
Zulema Zahir

A story of Arabian Girl Zulema Zahir on how she went through till she ended up in Women prison in Spain (Cruz Del Sur) Zulema was just an innocent girl like other girls but she is one indipendant woman and stronger then anyone who murdered a rich man who was about to marry her in front of her Family and lay waste in her family’s name. But once she moved in Spain her whole life turned out to he scarier she was one worst wanted criminial in Spain. The more she ends up in prison, the more ahe manipulate people and kill them with inside the cells.

milliyfah · Urban
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15 Chs

Who Killed Casper

The otherday morning police officers and created a barrier to the scene Miranda was walking going to the scene with Castillo and Fabio they went to ladies room and found Casper's body on the seat her face was burnt down.

"Fucking bitches they Burnt her down"

"We were doing our rounds and we saw her this way"

"So are there unlocked cells tonight here?"

"This is Casper do you think Zulema has anything to with this"

"I'm pretty sure that elf from hell did this am going to her Iv'e had enough"

"Relax Fabio, we can't just accuse some one okay? We have 365 prisoners here and we can't just accuse Zulema because she escaped with her once"

"Then what are you suggesting we should do Doctor Sandoval"

"Let inspectors do their work am sure they will find whoever did this"

"Those bitches killed her am sure of it"

"Fabio take a break will you Palacious give him company" Fabio walked away.

"Soon as the eating hours are over make sure you locked all the cells"

Prisoners were eating Zulema was sitting all alone Fabio walked inside and went to sit in front of her, Zulema didn't look at him she was enjoying her food eating with style and smile on her face Fabio hit that plate and threw it away all the woman started staring him.

"Where were you yesterday night?"

"I had a best sleep" Zulema was making fun of her.

"I'm asking you again where were you last night?"

"Where do expect me to be I was on my bed" Fabio held Zulema's neck hardly and pulled her towards him and started telling her in a lowe voice.

"If I found you are responsible in any way about Casper's death I will kill you my self"

"What Casper is dead? What happened to her?" (Prisoners mummering) Zulema said in a high voice everyone heard that Fabio letted her go.

"Impresive Zulema I will see you around" Fabio stood up amd walked away Kabila and other girls were staring at Zulema.

"What are you looking at? Don't you have things to do?" They all get back to what they were doing. Dunia showed up and sat beside her.

"Wveeything is done as you asked Zulema i burnt every evidance against us no one will know"

"Good Dunia now walk away I need time to think"

"Zulema walked away"