
~A Child Prodigy~

Citniyl is the smartest girl in her school, shes at the top of her class in every subject and she can speak a total of 72 languages, join in on her life as being the smartest person in school, A Child Prodigy.

korebrielleluvt · Teen
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5 Chs

A Dramatic Start

Today is the school dance. Everyone will attend. I am so excited. I don't have a boyfriend because I haven't found the perfect person yet. I know I will someday. Someday real soon. I plan on getting real dressed up at the party to get heads turning. Even from the girls. Me and my best friend Mika are going to have the best time. Not many people like her but I do. She is the sweetest person you will ever meet. Besides me of course. The party theme is an icy blue theme. I can't wait to go shopping later. As I walked down the school hallway Someone jumped on me. " Citniyl !" Mika was on my back smiling. " I missed you." " Ugh, Citniyl , how can you deal with this annoying little peasant?" She looked upset. "Stop judging Kalin!" " Aww little Mimi is upset." " STOP CALLING ME THAT!" " Stop it Kalin, you shouldn't make fun of people like that." " I will stop if you kiss me." " Eww." " YOU LITTLE DEVIL! How dare you try to steal my boyfriend." Yells Midia. " Aw look, Social Media thinks I'm trying to steal her boyfriend." Everyone in the hallway laughed. Even Kalin. Okay i'm not nice ALL the time but who is? " You will pay for this." With that she walked off with Kalin following her. What a nuisance she is. " RINGGG." That was the school bell. The day was over. Time to go shopping! My dad and I picked out a beautiful blue dress. When I walked into the party I got all heads turning. Like usual. There was going to be a king and queen. ( US) The school students were going to vote. I wonder. Me or Midia. "And the king is, Kalin!" I slowly clapped. "And the queen is Citniyl !" The clap was a thousand times louder. I cautiously walked to the stage all eyes on me. I saw a burning anger coming out of Midia who was hiding in the corners. She told all her friends she was going to be queen but it turned out to be me. I smirked.