

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


''But.... I'm not sure you can learn how to read just by looking at books though.'' Dad ponders. ''How about you go there to familiarize yourself with the library first? I'll arrange a tutor for you to learn the characters later.''

Well, sure thing, that's just a random excuse I whipped out to get to the library.


 I am on my journey to the library, which is located on the middle floor of the castle. Our kingdom has castles, by the way, it seems like this world is not perpetually stuck in the medieval age or anything, it's rather advanced, by normal fantasy standards.

I've heard the adults talked about things before, like, how they have ballpoint pens already, and they also have cars for whatever reason, not sure if there's magic involved in the whole cars thingy though. My dad once talked about how the Empire just developed a new type of weapon, hearing the description I'm pretty sure they're muskets. I'm glad I don't need to start from the bottom and stea- invent gunpowder or anything.

So anyways, our kingdom even has concrete buildings, which surprised me. The elves do love nature, but they also love convenience and improving their lifestyle, so there are actually very few stubborn elves who refuse to build a solid house and live in the trees, fair enough.

The building I'm currently in is the Emerald Castle, which is the main residential space for royalties. We live on the top floor, and although I'm more of a fan of clear landscape scenery instead of forests, the view there is pretty amazing.

Following me to the library is my nanny, apparently she is adept at magic, and a gal named Justia, a royal guard, also good at magic.

It always is exciting when I'm going somewhere for the first time, the last time I remember I didn't have much freedom in traveling and such. And I don't really feel worried about the books this time, somehow the elves just speak Japanese, so I'm pretty sure I can read the books too.

Opening the large wooden door, I scurry over the large bookshelves in the room. There are 16 shelves in total, each one towering over me and my companions, it's tall, like, really tall.

Well, it's time to explore. ''Justia, hold me up so I can choose the books!''

''Heheh... Sure, Your Highness'' Justia holds me up in her arms, she has a smile on her face. My nanny looks quite disappointed though, what's wrong?

Me and my friends walk through the shelves as I scan the titles, indeed that is Japanese. I also see some English titles, not surprising considering there are Japanese, and some other languages I can't understand.

Hmm, Introduction to Plants, Alchemy, How to grow taller, Guide to cooking 101,....''Wait, get me that one.'' I point to a book, the title reads [History of the third gender - Futanari].

I'm curious, really curious about this one. Isabella and Justia seem a little bit flustered, but proceed to fetch me the book anyway. Now let's see...

 I should have expected this when I heard the word futanari. Apparently, there were people besides me who came from Earth, and one of them collaborated with the dragons to create a procedure to grow a penis on a female, regardless of race.

This is devious, demonic, and honestly degenerate, but very cultured and genius at the same time, I love it. So the penis gene can be passed onto the eldest daughter if there happens to be more than one, as long as the mother has a PP. My mom doesn't have one it seems, seeing my smooth crotch. And you can make babies with a futa and a woman, nice. I have nothing but respect for the men of culture who have the courage to marry the futas though, cuz here it said that a futa's PP will almost always be bigger than a male's.

''Hey, do you guys know which high noble houses in our kingdom have futas?'' Curiosity poked my brain, I ask two of my friends, my nanny seems to be pondering the question, while Justia has a troubled face.

''I believe lady Emilia Campbell and lady Raeliana Seymour are, Your Highness.''

''Right, thanks, nanny.'' So it's not uncommon in the high elves' society, huh.

Our kingdom's noble system is surprisingly similar to a normal human's one. We have two Dukes: Campbell and Florence, one Marquis: Seymour, several other Counts and Viscounts, and around a dozen Barons. My mom told me this, for your information, she is from the Florence household.

Well, there's that, I think I should move on to magic now.

''Hmm... Oh.''

Immediately, a book caught my attention, it is written in English and the title reads [Introduction to Magic], that looks like a good one to start.

So I return the futanari book, sounds like I'm reading porn, but I'm not. ''Get me that one over there, please.''

Nanny gives me the book. ''This one is written in the Empire language, Your Highness.''

''Un.'' So the empire uses English, how lucky. She is talking about the Aragon Empire that occupies the center of the continent, the one with so far the biggest human territory in terms of land and population.

Anyway, I keep getting distracted, magic. Let's see what it's all about.

Mana is the mysterious energy that exists around us bla bla bla... You can control mana with your will bla bla bla... Magic can be divided into 2 large categories, there we go, finally something new.

So there's transitional magic which includes fire, water, wind, and earth, every magic that uses mana to convert it into something else. And then there's imaginary magic, which is basically all the supernatural phenomena that one can cause, like telekinesis that I did before, space magic, summon magic, enchantment as well, lots of things to consider.

How do I use this magic then? Hmm... This is confusing writing here, achieve mastery in the art of controlling mana and and have a mind full of imagination? So do I just... will it out? In that case, it also explains why many children blew themselves up when they learn the concept of offensive magic too early.

Also, there's a special category that includes divine and dark magic. Divine magic is mostly used to heal and create barriers, one can acquire this through worshipping a deity, in this case, the goofy goddess. Dark magic is only available to subjects under the demon rulers... devastating offensive capabilities and runs on one's negative emotions, that sounds dangerous, they don't even have the mana cap that normal magic has then.

By the way, this book is written in a tone so pretentious and grandiose, confusing the readers, I can't stand it anymore. Are you trying to teach magic or literature, huh. Who is the asshole that wrote this garbage-

Flipping through to the last page, there I see 'by Louis Everwood'.


''...Well, enough books for today, let's go get dinner, shall we?'' Let's get the hell out of here, friends.

There are things that are better left unsaid.


My name is Olivia, Olivia Everwood - the Queen of the Everwood kingdom.

Some decades ago, I met His Highness the Crown Prince and fell in love with him. And fortunately for me, he also harbored the same romantic interest towards me.

After we got married, we decided to take it slow and spend our sweet time together.Louis ascended to the crown at this time because the old king had abdicated his throne. But then, the former King and Queen thought it was a good idea to just go out for an adventure together, throwing all responsibilities to us, it was a hectic time indeed.

So we wanted to have another family member partly to relieve our stress. And an heir for the stability of the family as well, that's exactly what we did.

Five years ago, our little baby was born. She was like an angel, with pleasant vanilla-colored hair that and milky skin, her brilliant blue eyes had yellow sparks in them like the night sky itself.

But as a mother, I have a lot of worries about my baby. The time when she was just born, she didn't cry like a normal baby UNTIL we said it out loud. Highly suspicious.

Furthermore, after that, she didn't bother to cry for even one more time! For 5 years! She just cooped up in her bed all day long, we didn't even need a cradle for her, as she just stayed in the same position, presumably sleeping for almost 18 hours a day, only waking up to eat, bathe, and relieve herself.

I called doctors and healers alike to examine her several times already, but they said there was nothing wrong with my daughter. Outrageous.

She is also suspiciously quiet and obedient, it made me feel like I was looking at an adult. The first time she went to the library with the excuse that she wanted to learn how to read, I and my husband got a report afterward from the nanny implying my baby already knew how to read Elvish and the Empire language. She didn't even try to hide it anymore!

Now I'm convinced there's something wrong with my child. I mean, what kind of 5-year-old can use telekinesis to uproot a whole tree?! What monstrous mana control is that?? My husband, despite being an Archmage himself, had his jaw dropped to the ground when he saw it.

The little idiot seemed to think that we didn't notice, but with the way she behaved normally, anyone would have to double-check their eyes to see if they were looking at a young child or an imposter.

But alas, she is still my daughter, and I don't want to press her to tell me what's on her mind. I can only do my best to assist her passion and dream.

Hmm... Maybe I can introduce playmates to her so they can play together, I don't want her to practice magic and sleep all day long... 

The daughter of Campbell should be one good candidate, she just turned 6 this year, right along my baby's age. Maybe they can be good friends, or even something more...


Call me a soldier, 'cause I'm fighting the hardest battle you could ever imagine, against my old rivalry. So they have managed to spawn in this world as well, huh.

Without my signature weapon from my past life, I can only rely on my magic to end them, once and for all. Although I'm sure they will come back someday again in the future, just to terrorize the population.

They are incredibly agile, and stealthy enough to put you on edge the whole time, they can even fly, causing catastrophic damage.

''Phew... COME!!'' I shout as I utilize the full power of my telekinesis, lifting all the furniture in my bedroom up, revealing the hiding spot of the enemy - below the bed, truly dangerous, I could have been attacked by them tonight!

I can't let this chance go.

I immediately use telekinesis again to grab a rag and swiftly pick the enemy into the air before bringing it out the window.

Releasing my telekinesis on the furniture, I cast a fireball and shoot it at the rag, successfully burning the enemy together with the rag. Mission accomplished.

''...Pardon me if I'm being rude, but couldn't you just toss the cockroach out the window normally?'' A female voice is heard behind me.

I turn around to meet my maid, Sophia. ''You don't understand, Sophia, this is war, and they shall see no mercy!'' There should be no mercy to insects on this planet, or any planet for that matter. They're gross, they attack you for no apparent reason, and it's yucky if you don't kill them correctly.

''Well, aside from that, I'm here to inform you that Her Majesty the Queen has found you a playmate for you to befriend with. She is in the living room right now, Your Highness, do you want to see her?''

''Playmates? What a weird way to describe friends, but sure, let's go immediately, I don't have anything to do anyways''


''Her Highness Sylvia Everwood is here. Lady Campbell.'' The door opens with Sophia announcing my arrival.

I can see a young girl, presumably 9~10 years old sitting quietly on the couch. She has sharp but beautiful facial features, signature long ears of an elf, coupled with smooth white bobbed hair and golden eyes, she looks more like a dignified goddess, even more than the real one.

''Hi there. Nice to meet you, I'm Sylvia, let's be friends from now on!'' I greet her first.

The girl comes down from the couch and bows lightly. ''It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness. My name is Emilia Campbell, please feel free to tell me if I do not satisfy you as your playmate.''

''Hey, that's wrong already.'' I make her stand straight up. ''Friends don't use formal speeches in front of each other, if you want to be a good friend, just treat me casually.'' 


''No buts. I won't feel comfortable with a friend like that.''

''...Fine, can I call you Sylvia?''

''Good, that's a friend alright! I'll call you Emy then.''

The slightly tense atmosphere disappears, replaced by a comfortable silence between the two of us.

''Right, my mom called you here to play with me, so let's play something. Any ideas?'' I have to go first or else it would be very awkward.

''...Mhmm, I don't play much outside of chess, my father loves to play chess, and I like it as well.''

"Chess! Sure, I love it as well. Sophia, can you fetch me a chessboard?'' I can't believe I would find someone who plays chess here. I was pretty passionate about the game itself in my previous life, though I'm just a tiny brain 1200 ELO1 kid. I can always play chess online, but bullying real people is always more fun.

''Understood, Your Highness.'' Sophia excuses herself to fetch the chessboard.

''Now, while we're waiting, let's have some cakes to fill our stomach first, agree?'' I use telekinesis to pull out various cakes from the shelf in the corner. The one that has the preservation magic imbued on.
