
The Prophecy

[ Someone at the door...] Dad! what happened?... How could you get hurt so badly?...

It's nothing... just a small accident... [ Rou! help him to sit on the couch...] How could it be a small accident, look how badly you got hurt....

Ruo! there is nothing to worry, I'm fine... pass me a glass of water...[ Ruo! serve him a glass of water...] Where is Chi?...

Brother is in his room, resting a bit... Dad! let me help you to your room [ she helped Xi! to lie on the bed.....] Dad! I'm going to prepare the supper...

[ Old Xi! while laying on his bed....] Thanks dear!...

[ Meanwhile Ruo prepared the dinner....] Brother Chi! dinner is ready... freshen up, I'm going to help dad to get to the dinner table...

Uncle Xi! how did you get hurt so badly...

Aah! come on it's just a scratch... nothing serious... [ The three of them having their dinner...]

Ruo! I think you should take leave from the work and take care of old Xi!...

Chi! are you planning to resume your work from tomorrow?... Yeah! now I'm feeling better...and it's boorish to stay at home.. so it's better that I return to my work....

[ After having supper...] Ok... goodnight Old Xi! goodnight Ruo!... [ Ruo and Xi replied... goodnight Chi... Ruo helped Xi to his room...]

{ Next morning... Shangzou fire station...}

Hey! Heng Chi! How are you?... I'm ok boss...[ Chi replied...]

I heard Old Xi! met with an accident... How is he doing?... Nothing serious boss.... he just need to have some rest... Ruo is taking care of him... hah! yeah Boss! Ruo might not able to come to station for a while...

It's ok... told her not to worry and just take care of old Xi! first, rest I will manage.

[ Chief of station introducing someone...] Yeah Chi! meet her she is Tian Bo, a reporter. She is doing a program on Fire fighters and their lives, and you have to help her in this.

Ok Tian! you can follow Heng Chi! for your documentary, he will assist you...

Hi! I'm Tain Bo... [ extended her hands for handshake...] Hi! It's Heng Chi, come on let me show your place first... Get yourself comfortable first, we will discuss other things later...

{ At the Base of Secret Society of Elemental Surveillance, Shangzou...}

Hello Chief! it's Rudra!....

Yeah! Rudra, I found some relevant information from Ancient Manuscript " The Book of Phoebe". I am sending you that... you will able to find something about the Prophecy in it...

[ Notification alert sound...] Yan! display these photos on the Screen....

[ Both of them look at the screen and read the texts of book....]

{In the Battle of Panthea.... Dark Lord "Kaala" and his four general got defeated... while the "Kaala" was sealed by the four Gods, his generals flew away...

Later, "Indra" [ for retribution...] and human lord "Heodophernes" chase the four generals and succeeded in defeating and capturing two of them, while other two escape and hide in secret. Chimera the lord of dark fire who was badly hurt also escaped away....

Later Goddess of Divination " Phoebe" predicted a prophecy that "Everything starts with Fire... Cycle of time will reverse.... A child born from the blood of evil and pure is capable of wielding "Sinan". He will be the cause of starting the resurrection of Darkness... A war is inevitable"

To keep stability and peace "Indra" established Secret Society of Elemental Surveillance... before his Nirvana Indra tried to found the way to defeat and kill Kaala.....however with time it got lost....}

{[ Some past events come in Rudra's mind....] Young man! Cycle of time has reversed... the boy is already born... "Kaala" is coming.... A death will bring life to all...Rudra! only you can do this! Rudra Madam! what are you saying?....I don't get you....

One day you will....yeah you will understand.... Everything starts with fire.... Rudra!... a long battle is awaiting you!!...}

Sir! Rudra Sir!... [ Yan! call him in loud voice....] what are you thinking?...

Hmm! It's nothing! nothing... let's move to the last one....

{ When the child turns 25 years of age.... the Fire will erupt.... burning everything....A fire that will cause chaos in the world...}

[Yan! with confusion.....] What is all this?... Sir! I don't get a single word.... What gibberish it's talking about?....A Child...Fire...Darkness...?

[Rudra tried to put and analyse the whole scenario...] Yan! please, show me the details of Yang Family... [ Looking at the details of Heng Chi!...] So, all of this because of him...

Sir! what is because of him...?

If I'm not wrong the child in the Prophecy might be Heng Chi!!!

[ He ordered...] Yan! find more about Heng Chi! specifically about his mother's background... also till then you should keep an eye on him...

[ Meanwhile Rudra called Chief.... ] Chief! It seems that I have to go to Giza....

Giza!....what?... Rudra... why out of sudden?....

I think we will get some lead on, what is happening here....

But Rudra!!... we need you there in Shangzou...

Chief! Yan will take care of the things here... once I am done with the matter there, I will return back....

Ok, Rudra! do as you think the best.... [ She hang up the call.... ]

Yan! book me a ticket for Egypt... at the earliest....

Ok...[ Yan replied...]

[Later in the night....Rudra leave for Giza... ]

[ At the Airport...] Yan! Keep an eye on him [ refering to Chi...] and call me if anything urgent come up....

Ok sir!.... don't bother about the things here... I will take care of it.... [ after seeing off Rudra... Yan returned to the base... ]

{Shangzou fire substation... }

Miss Tian... you are still in the office...?

Yeah! I'm about to leave... I just wrap up today's work....

Ahh... Yeah! I'm also leaving, if you done with your work... I can drop you at your place....

Thanks Chi... if you don't mind can you wait for a bit, let me packup my things first... [ after sometime both of them leave to their home... ]

[ Chi.. while driving.... to break the silence, he took the initiative to start a conversation... ] Miss Tian... if I'm not wrong you are not from Shangzou...

Yeah! you're right, I'm from Yushu (Qinghai..) [ Tian Bo replied....]

So, how is Shangzou.. do you like it...?

Of course it's a nice place... and also it's quiet lively....

[ They talked randomly about their background, work, etc..... ] Yeah Chi! stop the car, That's my house.....

[ Chi parked the car on the side....]

{Heng Chi mesmerized by the beauty and simplicity of Tian!..... Although earlier for him love and love at first sight seems nothing more than melodramatic.... now he want to fall in love.... and from the look at his face, one can tell his feelings for her.... the love which was the cause of his tragic past enters once again in his life....}

[he say good bye to Tian! and drove towards his house....]

[ Doorbell rang.... Ruo opened the door.... Chi enters and greet Ruo and Xi.... after sometime they gathered across the table for dinner...]

Brother Chi! did anything happened at the station....

Nothing.... nothing... Why?... is there anything...

Old Xi! didn't you noticed something... today Chi is behaving odd....

Is there something son?...

Aah! nothing Uncle Xi!... [he finished his dinner... and left to his room to avoid them.... ]