

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs



Welp, we arrived last. But it's inevitable, I just had to cuddle with Anna. It's a crime to neglect such a fluffy cat like that.

''You can begin now, Archbishop.'' The Emperor said.

''Understood.'' Henry stands up. ''As you probably already have heard, the incident involving the doppelgangers two days ago was a total surprise. We never realized just how close we were to such danger.''

''In addition to that, I'm sure you've noticed the unusual movements of our enemies on your borders. Their pacing right now is substantially faster compared to the previous iterations, and we simply cannot leave them alone. '' 

''So, we, under the name of mother goddess Eva, declare the establishment of the 24th alliance between the peaceful races, to actively and directly fight against demon forces from now on.''

''What about the war that the Empire has been waging?'' The wolf-kin across the table said, looking at the Emperor.

I'm guessing he's the Beast King?

''That's right, you sure don't mean that we'll have to fight while you keep eating more territory?'' The old man Saint accused.

''...We will abolish that plan.'' The Emperor replied. ''We promised to help as much as possible once the alliance is established.''

There we go. Finally.

But as expected... There's something wrong with the Crown Prince. He looks too relaxed. 

With my nine years of experience in watching anime, I can confidently say that he's about to do something stupid.

''Alright then. I'm in.'' Dwarf King said.

''Me too.'' Beast King said. ''We've always been in the alliance the previous times anyway, it's just a little bit earlier this time.''

''We're in too~'' The mermaid... sang? What is going on with her accent?

''How about the Everwood kingdom?'' Henry asked.

''Of course, we will be joining.'' Dad replied.

''And... How about the dragons...?''

''Bullshit.'' The man sitting arm crossed cursed. ''We don't care. Those little demons won't be able to do anything to us.''

''You're very confident, huh. Young man?'' The fox-kin Saint said, giggling.

''Huh?! What the fuck did you just say-

''Calm down. Young man.'' She narrows her eyes slightly, her voice, although not directed to me, sounded like a call from the abyss, it's like there's needles poking against my skin.

Uncomfortable. Minus five affection points, Fox Saint.


The dragon dude is rightfully quivering right now, just look at that face, I bet he got PTSD now.

''Alright then. If you do not agree to join the alliance, please help yourself out.'' The Emperor said after a short while.

'''' ... ''''

I think he's stunned.

''Let me help.'' I said, picking him up with telekinesis and throw him straight out of the window.

''Hoh~ You have good control, lass.'' The bald Saint complimented.

So I give him a thumbs up, and a smile.

''...Now then. Let us discuss the plan.'' The Emperor continues.

''Wait a moment.'' Dwarf King interrupted. ''No news about the new Saint?''

''There's no sign of them appearing anytime soon. And even if they do appear now, they would just be a newborn. Besides, we still have three Saints eager to join here, isn't that right?''

'''' ... ''''

Well, I think it's time.

I lock eyes with Archbishop Henry, and simply nod.

''About that.'' He said. ''I have a piece of good news.''

''...That being?'' The Emperor asked.

Instead of answering, Henry pulls out a crystal ball from his pocket, the same type as the one I used back when I met him, and places it on the table.

Under curious gazes, I use telekinesis to pull the crystal closer to me, while simultaneously take out two pairs of sunglasses, one for me, one for dad.

After putting the glasses on properly, I place the crystal in the palm of my hand.

Get flashbang-ed, idiots.

'''' !!! ''''

'''' ... ''''

Muahahahahah, get blinded!

''U-Um, you can stop now, Your Holiness...'' 


So I throw the crystal out of the window, just like the last time.

''...Hohohoh, so we do have the new Saint after all!'' The bald Saint laughs.

Why do you sound like Santa Claus?

''Yes, mother goddess has not abandoned us, everyone.'' Archbishop Henry smiles confidently.

''...Excuse me for being rude, but what level are you on?'' Beast King asked.

''Ah, I just turned Master.'' I replied nonchalantly.

''Mhmm~... I'm afraid that's not going to help much~...'' Mermaid Queen commented.

''Eh~ I just got here 18 years ago, cut me some slack...'' I whined.

''That's right. She's very impressive already, give her 10 more years and she's be stronger than any of us.'' Fox Saint said, waving her tail annoyedly.

''I agree.'' Stephen added.

You guys... Plus five affection points, both of you.


Hm? What was that?

''What's wrong? Sylvia?''

''No, dad, it's just...''

...Wait, the chat message?!

I immediately close my eyes and go to the chatting tab.

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: I can sense my sister's energy growing near your location! Prepare for an attack!

[Hanako]: Already?! Can you interpret what's she going to do?

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: As I have said before, her specialty is summoning, so just imagine something like that zombie, but this one is going to be much stronger!

[Hanako]: Can you help?!

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: I can, but it will take a while, why is there suddenly a meteor coming at this moment... Give me two minutes!

Suddenly, I could feel the whole building under my feet rumbles.

Opening my eyes, I turn my head to the direction where a disgustingly strong mana concentration is already forming on the sky.

'''' !!! ''''

''What is this energy?!'' Someone shouted.

''Soldiers! Evacuate the people right away!'' William ordered the people standing outside.

''What the hell is going on...'' The Emperor widen his eyes in horror.

''Archbishop!'' I shouted.

''Understood!'' He replied immediately, running outside the room.

Fortunately, I told the Archbishop and my dad about Eva's warning yesterday. Turns out her 'premonition' was actually true.

I then pull out my Hecate and aim at where the mana concentration is. On the spotless blue sky, a singular black dot can be seen through the scope.

I insert a pre-loaded super AP magazine and promptly bolt the gun.


After aligning the crosshair with the dot, I pull the trigger decisively.


Hopefully it's broken...

...Tch, it didn't do anything, goddamnit. So this is the real divine mana, huh.

To everyone's horror, the dot expands with an incredible speed, quickly forming a miniature blackhole. From it, dark purple mana oozes out, wiggling like tentacles, painting the sky around the capital an ominous purple.

''It's a summoning!'' I shouted. ''Prepare a preemptive barrage of magic first!''

''I'm a martial artist...!'' Beast King complained.

''Useless!'' I shouted.

''I'm a blacksmith...!'' Dwarf King also complained.


I pull out three more explosive magazines and a special one with three Gungirs inside it. I think I might need to use all three of them.

Turning around, I could see myriads of colorful magic spells filling up the wide room, the sheer mana drawn out is easily enough to obliterate three big castles I'd imagine . 

Shortly after, the air cracks. Like a fist tearing through a paper sheet, a dark, scaly, reptile-like head emerges out of the blackhole, tearing down space itself.

Is that a... Fish? Snake?

No, it doesn't matter. The problem is, its mana so strong...!

The head slowly retracts itself back, then abruptly launches forward, getting out of the blackhole immediately.

What appears before us is... A giant reptile, as big as a mountain. It looks half-fish, half-snake, and it's somehow floating in the air as well. This is just a leviathan, isn't it...?


A roar deeper than abyss itself hits us. It's like having a million snakes slithering through your skin... Urgh...

This feels much worse than the Fox Saint's...!

''Fire!!'' Dad shouted.



Along with my shot, more than a hundred advanced spells shoot out, piercing the wall of the room cleanly. And because the creature is so large, they hit it all over its body.

The faint sounds of explosions are accompanied by a colorful chain of explosions covering the huge reptile's body. The scene is just like a firework show. A bad firework show. Because it's almost blinding me already.

I should've just kept my sunglasses on... Wait. 

Having a bad feeling, I set up a big sound barrier around us while our mages prepare the next barrage of magic.

As expected, the monster roars once more, or at least that's what I could see after the explosions had died down.

...Oh god, just how many teeth does it have??

''Oh my god.'' Someone muttered.

Yeah, I mean, aside from the teeth, it's unscathed after all. What a tough bastard.



I shoot another explosive bullet at its still opened mouth.

Fortunately, it still does a bit of damage. A bit, because the thing is just disgustingly big. But I could see a bit of charring on it's gum, that's good enough. I can at least damage it.

The monster howls again, this time deciding to cast an obscene amount of purple spells to fight back.

''Someone put a barrier!'' William shouted.

''On it!'' Fox Saint replied, pouring her mana to form a huge barrier around the whole palace.

Looks like the paladins scattered across the city are doing their jobs as well. This is one huge barrier.

...I'm still worried about the residence.

I slide the scope to the direction of our residence, fortunately, a separate barrier has already been erected there.

I mean, I did force them to stay home, so they shouldn't be outside now. Hopefully.

Then, the monster's yellow pupils glow intensely. It sends out all its spells at once, causing a rain of purple mana orbs to fall.

After bracing the impact from myriads of spell raining down, we finally get to see the city again.

The big barrier is still up. That's really good.

We got hit the most, probably because of our attack earlier, but our own barrier is still standing strong. Let's check my lovers again... Yup, they're fine. Thank god.

Now we just need to focus on taking this thing down.

''Does any of you have a finisher?!'' I shouted, still aiming inside the scope.

''Not against that thing!'' Stephen shouted back.


Wait, we have a sound barrier already, why do we even need to shout...? 


''Then open its mouth for me, I can do it.'' I said normally this time.

''But how?!''

''You have a way, lass?''

''I do.''

''You're using those?'' Dad said.

''Yes.'' I replied.

''Do as she said. Trust me on this.'' 

'''' ... '''' 


''I'll trust you.'' 

Thanks, dad.


I pull the bolt back and take out the current magazine, then I insert the one with the Gungirs in and bolt the gun once more.

''Do it.'' I said.

Another barrage of magic flies towards the monster. It tries to get away, but its speed isn't exactly fast either, so it eats the whole attack again.

Unfortunately, the monster seems to have learned not to reveal its weakness, as it's keeping its mouth shut right now. And it's preparing another attack as well. This is bad.

''Tch, do we need to personally go up there...?'' Stephen clicked his tongue.

''Seems like it, we can't let this thing here for long.'' Dad replied.

''Wait, that's dangerous!'' William said. ''We can't afford to lose you guys either, is there anything else?!''

''There's no other way, I'll go too.'' Bald Saint said.

''...No, wait a second.'' I interrupted them. ''We have a helper.''

'''' Who?! ''''

''A clumsy girl named Eva.'' I said.

Immediately after that, a white, giant hand pierces through the clouds, plunging downwards at the monster.

The size of it is huge, very huge. It's dwarfing even the monster right now. Imagine you grab a slightly smaller fish with your hand, that's what this scene is looking like.

'''' !!! ''''

The hand grasps the head of the monster, two fingers pressing against the sides of its head, forcing the mouth to open. The monster is desperately trying to wiggle its way out, but the hand stays firm, unmoving, even. 

All of the spells that it has been casting somehow got destroyed as well.

Thank you Eva. So you are helpful after all.







Three bullets cleanly lodge into its inner mouth, leaving behind three faint trails of blue.

''Dad, can you take care of its corpse?''

''Sure, I can push it outside the capital, at least.''

''What are you guys on?? That didn't do anything!''

''Are you really sure about this, lass??''

Don't be so impatient.

As if understanding my intention, the hand quickly withdraws, leaving behind faint traces of golden white.

''Try not to blind yourself.'' I said, putting on the sunglasses again.


Immediately, three star-like beams flicker inside the monster's mouth, followed by a huge blue explosion, so big that it instantly turns the sky blue again. The light emitting from it is enough to make me cringe my face, even as I'm wearing sunglasses right now. 

Through the glasses, I could see blue flame engulfing the monster's whole body, hungrily devouring any flesh and/or scales on its way.

About a second later, the resulting blast hits our barrier, harder than even the monster's attack earlier, I feel like.

''Dad, please.''


Dad gathers an incredible amount of mana, forms it into a giant ball and throws it at the monster. Or, what remains of the monster.

The explosion dissipates while the orb is still flying, revealing the monster with only its lower half remaining, falling helplessly towards the city.

Urgh... Are those organs dangling there...? Makes me want to puke.

Before the remains can destroy any of the houses below, the orb collides with it, sending it far into the distance and bringing the whole incident to a safe end.

'''' ... ''''

Throwing my gun back to my space bag, I walk in front of the dumbfounded people and give them a V sigh. With my confident smile and my sunglasses, I bet I look really cool right now. Probably.

''...Hah- Hohohohoh! So this is the new Saint! How incredible!''

Thank you, Santa Claus.

''Can I take back what I said before~?'' 

No, you can't.

''Hey, I'm sorry for ruining the good moment, but.'' Beast King said from the side. ''What do we do about this guy?''

What greets us after turning around is the Beast King and the Dwarf King pinning the Crown Prince down with their knees, each holding one of his arms.

''Hm? What happened to him?'' Dad narrows his eyes, apparently noticing something.

''He tried to sabotage you guys earlier!'' Dwarf King said.

''...Bravo.'' A bizarre female voice sounded from the Crown Prince.

'''' !!! ''''

Everyone instantly puts up their guard again. I pull out my D.E as well. 

Seriously, what's going on with voices today? This one sounds like a video game glitch... At least it's not too uncomfortable, I suppose.

''Well done, new Saint. I never thought that you would be this good... I would like to give you a reward, for your effort so far.'' 'Jeremy' lifts his head abruptly, his normally orange pupils now purple and dimly lit.

''Have fun.''

Jeremy's body began to... Crack. Wait, human bomb?!

Shit, do I shoot it? No, it'll just explode... And my portals are not big enough for him. Fuck. I'll leave this to you, dad.

''Not good!'' Beast King shouted, immediately jumping back. Dwarf King also, actually.

''Lucas!'' Dad called out.

''I know!''

Dad uses telekinesis to lift Jeremy's body up.

Following that, two pitch black portal simultaneously appear in the air and eat Jeremy's body whole in a flash. Everything happened in less than a second.

'''' ... ''''

''...W-Where did you send him?!'' The Emperor frantically asked.

Dad silently points to the sky-


Where a purple explosion can be seen, accompanied by a deafening noise. I really should have kept my sound barrier, now my ears are fucked.

''Unfortunate.'' Someone commented.

''Ah...'' The Emperor kneels down, still staring at the fading gush of purple on the blue sky.

...Rest in pieces.

That was nasty.

I never thought that the crown prince was a vessel for the evil goddess. Or demon goddess. Whatever.

Regardless, I need to tell everyone here about her first, then head out to reunite with my lovers. I'm still worried.

''...Hah~'' I sighed. ''I was going to talk about this earlier, but...''

*clap* *clap*

I gather everyone's attention.

''As you guys have seen, that certainly wasn't something the demons could have done alone.'' I began. ''We're up against an evil godess this time. Not a mere demon king.''

''What do you mean, lass?'' Santa Claus narrows his eyes.

''Exactly as you've heard. Unfortunately, we will have to give it our all this time.'' I shrugged. ''That earlier was the evil godess's doing, including the crown prince, by the way. I confirmed it with the goddess already.''

''What?! You can communicate with her??'' Fox Saint exclaimed.

''I can.''

''What exactly is your power then??''


'''' ... ''''

''Sorry lass, can you explain to me what that is?''

Of course Santa Claus is a boomer. Who could have predicted it.

''I can use it to make nukes.''

'''' !!! '''' Both the Fox Saint and Santa Claus widen their eyes.

What years did they die, actually? Must have been somewhere after 1945 and before the Internet.

''...I see why she sent you now. That's too overkill for a demon king.'' Fox Saint said after a sigh, ignoring the curious gazes from everyone else.

''Either way, just know that the enemy we're up against this time is way stronger than before.'' I said. ''And Emperor?''


Turning to the dazing Emperor, I walk closer to him and pat his shoulder a few times.

''What happened to your son is unfortunate, but now we need to focus on the future, isn't that right?''

''Y-Yeah...'' He looks at me, his pupils dilating.

''So, just don't do anything stupid, and keep supporting the alliance properly, alright?''

''...Fine.'' He said resignedly, biting his lips.

''Good!'' I turn around. ''I'll leave things here for you, dad. I want to visit my girls now.''

''Sure, good job.'' Dad smiles.

''I'll see you guys later when opportunities arise. Adios!''

Let's just fly back.


Shit, even though the city is mostly fine, and I don't see mangled corpses everywhere, people are still panicking. I bet they didn't see a freaking giant flying reptile coming.

Now, to the residence...


Hm? Why are you here?!


I immediately descend down to where Anna is waving.

''Are you alright?!'' I asked.


Instead of answering, she gives me a brief kiss instead.

''What are you doing here??'' I asked.

''Helping people.''

''Since when?''

''Um... After you blow that thing up.'' She said shyly. ''I knew right away it was you! You were so cool!''

''Thanks, sweetie.'' I smile after checking her body for possible injuries. ''How about the others?''

''They're running around helping too. They're totally fine.'' She responded.

''Phew~... Thank god.''


I decided to go around with Anna to help people.

Except, nobody really died or anything, so there's nothing to do.

I mean, Archbishop Henry moved all the available paladins for this, even going as far as to drag ones from other branches over, so the protection was impeccable.

The only injuries I could see from people are ones they got from accidentally trip over the floor while panicking or something. Those stuff. And even then, there's still paladins everywhere right now, so...

''Isn't this just a date?'' I said.

''...Pretty much?''

''...Now that I think about it. I've never went out with you alone before.''

''That's... True.''

''Do you want to spend some time with me then, fair lady?'' I turn to her with a smile, taking her exquisite hand.

''...For sure!'' She smiles back, gripping my hand.

Good thing I left the tedious stuff to dad, now I get to play with this adorable cat.

''Do you have a favorite place?'' I asked.

''...The cat café?''

''They have those here as well?'' 

I didn't know that.

''There's currently only one that I know of... It's very obscure.''

''Guide me. I'm curious.''


'''' ... ''''

''...Is this it?'' I asked, looking at the tattered building in front of me.

Are you sure this isn't some kind of abandoned house...?

''Don't worry, the interior is actually decent, so...'' She trailed off, turning her head away slightly.

Hmm... Let's tease her a bit.


''Hm?'' She turns to me again.

''I still remember that you asked for my dad's autograph but not mine?'' I push my face towards her. ''If this one is not good, then...''


''Then...?'' Her ears cup down a bit.

''I'll tie you down to a chair, then let you watch me have sex all~ night.'' I smile. ''Of course, you and I will not do anything to each other at all. Sounds good?''

''Eh?! Ah... Um... N- Wait-...''

The cat gets visibly flustered, her ears and tail running around confusedly. Her face is a spectacle right now, frowning in annoyance, but her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is rapid somehow.

I can't tell if she's turned on or angry anymore.

''I'm kidding~'' I pat her head. ''But of course... If you really want to... Then I'll gladly oblige~'' I lick my lips and smile again.

God, I feel like a succubus right now. Did I choose the wrong race?

''...Stop teasing me...'' She whined, pouting.

''I'm serious though?'' I raise my eyebrow.

''Eh?'' Her face turns blank. ''...W-We could do that someday...''


''Look forward to it, my love.''

''L-Let's just enter...''

What a cute little cuck.



Opening the screaming, dying door, a... surprisingly normal interior greets us.

''See? It's just a bit old, but I think it adds to the ambiance.'' She said while we're walking further in.

''I suppose.'' I shrugged.

''Oh, here again girl?'' A voice sounded behind the wooden counter.

Just then, two white ears pop up behind it.

''Um. Grandma.'' Anna responded.

Looking over the counter I could see a cat grandma petting another cat on her lap. surrounding her chair are even more cats.

I'm literally being surrounded by cats right now. Is this heaven?

Wait, now that I think about it, what was Eva's space called again? Was that not heaven?

''And who's this cute lass?'' Cat grandma asked.

''M-My girlfriend.''

''Hi, grandma.''

''Hoh~ The girl who only ever talked about the goddess now have a girlfriend?''

''What, I can't have one?''

''I'm not saying that.'' Grandma closes her eyes. ''But don't just stand there, come sit. I'll make some coffee for you two.''


The cat on her lap jumps down, allowing grandma to get up and go inside.

Finally, I have a comrade now...! She's shorter than me!

So we both flop down to the two chairs before the counter.

Immediately, two cats jump on our laps, claiming the spaces for themselves.

''This is so sweet...!'' I exclaimed, stroking the purring black cat on my lap.

''...You were never this excited when patting me...''


''Nothing.'' She turns away.

What did she just say...?

''But, you seem pretty calm after the whole ordeal earlier?'' I tilt my head, looking at cat grandma.

''I was panicking when I saw that monster earlier. But now it's over, someone took care of it already, it seems.''

That would be me. Do I get free coffee?

''You really are always calm, grandma, I'm jealous.'' Anna said.

''Live longer. You will be less impressed by everything eventually.''


''Is it always this quiet, grandma?'' I asked, sipping the hot coffee.

''Pretty much, only this silly girl and occasionally some other guests come here.''

''Why am I silly again...'' 

''Because you let your only girlfriend get on with other girls, of course.'' Grandma narrows her eyes.

Well, this is awkward.

''Oh come on. I said that we all agreed to it already.'' Anna whined.

''Even more so when they're futanaris while you're just a normal girl... If you're not careful, she'll really be snatched from you, you know?'' She turns to me this time.

I won't do that though.

''Ahahah...'' I laugh awkwardly, stroking the cat on my lap.

''Muh...'' Anna pouts, holding the cat on her lap in front of her face to hide.


See? How could I abandon her when she's this cute?

''Just get a male genital. That'll solve everything.'' She said after a sigh. ''I can see that you are not a normal elf. You can get your hands on it. The potion, I mean.''

''Oh~ Intuition perhaps?''

''Yes, same as this girl's.''

''...Hers is a bit more general than mine.'' Anna puts down the cat.

''But what will you guys do about the child?'' Grandma asked.

''What do you mean?''

''It can't be both an elf and a cat-kin, no?''

'''' ... ''''

Shit, I didn't think of it.

So if I mate with Tina, we'll have half-elves as our children, that's for sure. I've seen halfs several times before. And obviously, my children with Liana and Emy will be high elves.

So then, what about mine with Anna... Will they have both cat ears and elf ears? Or either pair? Will they have tails or not? 

I'm starting to wonder...

''I've not seen a child between an elf and a cat-kin before, so I'm quite curious.''

''Can't you use your intuition?'' I asked.

''I can, but it's vague. The only thing I can be sure about is that you'll have to watch from the sideline a lot, Anastasia.'' Grandma said, glaring at me.

...What the hell.

So she's mistaking Anna's fetish for me actually cucking her? That's hilarious. 

As expected, superstitious stuff is not reliable.

''Eh? Ah...'' Anna turns to me with an awkward face.

...I don't know what to do either.

''By the way, grandma.'' I said, diverting the topic. ''Why are you here in the middle of the empire?''

''...I was exiled.'' She replied, looking down at her coffee.

''For what?''

''That I can't tell you.'' She closes her eyes.

''...Even if I look like this, I am a Saint. Grandma. I can probably help you.''

I may look like a normal slut, but actually, I am a super Saint slut, that's totally different, you know?

''What do you mean 'Even if I look like this'...'' Anna muttered.

''I... See. That's what you were. No wonder...'' Grandma looks at me straight in the eyes.

''So? I'll have to go to Ranka sometime in the future anyway, I can help you with what you want while I'm there?''

'''' ... ''''

I mean, Eva told me after the fight earlier that the evil goddess will definitely try to summon more bullshits to attack us later, and the locations of the summons are not predictable either. So it's very likely that I'll have to travel across the continent to defeat those summons while Eva finds a way to thoroughly kill the evil goddess this time.

Aside from the fact that the summons are not limited to big monsters and can totally be ones that are more sinister and cunning, which sounds very tiring, I have no idea how we can even touch the evil goddess either...

''...The cat-kin clan is in a major crisis.'' She finally said after a sigh.

''You mean, the dragon attack?''

''It's not just that, elf girl.'' She shakes her head.

I turn to Anna, but she just shakes her head in confusion.

''Drought.'' She said.


''Yes. We've been suffering from drought for almost a decade now. I tried to convince them to move our clan to another location, but as you can see.'' She shrugged.

''I see... Coupled with the dragon attack... Did you know about this, Anna?''

''No... I was recruited by the church and moved here more than a decade ago, so...'' She scratches her cheek.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Anna is an orphan. So I guess we don't need to worry about her parents...? Poor girl, I'll have mom pamper her later. Or I can do it too.

''If you want to help, then take this.'' Grandma puts a green dream catcher on the counter.

''And this is?''

''My old insignia.'' She replied. ''I don't know if my faction is active anymore, but keep it just in case. You'll be able to convince them easier.''

''Alright then.'' I take the dream catcher and toss it into my space bag. ''It's my lovely girlfriend's clan. I'll definitely find a way to move them.''

''I don't particularly care though...''

Let's ignore that. 

At times like this, one has to have a good enough resolve, you know?

''So who do I need to find to get the latest update when I go there?''

''My sister should still be there. Her name is Tara.''

''Mhmm.'' I nod. ''But I think we need to leave now, my girlfriends are probably waiting for me.''

Both Anna and I put the cats down and stand up.

''Sure, and... I can tell that you are a good girl, but why do you shun Anastasia like that?'' She raises an eyebrow. 

''I only follow her wish, grandma.'' I giggle, earning Anna a surprised stare from her.

''Wha- Why would you say that?!'' Anna blushes, then drills her head against my side.

I'm immune to that now, you know?

So I put some money on the counter, and wave grandma goodbye.


''How did you even find a place like this?'' I asked while we're flying back.

''Mhm... I smelled a lot of cats, so...''

Cats invite cats, huh. How curious.

''Here we go.''

We land at the front door of our residence.

'''' Welcome back, Your Holiness and my lady. ''''

''Good job.'' I wave at the two guards.

My title now has officially turned into 'Your Holiness', apparently that's higher than Your Highness, and even Your Majesty in some cases.


''Took you long enough, huh?'' A familiar cutting board greeted us.

''Sorry, I went on a little date with her.'' I said, hiding behind Anna.

''Well, go inside first. Emilia prepared a lot of sweets for you.''

''I love Emy!!!''

Maybe I should actually have five children with her... I'll get lots of free dessert...!

''Ah, is Tina there?''

''She is.''

Oh well, I'll have to console Tina first. Her brother just died.


''My condolences, Tina.'' I said, holding her hand.

''I don't really mind.'' She shrugged. ''I might sound cold-blooded here, but our imperial family was always like this. Siblings killing each other, sons killing fathers...''

That's rough.

''And it's not like I was close with him before. I hated him.'' She frowns.

''That's a relief.'' I smile.

''But if you really want to console me...'' She grins and immediately thrusts her hand into my skirt.

...This girl is getting bolder and bolder. Though it's not like she wasn't bold before or anything.

''Hey.'' Liana across the table called out angrily.

''Let her do it.'' I let out a giggle. ''Hm... Do you guys have any interest in dates?''

''So basically, I'll have to travel across the continent from now on.'' I said. ''Liana and Emy I know will, but do the two of you want to come with me?''

''Of course!'' 

''I don't see why I have to stay here.''

''Don't you still have some time left in the academy, Tina?''

''I can just ask for the diploma right away, I'm overqualified anyway.'' She shrugged.

''How about you, Anna?''

''Um... I think going with you might be more beneficial to me, actually.''

''How so?''

''I... I want to be with you.'' She blushes, but still looks at my face.

That is so sweet. I love her.

''And also... I feel like my divine magic has been improving a lot lately.'' She creates a small orb of divine magic. ''Especially... When I touch you...'' She trailed off.

Wait, what?

''What do you mean exactly?'' Liana inquired.

''...Remember the last time Sylvia let me touch her chest in the hot spring? My divine mana went up after that, but I thought I was imagining it...'' She explained. ''So after I actually had s-sex with her, I suddenly realized it. My divine magic gets better when I do intimate acts with Sylvia...'' 

'''' ... ''''

What the hell.

[Hanako]: Hey. Is it true that when believers sleep with me, their divine magic gets better?

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: There is no such thing though?

[Hanako]: ...My cat got her divine mana enhanced after sleeping with me.

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Really?!

[Hanako]: Yeah.

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Wait for a second. I will be there soon.

[Hanako]: Huh?

''Um...'' I gather the attention. ''We might have a guest soon.''

''Who?'' Tina tilts her head.

'''' !!! ''''

Before I could answer, a portal appeared on the table. 

Different from normal black portals of mine or Stephen's, it is golden while. And this feeling is definitely not the usual mana.

From the portal, a familiar figure steps out.

Standing on the table now is an outrageously beautiful woman with silky smooth white hair and blood-red eyes.

''It is you?'' Eva turns to Anna, her voice still as charming as I remembered it.

''Eh?! W-Who are you??'' Anna exclaimed.

Eva kneels on the table and puts her hand on Anna's head, ignoring our confused looks.

'''' ... ''''

Liana, Emy, and Tina all try to pull out their weapons, but I signal them to stop just before they actually do something to Eva.

This is actually the first time I've seen Eva while in a physical body, and I get why she's a goddess now. There's just this overwhelming feeling I could feel from her, it's like an oppressive aura in certain video games, almost.

''I cannot believe it...'' Eva muttered, standing up again. ''You have found a gem, Hanako!'' She turns to me this time.

''How so?'' I asked.

''This girl, she has the potential to become a goddess!''

'''' ... ''''


''Elaborate, please.'' I said.

Suddenly, Eva appears in front of me, sitting on the edge of the table, her feet resting on my thighs.

''Listen, Hanako.'' She raises her index finger before my face. ''Deities use 'real' divine mana instead of any ordinary mana. And you, my apostle, also have it in your body.''

''Divine mana that believers use is just an inferior version of the real divine mana. And make no mistake, they are fundamentally different.'' 

''The real one can be used to charge the inferior one, but not vice versa.''

She then turns to Anna on my right.

''The fact that this girl can absorb the real divine mana from your body and change it into normal divine mana... Means that she should be able to ascend to godhood.''

''M-Me...?'' Anna points at herself and still seems stunned.

''Could I too, then? I have real divine mana as well, no?'' I asked.

''Yes, you could. Every Saint could. But no one has ever done it.'' She replied. ''One has to go through many trials and tribulations to reach godhood.''

As expected.

''But the fact that she could accept real divine mana is incredible enough.'' Eva smiles. ''None of you Saints wanted to become a deity to help me, so now I have to scout rare talents like this.'' She pokes my belly with her feet, her voice a bit sulky.

''...M-Mother goddess...?'' Anna finally snaps out. calling Eva shakily.

''Yes. I am known as the goddess on this continent.'' Eva turns to Anna again. ''Anastasia. Do you have any interest in becoming a deity?''

''Eh? I...''

'''' ... ''''

Anna closes her eyes and sits still.

'''' ... ''''

''O-Only if they become deities, too!'' She looks at Eva straight in the eyes, her blue irises shine brighter than stars.

Eva looks around the table.

''Did you hear that? How about all of you become deities to help me? Though very difficult, I could help with the qualifications for that.''

'''' ... ''''

''...Are the trials and tribulations dangerous?'' Liana asked.

''Yes. They are life-threatening.''

''How long would it take?'' Emy asked.

''Depends on you. It can be a year, ten years, or a hundred years, or even more.''

''What would we actually gain from it, aside from power?'' Tina asked this time.

''Unlimited lifespan, access to other worlds, and best of all, for you degenerates, there will be many plays that you can do after ascending to godhood as well.''

''...For example?'' 

''Firstly, you can modify your body as you like, that opens up a lot of new plays already. On top of that, you have a time-stop play, hypnotism, increased sensitivity, humiliation play, etc.''

Fuck, I'm honestly kinda sold on this. And I can go back to Earth too... But first.

''How much work will we need to do, then?'' I asked.

''...If all of you are in, then not much.'' Eva responded, slightly diverting her eyes.

Sussy goddess...

'''' ... ''''

''Think about it more, you all have a lot of time.'' Eva shrugged. ''I will plant divine seeds, similar to what I gave Hanako, onto the three of you first. No worries, they do not have any side effects.''

Three light orb thingies suddenly appear near Emy, Liana, and Tina's chests, then gradually go into their bodies.

''So then, continue your journey. I will await your answers whenever you are ready.''

Eva blinks again, now standing on the table.


She opens another portal with a flick, and then lightly steps inside.

'''' ... ''''

''T-That was the goddess herself!!!'' Anna squirms, her hand clutching her cheeks.

''I didn't think I would be able to see the goddess...'' Tina muttered.

Everybody else seems stunned as well. That's what seeing a goddess would do to the average person, I suppose.

''...Well, I guess we can leave that for much later.'' I said after a sigh. ''Now then, because we have no news about the evil goddess's attack yet, we have a little vacation of sorts.''

''What do you say we do, then?'' Tina asked.

''Dates.'' I replied. ''I want to spend a day alone with each of you.'' I smile at them as well.

''...I'm in on that.'' Tina responded almost immediately.

''Of course, that includes sex as well. You will have me all for yourself for one day. It doesn't matter what you want to do to me, I will go along with it.'' I explained further.

''I'm in.'' Liana grins devilishly.

She wants to test out all those BDSM gears, huh.

''How about you two?'' I turn to the remaining two this time.

''I'm fine with it.''

''Me too.''

''That's decided, then. We'll start right tomorrow, alright?'' I smile contently. ''But you guys still have to fight today.''

'''' Eh~ ''''

No gangbang yet.

''But how to we decide the order?'' Anna inquired.

''I don't know, but I think your turn should be last.'' Tina replied with a grin. ''Plenty of time to think about what we would do alone, right?''

''...Alright...'' Anna agreed almost immediately, to our surprise.

I guess she's more open about her fetish now. Which is great, I want to be able to respond to her better anyway.

''So now it's the three of us, huh...'' Liana muttered.

'''' ... ''''

''Uhh... Just, by order?'' I suggested. ''Anna is my latest girlfriend and her turn is last. So why don't we determine it by the order of entry to match?''

''But Emilia and I joined at the same time...?''

'''' ... ''''

''...You can go first.'' Emy said to Liana.


''Yeah, I got the first creampie, so I'll yield.''

''Thanks, Emilia!'' Liana replied cheerfully.


And kisses Emy on the cheek.

''Mhmm.'' Emy gives her a thumbs up back.

''So I'm third?'' Tina injected.

''It seems so.''


''What's wrong, Anna?''

''I'm suddenly curious. What was your first time like, Sylvia...?''

It was amazing. But I want to hear Liana and Emy's side as well.

''Ask those two.'' I said.

''Hm? Ah... So, I and Emilia went to the hot spring, where we saw the naked Sylvie-


''We'll be seeing you guys soon.'' I said, waving to the three.



''Have a good time, Sylvia.'' Tina smiles.

The only reason why Tina is this calm is probably because she won the contest yesterday, else her eyes would have been burning right now.

''See y'all soon.'' Liana waves as well.


In true Liana fashion, she walks behind me with a grin and squeezes my breast with one hand, her other hand already inside my panties.


I wave at them one last time before closing the door with telekinesis.

''Ready for our date yet?'' She whispered in my ear, still groping as she like.

''Un.'' I nod and let Liana take the lead.

We decided to evict those three out of the room today and do a home date. Instead of going outside, Liana said she wanted to just 'chill' for a whole day. Though I'm not really sure how 'chill' it would be, considering how she's already fingering me right now.

''Well, let's go ahead and have breakfast first.'' She releases me.

''I thought you were about to pin me down just now.'' I said, puzzled.

''That's for later, princess. I want to properly love you first.'' She cups my chin up and wraps her hand around my waist.

''I see... I'll leave it to you then.'' I smile at her.

Liana smiles back. She then pulls me in for a hug.

''Let me cook for you this time. I learned a bit from the chefs.''

''Sure. I'll be looking forward to it~''


Hm~ Hm~ Hm~

I'm now sitting on the sofa, listening to music and waiting for my lovely girlfriend's cooking.

I never thought that the crude Liana would learn cooking... Even when she was younger, her only interests were pranking, fighting, and probably flirting with me. I got teased a lot by her.

Oh. There she is.

''Here we go.''


''Is this supposed to be... Dumplings...?''

''Yes. I tried my best.''

...Why do they look burnt?

Oh well, I could just peel the outer layer, it'll be good.

Liana sits down right beside me, nudging at my side. ''Try it.'' She said, I could feel her voice a bit more unstable than normal.


So I bring one of the dumplings up with telekinesis, peel off the burnt layer, blow on them a few times before taking a bite.

Mhgmm... The stuffing is mostly correct, that's good. But the seasoning is a bit off.


''This could use a bit more sugar, but overall edible. Not bad.'' I said.

''Only not bad?'' She replied, squeezing my butt with actual force.

''I don't care how you would beat me later, but I am fair when it comes to food.'' I said firmly.

''Fine.'' She releases her hand resignedly, then takes a piece of dumplings for herself.


After breakfast, it's now time to watch some anime.

Liana has been curious about them for a while now, ever since I showed her a brief clip of an anime the other day.

Fortunately, I am now able to project the internet in my mind out for around 20 minutes uninterrupted, roughly the length of an anime episode, excluding the opening and ending. Though I'll have to rest for a minute afterward. But that's basically nothing.

''So, what genre interests you the most?'' I look up at Liana, who's hugging me from behind.

We're now sitting on the same couch, and the screen is on the wall.

''Action. I want some action.''

Hmm... Action...

''Alright, then let me introduce you to 'Chainsaw man'.''

''What's a chainsaw?'' She tilts her head.

''Uh... A tool to cut down trees...?''

...Fuck, wouldn't that just be our nemesis?! Even I am feeling disgusted right now.

''...Why?'' She asked, frowning.

''A-Ah, don't worry, the main focus of the show is different, so...''

Fuck it, let's just play episode one.

And definitely not skip the opening for this one. It's a banger, and I want to hear it.


''...That was actually pretty entertaining.'' Liana nods lightly. ''Though I'd like to see the characters live longer. And, why did it feel... Choppy? Not smooth like normal, is what I meant.''

Ah, the framerates, huh.

''To put it simply, these are not real recorded footage of anything. They're animated, which means that they were made of lots and lots of hand drawn picture flowed together to become a video.''

''Ah... I see. Certainly drawing so much pictures would be tedious... It is a funding issue?''

''Yeah, most of the time.''

''That is sad. I wanted to see them smoother.''

''Don't worry, I can show you ones that are godly animated later.'' I hold her hand. ''But let's go eat lunch first, we'll cook together this time, alright?''



Time sure flies by when you watch something.

I went ahead and showed Liana the first season of 'Demon Slayer'. She liked it a lot, especially the flashy and smooth animation. We were so busy cuddling and watching it that we only just noticed the time. It's almost 3 P.M right now.

''Ngh~~ Hah~'' Liana stretches her arms.

''Do you want a massage?'' I asked.

''Oh. That'll be great. Thanks.''


She kisses me on the lips.

''Glad to be able to help.''

''It's a good way to relax the muscle. I need it to properly rough you up later, so.'' She grins devilishly.

''I'll have to do my best, then.'' I said jokingly. ''I want you to thoroughly dominate me later, darling.'' I put her hand on my cheek.

''I will.'' She replied, then lay down on the sofa for me to massage her.

So I start to use telekinesis and my hands to knead her shoulder, her back, her hamstrings, her calves, all at the same time.

''Ngn...'' She moaned quietly.

''Hm~ Hm~'' I hum while still massaging her.

These legs are godly though. So smooth and firm...



''Are you intentionally rubbing near my crotch?''


Suddenly, Liana jumps up and pushes me down onto the sofa.

''You know what's coming, right?'' She asked, her golden eyes shining under the light above.


''P-Please be rough with me...''

Warning: BDSM, other kinky stuff, and explicit images... On ScribbleHub. Sorry, I don't know if nsfw images are allowed here. ''These are better coming off.'' She said, undressing me with god-like speed.''Mhn...''''Good.'' She nods contently after stripping me bare.Liana then takes her skirt off entirely, revealing a rapidly swelling cock full of vigor.*pat*She pats her huge cock lightly on my lower belly.''Lube?''''I'm already wet...''''Sure. Ready?''*gulp*''Please.'' I replied, spreading my pussy to welcome her cock.*thud*''Ahn~!''Shit... Although I get slammed like this by her often, but it's still a shock every time...''It's pretty tight, huh. What? That redhead didn't manage to get her cock erected last night?'' She sneered.''N-No, she did fuck me good...''*pack*''Hyah!''''Shut up, tighten your cunt more.'' She demanded after smacking my butt, frowning.''Y-Yes...''''And put those breasts forward.''''Yes...'' I bring my breasts out with both hands.*chup*''Ah!''Liana silently bows over and started to suck both of my nipples up vigorously, stretching them out like slimes.After playing with them for a bit, she finally begins to move her hip.*FLAP*She pulls out her entire cock, then immediately slams down her huge rod as hard as possible, making sure that it would go straight inside my womb.*FLAP*''Mhmp~!...''*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*''Ngah~... Hah~...''*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP**thud*''NGH~!''Suddenly, Liana slams her cock even harder, and the veiny shaft started to throb violently as if protesting against my pussy for the last few days without any sex.Instinctively, I lock my legs behind her back, ensuring that I would get every drop of her seed.*pzzzt*''Cumming~ Nghnnn!''Together with my squirting, the cock that is already inside the optimal location - my uterus, shoots out the first load of the day, filling my sack up nicely with Liana's thick and strong semen.Ah... I can't get enough of this feeling...''Ngah.'' Liana releases my saliva-soaked nipples. ''Decent.'' She said coldly.''Thank you...''She has a habit of rating her experience after sex.'''' ... '''''''' ... ''''''Um...''''Hm?''''Are we trying those BDSM gears today...?''''Yes. So get your ass up.''''Alright...''*slrrp*Liana pulls out her huge cock and sits beside me. Her eyes seem to be urging me to hurry up.So I quickly raise and shut my pussy off, so I don't waste a single drop of semen.I then pull out the gears that Liana chose the other day and place them before her. Including ropes, piercings, gags, blindfolds, cuffs, and dildos.''Put the cuffs back in. We'll not be using those today.''''Alright...''''Now, turn around.''''Mhm.''*pack*''Ngn~!''''Nice ass.''Liana takes the gag and puts the ball thingy in my mouth. After securing it, she wraps the black blindfold around my eyes as well.''Comfortable?''''Mhm.''This time I couldn't see anything anymore, but I could feel Liana tying my wrists together behind my back, then she wraps the rope around my breasts in an... Unconventional way, making them squish together and protrude out.Following that, she ties my calves and thighs together as well, so now I'm unable to move normally. This helpless feeling of not knowing what she would do, and not being able to respond is so good...''Mhmp...''An unfamiliar cold feeling hits my nipples.Did she just put on the piercings...?''Mhmp~!''She suddenly yanks both of the piercings, making me nearly jump. Agh... I'm getting wet again...''Now is the real deal.'' She said. ''Remember, if you want to stop, apply any amount of telekinesis on me, alright?''''Mhmp.''''And I'll literally choke you till you faint, sure about that?''''Mhmp.''''Good.''Liana pushes me down onto the sofa, then very roughly spreads my legs out.*thud*''Mhmp~!!"And thrusts her cock in unnoticed.*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*''Mhp~ Mhmp~~''A-Are those piercings rings on my nipples...? She pulls them so hard...*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*For a while, only loud slaps sounded in the room, the sounds of my pussy, butt, and nipples getting absolutely destroyed.Mhm.... C-Cumming~!''You dare cum before me?!''*PACK*My butt...*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP**pzzzt*''Mhmp~!''Another load in...''Phew~''Ah... Fuck. I love this.Agh... Wait, don't pull out...*thud*''Mhmp!''Suddenly, something very hard and cold slams straight against my cervix.I-Is that a dildo in my pussy...?''I'm going for a shower.'' She declared.Eh? What about me??''Mhmp!''''You wait here.''''Mhmp...''I could hear her footsteps getting smaller and smaller.'''' ... ''''''Mhmp...?''Is she gone...?Abandonment play as well... I love her so much.But I still need something more...*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*So I started to slide the dildo in and out using telekinesis, the cum works perfectly as the lubricant for my little masturbate session.*flap* *flap* *flap*But this is kinda lackluster... The dildo is nowhere big enough...-----*flap* *flap* *flap*''Stop.''''Mhmp!''Liana! I've been waiting for almost an hour already...*PACK*''Mhmp~!!"''Who told you that you can masturbate?'' She said after slapping the shit out of my breasts. ''Stupid fucking cunt.''I'm sorry...Liana briskly throws away the dildo, and-*thud*S-Slams her cock inside my pussy again... Ah... This is the real cock that I want...*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*''Why is it so loose now?! Tighten it!''''Mhmp~!!''Suddenly, I could feel a cold hand wrapping around my neck.Agh... She's choking me...!Cumming again~!!My body tries to convulse with each squirt, but the hand doesn't budge at all, fixing me in place.''Better now.''*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*I... Bet. But this breathless sensation... Is not bad at all...-----*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*...Eh?Did I fain-''Mhmp!''Ouch... She really fucked my body over, huh... My breasts and thighs are burning right now... Especially my nipples, she didn't just rip them off, right...?''Awake?''*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*''Huh~ Another load.''*pzzzzt*''Mhmp~~''Ah... My belly feels so full right now. Just how many times did she fuck me...''That's the 13th load.''''Mhmp?!"She creampied me 10 times while I was unconscious?! Ah, fuck, cumming again...!''You came just from that? Pathetic whore.''*pack*''Mhmp...''...I can't refute it.*slrrp*''Fucking hell, your pussy is gaping wide right now, you know?''And whose fault is that...''I'll give you something to plug, here.''What, another dild-*thud*Shit! What the hell, why does the tip feel wrinkled?! What is this??''It's a pet bottle.''''Mhmp?!''''Perfect. It plugs your cervix just right, and I can see your insides clearly as well.''*tack* *tack* *tack*...Wait, is she taking pictures right now?!... I feel like this girl is way too suited for being a hentai artist...''Well, that was a good cock-sleeve used. Let me untie you first.''-----''Phew~'' I let out a sigh.Fuck my jaw, it's so stiff right now.''You alright?''''...Yeah.''''Let me give you a review then.'' Liana said, lifting me onto her lap.I still have that pet bottle inside my pussy, by the way. She insists on not taking it out.''Why do you always make me feel like I'm some kind of prostitute...'' I complained quietly, leaning back on her.''Isn't that hotter?'' She whispered to my ears.''...Tell me the review.''''As expected, an obedient Saint slut is still the best.'' She said. ''Your pussy when you're being spanked was superb, but of course, the sex doll Sylvie was also fantastic as well.''''...You did cum 10 times while I was unconscious after all.''''Yes, and Hanako.'' She suddenly said, making my whole body shudder. ''Do you really think that your stupid little sack could hold more than 10 loads of mine?''Now that I think about it...''N-No?''''Here.'' She hands me a cup.Well, shit. A full cup of cum. Jesus Christ.''Drink this when you meet Anna later, it'll get her excited.''''...Un.''-----After that, we cuddled for another half an hour. Just cuddle, nothing else....I'm just glad that my nipples didn't literally fall off. They are still pretty tattered though.But now, it's 10 P.M. Time to end the day with my first partner.As per Liana's request, I'm now doing an extremely embarrassing thing that I would normally never do.Still with the fucking bottle inside my pussy for some reason, I kneel down and do a dozega pose, totally naked. My swelling and burning nipples press against the cold ground, making my body quiver.''F-From the bottom of my heart, thank you for granting me your marvelous cock and generously using my cheap cumdumpster today, mistress. I will forever remember this grace.'' I said with my forehead on the ground.''Hng... Good...''*spurt* *spurt*Together with the familiar spurting sounds, I could feel warm liquid landing on the back of my head, and some on my back as well.''Hah... Hah...''''I love you, Sylvie.'' Liana lifts my chin.''...I love you too.''*chu*Why is this the only kiss of our date...?

This is pretty awkward.

We're now sitting at the table, and I still haven't gotten a heal or even a single piece of clothes. The pet bottle somehow is still down there, somehow.

Probably best of all, while everybody is drinking cold beverages to help them recover from their training earlier, I'm drinking Liana's cum. In a cup. This fishy smell and bitter taste are starting to grow on me a bit. Admittedly.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if I'm secretly a succubus or something.

The cat seems pretty turned on though, seeing her girlfriend drinking cum like this.

'''' ... ''''

''So? What did you do to her?'' Tina asked, holding my hand and glaring at Liana.

''I fucked her. A lot.'' Liana replied nonchalantly.

To be fair, the fucking only took about half of the time total, so we are definitely not perverted individuals at all. Definitely. 

''But choking her to faint is...!'' Tina furrows her eyebrows, clenching her hand. ''And look at how tattered her body got...''

''Don't worry, I enjoyed it a lot, so...'' I quickly try to defuse the situation.

''Watch this then, she's truly grateful, you know?'' Liana grins and pulls out the camera.

And on the screen is... My naked dogeza earlier... Did she film that...?

'''' ... ''''

Unbearable, this is unbearable.

I bury my head into Tina's side, trying to hide. 

I know that I have a bit of a humiliation fetish as well, but it's embarrassing...

''What do you guys think?'' Liana asked with a smug face.

Emy gives her a thumbs-up and a smirk.

Tina is... Frowning.

Suddenly, some kind of squirting sound could be heard in the room.


'''' ... ''''

'''' ... ''''

''...Did you just cum...?'' Tina asked Anna in disbelief.

''...'' Anna turns her head 90 degrees over, completely avoiding any eye contact.

'''' ... ''''

''Anna, can I ask you for a heal...?'' I said after a sigh. ''We can go to sleep right after that.''


''And, I'm taking out the pet bottle. It'll affect the quality of my asset.''



''Then, good luck on training~'' I said, waving to Liana and Tina.

''Have fun.'' Liana waves.

''I'll do my best.'' Tina smiles bitterly this time.

Anna is still sleeping. She couldn't sleep for a while after cumming right in front of us like that. Poor cat.


Anyway, Emy and I decided to venture out and actually touch grass today. Unlike Liana, Emy seems to be holding it quite well...? I'm not sure.

But either way, I'm open to a fun and wholesome date as well. We can do the sex separately later.

''So, where do you want to go first?'' I asked.

''A tree museum?'' She replied.

Oh, that could be good. Being surrounded by trees sounds amazing.

''Alright then. Let's go.'' I said, hugging her arm.



The capital truly has everything imaginable.

From normal facilities, parks, restaurants,... To whatever the hell this is.

In front of us right now is a giant building made almost entirely of glass. Through the transparent walls, we could see an incredible collection of trees inside. It's almost like a jungle, if you ask me.

But I'm excited. I can already feel my energy level getting better even from outside. 

Near the entrance stands a woman. She's currently handing out tickets to the visitors with a blank face. Those ears... Is she a half-elf? But her hair is green... So that's probably not it.

The only elves who have green hair are the Seymours, and I don't think Liana's mom cheated or anything.

''Hi, we would like two tickets, please.'' I said to the woman.


Immediately, her expression changes to shock and then excitement.

''Oh my god...! Aren't you guys elves?!'' She exclaimed. ''No, looking at your hair colors... High elves?!''


''Here, I'll give you guys a discount. Only 3 kiras each. We're the same tree lovers after all!'' She hands us two tickets.

''Why suddenly..?''

''Ah, sorry. I'm a druid. I'm just happy to see you guys around.''

Ah, I see. A druid.

''Ohh.'' Emy exclaimed.

Druids are one of the rarer races in this world. They're very few in number, and only ever interacted with us elves throughout their whole history.

Their current location is actually unknown. They are said to have the ability to control the vegetation and trees around them, so people assume that they're using that to hide.

''But why is a druid here...?''

Won't she be kidnapped for experiments or something?

''This is just a mere clone. Don't worry, I just needed to protect the greens here for a while.''

I see. Tree clones, huh.

''But anyway, glad to see our comrades here. Have a fun time!''

''Sure, you have a good day too.'' I said, giving her the money.

Walking into the museum, Emy suddenly nudges me.

''Why is she so friendly towards us?''

''Ah, they're said to be naturally attracted to us elves. I don't really know why though.''


Looking around, I could see each type of tree being separated by a glass wall, effectively turning them into tree cells. And there are rows and rows of them as well. This is truly impressive.

But either way, the air here feels so good...! It's like inhaling a pure energy drink out of a tank.

''Hm? What even is that thing?'' I said, pointing to a tree with bleach-white leaves and golden... Veins? It looks so cool though.

Let's see the tag... The sacred tree? 

''Let's sit on the bench there.'' Emy suggested.


Conveniently, there are a few benches inside the cell as well. So we sit down on one of them, with me on Emy's lap, of course.

''Hmm... This is so relaxing...'' I muttered.

''True...'' Emy rests her chin on my shoulder, hugging my waist.

'''' ... ''''

''Do you want to eat some sweets later?'' I asked.


''Oh, how about learning to bake from a pastry chef?''


That's decided then. But first, let's just chill here for a while...


In the end, we stayed on that bench for almost two hours straight. Just the two of us, cuddling and sometimes kissing. 

The trees are to blame there because they just felt so nice to be around.

''Alright, the first step to making delicious tiramisus is to prepare all the right ingredients.'' The old grandma chef said. ''You need eggs, whipping cream, vanilla extract-

We're in a class right now. On how to make tiramisus.

''My, it's nice to be young, isn't it?'' Another middle-aged woman whispered, looking at Emy's hand wrapping around my waist.

She's another student here, our fellow classmate. Actually, all the students here except us are housewives, around the age of 30~45, I believe.

I just smile back at her. ''Thank you.''

*clap* *clap*

''Now, let's start right away. Try and separate the egg yolks first.''

Alright, that's easy enough.

I use my cheat code - telekinesis to lift four eggs, then perfectly cut the eggshells in half and open them very slightly, so the whites could escape down to the bowl, but not the yolks.

''Hoh~, telekinesis, that's convenient.'' The chef commented. ''Your lover is doing pretty good as well.'' She turns to Emy.

Emy, who's been perfecting her cooking skills lately, is doing very well. She cracks one egg with each of her hands, then opens them slightly just like I did.

''Right, now we need to whisk the egg yolks with some sugar-


''Mhmm~'' I moaned, feeling the texture and the divine taste of tiramisu in my mouth.

''Mhm, mhm.'' Emy beside me nods lightly in approval of her tiramisu as well.

 We got to bring our tiramisus back after making them. So now we're outside again, on a bench near the pastry shop.

''Say 'Ah~'.'' I said, bringing the spoon to Emy.



''Is it good?'' I asked.

''Mhm.'' She replied, leaning her head on my shoulder.

I'm glad.

'''' ... ''''

As expected, spending time with my lovers is still the best...

Warning: You guessed it. Exhibitionism.


After that, we decided to go to a café to, well, chill. Emy is the kind of girl who just wants to laze around, and I can totally understand that.

''Heh~ It looks pretty good.'' I commented, looking at the nice big building in front of us.

Near the top, there's a sign that says 'Latte café'.

''Right?'' Emy smiles lightly, taking my hand.


Pushing the big glass door, we are greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. 

Looking around, I could see a spacious and bright interior with high ceilings and large windows. The walls are painted in a warm beige color, with some colorful paintings and posters hanging on them.

There are quite many people here as well.

What a nice atmosphere.

''When did you even find this?''

''When I was running around helping people the other day.''

''I see... But let's sit first.''

So we settle down on an empty table near the big glass windows, where we could see people going about their day outside.

''Excuse me, what would you like to order?'' A polite server comes up to us.

''Black coffee, and a pudding.'' Emy replied.

Hm... Let's look at the menu first...

''An iced latte, and an egg tart.'' I said.

''Understood, please wait for a moment, dear customers.''

I open the newspaper that I just bought outside. Hmm... It's still all about the Leviathan a few days ago.

'''' ... ''''

Hmm... It's a beautiful day outside.

Birds are singing.

Flowers are blooming.

On days like thes-


''What's wrong, Emy?''

*pat* *pat*

''Sit on my lap.''

''Heheh, alright.''

 So I walk over and let Emy embrace me from behind as she likes. I get to enjoy her warm body and nice scent after all.

''How's training going lately, Emy?''

''Mhmm... Good. Christina is a good opponent.''

''That's a relief to hear.''

''Rather than that. How's your going?''

''I'll take a little break. I'll probably resume my usual after our dates.''


I turn the pages again.

...Oh, there's our orders.

''Here are your black coffee, latte, pudding, and egg tart, dear customers. Please enjoy.'' The server smiles brightly, looking at us cuddling.

''Thank yo- Hyah!''

Why are Emy's fingers inside my skirt?! Hey! No, people can clearly see it!

Fuck, illusion magic, illusion magic...

''Dear customer?!''

''N-Nothing. Thank you...''

''Alright... Excuse me.''

'''' ... ''''

''Why did you do that?!'' I whispered.

''Why not?'' She smirks.



Emy started to finger my pussy rather intensely, not caring about how loud of a noise she's making.

*slrp* *slrp* *slrp* 

''Hgah... Ngn...''

...Wait, sound barrier, fuck me.

*slrp* *slrp* *slrp*

I use telekinesis to forcefully shut my mouth off, the sound barrier is unstable, and I'm not confident in holding my moans, especially when-

*slrp* *slrp*



...She's this good at fingering...

So now I'm panting, convulsing, and trembling in her hands. I think I've completely lost the strength in my legs...

I turn around and glare at the culprit, but instead of doing anything to her-


I get a kiss instead.

''Mhm... *slurp*... *slurp*...''

There are customers here too... Hyah! She's moving again?!

Oh no. Her cock is rock hard too, don't tell me...

I forcibly pull away from our kiss. Let's scold he-

''Oh, isn't it Emilia and Sylvia!'' A cheerful voice forces me to turn around again.

''Eh? Ah, Julia?''

''Um! Can I sit here?''

Wait, no, having a classmate sit here is...

''You can.'' Emy injected.


Now I'm fucked. Literally.

Wait, the sound barrier, it just went off... Fuck. Let's have it just below our neck... Done.

''You guys are here to relax, too?''


''Are you alright? Your face is so red...''

''I-I'm fin- Hyah!''

At that moment, Emy lifts me and pretends to adjust her position, but instead, she aims her cock perfectly at my vagina and lets me fall.



So this was why she fingered me earlier... To lubricate, huh...

The cock cleanly impales my slippery hole, and because I'm eating the whole cock right now, I could clearly feel the bump on my stomach.

Fuck... The tip is in my uterus as well...

''I-I'm fine. Thanks.'' I barely muttered.

''O-Oh, alright, I see.''


Wait, don't use your hand to spread my pussy out too?! You want all the people outside to see my vagina??

''S-So, how's it going lately?'' I asked, my body trembling from having a giant cock stuffed inside my pussy, and womb.

Though I think the more I tremble, the more I tighten, and the more she gets excited...

''Hm? It's mostly fine, though I was so scared when I saw that giant monster. I wonder who actually defeated it, the imperial family is blocking the information for the time being, so...''

''Y-Yeah, I wonder who could it be...''

It's me, the poor girl who's getting fucked right in front of you...

''Ah, excuse me.'' She waves a server over. ''Can I have a latte, please?''

''Understood, please wait for a moment.''

''But, where are your other girlfriends, Sylvia?'' She turns to us again.

''A-Ah? They're busy right now.''

Stop wiggling...! Agh... It's hitting everywhere inside my womb now...

''I see... Hey. Um... Can I ask you guys something... Sensitive?''


''How do you guys even manage to have sex...?''


What the hell is she talking about in a café?? Why would that be a normal thing to brin-


Suddenly, Emy's cock started to throb. Not sure if it's because I'm more restless than usual, but I could feel every pump of her cock through my pussy wall.


...Fortunately, I scraped out Liana's cum earlier, else it would be leaking out by now...

But she doesn't seem to want to pull out...?

''I-I mean, you guys are the only futa couple... Or couples, that I know of, so...''

''What is the problem exactly?'' Emy asked, her voice as calm and even as ever.

Tch, that fucking emotionless expression. You're fucking a Saint in public, at least show some appreciation.

''The thing is... My girlfriend can't handle my penis... She said it was too big.'' She said, imaginary puppy ears could be seen on her head. ''What should I do...''

''D-Did you lubricate it well?'' I asked, slightly panting.

''I did...'' She muttered, pouting her cheeks.

''Is your girlfriend small?'' Emy asked.

''No...? I don't think so.''

What's the difference then. Is it a pussy problem? Is my pussy just flat-out better than her girlfriend's?

''You have to train her.'' Emy said.


''Yes. Train her to have big things stuffed inside. Gradually, it'll work.''

Oh yeah, good advice miss Emy. You always ram your cock in anyway.

...I kinda asked for it though, to be fair.

''Is that so...? I tried multiple times already... At this point, I'm wondering if it's actually possible.'' Julia sighs.



Ah- Wait, cumming~!!

I-It is possible, Julia. Look, I'm getting creampied right now, even...

''Hm? Sylvia?''

''N-Nothing... Hehe...''

''Just be patient.'' Emy said, her cock still pumping semen into my baby room.



The fuck?! Did she just take a picture??

''What's that, Emilia?''

''A camera.'' Emy replied nonchalantly.

''Camera? Why is it so small?''

''New model from Everwood.''

''I see...''

''Here is your latte, please enjoy.'' The server injected.

''Ah, thanks.'' She said to the server. ''Why don't you guys drink, too?''

''Y-Yeah. Here, Emy, say 'Ah~'.''

Please. Take this offering and have mercy on me. How is your cock still this hard...!



Stop giggling, Julia. And how long do you plan to stay inside me like this...? Stop eating so peacefully!


''You...'' I glare at Emy, who's just smirking right now.

In the end, she somehow came three more times during the one-and-a-half-hour chat back at the café. It was extremely dangerous. Not only were there a bunch of people passing every second, but we got a lot of attention naturally as well, mostly due to our appearances.

Every time Emy came, my illusion magic and sound barrier got a bit wobbly, so there was actually a chance someone saw us. Not to mention Julia, she definitely realized it by the end.

But anyway, we just got home and I just cleaned my pussy.



...Don't think that you can be forgiven by kissing me.

''I love you, Sylvia.''

''...Me too.''

''I love you.'' She hugs me tightly.

''...I know.''

''I want six kids.''

''...Too much.''

''Do you want to bake?''


''Then strip your clothes. I want to see naked apron.''

''...Are you sure we're baking? Or do you just want to stick your dick inside me the whole time?''

''We could do both at the same time.'' She said, her erect cock pushing against my lower belly.


''Please...'' She buries her head in my shoulder.


I can't refuse her...

he date with Emy was more wholesome than I expected.

Now, admittedly, she did get very horny and fucked me both in public and in private, but we got to spend a lot of quality time with each other at the end of the day.

We baked together, watched some silly TV shows, I taught her mana control a bit, then we fucked again. And that's it. Nothing special, but it's a date I'm grateful for.

Oh, and dad came back by night as well.

He said that we should just enjoy our vacation first, that he'll take care of the tedious stuff and inform me of whatever is needed later. He did say that I'll be officially announced as a Saint at the Founding Festival some days later as well.

''Good work today, guys.'' I said, putting the dessert tray onto the table. ''Eat these, and then we can go to sleep.''

''We baked them together.'' Emy gives a thumbs up.

''Thanks, you two.'' Liana said.

''Thanks for the food~''

''I'm excited, Sylvia. I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight.'' Tina merrily showers me with kisses everywhere.

Ah, I hope she doesn't hug Liana tonight and then fight in the morning again. Maybe I should hug her tonight? But I don't know if either Emy or Anna would yield though...


Unfortunately, it's happened again.

Somehow, these two girls always end up hugging each other by morning. I mean, they're both gorgeous, so it would be a blessing for the eyes every time I see them like that, but the fighting...

Either way, it's business as usual. 

We decided to go out today to play.

''So, where do you want to go today?'' I asked, taking Tina's hand while we were walking out of the building.

''Do you want to visit sister Maria again?'' Tina replied after pondering for a bit.

''Of course! It's been a while since I've touched an instrument.''

Music! Music always brightens my days.

''That's decided, then.'' Tina giggles.



''Sister, are you there~?'' Tina called out.

''Oh, Christina. It's been a while, isn't it.''

Still the same priest attire, still the same guitar as before. Sister Maria is sitting behind the counter.

There's a certain charm to a priestess who plays a guitar.

''Hi, sister, we're here for a visit again.'' I said, taking the seat before the counter.

''Yes, Sylvia. It has been a month, right? I assume that your relationship is still going strong?'' She replied, looking at Tina, who's already waist-hugging me.

''It's great! Tina is a wonderful lover.''

She's courteous, hardworking, compassionate, and has a yandere side, which I love a lot.

''Fufu, I see. That's great.'' She puts the guitar on the counter. ''So, what do you want to do here?''

I lock eyes with Tina for a second.

''We're here for some music as usual.'' Tina said.

''Oh. Do you want to hear me sing again? Or do you want to sing yourself?''

''If you want to hear more songs in Elvish, I could do it.'' I said.

''Please, then.'' Maria smiles contently.

''I want to hear your singing too, Sylvia.'' Tina puts her hand on my thigh.

I take the guitar, then close my eyes to browse the internet for Japanese songs.

Mghmm... Which one do I choose...

Let's go for a cheerful song.

''Can I borrow the piano instead?'' I asked.


So I walk over to the piano.

''Please listen, 'LADY'.''1



That was a whole karaoke session, Jesus Christ. But sometimes singing like this feels pretty good.

''Your singing was as beautiful as ever, Sylvia.'' Tina turns to me.


''Of course! Your voice is easily one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.''



You get a kiss on the lips for that, miss girlfriend.

''Mhmm... Can we go to the theatre next? I suddenly feel like watching one of those horribly bad plays again.'' I said, hugging her arm tighter.

''Sure thing. We can go whenever you want, my lady.''


''Why did you chase him out, Grand Duke?! I was just teaching him!'' The woman shouted angrily.

''...Tch. Don't go near him again.'' The 'Grand Duke' said coldly. 

''Why?! Are you insinuating that I'm cheating?! This whole marriage is literally a contract!''

''Do as I said.''


Annnnd he just left.

''Seriously, I have to wonder, who wrote these scripts...'' Tina muttered.

''...Maybe this is the hook, you know?''


Nope. I was kidding.

I swear, these fucking cold-ass Grand Dukes of the North or whatever always have at least some kind of communication issues. Oh, together with the female leads, of course.

''Aide.'' The 'Grand Duke' said, sitting in his office. ''Tell me, why do I feel this way about that woman?'' He narrows his eyes.

Brother, he's your aide, not your therapist.

''Your Excellency, I am your aide, not your therapist.''

'''' ... ''''

There we go.

''Hm? Is that the headmaster...?'' Tina muttered in disbelief.

''Huh? No way...''

Scanning the audience seats, I eventually spot a familiar black-white head, currently stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

'''' ... ''''

Well, there's that.

''Tina, let's have sex?''



''Say 'Ah~'.''


Mghmm... This is heaven.

''Is it good?''


''I'm glad.'' She replied, taking a bite of the crepe as well.

Of course, it'll be good. 

This is the store that Emy and I discovered after all.

Maybe I should take the whole family here someday. These are crepes to die for.

Tina was kinda reluctant to have sex in the theatre earlier, but after some simple boob press, she got hard instantly.

''What do you want to go after this?'' Tina asked.

''Let's go back. I have something I've been wanting to do.'' I said, leaning on her shoulder.

''Hm? Sure.'' She raises an eyebrow. ''Here, eat more.''



''Mgm~~ Hah~'' I lazily stretch my arms after stepping into the room.

''Do you want to prepare dinner first? Or just rest?'' Tina asked.

''Ah, let's eat first. I'll make dinner for you.''

''Thanks. But let me help.''



''Phew~'' Tina sighed. ''You really are an ideal wife, Sylvia. I want to marry you right away.''

''Is that so?'' 

I'm flattered. But we need to get engaged first.

''Yes. You are cute, you are sweet, you are caring, you are supportive, and you can even cook. How could I ask for a more fitting wife material?''

''You're making me blush...''

Tina silently walks over to me.


And plants a deep kiss on my lips.

'''' ... ''''

Pulling out of the kiss after a long time, I put my hand on her cheek.

''Tina, would you like to go stargazing with me?''


6:35 P.M

The sun had already set, leaving countless stars floating all over the sky. 

I am now sitting on the rooftop with Tina, hand holding hand. The gentle breeze blows on us.

''I've always wanted to do this with you.'' I said.



We both smile at the same time.

I then pull out the telescope that Tina gave me for my birthday.

''Do you know how to use this?'' I asked.

''Yes, let me teach you.'' She takes my hand and places it onto the telescope. ''You have to set it up first.''


''Adjust the stands like this... Alright. Then Align the finger scope...''

...I never thought that it would be this tedious.

''Done, now you just need to find a target and then zoom in. Ah, you have to adjust the magnification as well.''


Let's look at the moon first.


Wow... I've vaguely seen that the moon here is completely different, but seeing it up close feels weird.

''How is it? You're looking at the moon, right?''

''Hmm... There's a giant crater on its surface, unlike our moon. But otherwise unremarkable, I guess.''

Who the hell punched a hole in there, Saitama?

''Let me take a look.''


''Hmm... The magnification is pretty nice on this one...''

''Let's switch to another target.''

''Sure, hmm... Ah, this one looks kind of weird.''

''Where?! Let me see, let me see!''