

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


''Ngah... Hah... I-I'm sorry...'' Anna said, crying quietly, her head buried in my chest.

''...No worries... My dear.'' I said, hugging her in tightly, our drenched bodies sticking together.

After I discovered that I could make her angry and change her personality, I kinda abused it a little bit. She would become really violent and crude at times, but she would also turn back to be extremely apologetic and shy the other times.

Sometimes I'm on top, sometimes she's on top. This girl is giving me a really novel experience here. Oh, not to mention her NTR fetish propping up every now and then as well.

When I tease her about me having sex with the other three, she gets more excited. But, when I call her a cuck and say that she doesn't satisfy me, she gets angry, and a little excited as well. I'm not sure how that works.

In conclusion, she's a mess. And I love her.

''...How'd you like your first time, Anna?'' I asked softly.

''...It... Was good.'' She said, her voice muffled by my breasts. ''I enjoyed it.''

''Did you like being at the bottom more? Or on top?''

''... Bottom.'' She admitted. ''I don't want to be angry and hurt you...''

''Fufu, I see. I'll try not to provoke you often in the future, then.''


''Ah, do you want to watch us have sex next time? I could do it with you afterward too.''

Hearing that, she immediately twitches her cat ears and tail, her face boiling, heating up my chest.

''...Yes... Please...''

''Fufu, with how incredible their libidos are, I'm sur-


''Sylvia, are you awake?''

'''' ... ''''

Ah, it's Tina.

Anna's even more embarrassed now, look at how tight she's hugging me...

...Wait, I forgot about the raid. Shit, how's that going right now?!


''... It seems like you have recovered, Sylvia.'' Tina said after a sigh, locking the door then walks towards us.

''Thanks. How's the raid going?''


She flops down onto the bed near us, conveniently grabs my chest and plays with my nipple as well. 

''It's over. We caught the impostor.'' She said. ''The details you can inquire later at the estate, the other two said that I could bring you there after you've recovered.''

''I see. Good job to all of you. Thanks.'' I replied. ''But... I don't think it's time for us to go there yet?'' I asked playfully, staring intently at her erected cock under the skirt.

''... Are we doing it now?''

''Yes. And what do you know, you two have perfect synergy.'' I said, taking her skirt and panties off with telekinesis.

Anna almost jumped, her body started to shake.

''What do you mean?''

''You see... Dear Anna here wants to watch us have sex.''

''!!" Tina's eyes widen. ''...Anna?''

''Anna.'' I called out softly. ''Look at me.'' I use my hand to prop her head up, revealing her flushed face with little tears escaping from the corners of her eyes.

''Do you want to see it?'' I asked, grabbing Tina's cock with my other hand.

'''' ... ''''

''...Ngh...Um...'' She nods weakly.

''You heard that, Tina.'' I turn to the cock beside me. ''Please mess me up real good~''

''...I see.'' Tina said, her orange eyes burning with lust. She then bows her head down and whispers to the trembling Anna: ''Thanks for letting me fuck your girlfriend, Anna.''


Anna's tail waves wildly from side to side. I could hear the faint sticky noises down below as well, most likely due to Anna fingering herself.

Jesus Christ, I'm your girlfriend too, Tina. It seems like they're really into this, huh. 

So I raise up and put Anna aside, Tina just in time climbed onto the bed as well.

She then lifts me up and sit me on her lap facing Anna, her cock from behind bruises against my belly, reaching even my navel area.

''Anna.'' I called out. ''Would you do the honor?''

''H-Huh?'' She replied confusedly.

I silently point my finger at the cock, then raise up and spread out my pussy as much as possible, of course, with a hearty smile as well.

Anna shakily comes over, she touches the cock with both of her hands.

Likely due to her inexperience, she keeps grabbing the cock for a while, as if examining a new toy.

Eventually, she pushes the cock towards my wide-opened pussy, making the tip of the cock and my vagina do a kiss.

''Thank you, Anna. You can release it now.'' I said, smiling warmly.


''Mn~!... Ahn~...''

Immediately after her hands left the cock, I slide downward in a familiar motion, eating the hot, rock hard cock whole like I usually do. A faint outline of her giant cock could be seen on my belly.


Anna meanwhile is already fingering herself loudly and massaging her ample breasts at the same time, totally absorbed into the scene before her.

''Tina... Hold me.'' I pleaded.

''Sure thing, my princess.'' Tina replied contently, the she holds me up by the kneepits, my favorite position, and started to hump eagerly, stretching my tunnel over and over again.

''Ngh~.... Ah~... Ah~... Ah~...''

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* 


A brief glance at Tina's face prompted us to kiss, we started to mesh our tongues hungrily, completely ignoring the poor cat before us.

''Ngah... *slurp*....*slurp*...''


''First load, Sylvia!''

''Shoot it all in~!''



Familiar streams of hot liquid are pumped inside me, making me cum instantly, Tina's semen and my juice both escape through my hole below, gushing out despite my hole having a huge cock plugged in.

I turn to Anna, who's looking like she's having the time of her life, arching her back while thrusting her fingers into her pussy repeatedly.

''Ahn~!...'' Anna moaned, cloudy liquid shooting out of her plump pussy violently.

Still with the cock inside me, I crawl towards her.


And gave her a quick kiss.

''Did you like that?'' I asked, caressing her head.

''...Ngah...I-I...Hah... I love you...'' She replied, tears trickling down her cheeks.

...Is she afraid that I don't love her...?

''I love you too. Anna.'' I said, touching my forehead with hers.

Anna smiles lightly.

''Getting all flirty, eh?''


*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* 

But then, Tina got a bit mean. She started to slam her cock in again, this time much stronger than before, brutally invading my womb as she likes.


I hold Anna by her shoulders, then press my lips onto hers tightly, to which she responds by closing her eyes and groping my breasts with her slender hands.


*flap* *flap* *flap* 

''Ah..! So tight...'' Tina commented.


''I'm... glad! I thought... Ah!... mine was too loose...Mn!... due to...Ngha!... Frequent use.'' I let out a shaky chuckle.

*flap* *flap* *flap* 

''Yours are always tight and warm, my love.'' She responded back playfully.


I flash Tina a smile, then use one of my hand to reach down to Anna's pussy, thrusting my fingers in and started to rock them vigorously, causing the cat to bite her lips, twitching around her space.

After a while of just pumping cock and fingering pussy, we started to reach our climaxes.


''MN~! Cumming!''

Tina and I came first, her cum and mine beautifully mixed together, dripping out of my pussy.


Next is Anna's turn, she squirts again, drenching my hands with her juice.

''Phew~'' I let out a sigh. ''So, aroused enough? Or do you still want to watch me get railed?'' I asked the huffing cat before me.

''...Please have sex with me...'' She pleaded.


Pulling out the cock slowly, I turn back to Tina.

''Sorry Tina, could you rest a bit then come back? Ah, of course, if you still want to use my secondhand pussy more that is.''

''It's fine. I'll rest a bit.'' She replied nonchalantly.

''Ah, let me clean it for you.'' I said. ''Anna, could you use the dildo with me yourself while I clean her?''

''Eh?! Ah, okay.''

''Thanks as always, Sylvia.'' Tina smiles at me.

*slurp* *slurp*

So I lay down and started to lick Tina's cock slowly, while my hands below spreading my cum-filled pussy wide, letting the cum mixture pouring out freely.




Anna, unexpectedly, decided to suck on my pussy really hard, taking in the cum mixture into her mouth, then swiftly gulps it down.

''...Mhm... A little weird... But still somewhat sweet...'' She commented.

''...Wow. I couldn't even stand the smell of semen...'' Tina muttered.



Anna inserts the dildo into her own pussy, then briskly lifts my lower body up and thrusts the other end of the dildo in quite crudely.


''Mnn~...*slurp*...'' I tried to moan, but my mouth is blocked by the cock right now.

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

She started to move up and down, pistoning the dildo furiously, taking in the entire length of the dildo comfortably unlike before.

''Nyah~... This... Freshly used pussy...!" She muttered.

*flap* *flap* *flap*

...Imagine if she has a cock even bigger than these three... She would've cum inside me enough to make me look pregnant by now... Wait, can't we just choose how big the cock would be...?!

*flap* *flap* *flap*

''I'm cumming..!'' Anna moaned.

Following that, streams of juice drip out of her pussy, trickling onto mine right below, making our wet body even wetter.

''Phew~'' I let out a sigh after I finished cleaning the cock. ''You still didn't make me cum, what a weak loser~'' I said, smugging as hard as I can.


Immediately, Anna glares at me, her hands wrapping around my thighs tighten, her fingers grabbing near my pussy dig down onto my tender flesh.

''W-What?!'' Tina exclaimed.

''This is her angry mode.'' I explained. ''Think of her now as Liana. Just. More finicky.'' 

''...Shut your trap and suck that dick!'' Anna said with a disgusted face.

''Right, right, I'm sorry~''


I deliciously eat the cock before my face.

''Hah, what a nice little whore.''

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*...

''Hmm~ Hmm... So, how was that whole session, Anna?'' 

''U-Um... It was... exciting.'' She replied, putting on her bra.

Fortunately, that little fetish test only lasted for about 45 minutes. I'd feel really sorry if I make Liana and Emy wait for too long.

''It was refreshing for me as well.'' Tina said, flashing a satisfied smile on her gorgeous face. ''The other two wouldn't go along much with my... Plays. Thank you, Anna.''

''...It was nothing.''

''Fufu, at least look at her face and talk.''

''It's embarrassing...''

You were so eager to hold me up for Tina to fuck earlier...

''Either way, let's go there immediately.'' I said.

''Ah, we have a car waiting below.'' 

''Alright then.''


After a short ride on the car, we arrived at the estate where I could see a crowd of people standing at the gate, whispering to each other. Oh, there's also two elves standing guard as well.

''...Is it really true that the Marquis is a demon...?''

''No way, he's a decent noble for once, why would you believe the elves...?''

''But why would they even lie? They aren't stupid enough to attack a big noble like this for no reason.''

''...You're right. Maybe there's something deeper happening here.''

''I told you! Our country will soon be in chaos!''

''I see. By the way, are you free for a dinner tonight?''

''No, I have a date with my girlfriend later.''

'''' ... ''''

Poor guy.

Either way, getting through this crowd is a lot of work to do, so.

''Let's jump over the fence.'' I said, opening the car door.

''Sure, let me hold you.'' Tina replied.

Princess carry time~ 

But do you really have to grab my boobs instead of my waist...?


Tina carrying me and Anna landed in the front yard, but instead of putting me down, Tina just keeps walking like normal.

''You're going to walk like that...?'' The cat asked.

'''' Yes. ''''

I don't see a reason not to.




Anna opened the main door carefully.

Instead of the normal party hall we saw before, here it's a mess, basically.

Almost all of the windows are broken, glass pieces and... mannequin pieces? Scattered all over the floor. The once immaculate white walls and ceiling now filled with unsightly scratches, the only thing intact in this room is the big fancy chandelier in the middle of the room.

So fancy in fact, that there's two whole humans hanging upside down on there as decorations as well.


Hmm, there's about 20 or so elves here, all of them are our secret bodyguards I suppose. And then there's Liana and Amy sitting cross-legged at the middle, watching over a tattered 'Marquis Vivian'.

''Your Highness! Are you alright?!''

Oh, there's Justia.

''I'm good now.'' I said, letting myself down to the ground and started to walk to the impostor.

''Did any of you get hurt?'' 

''Fortunately no, Your Highness. The two ladies here and Her Highness Christina took care of everything perfectly.''

''That's good.''

''Oh, you're here.'' Liana notices us. ''How many times did you get creampied?'' She asked, flashing a mocking grin.

'''' !! ''''

Both Anna and Justia widen their eyes at the same time, even their blushing is synchronized. Tina meanwhile is just smiling awkwardly, locking her eyes with Emy who's staring at us since earlier.

''Uh, four?'' I answered truthfully.

''Mhmp! Mhmp~~!''

Let's ignore that one on the chandelier.

''Good, I'll do six tonight.''

Fuck me. Literally.

''H-How did you even realize...?'' Anna inquired shyly.

''I know by just looking at her.'' Liana declared. ''But forget that. Take a look at this one.''


On the ground is 'Marquis Vivian' tied with mana chains, he's kneeling silently, not even a slight movement can be detected. On his body are numerous wounds, likely from the battle with my girlfriends. Those wounds look so real that one wouldn't suspect that he's a fake at all. 

Ugh... Look at those broken nails..

''Ugh...'' Anna grumbled, glaring uncomfortably at the 'Marquis'

''Did you guys try interrogating him?'' I asked.

''Yes, and he didn't budge. We was waiting for you to make the decision on his treatment.'' Liana said frustratingly.


''Hey man.'' I called out, squatting down. ''You know you're going to die anyway, why bother hiding anything?''


''By the way, how does it feel to be a doppelganger? How does the whole personality stuff works anyway?''


''You guys sure are being sneaky, huh. Infiltrating so deep into the human territory like this.''


''Hmm... You're not talking...Do I have to blow your head up like a watermelon? Just like what I did with your fellow doppelgangers.''

Immediately, I could see his eyebrows twitch. Yep, kinship stuff does work with demons as well.

'''...Hah, I just want to hide it, so what?!'' He responded furiously, not a shred of his previously polite image left.

''I see, so you do have something to hide after all.'' I snickered. ''You'll be brutally tortured until you spit it all out, alright~?''

'''' ... ''''

This goofball, what are you surprising for? Did he really not expect us to go to through that much effort? Or was he confident that we would kill him immediately?

''Done. No need to linger around this guy for longer.'' I said, standing up. ''We'd better catch up with the academy's side now.''

''...You're really efficient, as always.'' Tina commented.

''That's my girlfriend.'' Emy does a double thumbs up.

I just shrug.

''...You guys are making a very big mistake right now.'' The 'Marquis' suddenly said.

''Nah, I don't think so, fam.'' I replied.

''...Tch, this is my final warning for you. 'She' will definitely conquer this land, and this whole world for that matter. So if you're smart, you'd better submit to us, then maybe 'she' will let you be her servant.''



Nut kick it is then.

''What bullshit are you spitting right now? You didn't warn us at all about your grand 8th grade world invasion plan, and you expect us to submit to a random girl for no reason?''

''...Hgn...I...I've warned you. The goddess has abandoned you all, there's no new Saint appearing! Our time will come at last!''

Ahhh I see. They're getting bolder because they think that there's no more Saint getting in their way.

Hmm... Should we... Use this one?

I mean, we could probably get them to be more reckless by keep pretending like this. But then again, there's the problem of morale as well... Wars like this usually need a leading figure. If I don't come out, somebody will create a fake Saint just to keep everyone calm anyway.

''I see. This is mildly inconvenience.'' I shrugged, causing him to pause. ''I'm assuming that the big friend you guys called before this is the catalyst to ignite some chaos?''


''Ah, unfortunately he died though. Poor guy.'' I giggled.


Shit, this guy is real tough. We only know so far that there's someone behind him, which is plainly obvious. And, that they're smugging because they thought there were no Saint.

Either way, we need to accelerate our pace even more I suppose.

''Justia.'' I called out.

''Yes! Your Highness.''

''Have someone bring this guy to the torture chamber.''


''And.'' I turn to her. ''Write a letter to my father. Say that it's time for some father-daughter actions.'' I grin meaningfully.

''...Understood. I will make sure to deliver it. Then, please exc-


The door flung open with a loud noise.

''Where is the demon?!'' A man barges in with a bunch of soldiers.

What the hell.

''This is Count Herbert! I demand you all to hand me the demon!'' He shouted.

''Ah.'' Tina muttered. ''I remember his house is a vassal of House Vivian.''

So he's here to capture the fake Marquis and then try to take over, right? This is too cliché already.

Can I slap him real quick? I can, right?

The man briskly walks to us with his soldiers while looking around intently, then he stops before us.

''I see. These are no doubt signs of those despicable doppelgangers.'' He said, looking at the 'Marquis'. ''Good job, elf girls. I will be taking him with us.''

''Nope.'' I replied.

''...What?'' He narrows his eyes.

''I said no. You are not taking him anywhere.''

''Are you serious right now? He was impersonating a high noble of the empire, on what ground do you elves dare to interven-

''Fight me then.'' I interrupted him with a dead face.

''...I'm saying this right no-


I slapped him in the face.

''What do you thi-


''You bit-



''I'm sorry.'' The Count said, kneeling on the ground, his red face puffed up like a puffer fish.

''Fucking idiot.'' Liana cursed.

''I have to agree.'' Tina added.

The man twitches wildly, diverting his gaze to the side. Apparently this goober didn't notice his one and only princess at all, now even his soldiers are awkwardly kneeling with him, probably not knowing what to do.

''Hey, you.'' I called out.

''Y-Yes, ma'am!''

''Did you do anything to the two guards outside?''

''I didn't! They just let us through...''

''Good, I don't have to kill you now.''


Joking. Why so tense?


This incident, coupled with the previous zombie one, are obviously very alarming no matter how you look at them.

They showed the people just how close the demons were to them, and just how close they were to being killed by their enemies.

They should all know about the zombie incident by tomorrow, because we invited all the journalists available to the scene right after I fainted and told them the whole story, excluding the gun part of course.

This will definitely work in our favor, not only can we get some recognition for defeating the monster preemptively, but the emperor would for sure have to stop his invasion plan now. He would 100% be slapped right in the face if he's still trying to push further. People won't stay still like that.

''I owe you my life, Your Highness. If it's wasn't for you, I would've ended up hurting my own students.''

''No need to bow like that, head professor.'' I replied. ''I just did what I was supposed to.''

''...You're too kind... Just, like a Saint.''

I was saying the truth though. And I am indeed a Saint.

''You're exaggerating.'' I said, taking another sip from my tea cup. Ice tea, of course. ''Rather than that, what would happen to the trip now?''

''...We will be taking another day to properly heal the students, then we will come back to the academy. I believe that's the right course of action.''

''I see. That's reasonable.''

''By the way, what magic did you use to defeat that one...?''

''My, curious?''

I mean, the whole room has their eyes on me right now. The professors are surrounding me...

''Admittedly, yes. That one was at least on the level of a 3 star Master. Even with the help of Her Highness Christina and the prospect grand priestess, I don't think it was so easy to beat.''

''...Unfortunately, how I beat it is a secret. For now.''

Immediately, I could see them frowning, some of them even look really depressed.

Hey now, if I tell you that it wasn't magic, then you would be disappointed, no?



''You really do like this position, don't you?''

''Mn.'' Anna nods lightly, nuzzling her face into my breasts.

I'm having a light tea party after dinner. With my girlfriends, of course. And, Anna has become quite daring, she of all people dared to request me to have her sit on my lap. 

''But she's quite a weird one too, huh.'' Liana injected, sipping her cola. ''Getting excited when your lover gets fucked by other people...''


''Cmon, don't scare her like that. Can't you see she's embarrassed right now?'' I said, caressing the poor cuc- cat's head.

''I didn't mean it.'' Liana added. ''Actually, we all have our own fetishes, alright?''

''That's true.'' Tina replied. ''But I've always been curious, what is your fetish, Emilia?''

Emy slowly blinks once, then proceeds to take a bite of the egg tart and swallows it.

''I want Sylvia's children, a lot of them.'' She said.

''...That... Makes sense, I guess? Is that even a fetish?'' Tina raises her eyebrow.

''It is, Tina.'' I replied, hugging Anna by her waist. ''It's the thought of impregnating or being impregnated that gets one excited.''

''Hmm~... So her fetish is technically not possible to fulfill then, for now, at least.''

''...Actually.'' I said, lowering my face close to Anna's cat ears. ''I'm sure I've been impregnated at least 5 times on my first intercourse. These two didn't bother to use contraception after all. I only made the request to the goddess after that night.''

Rightfully, Anna's whole body shivers, she hugs me even more tightly, refusing to show her heated face to me, or anyone for that matter.

''That was the best.'' Emy commented, showing a rare smile.

''...I see how that works now.'' Tina said, her face a little ambiguous.

''Have you decide whose child you would bear first?'' Liana asked.

''We could go with the bukkake route.'' I suggested.

''What's bukkake?'' Tina inquired innocently.

''Probably faster to show you guys.'' I said, projecting a futa hentai that has a bukkake scene onto the table. This time even Anna turns back to take a look.

'''' ... '''' 

''That. You guys just need to shoot it all inside me. Whosever made it first into my eggs will be the baby.''


Anna rightfully gulped, her face clearly agitated. And she's slightly wet below as well. Welp.

''That's risky.'' Tina commented with a serious face.

''I don't think this is fair either.'' Liana added.

''She should bear my baby first.'' Emy suddenly declared.

That led to some suspicious glances being directed at her. Of course, our cute little cuck is not participating at all, she's busy daydreaming lewd things in my embrace right now I'd imagine.

''...The other route, is by order.'' I said. ''And if we do so, I would actually bear Emy's child first.'' 

''...Because she took your virginity, right?'' Tina asked, slightly frowning.

''Yes.'' I shrugged.

'''' ... ''''

''Let's just leave this one for later.'' I said with a sigh. This is getting nowhere.

I prefer the bukkake one though. Heheheh...

''Right, how about your fetish, Raeliana?'' Tina asked.

''BDSM.'' She said nonchalantly. ''I want to try bondage stuff as well. Like the ones Sylvie showed be the other day.''

''Doesn't that... hurt?''

''That's the point, Tina. And I also want to try bondage as well.'' 

That sounds fun.

''Oh, we could try it tonight?'' Liana grins. ''Or do you still want to rest?''

''...Sorry. I need to sleep more tonight.'' I said. ''I need to fully recover. And we will need to visit the tomb tomorrow as well, we don't have much spare time.''

''Fine.'' She shrugged.

''I could help everyone release a quick load, though. I have enough energy to do that.'' I lower my face close to Anna's ears again. ''Of course, sweet Anna is only going to watch, alright?''


Welp, she's really wet this time.


I stuck to my promise yesterday.

I'm a professional whore now, so I only needed around 7 minutes for each of them, three loads into my belly, easy. Another brief fingering session with Anna later concluded our night, she came 3 times during the whole night, by the way.

''Phew~'' I let out a small sigh after gulping down the ice peach tea.


Emy puts the tray onto the table, I could see various breads of all kinds laying on them.

''Thanks, Emy. I love you.''

''Me too.''


After a brief kiss, she lifts me up and sits me on her lap.

Now that I think about it, she has not been able to stick with me as much as before. Though she still is the one who clung to me the most during sleep.

I relax my body, letting her familiar scent, similar to that of pine wood's, and her warm body envelope me completely. Emy hugs me by the waist with one hand, her other hand grabbing a piece of bread and bringing it to me.

I take a bite of the soft bread, enjoying the sweet taste and creamy texture. Emy then takes a bite herself, resting her head onto my shoulder.

I wonder when will the other three wake up...

''Nyahh~'' The cat stretches out lazily, her cute pajama in disarray. ''Good morning~''

''Good morning, Anna.'' I replied.

''Prrrr...'' She purrs, sitting on the seat beside us.

Seeing her normal like this is weird now. I had to say 'I love you' almost ten times to her yesterday alone, which was very sweet, because her smile every time I told her that was absolutely beautiful.

''What about the other two?'' I asked.

''Sleeping. They're hugging each other right now.'' She replied, pouring herself some water.

...Is that alright? Those two are like me and cockroaches, they can't get along at all.

Oh well, it's a chance to get closer to each other, I suppose.



Still sitting on Emy's lap, I open the newspaper that just got delivered to us.

''...As expected. We're quite famous now.'' I said.

''Wow...'' Anna tilts her head to look at the newspaper with me, her eyes glued to the part about who defeated the giant monster.

...Tch, they did such a garbage job of taking my picture.

I mean, I could somewhat understand that the cameras here are not exactly good, but what the hell is that picture?

I hope dad brings the actual good camera that I requested when he visits the capital... That one should come with video feature as well. We could film porn with this, heheheheh...

''Tch, I should've come with Sylvie.'' A certain cutting board clicked her tongue, glaring at the redhead beside her.

''Hah, you didn't get choose. Deal with it.'' Tina replied smugly.

Immediately, Liana's questioning gaze turns to me.

''I was just choosing randomly at that time.'' I shrugged.

Really, I didn't have much braincells back then.

''...Still guilty. Be prepared.'' She declared regardless.

Yes. I'm extremely guilty here, by all means, go ahead.

''Anyway, this should put the crown prince's faction in an even more precarious position now.'' Tina said. ''We should be able to take him down soon.''

''Yeah. I can officially announce my position after the invasion plan is discarded as well.''

Hearing that, Anna, who's been silently reading the article, turns to me with a big smile.

''You'll finally be recognized as a Saint...!''

''And you'll be the Saint's cute lover.'' I said, stroking her head, to which she happily nuzzles against my palm.

Either way, we need to get to the tomb now. I've been curious about this for so long already.


Because I've fully recovered after a nice long sleep and three nutritious cumshots already, we're now boarding the Sylvia airline again.

This time, we finally remembered that we weren't cavewomans, so we took a map from the hotel.

And a 10 minutes flight later, we arrived at the tomb.

Judging from outer appearance alone, this tomb looks 90% like a temple. The color is primarily white, the structure resembles one of those mythology temples that I think I saw somewhere.

The only weird thing here, is the giant gamepad logo stuck on top of it.

...I mean, I respect his dedication, I guess.

''Hmm, there's quite a lot of people here...''

''Indeed. I wonder what's inside. Let's go right away.''

Mhm... We have attracted quite a lot of attention though, I guess landing right here from the sky wasn't the best idea. Our appearances don't exactly help either. But I digress.

Stepping into the tomb, we could see a lot of displays all over the relatively large hall, almost like a museum.

The interior was probably made using marble, creating a sophisticated atmosphere inside. Most of the displays have glass covers as well, coupled with white mana lamps for visibility.

It sure does look like a modern museum. I've never been to one though.

At the end of the hall is a white coffin with a big play button stuck on it, guarded by two very serious looking soldiers.

''Let's go explore first.'' I suggested.


That was boring.


It's all just the dude's achievements and video game references. Probably because this guy died at around the 2000s on Earth, it's all old games too.

Don't get me wrong, I do like old school video games, but I'm not a boomer, so I'm not exactly enthusiastic about them either. I just prefer recent games more. 

''...What are we even doing here?'' Liana asked with a dead face.

''...Stephen said that there's something here, so...'' I replied.

''You do realize that this time could be used better, right?'' She said, grabbing my butt.

Ehh... Put more faith in him, will you...?

''Let me ask the guards over there.'' Tina said resignedly.

After a bit of watching Tina surprising the guards with her identity and nearly getting fingered in public by Liana, Tina finally came back.

''They said that we could do a test.'' She reported.

''What test?'' Anna tilts her head.

''The 'Earther' test, they said.''

''Ah, I see now.'' I said. ''That test is probably for Saints like me. Let's just go.''


''Q-Question three, what was the most important event in the year 1990 for space exploration?'' The guard asked, his face a little bit flustered.

''The launching of the Hubble telescope.'' I replied.

''...Question four, what was the most impactful geopolitical event that happened in the first half of the 1990s?'' 

''Probably the collapse of the USSR.''

''...Final question.'' The guard's face turns serious. ''Who won the election in 2016?''

...Hm? How did that one get here...?

''Donald Trump.''

'''' ... ''''

I mean, these are just common history knowledge, though I still have the internet, so I could answer whatever they ask anyway.

''...Welcome, esteemed Saint.'' He bows respectfully.

''Good job guarding here.'' I replied. ''Do you guys shuffle the questions?''

''Yes, we do, Your Holiness. Saint Vivian prepared for us around 50 questions, then Saint Lucas came along and gave us some 30 more as well.''

I see, explains why there was a 2016 question earlier.

''Well, as per tradition, I suppose. I'll give you guys some more questions later.''

''Thank you very much, Your Holiness.''

''So, do we get anything here?'' 

It won't be some candies, right? I'll literary pull his ass out of the coffin over there if he dares to do that to me.

''For esteemed Saints such as yourself, Saint Vivian invited you to visit his private guest room. Please go this way.'' He said, walking behind the coffin.

Hmm. I see, there's a barrier here as well, and it's quite strong, actually.

Following him to a hidden door in the wall, he eventually stopped and turned to us.

''From this point onward, only the Saint and her party are allowed to enter.'' He declared.

''They're all my party members.''

''Understood. Please have a good time.''


''It's really different here, huh...'' Tina ponders.

Here it's still marble, but grayish black instead of white, and the mana lamps are much dimmer as well. A total of three doors on three sides-

Hm? What just hit me...?

...Ah, just Anna's tail. Look at how excited she is...

''So, which room do we enter first?'' Liana asked.

''We'll go in all of them eventually anyway, just choose a random one.'' I replied.

''That one, then.'' She immediately points to the one on the right, where I could see on the door...

...Is that the BDSM symbol...?

What in the hell...

''... It says 'BDSM room'.'' Tina said confusedly, looking at the small name plate on the black door.

'''' ... ''''

Turning to the side, I could see light has already disappeared in the poor cat's eyes. She stands there still, staring at the door with a blank face.

Please don't lose hope, Anna. You still have me.

Oh wait, I'm a pervert as well. Good luck, Anna.

Liana is literally sparking though, and the way she's looking at me right now... Tonight is a BDSM night, it seems.


Opening the black door, a rather... unique scene greets us. Which, you know, is expected, but I didn't think that it was this unique either.

''Ohhhh~'' Liana immediately runs around, looking at the things on the stands excitedly, her twintails bouncing with every skip she does.

Here you can see every toys imaginable. Dildos, cock-sleeves, leashes and collars of all kinds, chains, whips, ropes, gags, and myriads of things I don't recognize as well.

''...There's a note here.'' I said, looking at a metal card stuck on the wall nearby. ''Let's see... 'You are free to take anything you want, but, not all of them, and, if you leak any information about this room, just know that I will let the public know that you as a person with humiliation fetish. You know I can do that.'... It said.''

That is scary. Regardless of whether I have that fetish or not, which I think I might have just a bit, being branded as such would immediately destroy my reputation.

''...Let's just look around.'' Tina suggested.

So we split out right after that. I decided to approach Liana, the BDSM enthusiast herself first.

''Come here, let me try this~'' She called after noticing that I'm getting closer to her.



She whips out a rather... Fancy? Looking metal collar, and immediately locks it around my neck. Oh, and did I mention that she's holding the chain connected to the collar as well?

''This looks good on you~!'' She exclaimed. ''Let's go try out different things next.''

*rattle* *rattle*

She drags me along with the chain on her hand, acting very casually.

...This one is quite comfortable, actually, and it does look pretty nice for a collar...

''Here, take some of these.'' Liana turns to the stand beside us.

''...Gags and ropes, huh. Fine.'' I said, tossing some of them inside my space bag.

''These as well.'' She points to the cuff section.

''What, are you going to lock me in a dungeon or something?'' I said jokingly, tossing 4 cuffs inside my bag as well.

''How did you know what I was thinking?'' She raises her eyebrow. ''I plan to build a full BDSM room down in a dungeon, then get you down there every now and then.'' She explained, smiling contently.

...Absolutely unhinged. 

And I love it.

''...Go for it.''

''I knew you would say that.'' She replied.


And kisses me on the lips.


I silently accept her move while putting my hands around her waist as well.

''This is not the place for that, you know?'' A voice interrupted us.

''You always have the worst timing, Christina.'' Liana said annoyedly, pulling out of our kiss.


Hm? Is she looking at my collar?

''This one is actually quite comfortable?'' I explained, tilting my head.

''...I see. If you like it, I suppose.''

''Hey, want to try it?'' Liana said mockingly, handing out the chain to Tina.


''Give me.'' She replied, snatching the chain.



She then pulls me into a hug, pressing her lips against mine.

''I thought you just said that this is not the place?'' Liana on the side commented.

'''' ... ''''

''...Enough already, we still have more to explore.'' I could see her frown slightly.

'''' ... ''''

Eh... Don't fight here, please.


''Do we need whips?'' I said, looking at the various whips on the stand.

''No, I prefer hitting you with my hands.''

That sounded so wrong.

''Do you really enjoy that...?'' Tina quietly asked.

''Mildly, yes. Even I won't get excited getting tortured or anything.'' I replied. ''And, you have experienced it before, no? Every time Liana beats me, I get more tight. Isn't that good?''

''...I won't deny that.''

See? Spanking is good. Everyone should try spanking.



What is Liana looking at...

''Oh.'' I exclaimed.

''Look! It's piercings!'' She jumps excitedly.

''Eh... Nipple piercings, c-clit piercings,... Vagina piercings as well...''

...Don't read it if you're that embarrassed. It's kinda ruining the image of a noble princess. I'm not complaining though.

''Take one of each design.'' Liana said, pointing at the nipple piercings section.

''Sure, sure.''

Are these... Mana imbued? What the hell.

While I was permanently borrowing the piercings, it looked like Tina has found a small note nearby.

''Here it says 'Smart piercings. You can play with these safely and conveniently!'...''

''...Let me try.'' I said, taking a normal ring-shaped one out of the bunch.

I then swiftly pull my shirt and bra down using telekinesis, and hover the piercing before my nipple.

The ring immediately reacted to that, it glows dimly before fixing itself onto my nipple, dangling along freely with my bouncy bits.

Mhn... This is quite cold. I guess it would take a while to get used to-


Before I could test anything else, Liana has already lifted my boobs up with one hand, pulling the ring with the other hand, stretching my soft flesh far longer than that it normally is.

''Excellent.'' Liana commented, letting the ring go. ''How did that feel?''

''Quite good, it felt different from normal pinching.''

''We'll have to try it tonight. You too Christina, you have to wear it too.''


Let's ignore that.

Though, it felt like the ring was actually pierced through nipple when she pulled earlier, really cool. I might like this a lot.

On a side note, I have many questions for dude Vivian now, seeing that he used this alien level tech to make sex toys...

Either way, I think I should take some more dildos here. I want to plug my lovers' lower holes as well. And of course, for sweet Anna, too.

When I asked why they wouldn't plug each other, they said that it was actually because their cocks were too big. It would be too stuffy and uncomfortable, they said.

And apparently none of them were exactly enthusiastic about doing it with people other than me. I mean, I appreciate that, I suppose.

But now I need to choose the ones with normal sizes. Not giant like theirs.

Also can't forget the cock-sleeves. Although they're much inferior to my natural one I'm sure, they still could be used for experimenting stuff.

''Ah, Sylvie. Keep that piercing on.''



''Does this one look alright?'' I asked, bringing the pink dildo forward.

We're having a very serious business meeting right now. All of us. You can argue that Anna doesn't need to be here, but I don't want to stray her.

''Hm... Still too big?'' Tina replied.

''Mm.'' Emy nods.

Hmm, this one is about 20cm, and the size... two third of their size?

''This one?'' I bring a 17cm one this time.

''That might fit.'' Liana said, measuring her lower belly with one hand.

''Alright then, let's just take a bunch of these, and maybe some smaller sizes as well.''

I'll keep the bigger ones for myself and Anna. 

''I think that's all.'' Liana scans around a last time. ''Let's move on, I want to get home fast.''

You just want to try these, huh. But I agree.

''Alright, let's go.'' Tina said, walking towards the door.

''Eh?'' Anna exclaimed.

Just... Tina, remove the collar first, will you?