whenever they are found but some always manage to slip through T~T And I'll almost always be first on the power rankings (hehe) because on the days when I can't find the time to read other novels, I'll vote for my own (because I couldn't bear to let precious power stones go to waste and I have to hype myself up somehow~!)

SiesaSalad · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Author's notice


I just want to start this off by apologising for going completely silent for the past two weeks. Everyone who reads honestly makes me so warm and fuzzy inside, so I feel like I've betrayed you all for just going completely silent.

I won't get into it, but personal life things happened and my mental state has been rather bad lately and that's affected the quality of the chapters I've sat down to write quite a lot...

*cough cough totally projecting my personal issues into my writing*

So as a result, in order to cut myself some slack, I've decided to make the release schedule sporadic until I'm more mentally with it. I wish I could give you a definite date for when this will be, but I'm not sure myself.

I've also decided to majorly edit/rewrite chapter 19 because I just feel like that completely broke the pace of the story I've been trying my best to spin, so my apologies if you read that but if you could just close your eyes and pretend you saw nothing then that would be helpful aha.

And while I take my break, I'll be posting one of the prewritten action novellas I wrote which was inspired by a song, every few days, so go check that out if you are interested.

It's not a BL sadly, because I wrote it before I got into writing Bl, although rereading and editing it now, I can definitely see where my addiction to BL budded from, as even though I was unaware of it back then it clearly shows in my style.

I'm just so in love with this genre that there's no way I'm going to drop this novel. I simply refuse ^^

Well, that's all from me for now.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the novel up to this point~!

SiesaSalad <3