

Chapter 312: Taking down the bigshots

Liam saw the powerful terror-inducing dark elf general looking at Shen Yue as if he was a puppy dog panting at her with his tongue falling out.

In fact, not just one but all three who were near them were momentarily distracted by her movements and were ogling at her.

They were staring at her unblinkingly with big round eyes as if they were her slaves and she was their puppet master.

A chill ran down Liam's spine.

This scene was just a bit too difficult to digest even though he knew that it would probably last only for a fraction of a second.

This skill was indeed truly frightening!

How on earth was one supposed to develop a resistance towards these types of attacks?!

Liam let out a small sigh and then proceeded to attack some of the NPC soldiers while Shen Yue fully took control of one of the dark elf Generals.

She might be able to charm all three of them momentarily with her movements but it was impossible for her to continue having a hold on all of them.

So she quickly cast the next spell [Beguile].

[Beguile – Charm an enemy to fight for you for 10 seconds; Cooldown 5 seconds; Limited to one target at a time]

However, apart from this, there was also another invisible rule that Shen Yue had learned after using this particular skill several times repeatedly.

The same skill cannot be used too many times on the same target. The target eventually became immune to the effects of the charm.

Especially when the said targets were high-leveled strong opponents, she could tell that she probably had only a couple chances left or at the most three chances before the effects wear off.

It held the maximum effects against new opponents.

So Shen Yue knew that she had to play this out properly.

The moment she cast this spell, it was as if she had toppled an invisible hourglass and their time was running out.

"LIAM NOW!" She shouted.

Liam was also ready.

He watched the two remaining dark elf generals recover from their stupor and he quickly sent the next wave of nether bullets at them instead.

Since the moment they had caught up to Liam they were in a stupor so they did not have the chance to attack.

But now that they were finally free, they did not hold back. They were even more furious than before and started fighting back with a frenzy.

They could not believe that they would fall under the charm of a lowly human of such low level.

The two Generals jumped out of their black tigers while simultaneously chanting something.

Liam had already experienced this move so he instantly reacted by deciding to face the attacks head-on.

The two Generals thrusted their spears forward producing a huge vortex of dark energy with a fire attribute, resulting in roaring black flames.

The flames immediately raised the temperature of the atmosphere by several degrees and the menacing dark energy looked like it was ready to devour all life.

For a minute, it looked as if Liam was wholly enveloped by these black flames, but if one observed closely, one could see that the person standing in the middle of these flames was completely untouched.

The roaring black vortex seemed to be unable to touch him.

While the nether in the air might not be able to do much damage to his enemies, Liam still had other uses for it.

He commanded the nether in the black mist around him and it encased him, forming a strong impenetrable shield.

The black flames crashed against this shield and both the shield and the flames dissipated.

Meanwhile, the other dark elf General who was under Shen Yue's control jammed his spear forward breaking the spell casting of the duo.

Liam also joined him and slashed his sword down at the two dark elves.

The three dark elf generals were absolutely furious at this mosquito who for some reason was able to use their black mist against them and suddenly became a formidable opponent.

As long as the dark elves were using the black mist, their magic spells were completely useless and it had no effect on Liam.

So essentially the fight boiled down to brute strength and sword moves. Moreover, Liam could still use nether to defend against the physical attacks as well.

And on top of that, he was not alone!

Mei Mei, Kim Hyun, and another member of Mia's team together started doing burst damage, aiming at one of the two generals.

Liam did not have to spell it out for them. Since they had coordinated with Shen Yue for a while they already knew the drill.

Their aim right now was to blitz attack on one of the two dark elf Generals and bring down his health to as low as possible before the charm skill wore off.

So all three groups, Liam, the dark elf under Shen Yue's control, and the DPS team all focused their attacks on the elf on the right.

And when the skill eventually did wear off… they immediately switched!

It was easy to bring a weaker dark elf under her charm so Shen Yue next cast the spell [Beguile] on the dark elf general whom they had been attacking furiously just now.

The next general instantly went into a stupor falling under her control and started attacking his neighbor.

"You vile humans!"

The other dark elf general shouted in anger and the one that had only now recovered from the intoxicated state looked around in confusion.

They were completely unaware of their actions during the charm effect.

It took the elf a second to get a hold of reality.

But without giving him a chance to fully grasp everything around him, Liam hurriedly sent in two massive fireballs his way and slashed down at the elf's vital points.

The other dark elf general saw this and quickly blocked Liam's attack.

His moves were faster and his body was agile like a cheetah. The dark elf wanted to show how inferior were Liam's attacks.

True to his higher stats and probably also higher combat experience, the dark elf's body spun around and he blocked all three of Liam's attacks in time.

"Is this all you have?" The elf sneered, looking down on Liam when unexpectedly a spear impaled him from the back.

KUHAK! The dark elf spat out a big mouthful of blood and looked down to see the familiar spear piercing him in his chest.

He recognized this spear. This was the weapon of his comrade. Only now did he realize the mistake he had made!

Chapter 313: Inferior techniques

In his hurry to block all of Liam's attacks, for a moment the dark elf had completely forgotten about the other dark elf who was now under the enemy's control.

And Shen Yue noticed this.

She did not let this chance slip by and immediately commanded the elf to stab him from behind.

Since it was a well-placed move that was executed with strength, power, and vigor, targeting a vital part of the body, this single attack was enough to make the dark elf falter.

Blood dripped out of his wound and he lost half of his health in a second with the single spear attack.

And not just that… his comrade did not stop there with just one stabbing of the spear.

Without giving him a chance to retaliate, he continued stabbing the dark elf with the spear again and again.

How could Liam and the others let go of this rare situation?

They as well joined in on this thrashing and continued doing as much damage as they could, finally reducing the first of the ten dark elf general's health down to 0!

A big notification popped up and experience points showered on everyone.

This was not much as Liam alone took half the experience points and his own points were shared with his demon army.

So when the rest was split among the group, in the end, it did not amount to much but that did not matter at the moment.

They had finally taken down the first dark elf general and everyone was in extremely high spirits!


Everyone shouted together, further increasing their battle resolve!

And not long after the first dark elf general fell to the ground, the second one also fell.

This was the elf whom Shen Yue had controlled the second time and whose health was already teetering on the border.

So when the first one died, everyone immediately targeted their burst damage on this second one and killed this dark elf as well.

Now only one among the group of three remained standing and loud thunderous celebratory shouts echoed in the battleground.

As it was… the demons tended to shout for no good reason so when they joined in on this, the whole place fell into chaos.

"This atmosphere is not too bad." Liam grinned, giving Shen Yue an encouraging smile.

He then dashed forward to face the last dark elf who was struggling like a fish out of water.

It looked like Liam did not have to waste much time with this guy.

He quickly took out the two metal balls from his inventory and summoned the giant golems.

The continuous barrage of hits by the golems and the DPS teams on the guy seemed as if it was enough to take care of this dark elf General.

So he quickly left the spot along with Shen Yue to take care of the next three or rather four generals.

The dark elf who was being left behind to be toyed with by the golems was furious at this sight. They did not even spare him another glance?

He threw a massive blast of dark flames on Liam's back but once again just before the attack landed, he used nether as a shield and casually blocked the attack.

"You need to try better." Liam grinned and jumped onto the female General who was making Shin Shoo's life a living hell.

The poor guy looked as if he was out of all options with his stamina as well running low.

In reality, the first fight with the three dark elf generals had taken only about a minute and maybe a half but this in itself was too much time when facing monstrous powerhouses like these.

Shin Shoo was about to fall down and crumble and was only barely holding on. In fact, without Mia, he wouldn't have been able to hold on even for this long.

So Liam first dashed towards him to relieve some burden away from him. "Shen Yue! Do it! AGAIN!" He shouted.

Shen Yue instantly executed her steps and charmed the one on the right, making the dark elf general fall into a stupor and then under her control.

Liam simultaneously cast [Mana Net] and [Trapping Veins] on the other one and slashed down at the two remaining dark elves in the group.

By now the General elves were aware of the losing circumstances they were in and they snarled in anger.

The two growled at Liam and dashed towards him, these two wielding swords just like Liam.

Among the two, one of the dark elf generals was a woman and she was dealing the maximum damage on the demon army and the human team.

So Liam focused on this high DPS elf general first. Catching this hint, the others also started focusing their attacks on this woman.

The dark elf grunted on seeing this and she spun, her black sword dancing as if it was invisible in the darkness of the night.

The spinning attack with the sword was mesmerizing and in a moment the black sword shone brightly like a moonlight.

Bursts of sword beams shot out in all directions and each one did heavy damage.

Not just that, these sword beams also had the dark element attribute woven within them.

The beams were so many in number and were very strong, making it difficult to block, parry, or evade.

Liam observed this change and a strange glint appeared in his eyes.

"Impressive." He muttered but without giving the elf a chance to finish the attack, he sent out a series of massive fireballs at her.

The dark elf under Shen Yue's control wielded a saber and the elf also hacked and slashed at the woman.


The woman snarled and struck her sword directly at Shen Yue as she was the one controlling her comrade who in turn was doing the max damage.

Shen Yue clenched her daggers and prepared to face the attack head-on, bringing one of her arms to the front to block.

But before the attack could land on her, another purple sword flashed in between. "Your opponent is still me."

Liam slashed at the woman a dozen times rapidly, sending out several attacks.

Looking at this, Shen Yue's face became bright red. She was touched by how much Liam was paying attention to her, despite this being a battlefield.

However… in reality, Liam just wanted this opponent for himself.

The dark elf general in front of him was skilled in swordplay and he felt as if he could learn a great deal by fighting against this woman.

How did she manage to mix an elemental attribute in her sword attack? Liam clashed repeatedly against the dark elf.

But the woman sneered in contempt. "You dare to fight with me using your inferior techniques?"

Chapter 314: Battle finally over?

The dark elf General snorted and for the next attack, she stepped towards her right, twisted her body, and sent out a huge enormous sword beam.

Liam instantly knew that he couldn't block this.

So he commanded the nether to shield him and take the brunt of the attack and simultaneously, Shen Yue as well placed the dark elf that was under her control on the path of the attacks.

The female dark elf was able to see her comrade come in between but she had already released the sword attack and could not pull it back or reduce its impact.

BANG! The dark elf under the charm effect was flung aside like dirt from the impact and the woman realized what had happened.

The female General shouted furiously in a language that no one understood and started sending out several sword beams madly left and right without stopping.

She was crazed and maddened because everything she was doing was somehow miserably going wrong and she couldn't understand the reason.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Liam immediately shouted. These violent sword beams were not something that they could handle.

Shen Yue and Shin Soo quickly moved away. However, Liam stood firm at the nexus of all of the attacks.

Not because he had the ability to defend against these many attacks at the same time but because…

A person in the back had the ability to use all of these attacks!

"DIVINE MIRROR!" Mia shouted.

Unlike Liam, most of her spells were still activated with the help of the system, so she had a lot more tricks up her sleeve.

And this particular spell cost a huge amount of mana and also had a big cooldown. Nevertheless, it was invaluable in this particular instance as it fit perfectly.

A huge mirror appeared out of thin air, standing out in the darkness that enveloped the place.

It appeared right in front of Liam at the critical juncture and reflected all of the attacks back at the owner.


The noise of sword beams slicing through the air filled the air and Liam grinned.

"Not bad." No words were exchanged between them but their coordination was near perfect.

And by this time, the previous dark elf general from the first attack was already dead.

So the DPS team promptly shifted to the female dark elf general Liam was fighting against and everyone barraged their attacks on the same dark elf.

The other two dark elf generals tried to assist her by breaking out of their entrapments but it was useless.

Within a single minute, blinding flashes surrounded the two injured dark elves and both of them were mercilessly slaughtered.

Now that they were not overwhelmed by the insane numbers, the full strength of the team was slowly showing.

They were also able to demonstrate the full extent of their abilities.

The other two dark elves saw that the situation was turning worse by the second. However, there was nothing more that they could do.

They were in the thick of it. They couldn't exactly retreat at the moment.

The numbers of their brethren had dwindled to such an extent that the number of dark elves around could be counted easily.

But the demons were still raging wildly as if they did not take any big hits.

Even the human soldiers they had allied with were being pushed back by them.

Everything was going terribly. There were also only three other elven generals left apart from the two of them.

"I don't think you can afford to lose focus now."

Liam sent one attack after another at the two generals and the others as well bombarded them with everything in their arsenal.

One of the dark elves spun his sword trying to block and reflect the attacks back but it was useless.

Even though they had the advantage of a huge level difference, they were completely helpless against the ten players and a dozen demons surrounding them.

Slowly but steadily their health was going down every second and Liam finished the fight by sending out two more massive fireballs.

[Ding. You have received 10 experience points]

[Ding. You have received 10 experience points]

The experience points gained were pathetic because they were shared by a lot of demons, in fact, the whole army he had summoned.

Liam ignored the two insignificant notifications and gazed at the three remaining dark elves.

Derek was doing a great job handling these guys. His movements and blocks were perfect, along with the usage of skills.

There was absolutely no flaw whatsoever and he seemed as dependable as always.

Both their gazes met each other momentarily and they both gave a knowing nod towards each other before returning back to the fight.

Liam then looked at Mia and Shen Yue. "I need to go and search for Alex. I trust that you guys can handle the rest?"

"Brother, take the golems with you." Mei Mei reminded.

"Ok." Liam did not refuse and dismissed both the golems. He then placed the metal orbs back into the inventory, taking them with him.

Even he was not completely confident in this upcoming fight because the assassin gave him a bad feeling.

When Liam had exchanged blows with him previously, he was not able to sense him at all.

Moreover, the feeling he got from that single dark elf was completely different from even the dark elf generals.

There was a possibility that this dark elf could be stronger than the other dark elves and even the dark elf generals.

He was only going to scout and did not plan to engage without the backup of his group.

There might also be other enemies lying in wait so he did not discount any possibility. The Kingdom quest was almost over. This was the last leg.

Liam clenched his fists and slipped out of the battleground while simultaneously also sending out waves after waves of nether bullets, helping the NPCs on their sides.

That fight was also coming to an end. This was also why he wanted to hurry and scout the neighboring areas.

If possible, he would have liked to wait for the battle to actually finish up and leave along with the group but if he did that, then there might be too many eyes on them.

If he made any bigger move now, there was a chance that someone might notice.

While everyone, hidden or out in the open, was still distracted by the events on the battleground, he wanted to search the surrounding places thoroughly, so he left alone.

As soon as he was outside of the range of the miscellaneous attacks, Liam silently activated [Stealth] and then stepped out.