

Chapter 701 New agenda!

Gresh Kingdom, Crimson Abyss Guild Residence:

All the core members and the high council members of the guild were currently seated in the guild meeting hall.

"Boss, we once again received a lot of guild applications," Berat informed Alex. "With this, we have close to 300,000 total members. Also…"


"Boss, many guild members are demanding that they want to join the core team. Otherwise, they are saying they will quit the guild. I wouldn't care if it was just the outer members but the inner members are also very vocal, especially after the guild war."

"Oh?" Alex silently smirked. She naturally knew why this was happening. They had received a huge pie after the guild war and now everyone wanted a piece of it, but if they think that it is going to be so easy… they have another thing coming.

"Hmm. They have good timing. I was also going to make an announcement exactly about that." Alex smiled. It was rare to see her smiling like this, but no one was happy about it. Something was going to happen. They knew it.

Alex stood up and still with that smile on her face, she cleared her throat. "Listen up, everyone. From today onwards, there will be two new divisions of the guild."

"One will be led by Master Ning. I will leave the selection of candidates for the division to her. She will make an announcement about it soon."

"As for the second team, it will be led by me. I will also make an announcement about the selection criteria in a few minutes."

"The most important thing you have to know is that these two new divisions will be directly under the high-council members and enjoy a lot more privileges compared to the core division, the inner division, and the outer division of the guild."

"Now this brings me to the next announcement."

"From now onwards, we will no longer remain in the Gresh Kingdom. We are moving to the Empire! Except for the outer members, all the guild members will be given 20 gold coins, the teleportation fees for the Northern Empire, Brihald!"

Immediately, the entire hall became very quiet. This was huge news. Many players have tried it, but no one has managed to reach the four empires just yet. So everyone was curious as to how they were going to accomplish it.

However, Alex surprisingly moved on to the next topic without talking about this.

"Once you are in the Empire, you go directly to your respective class hall and start training under the masters there. Forget about your level. Forget about other things. Just focus on honing your skills and improving yourself."

Everyone nodded, but the big question still remained. "Boss, how are we going to get into the Empire?" Finally, someone asked.

Alex smirked. "S-Rank guild members can enter and exit the Empire freely once they have enough guild reputation points."

Damn! All the members assembled were instantly speechless. This was too unexpected. This meant that everyone who participated in the war could already enter the four big empires as they had all gotten a shit ton of guild contribution points as a reward for their war efforts.

More importantly, this information was not available online! Chances were that no one else knew about it, so they had first dibs on everything in the Empire!

Alex took one look at everyone's faces, and she immediately knew what they were thinking. She didn't blame them, she also thought about the same thing before Liam corrected her.

"Guys, I am sure there will be a lot of new quests, new events, and activities in the empire, but the guild master's, I mean the big boss Liam's, official recommendation is for you to focus on your training in the class hall. First, reach Level 50 and then concentrate on this training."

"But you all know that no one is forced to do anything, so I will leave it to you to decide. Also, don't be naive enough to think that we are going to be the first."

"We have been busy with the war for the past 48 hours. I am sure the other S-Rank guild also figured this out and are probably already in the empires right now, trying to get special quests, etc."

"It is better for us if we don't participate in this mad competition. Focus on your training." Alex repeated again. She said the same thing one to three times to make sure everyone really listened to her.

It was easy to get caught up in the competition, but they have to keep their eyes on the prize, the end game. Liam had said they were only a few weeks away from the game's shutdown, so this made her very nervous. What was going to happen after that?

Alex sighed. She could see that everyone was visibly restless to run to the empire right this instant, so she didn't want to keep them long. "Alright, last announcement. Here we go."

"In the empire, there is also another place called the Underground Arena. Everyone is advised to test their strength and practice combat in this arena."

"As I said before, the members of the new division we are making will be chosen solely based on how well they do in this underground arena,"

"Oh, and feel free to spread around that only S-Rank guild members can enter the Empire. That will be all. Meeting adjourned."

Spread around the news? Shouldn't they keep it a secret?

Some players were confused, but they didn't have time to worry about it at the moment. This was a huge chance.

From the way Alex announced it, it was clear that this new division was going to receive a lot of special privileges and even perhaps rare opportunities, so everyone shuffled out of the guild hall as fast as they could to get to the Empire and test out this new underground arena.

Shortly after the meeting, two more announcements came in regarding the same thing they talked about in the guild hall, and Alex announced these directly on the guild common channel so everyone would be able to see them, even the outer members.

This further lit a fire under everyone. The guild leader was not joking. It looked like everyone had a chance to make it into this new division. Every day, the competition inside the guild was exponentially increasing, so no one had time to slack off.

Droves of players exited the guild residence and began making their way to the city to use the teleportation portal to the Empire. Of course, the spies among the outer members of the guild readily spread this information around.

"Sis, will this really be okay?" Rey was worried. "Should we have kept it a secret?"

Alex immediately revealed a wicked grin. "It's called fishing, idiot."

"We will get even more applications after this news spreads. The more the merrier. Don't we need a lot of players to grind for raw materials in dungeons? We can use the free labor. Our time is far more valuable."

By the way, you haven't reached Level 50 yet. Hurry it up, or else you will be left behind."

"Fuck!" Rey quickly waved her goodbye and scurried away.

With a smile, Alex also began finishing off the last few things on her checklist. She opened the guild interface and paid the hefty gold coins required to upgrade all the guild facilities.

Everything was upgraded to the highest level, including the alchemy tower, forging tower, training facilities, guild defense, guild offense, and the number of NPCs they could recruit. She even upgraded the massage parlor, though she didn't particularly approve of it.

These new upgrades were the additional rewards for the guild members for pushing their limits in the guild war, and she was very generous with them. After all, the kingdom had awarded them with an excess of gold coins for winning.

She also got a surprise when she raised the level of the guild stables to the highest grade. A new function popped up!

[Beasts breeding facility]

Alex was instantly shocked. It looked like they could breed beasts here and then help them form contracts with players. This was extremely important because if someone obtained a powerful beast, then they could use that to breed more powerful beasts.

She quickly looked over the details of this place, and there were even more surprises in store for her. It looked like they could actually breed combat beasts that were loyal to the guild as a whole and not necessarily individual players.

This meant that they could actually unleash these beasts even as a separate division.

Now Alex badly wanted another guild to challenge them to a guild war. They wouldn't even see what hit them!

He He. With a wide grin, she made the required preparations and upgraded every last bit of the guild residence before setting out to the Northern empire. It was time to begin the next phase of this game!

Chapter 702 Playing with fire

Somewhere in the land of elves…




Gorak and Gu Donghai screamed one after the other as their peaceful, lazy life as neglected soul minions suddenly became a nightmare.

Without giving them any chance to breathe or take a break, Liam continued summoning and dismissing the duo repeatedly as he baited them again and again for the steel-skinned wyvern.

There were two things that he wanted to confirm.

One was whether the same wyvern approached the intruder every time, and the second was whether it always came alone or came with a company when there were more soul minions.

Liam fiddled with this same setup for a couple of hours, and every time only the single wyvern showed up without any complaint.

"I guess this is as sure as I am ever going to be?" He stretched his hands in contemplation as the main part of the show was about to start now.

"Luna, are you ready?"


The little fox confidently glared at the skies. Dragon… smagon! She was better than all of them!

And then started the fireworks!

The fox quickly puffed up, going from being a small, cuddly baby to a bigger, elegant, and more majestic beast. She bared her teeth and took a threatening step forward, as one of her tails already lit up.


Luna blurred and reappeared in the scorched lands. She arrogantly snorted and took another step forward when the sky above started to show movement.

Within seconds, a huge shadow appeared looming over the fox, and Liam immediately acted. "Now!"

Growl! Luna opened her mouth, and a big jet of flames roared loudly. The fox absolutely showed no fear in the presence of the powerful and intimidating wyvern.

The split-like eyes of the beast showed surprise as it roared again and dove toward the fox. A single flap of its wings was enough to split apart the sea of flames that covered its vision.

But Luna was not done yet. She let out a low growl and once again used the same attack. However, this time she took a step back.


The wyvern ignored the flames and flapped the attack aside like it was nothing. It roared loudly, watching the fox with its eyes full of fury.

The draconian creature was only used to beasts fleeing at its sight. So its pride was wounded by the little fox's defiance, and it sped toward the fox with an angry glare.

[That's enough. Get back!] Liam, who was watching this, quickly communicated with Luna mentally. Their aim was to get the attention of the beast, and it looked like they had accomplished it quite well, more than they had hoped for.

Naturally, Luna added her own spice to this command. The fox grinned and shook its butt at the mighty draconian beast before teleporting back to the forest.


The wyvern was now furious. The beast stormed forward, not caring anymore whether it was in the scorched land boundary or the forest. First of all, it had no rules. This was merely an act of mercy, and since these two cretins couldn't respect it, none was necessary.

It did not care if it destroyed the entire forest, today it was going to tear this silly fox apart, along with the human who had bothered it for the last few hours.

Naturally, the wyvern was not a fool. It could see the ploy as clear as day. The two cretins were trying to lure it, a mighty draconian beast! And now, it was time to pay the price for their actions!

Zing! It flapped its blade like steel wings and blasted through the forest. It aimed for the spot Luna had reappeared, wanting to ram and make a meatpaste of the fox.

Luna as well did not show any signs of moving. The steel-skinned wyvern and the fluffy fox were about to collide, and when they did…


A loud, ungodly sound echoed in the forest.

The wyvern's slit-like eyes widened as it noticed something blocking its path. It actually hadn't crashed into the fox. Rather, a mana barrier had appeared in front of it, protecting the fox at the last moment.

"Luna, attack using full power now!" Liam shouted. While holding on to the barrier strongly, he also started casting another spell. The Howler demon summoning spell.

The wyvern was once again shocked. The puny human being in front of it could actually dual cast?

Liam gritted his teeth. Yes, he could dual cast. This was the second thing he had learned from the old elf, but his mastery of this was not nearly enough.

Even so, he tried his best to hold back the steel-skinned wyvern while the fox, the howler demon, Crawford, and a group of soul minions started attacking the wyvern.

ROAR! The draconian creature was furious.

Ants! Ants! Everyone in front of it was nothing more than ants! And they dared to stand up to its might and attack? Blasphemy! It felt the sting of the numerous smaller attacks and roared loudly.

Immediately, the entire forest was enveloped in a strange pressure. Today, the beast would show the difference between an inferior being and a superior being!

Draconian beasts were naturally blessed with a tremendous amount of mana. Want to hold back a wyvern with a crude mana barrier? Dream on!

Liam saw that the huge beast was getting ready to send them both to the side of the dead, so he told Luna to use her ability to teleport right away.

The fox understood, and the second phase of their plan started. The very next second, Luna madly started appearing and reappearing all over the forest.

Poof! Pop! Poof! Pop! Poof! Pop! Poof! Pop!

One second she was here and the next second she was there. She appeared and disappeared at lightning speed.

Roar! The wyvern raged in anger. The ants were using petty tricks, but in front of absolute strength, all of these tricks would be useless!

With another flap of its wing, it broke and shattered the mana barrier. It then turned its attention towards the human being who was hell-bent on infuriating it.

Chapter 703 Die! Die! Die!

This was it. Liam knew that this was the deciding moment.

If he could evade this coming attack, then his victory was all but guaranteed in this fight. At the same time, if he could not completely dodge this single attack, then it meant that he still had ways to go before facing a creature like the one in front of him, a majestic wyvern.

Liam's gaze turned cold as he watched the huge draconian bird in front of him flap its steel wings and open its mouth, aiming directly at him. His pulse quickened. He did not waste any time as he immediately churned his mana core buried deep within him.

Where was the attack coming from? What was going to happen? As his mind raced, he pushed mana to every inch of his body, packing himself with all the power he could muster.

The next second a loud roar erupted from the wyvern as a dozen spikes emerged from the ground. All the spikes were dangerously sharp, metallic steel spikes just like its scales.

Liam instantly leaped up into the air to avoid the brunt of the attack, but that was not all. The Wyvern wasn't done yet.

Not only did steel spikes pop out of the ground, they also started raining down from the sky. Sturdy, thick, sharp spikes also started showing up on the sides. They were coming at him from all directions.

Within a fraction of a second, Liam was completely cornered from all sides. Steel death trap! That would be an accurate name for this attack!

His plan was to evade this attack and then coordinate with Luna to pincer attack the wyvern from both sides but now the damn creature had used a reverse card on him and done the same by attacking him from all sides.

Evading was no longer an option. Liam immediately made a split second decision. All the mana that he planned on using to boost his speed, he now redirected for something else.

He pushed them all to his right hand, pulled in as many earthen essences as he could to his hand, and also called for atmospheric mana around him, focusing all three on his right hand. He then thrust his hand forward using everything as momentum for the attack.

BANG! He punched the steel spikes on the side. If he couldn't evade the attack then he was going to break right through it!

Waves of mana and earthen essence roiled from his punch as the steel spikes that met his hand were blasted to smithereens and Liam used this opening to break out of the trap that was confining him.

However, the fight was far from over. He used everything he had to break out but the dragon simply snorted in amusement at his efforts.

Metallic spikes continued to rain down on him both from the top and the bottom as Liam pushed himself to keep moving. More! He needed more power and more strength to defeat this monstrous beast in front of him!

But he was also not done yet. The fight was just starting. Though he was not able to completely evade the previous attack, he was still able to emerge unscathed from it, taking only a small hit to his health.

This was more than enough for him. This told him that he had a fighting chance and he was logically sound in challenging this indomitable beast.

Now it was time for him to reveal his card, the weapon that he had against this beast because of which he had started this whole fight. He unsheathed the Black Dragon sword.

ROAR! Instantly another tremendous pressure enveloped the air around them and this was coming from none other than his sword.

Liam could feel the souls of the dragons inside the sword shaking and trembling. They were raging to get out of their prison and come out into the world.

The presence of the wyvern completely triggered them. They called out to Liam on their own, begging for him to use the sword.

And Liam grinned, "Yes, that is the plan." His legs moved without a break evading the attack of the wyvern while his hand clenched his sword tightly. He was determined to win this fight.

After getting pushed around by the old elf day in and day out, it was not an understatement to say that he was frustrated and this wyvern here was going to be his prey.

Little did the wyvern know that the puny human being in front of it was planning to use it like a punching bag to relieve all the pent-up stress. Its slit-like eyes shone with a cold glint as it stared at the sword in the human's hand.

As an intelligent and powerful beast, it could feel the strange aura seeping out of the sword. When it stared at the sword deep enough, it even felt a shiver run through its body.

No! The wyvern immediately roared. How dare a puny human threaten someone like him? This was not acceptable!

Its fury erupted like a volcano as it roared loudly again and again and started to attack Liam in a mad frenzy. It wanted to finish off the fight the next second.

It was shameful for a mighty draconian being like itself to drag the fight for so long. For its strength, the human should have already died thousand times over! Snort!

Immediately, all sorts of attacks started pouring down on Liam. He could literally feel the atmospheric mana gushing toward the wyvern. Between him and the beast, mana seemed to choose the wyvern.

However, there was also another party present in the battlefield which the wyvern had completely forgotten. It was distracted by the sword in Liam's hand and forgot about the little fox who had lured the beast here in the first place!

On one side, the wyvern was attacking the human being with a craze. Liam, on the other hand, was only barely holding on as he swung the sword in his hand with an equal craze as he cut through the various things being hurled at him.

Steel spikes, rock boulders, stone shards, and all sorts of things engulfed him as if he was standing in a tornado. What was a wyvern? It was not a rare or an epic grade beast. It was a supreme beast that looked down on everyone else.

So its magic attack was extremely powerful. Liam had to use his utmost concentration to survive this flurry of attacks.

Even with the sword coordinating with him, and all his strikes breaking apart the boulders and spikes like butter, the attacks were endless! They kept on coming and coming as if the damned wyvern had infinite mana!

But right at this moment, the third-party jumped into action. While the wyvern was attacking Liam, the fox appeared right behind the wyvern and slammed. She sent a powerful swipe toward the steel-skinned beast.

Luna's blue eyes glowed brightly as she growled in anger and sent a furious swipe toward the wyvern that was power-packed. The draconian beast was completely caught off-guard.

It stumbled because it felt the mana in the air responding to someone else now and because its attention was distracted, the single attack landed, and the wyvern stumbled.


Luna's claws struck the steel-like scales on the wyvern as she started clawing at the huge bird left and right viciously.

And when the wyvern finally caught up to her… Poof! She was gone!

She reappeared at its back again and did the same thing. She started appearing and disappearing and attacking the wyvern from all sides in a frenzy.

"How dare you attack my master! Die! Die! Die! Die, you overgrown lizard!" The usually adorable and lazy fox truly looked ferocious at the moment as she started mercilessly pummeling the wyvern.

And that too, her claws were not simple scratches. Each hit was infused with mana and fire essence. She also underwent training, well sort of, with the old elf and the results of the training were now clearly visible.

Each slash from the fox's paw streaked fire as it cut through the steel scales of the draconian beast. As if this was not enough, Luna opened her mouth and sent a huge jetstream of fire aiming right for the slit-like eyes that looked down upon her.

Meanwhile, Liam was not idle. He already arrived at the scene of the fight and ganged up together with Luna as he started attacking the wyvern from one side.


The black dragon sword shone more resplendently than ever as it danced against the steel scales of the dragon. Liam was finally able to land some hits!

He as well unfused every single slash of the weapon with fire essence and each hit took a big chunk of health.




The damage numbers were popping off non-stop. The 10 million health of the Level 80 wyvern was finally beginning to leak.

In fact, after the training, his damage numbers should have been higher but the natural defense of a wyvern was too frightening. If he had used any other weapon than the black dragon sword, Liam wondered if he would have still been able to do so much damage.

But now was not the time to think about that. He didn't care how he managed it. By hook or crook, he wanted this beast badly.

With Luna attacking relentlessly from one side and him attacking non-stop from the other side, this finally seemed like it was going to happen!

Chapter 704 Sweet Victory!

Bang! Slash! Bang! Slash! Bang! Slash!

The wyvern's slit-like eyes growled in silent anger as it saw that it was being ganged up on by these two ants. They were using cheap tricks to pummel it from all sides. Worse, this was actually painful!


The draconian beast couldn't take it any longer and shook its body violently. It thrashed around its steel wings and tails in a frenzy and commanded the mana around it to make its natural weapons more deadly.

Liam instantly took several steps back. He had a feeling that just one hit from its tail would be enough to one-shot him, so he did not take that risk. Luna as well instinctively did the same.

The fox looked at Liam, and he nodded. They were in silent understanding of what to do next. When close combat was no longer possible, it was time to burn everything in sight!

Liam immediately unleashed the spell that he had been training for almost every day in the time-space with the old elf, [Fire Storm]. The fox also did the same. Huge raging flames appeared and engulfed the whole area in an instant. The heat in the air sky-rocketed.

Roar! The wyvern stopped throwing tantrums and let out a loud howl. Everywhere it could see, there were only flames. It was stinging from the many injuries on its body. Its health was also constantly dropping.

It no longer dared to be arrogant. It started hurriedly sucking in all the mana from the surrounding in an attempt to cast its own spell and thwart this attack.

And so, in the middle of the two fire tornadoes, another tornado appeared, sucking the air out of everything. This one was considerably bigger, threatening to tear everything apart. This was the natural skill of a draconian beast, head and shoulders above every other species.

However, at the moment, there was a stronger contender.

Luna growled, sucking a big breath of air into her mouth, making her face all puffy. And the next second, the size of the dancing tornadoes started changing. Luna's firestorm started to become much much bigger.

Roar! The wyvern did not want to accept it. It once again tried to pull the mana to its will, only to find that the mana was not responding to it.

The wyvern was shocked for the first time. It turned to look at the fox, wondering just what sort of a creature it truly was. Slash! While it let its defenses down for that second, Liam brought his sword down, aiming directly for the beast's neck.

The metal screeched against the steel scales and he definitely drew blood. He was tossed the next second down on the ground by the huge beast, but the damage was already done.

While the wyvern was focused on Liam, Luna did the chip damage, and while it was Luna's turn, Liam brought down the health of the beast little by little. The duo had perfect coordination as they danced circles around the wyvern.

The beast was completely overwhelmed. No matter what the wyvern tried, the damage was continuously accumulating. Soon it was down to the last few thousand.

At this point, the wyvern's eyes became completely bloodred as it raged loudly. The draconian beast seemed as if it had lost all sanity. Only survival was on its mind. A violent aura appeared around it and the ground started shaking.

Trees were getting uprooted. The ground started peeling and rocks and sand were everywhere. A huge whirlpool of disaster started forming with the wyvern at the center.

Of course, Liam was not planning to stand on the spot and take the full brunt of this attack. There was no need to be a hero. He simply ran away, outside of the radius of the attack.

Both he and the fox stood on the outside and watched the destructive power of the wyvern. Its health was also going up slowly. Now, this was more concerning. Liam frowned. He could clearly see that their main challenge lay here.

When the wyvern finally ran out of energy, they needed to bring it down as fast as possible before it could cast this spell again. Otherwise, this fight would never end. Now it was all down to what was faster, the beast's recovery or their damage output.

Liam no longer held back as he summoned all of his soul minions and the Howler demon. They won't be able to hold out against the wyvern, but they are more than capable of doing some chip damage at the least.

And if it ended up in him getting this wyvern's soul, it was worth losing some of his soul minions!

The raging wyvern soon deflated, and the forest also calmed down. Liam narrowed his eyes at the panting wyvern. This was it. This was the sign!


He shouted as all of his minions started pelting their attacks on the wyvern.

Surprisingly, it was Luna who held the aggro in this particular fight, as the wyvern seemed to have something against her personally.

So no matter what angle Liam attacked, the wyvern only focused on the fox. This only made everything easier as he continued to attack to his heart's content.

The naughty fox also seemed as if she was completely enjoying herself. She used her teleportation ability non-stop as she drove the wyvern crazy.

The beast was soon back on its deathbed, with only a small percentage of its health remaining. Liam swung his sword at the same gaping wound on its neck repeatedly and used every last bit of strength he had.

The wyvern was struggling. It no longer had any energy or pride left. After getting pummeled, again and again, the draconian beast let out a loud roar as it was no longer able to fight back. Just one more attack and the beast would die.


Luna shouted loudly in triumph as she prepared to send out another firestorm!

Liam also grinned, his body slumping from tiredness. It was over. They won. He didn't bother attacking, seeing that the fox was already ahead of him. Also, he was expecting something else to happen right now.

And just like he assumed… right at this crucial moment, something happened. A strange mist enveloped the place, and a dark elf appeared out of his cover of invisibility.

Dimitri grinned from ear to ear. Following Liam patiently up until now had finally paid off!

The fox and the human being had fought tooth and nail with the wyvern, but it was he who was going to reap the rewards and have the final laugh!

The elf dashed toward the weakened human being while sending out sizzling, deadly bolts of dark energy at the wyvern. This was going to be one shot with three kills!

He was going to get the wyvern's bounty and the last kill. He was going to slaughter the human being in order to exact his vengeance. And lastly, as a bonus, he would get the fox as his pet. The beast was clearly not an ordinary one, so he looked forward to taming it.

With his eyes full of dreams, Dimitri dashed forward in glee to change his fate. However, right at this time, a sword slashed through his throat, blood splattering everywhere.

The dark elf was completely dumbfounded. Because of the previous time he had faced off against Liam, his body was permanently damaged, but this plan was foolproof. He was sure to succeed. So what happened…

As his head rolled to the ground, his gaze shifted to Liam, who had not moved an inch from his spot. It was also not the fox as she floated up in the sky above the poison cloud. So who the hell killed him?

The dark elf's gaze finally landed on the other person or rather being standing near him, a white-colored entity, a soul minion.

"Good job, Crawford." Liam grinned. Naturally, he did not forget about this sneaky pest. So he had appointed Crawford to watch out for him since the fight began. How could he not take care of this variable?

As for kill stealing the wyvern, no matter how strong the poison was, it wouldn't be easy to bring down a draconian beast. So it was not dead yet.

Liam grabbed Dimitri's soul in one hand and quickly sent a [Dark Cutter] at the wyvern's bleeding wound. It was time to kill this wyvern.


Before his attack could land, a huge bolt of lightning hit the wyvern right on its head, making the creature twitch in agony and let out its last dying breath.

Was it you who attacked? With his mouth agape, Liam turned to look at Luna, who was also looking at him in confusion. Neither of them had gotten that final kill! That could only mean someone else was here apart from them and the dead dark elf!

GROWL! Luna yelled out in fury.

Damn it! Liam jolted up in shock.

It did not take long for the two of them to spot this third party as a small figure emerged from the smoke, the dust, and the poison cloud, but this person was fast. He quickly disappeared, only his voice echoing in the silence of the aftermath.

"So long suckers."

A kid? He looked like a kid! Liam's face twitched.

He was feeling too many things at the moment to focus on who this person was and what actually happened. Besides, he didn't have the luxury of doing that at the moment.

"Come out." He instantly summoned all of his soul minions to stand as guards and only focused on the soul hanging onto the dead wyvern's corpse.