

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs



Everyone looked to be on edge as I walked over to the phone and took it out of Carlisle's hand.

I slowly put it up to my ear and calmly said "hello?"

What I heard next made my blood run cold.

"Hello. This is Sophie I presume."


Frozen. That's how my body felt. Frozen and numb. I couldn't believe that this was happening. After what felt like hours, I finally was able to find my voice.

"Uh. Yes this is Sophie." I knew who it was and looked at my family as I said my next words. "Hello Aro."

How? How were they able to find out about me? I knew it was only a matter of time, but I didn't want it to happen anytime soon.

"Ah. So you do know about me." His voice held amusement to it. I knew he was having fun with this. The Cullen's housing a human who knew about the vampire world. I can only guess that Caius wants me and my family dead.

"Yes, I do."

"Then you know about how we must keep our existence a secret. Yet, the Cullen's have taken you in and told you that secret."

"Yes sir. They did."

His bell like laughter could be heard through the phone. Yet I knew it held a sinister aspect to it. "My dear, no need for formalities. I was very intrigued to hear about you. I couldn't help but wonder what makes you so special?" That threw me off. I didn't know what made me so special either.

"I can't give you an answer to that. I don't know why they adopted me either. I always ask myself that. Yet, they are my family and I love them as they love me."

His laughter came back. "Oh Sophie, I do not doubt that they love you. Yet Caius is wanting you and your family killed with this dilemma." My head flew up and met the eyes of my family. I knew it. Caius is just as heartless and cruel as I had thought. The thought of my family dying terrified me, which resulted in my hands starting to shake. No they couldn't die! Rose flew over to me and sat me down at a chair.

"Please. No, don't hurt them. I wouldn't tell anyone. Do what you must but please don't hurt them."

"You would die for them wouldn't you Sophie." That wasn't a question. It was a statement. He knew that I would die for them. I could only confirm his belief.

"Yes. I would die for them."

"I believe that you wouldn't tell a soul, but I still need confirmation. I have missed my dear friend Carlisle. It's been centuries since we have seen each other. I think me and couple of friends will visit him and your family in the next upcoming weeks. Do you think that is fair?"

"Yes, it is."

"Splendid. I can't wait to meet you face to face Sophie." Thats when the phone went dead. I couldn't seem to put the phone down. I just held it up to my ear and stared at nothing. Edward was in front of me and slowly took the phone out of my hand.

"Sophie? Sophie, are you ok?"

I look up at Carlisle to see a worried look on his face. "How?"

"I don't know. Probably a passing nomad saw you and word of it traveled around. Everything will be ok Sophie. No one is going to hurt you."

Carlisle looked at Alice. "How long?"

She looked at me then at Carlisle. "Two weeks." I leaned on Rosalie and she held on to me. I didn't cry, I just hugged her. I needed comfort from her, from anyone. I needed to be reassured that everything would be ok.


Two weeks have gone by and we are all waiting for Aro's arrival. We are all sitting in the living room watching the door. No one is saying a word. Rose is rubbing my arm to help calm me down and Edward is holding my other hand. I just hope this all goes ok. I could bear it if they were killed because of me.

The doorbell rang and I instantly started to panic. On no. Their here. Calmness then engulfed my body. I looked over at Jasper and smiled. "Thank you." He smiled and nodded back.

Carlisle looked at us before he got up and walked over to the door. I looked at everyone and was just hoping everything would turn out ok. I turned my head to see them make their way over to us. There were only three that had come. There was Aro and who I assumed to be Demetri and Felix. I've come to terms that none of them looked like the actors in the movies, rather they resembled how they are described in the books.

So out of the three leaders, only Aro decided to come. I was surprised that Jane or Alec didn't come. I expected more of the Volyuri to come since a human is with a coven of vampires. I guess Aro knew there would be no fight. I just hope nothing goes wrong.

"Carlisle, what a pleasure to see you again. It's been such a long time." Ok he is creepier than I could have imagined. He held Carlisle's hand for a couple of moments before letting it go. So he knows everything now. He knows about Edward, Alice, and Jasper having abilities. That's not a good sign.

"Aro. It's good to see you. However, I wish it was under different circumstances."

"Ah yes. That I can agree on." Aro finally turned to us and locked eyes with mine. Well, I can say they are indeed red. Man these people give me the creeps.

"You must be Sophie." He had a smile that appeared on his face. He very well knew I was Sophie. I was the only person in the room that still had a beating heart for goodness sake.

I stood up and walked over to him. "Yes, I am." I looked at Demetri and Felix to see them watching me. Well, more like scrutinizing me.

"How old are you my dear?"

"10. I was six when they adopted me." He nodded his head.

"Have they told you about certain vampires having abilities?"

"Yes. They did." He smiled and held his hand out to me.

"May I?" It wasn't a request. More like an order. In all my dreams I never thought Aro would be this scary.

I knew I didn't have a choice so I placed my hand in his.

After a couple of seconds, his head flew up to mine. "I see nothing." He looked shocked, as did Demetri and Felix. "In all my years, I have never seen anything like this in a human."

He turned to Edward. "You can't read her thoughts either can you?"

Edward looked at me and sighed. He shook his head. "No I can't." He got up and walked over to us and placed his hand in Aro's. Aro's eyes immediately brightened.

"Amazing. You can't hear her thoughts." I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at Rosalie slowly pulling me away from Aro so I was by her side.

I looked up at her grateful. This didn't go unnoticed by Aro, Demetri, and Felix but they didn't say anything. Demetri and Felix kept staring me down. Like I was a meal. Well you are human and they do drink from humans.

"You all have nothing to worry about. We will not harm Sophie. However, you do know the law." I looked at Aro.

"Please don't hurt them. Yes I know about vampires, but I wouldn't tell anyone. I just beg of you not to hurt them." Aro just smiled when I said that.

"Do not worry. No harm will come to the Cullen's. However, you can't stay human forever. I see great promise in you my dear. Since you are so young, we can't turn you into a vampire yet. But when you are older, I do expect that to change. You would make an intriguing immortal." Rose's arm around me tightened. I knew she was against me becoming a vampire, so I knew she was unhappy with this statement.

Carlisle nodded. "Yes, of course." I looked at Demetri and Felix. This whole time they have been quiet, but they were taking in the situation. Demetri smirked at me when he saw me looking at him.

"Shame you aren't older." Edward and Rose both growled at his words. Aro put his hand up as if to calm everyone.

"Now now. Everyone needs to calm down. Now is not the time for arguments. Well, this has been a short visit but we must be going now. I never like being gone for too long." I just nodded. Yes, get your butt back to Volterra and stay there. Leave me and my family alone.

"Sophie, I look forward to seeing you again in the future. Hopefully as an immortal."

I looked at him and nodded. "Yes, until next time." After that, all three of them were gone. I finally sat back down on the couch. "Oh god."

Rose had stayed by me the whole time. "It's ok. Everything will be alright." I sharply looked up at her.

"How Rose? How is it going to be ok? He just practically threatened us."

She sighed. "I know. We will deal with it later. It's been a long and stressful day. Why don't you go up to bed?" Usually I would argue with her saying its too early but I didn't this time. I was tired and just wanted to put this whole day behind me. The only thing I could think of was hoping everything would be ok in the future. Though, I was extremely worried. Everything would get more complicated when Bella enters into our lives.

Time is some what irrelevant these days. Years keep going by faster and faster, they almost go by in a blur. It's been five years since we last saw the Volturi. Rose was on edge for a while, but things seemed to have calmed down. There was always that worry though about when Aro would show up again. But, we all decided we would deal with it when the time came.

A year after Aro left, we relocated to Denali. Everyone said that they wanted a change. In other words, we need more protection for Sophie. So we ended up living with Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen, and Eleazar. I didn't mind coming here though. I loved being so close to Kate, Tanya, and Irina. They were my adopted cousins I guess.

When I was seven, Tanya and Kate would both throw me into the snow. They would laugh because I would always want them to throw me back into the snow. I had great memories here from when I was younger. I miss that age. Things were so simple back then. Nothing to worry about, or wonder if danger would come up soon.

I was interrupted from my thoughts all too soon.

"Sophie! Come on!" I smiled at the room around me. I spent four years here and didn't want to leave it. Today was the day that we were leaving to move to Forks. It's finally happening. The stories will start to happen in two years. Two more years until Bella will come into our lives. I was happy that the time waiting kept decreasing. I always wanted Edward to be happy. He deserved happiness.

Emmett came bounding into my room with a grin on his face. "Come on short stack. Time to go." I just glared at him.

"You do know that I am taller than I was nine years ago."

"Yup but you always will be my little short stack." I just snorted.

"Come on. Help me with these. They are heavy." I gave him my two biggest suitcases. Alice always made sure that I had plenty of clothes. Although one of them had books in it also. Edward and Carlisle got me into reading when I was younger.

Emmett lifted both of the suitcases up and pretended to fall over. "These things are heavy! What did you put in them, rocks?"

"Yes, Emmett. I put two tons of rocks in them. Stop being a baby and help me."

He just grinned at me. "Man, Rose has rubbed off on you." I just smiled at that. Rose always was the over protective type.

"Come on, lets go." I turned and picked up my smaller suitcases. I looked one last time at this room. I enjoyed being here, but I was ready for a change.

"Come on Soph!" Emmett could be heard yelling from outside. Well, he seems to be in a hurry.

"You might want to hurry. Emmett seems impatient." I turned and smiled.

"Carmen!" I had quickly engulfed her into a hug. Carmen and Eleazar happened to be close to me too. They were another set of parents that I had gained.

She broke out of my hug and held me at arms length. "I sure am going to miss you."

"Yes, you shouting at the tv with Emmett will never get old. It'll be quiet now." I turned and saw Eleazar. I smiled and gave him a hug as well.

"I'm glad you guys are here. I'm going to miss you." They both smiled at me.

"Just take care of yourself." I nodded my head and turned to leave before I heard Eleazar mentioning something.

"Don't start dating any boys now." I laughed and turned to them.

"Don't worry. I don't think I'll be able to date anyone for thirty years. If I tried Emmett, Jasper, and Edward would all try to kill him." They both laughed. They knew it was true just as I did. I smiled at them and walked out of the house.

I walked outside and hugged Tanya, Irina, and Kate goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Kate laughed.

"Yes, but we will see you soon. Your only about an hours run away." I laughed. That was true. I looked at Kate who had her hand still on me. I knew what she was trying to do.

"Will you stop that? It's annoying and you know it will never work. Also, don't let Rosalie catch you. She almost tried to kill you the last time you did that." She just smiled.

"Yes, but you can't blame me for trying." I smiled. I said one last goodbye before getting into the car with Rose and Emmett. Everyone was surprised when Kate's power didn't work on me. Rose was furious when she tried it on me for the first time.

Screamed at her for trying to kill me. What was more puzzling was that Eleazar's gift didn't work on me either. I had already assumed I would be a shield when I was turned, but it was weird when he couldn't figure what it was exactly.

I just smiled at all the memories that I had gained over the last couple of years before I drifted off.


"Wake up Sophie. We are home." I opened my eyes to see that we were at the house in Forks. It looked just like their house from the movies. Wow.

"It's beautiful." Esme just smiled.

"It's been a long time since we have been here but it still looks the same." I smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"Sophie! Come on! I'll show you your room." I looked up to see Alice bounding over to me. I laughed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. Wow. The inside of the house looked like the movie. I really felt at home.

Alice showed me a room that overlooked the forest. It had a balcony that overlooked a small river. The walls were a soft lilac color, which happened to be my favorite. I turned and hugged her.

"Thank you so much! I love it!" She just laughed.

"I know. I saw it." I smiled.

"Of course you did."


Two weeks have gone by and today was the day that we would be starting Forks high school.

Edward, Alice, and I would be freshman. While Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett would be sophomores. The story was that I was Emmett's biological sister. We were both in the foster care system and Carlisle and Esme both adopted us. Emmett and I did look alike a little which would make our story logical. I had dark brown hair with green eyes. Since Emmett had the same shade of hair color, it made our story so much more easier.

"Ready Sophie?" I turned to see Edward in my room. I smiled a little.

"Yea, but I'm a little nervous. This is my first time being at an actual school." That wasn't completely true. I went to school back in my other world, but I never went to school in this universe. The Cullen's had all homeschooled me, but I always did enjoy it.

He looked at me with understanding. "You'll be ok. Carlisle made sure that you had at least once class with us. So you wont be completely alone." I smiled at that. "Come on. We don't want to be late for our first day of school." I nodded.

Forks was already a month into their fall semester. We could have gone in sooner, but everyone wanted us all settled into Forks first. Meaning we need to prepare Sophie with this change.

After making sure that I had everything, we all walked out and got into Edward and Emmett's car. With the six of us, we couldn't all fit into one car. I hopped into Edward's volvo while everyone else rode with Emmett.

"I wonder what everyone will do when they find out almost all of us are in a relationship together." He started laughing after I made that statement.

"They will probably die from despair." I chuckled. Well, Forks High School here we come.


It's been three months since we had enrolled at Forks. Almost all of the girls flirted or asked my brothers out. They had all declined of course. It didn't take too long for everyone to figure out that Rosalie and Emmett were dating and Alice and Jasper were dating as well. Edward and I were a mystery at first. Me and him were always together so I guess people assumed we were a couple as well. It was gross but Edward didn't mind it though since it kept the girls away from him. That changed however when I had a little slip up with Tyler.

I had happened to be at my locker putting my books away when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Tyler looked nervous and started asking about me and Edward dating. If we had broken up. I made the mistake of making a face which made him realize that we weren't dating. Edward wasn't too thrilled because word of it traveled fast and all the girls were flocking around him. I found it amusing but it was annoying because many guys started asking me out.

I was shocked by the fact I was being followed around like Edward was. I mean, I am pretty but I'm not beautiful like the rest of my family are.

It got worse when Mike tried to ask me out. He had stopped me at my locker and was pushing for me to go out with him. Luckily Edward and Emmett arrived to rescue me from him. If looks could kill, Mike would be dead. After that, all the guys stopped following me around which I was grateful for. They probably didn't want to be threatened by my brothers like Mike was. People had started to learn to leave us alone, which made us all relieved.

True to Edward's word, I had at least one class with all of them. Me having a high IQ allowed me to take upper level classes. I could have been a sophomore with Rose, Jasper, and Emmett but I wanted to enjoy my time here before all of that changed.

Which would happen as soon as Bella arrives.

Edward chuckles and begins to smile.

"What's so funny?"

"Jessica just told the new girl about how no one here is good enough for me."

I cracked a smile trying not to laugh. "Well, she did throw herself at you about half a dozen times." He just smiled and shook his head while we were heading over to our table. "Is she saying anything about me?" Hey, I might be curious.

"Yea. She's saying how much of a mystery you were at first. How everyone thought we were dating. How over protective we seem to be around you." I just smiled and sat down at our table besides Rose and Edward. I had just gotten my lunch from my bag when my whole family started to laugh. Everyone in the lunchroom immediately stopped talking and stared at our table once they heard everyone laughing. Oh great, this is embarrassing.

"Ok. What's so funny? I hate it when you all can hear something that I can't."

Alice seemed to get out of the laughter first. "Jessica just told Bella about the time that Mike tried to ask you out. Told her about Mike's expression when Emmett and Edward threatened him."

I couldn't help but to laugh with them. "You guys almost killed the poor boy."

"You would have wanted to murder him too if you read his thoughts. He's lucky I didn't break his arm."

My eyes widened. "Well I'm glad I can't read his thoughts. There's no telling what goes on in that brain of his."

"You have no idea."


Lunch ended sooner than I had hoped, and I was walking with Edward toward's Biology. We happen to be in the same class, but I happen to be partners with Angela. I don't mind though, she's a really nice person and seems to be the only genuine person at this school.

I am worried however, Bella would be Edward's lab partner and he would be in pain the entire class period due to his thirst for Bella's blood. I could only hope this class period goes by quickly and no one ends up dead.

I walk over to my seat and sit down but make sure to keep an eye on Edward. I look up in time to see Bella walking into the classroom towards Mr. Molina to get her text book. I can only watch as Edward is soon hit with her sent which makes his whole body go rigged. I can see that his whole body is tense, and I know that this isn't good.

Throughout the whole class period I just kept my eyes on Edward, wishing he could hear my thoughts this one time so I could help him through this. He looked like he would pounce on her at any moment. He glared at her the whole period which freaked Bella out. God, he needs to stop scaring the poor girl.

After what felt like ages, the bell finally rang. Edward practically ran out of the classroom leaving me behind. He usually stayed so we could walk out together. I was fine with him rushing out though, I guess Bella's scent is more powerful than I thought. I honestly thought he was going to kill her a couple of times.

I quickly gather my stuff and rush after Edward, passing everyone by. I turn my head in time to catch Bella's eyes. She looks absolutely terrified. I guess he freaked her out more than I thought. I give her a reassuring smile before leaving the classroom, which was all I could do at the moment. I start heading over to the front office when a hand stops me from going any further. I turn to look at Rose and try to give her a pleading look.

"Rose I have to get to him. I need to talk to him."

"There's time for that later Sophie. He's not in his right mind right now. We can talk about this at the house. We need to go now."


Alice put her hand on my other shoulder. "It's ok Sophie. He's not going to hurt her. We really need to go though." There was nothing that I could do so I just nod and let them take me to Emmett's car. They thought it would be safer for me to ride with Emmett instead of Edward in case he went crazy. Geez, these people are overprotective. Alice and Jasper stayed behind to ride with Edward while Emmett and Rose took me back to the house.

"What happened in biology?" I look at Rose to see that she is far from happy.

"Alice probably already told you this, but Bella came and sat by Edward. His whole body went tense, as if his whole body was frozen over. I honestly thought he was going to kill her."

There was silence in the car the whole time until we finally got back to the house. Emmett lifted me up and rushed me inside.

"What happened?" I'm immediately bombarded by Carlisle and Esme. Wanting to know what's going on and what happened to Edward. Alice told them about it I guess. I tell them what I told Rosalie and Emmett, which made Carlisle look troubled.

"It look's like Edward found his singer." Before he can say anymore, Edward barges into the room and starts ranting.



"I almost killed her!"

"I know. She's your singer. Her blood sings to you." Edward just chucked darkly. Ok, that scared me. He's never acted like this before, well not around me anyways.

"Of course it sings to me. I just wanted to drain her dry 15 minutes ago! Oh and do you want to know something else? I can't read her mind either! She's just like Sophie." Everything went silent after that. I looked at everyone to see that they were all shocked. I guess they didn't think that was possible, for someone to be like me. Edward wasn't done talking just yet though. "You don't know how often I thought about killing everyone in that room just so I could get to her. Which different ways that I could kill everyone that would get me over to her quickly before I could taste her blood." Ok, I didn't need to know that bit of information Edward.

"WHAT!" I was immediately pushed behind Rosalie who stood in front of me protectively. "You mean to tell me, because of that human you almost killed Sophie?!"

"Rose. It's ok." I tried to put my hand on her arm to calm her down but that wasn't happening.

"Ok? It's sure as hell is not ok. He just confessed about wanting to kill you!"

"But he didn't. I'm still here."

"Rosalie, you need to calm down." Thank you Carlisle, always the voice of reason. "Edward this is a big concern."

Edward sat down in a chair and buried his head in his hands. "I wanted to kill everyone in that room, yes but I was stopped." Rosalie kept a good distance between me and Edward, I guess she doesn't trust him enough for me to be around him just yet.

No one was saying anything for a while so I decided to break the silence. "What stopped you then?"

"You did Sophie." He lifted his head up and met my eyes. "I looked at everyone thinking of ways for it to go, and I always saw you looking at me. Seeing you looking at me with those green eyes of yours let me control myself. You helped me stay sane." There were no words that I could think of at that moment, so I just let him continue. "Every time I saw you, that voice in my head kept telling me to stop. 'Think about Sophie' it said. You helped me calm down enough to get ahold of this monster inside of me. I could never hurt you Soph. You mean too much to me, to all of us." I didn't know that I had that much effect on them.

I couldn't say anything as a response. No words could come to mind so I just remained silent. I looked over to see that Alice was having a vision.

"Your leaving." It wasn't a question. I already knew he would leave but I didn't want him to.


"I have to Sophie. It's for the best. I'll be back, I just need to think things over."

"How long will you be gone?" I turned to look at Carlisle. He looked concerned like I was but was understanding also.

"I don't know." I knew it was a week, but I decided to keep that bit of information to myself.

"Where will you go?"

"I think Denali would do me some good. Get everything under control while visiting our cousins." That was a good idea, they would help him.

I just nodded. "Be careful Edward."

"I will Sophie." He was gone after that. I guess running there would clear his mind a little. I turned to see Rosalie still not looking happy.

"Rose everything will be ok." Rose didn't say anything, she just huffed and walked away.

Emmett gave me this sympathetic look. "Everything's ok, she's just mad right now. Especially since Edward said he almost killed an entire room of people because of Bella. A room that you happened to be in." I sighed.

"Yea, I know." I knew at this moment things were tough. But I knew soon enough, it would get better. Bella was going to change our lives.

"When?" I looked to see Esme beyond relieved.

"He's coming back tomorrow. He'll be going back to the high school on Monday." Oh thank god. I'm just glad to know that he's ok.

"Finally, this house is becoming boring." I cracked up and looked at Emmett.

"You know you could have watched the tv anytime you wanted to."

"Yea, but it wouldn't have been the same."

I just shook my head and started to head upstairs. "Well, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted as it is and I need to make sure that I'm well rested for when Edward comes home tomorrow."

Everyone wished me a goodnight and let me go to sleep. That night was the first peaceful night sleep that I have had all week.


I woke up the next morning to a loud bang. "Well it's about time you showed up." I immediately knew what was going on and rushed out of my room.

"Will you be quiet. Sophie is upstairs sleeping." I made it to the stairs and looked down to see Edward.


"Well she's not anymore. Thank's a lot Emmett."

I ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms. We both laughed, happy to be back together.

"It's about time you came back. This house has been so depressing since you've been gone." Edward looked a lot better than her did when he left. His eyes were back to there golden color and he looked content.

"Yea. I'm sorry about that. I just needed to get everything under control before I came back." Everyone was in the room besides Alice and Jasper, who apparently decided to go hunting for a little while.

"Well, your here now." Esme smiled when she spoke to him. She looked so happy. I decided to interrupt their little moment.

"How are everyone up in Denali doing? I wanted to call so bad but dad over here wouldn't let me." Everyone chuckled while Carlisle just gave me a look.

"Everyone is fine, it's kinda different up there though. Apparently there is..." Edward didn't get to finish his statement because Alice decided to show up at that moment.

"Edward! Your back! Oh, there's so much that I need to tell you!" She gave him a look that said they needed to talk in private. He looked a little shocked before agreeing to go speak with her. I noticed the side glances they gave me before they both left the living room.

Ok, that was strange. Why would Alice interrupt Edward from saying something. What was Edward even going to say?

Well, whatever it was I would find out eventually. I was just glad that Edward was back and knew tomorrow at school would be interesting.

Monday had arrived with a whirl wind of emotions. Edward was coming back to school today after being gone for a week and I knew that he would be talking to Bella for the first time. No doubt she would comment on him being gone.

I knew that in the book and movie, the conversation between Edward and Bella went fine. However, I constantly find myself to be worried that something different might happen. I'm not even supposed to be here and can't help but to wonder how much my presence here would effect the story.

Rosalie was still in a foul mood. She made me ride to school with her and Emmett again today. Apparently, she still didn't fully trust Edward with my safety. I can't help but to feel touched but her over protective side needs to tone it down just a little.

The first half of the school day went by in a blur. I was anxious for my biology class to begin so the tension from Edward could decrease just a little.

I have been feeling weird this whole day so far. I couldn't help but to feel that I'm forgetting something. The whole day I've felt this sense of dread overcome me. I couldn't shake the feeling away and didn't understand why. I felt as if something bad was going to happen but couldn't think of what that could be. Jasper could feel my emotions and had asked me about it. I just brushed it off by saying that I was worried about school today.

Jasper has been overcome with so many emotions that he looked like a wounded puppy. If he could get a headache, I'm sure he would be having one right now.

This gloomy behavior of mine was effecting on how I was acting today. I couldn't eat my lunch because my emotions were all dark and gloomy.

Biology finally arrived and I was finally able to watch the conversation between Edward and Bella. Everything was going well as far as I could tell, thank the lord. Edward even seemed to be smiling a little. Being near the back of the room, I wasn't able to listen in on their conversation so I would glance at them when I could. Angela and I were able to get the assignment done fairly quickly, but Edward of course beat me to it.

Him and Bella ended up getting that stupid onion, but thankfully he gave it to her. No way was that thing going into one of our cars.

After the bell rang I walked out the door to see Rose waiting for me as usual. I was glad I could walk with somebody seeing as Edward walked out with Bella.

"Hey Rose." A small smile appeared on her face as she saw me.

"Hey. How did biology go?"

"It went well. Edward seemed a little happy talking to Bella. He even smiled a little." I didn't miss the snort that came from Rose as we walked to our cars, but chose to ignore it. I was happy for Edward and didn't want her attitude to spoil it. As soon as we got into the parking lot, that sense of dread soon came crashing back. Why was I feeling like this? I tried to push this horrible feeling aside but it would always come back full force.

I looked over to see Edward make his way over to us with a scowl on his face.

"What's got you all down in the dumps? You seemed happy in biology." He stopped by my side and released a sigh.

"Bella's more observant than I gave her credit for." He turned to stare at Bella who was just getting to her truck. She turned to stare at him and I instantly had a sense of deja vu. That deja vu moment made something inside of me snap to realize what was about to happen. I had just realized why I had that dreaded feeling all day. My memory about a certain event in the book immediately came to my mind.

I couldn't stop myself from gasping out in horror and shock. Bella was going to be hit by that van! I made the mistake of saying Bella's name and taking a couple of steps towards her before Alice had a vision of the van.

It all happened so fast that it seemed like a blur. I barely registered Alice's gasp and arms holding me in place to prevent me from going any farther.

Tyler's van came zooming around the corner and hit the ice wrong. The ice was making Tyler's van start to spin out of control. The van had one direction in mind and that direction happened to be where Bella was standing. I looked to my side to see Edward no longer standing beside me. I looked back to see that Tyler's van was now in front of Bella's truck. Edward then jumped onto the bed of the truck and jumped down onto the cement. He gave us all a look before getting into his car and heading off to the hospital.

The arms that belonged to Emmett started to guide me to his jeep. None of them looked to be happy. Alice looked more concerned than angry though. Rosalie of course was furious and she started to state this while Emmett started to drive out of the school parking lot..

"This is just perfect! He just had to go and save that human exposing us all!"

In the middle of Rosalie ranting, Jasper spoke and the car seemed to have gotten silent. All you could really hear was the car engine as Emmett was driving.

"Sophie, what was that?" Crap.

"What was what?" Jasper just lifted an eyebrow and stared at me. I soon found that every eye happened to be on me. Perfect.

"You know what. You seemed to know what was about to happen to Bella. You've never spoken to her so I highly doubt that you wanted to talk to her out of the blue."

Alice took my hand and gave me a supportive look. What was I going to say? I was backed up against a wall and all of my siblings were looking at me waiting for an answer. I couldn't just tell them that I'm from another universe, not yet at least.

I didn't know what to say, so I just blurted the first thing that came to my mind.

"I had a dream about it." A dream. Yeah, that could work. "I dreamt that Bella was going to be hit by a van but forgot that I even had it. I only remembered it just a few moments before the van slipped on the ice."

They seemed to buy it for which I was grateful. I would just let them believe that for the moment. I couldn't tell them about the books and movies just yet. It wasn't the right time.

I decided to stay home with Esme, Jasper, Alice and Emmett while Rosalie went to the hospital to talk to Edward.

This whole situation just made everything more difficult. I knew Edward couldn't let Bella die, but exposing himself like this created more problems for the family. We already had the Volturi on our back for the Cullen's having me.

Rosalie and Edward soon came back home shortly followed in by Carlisle.

"Well I hope your happy Edward. You just put us all in danger!"

"I couldn't just let her die Rosalie."

"Yes you could have! This human will get us all killed and you are too enamored with her to see that!"

"Rosalie." I haven't heard Esme talk so strictly in a long time that it took me by surprise.

"I'm just stating a fact Esme. She's a problem and we need to get rid of it."

"WHAT!" Rose looked at me and seemed shocked that I had yelled at her.

"You want to kill Bella?! Are you serious?!"

"Yes. She's a problem to our family and that problem needs to go away." I was about to respond about how much of an idiot she was being but was interrupted by another voice.

"It could look like an accident." We all turned to Jasper as he had suggested this. He couldn't possibly be serious!

Edward seemed to be thinking the same thing I was. "No!" His yell seemed to have literally shake the whole house. "You will not hurt her!"

All of us continued to argue about Bella that Carlisle was the only one to hear the phone ring. None of us took notice when he left to go answer it. I saw Carlisle return with a grim look on his face. What could possibly be the problem now?

"Everyone." Carlisle was able to get everyone to be quiet. "As if this situation wasn't already an issue, we have another problem."

He looked at us all as he spoke his next words that caused us all to become speechless.

"Some of the boys down on the Quileute reservation have been shifting into wolves. They want to set a meeting with all of us to remind us about the treaty." Every eye in the room immediately landed to me.

Crap. I'm human living with a family of vampires. Once this was found out by the wolves, I knew this wouldn't end quietly.

Happy Holidays everybody! I hope you all had a great time! Happy New Years! Hope 2017 goes great for you all. Thank you again for all the support that I have been receiving. Don't own Twilight.