

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs



The Aragon Empire is the biggest country in the world.

Under the monarchy, there is a total of five Dukes, twelve Marquises, thirty-five Counts, and numerous Viscounts, as well as Barons.

Many nobles have their own territory to govern, many are vassals of higher nobles.

For the five Dukes, their territories and economies are enormous, equivalent to that of a kingdom.

Currently, there are three Dukes whose territories border the demon's land, thus making them the defenders of the Empire, for that, they receive financial and military support from the imperial family, as well as the other nobles for their services.

The remaining two Dukes are Duke Spencer and Duke Forbes.

As the heir of Forbes, Jack Forbes's life was always easy. He had everything laid out for him. He could have anything he wanted. As long as he qualifies as the heir, money, power, women, anything he wants.

Fortunately for him, he also has talents, so he only needed minimum effort to achieve what his father wanted from him.

So he was spoiled from his childhood. He is rude, arrogant, and abusive towards his workers. And, just like his father, he is a sadistic maniac who likes to collect slaves.

At first, he was a little bit reluctant. After all, slavery is banned by law. But when he saw that even the imperial family ignored the accusation of the Spencers towards his father for owning slaves, likely because the imperial family didn't want a conflict with his family, he let his instinct control him.

He had a lot of slaves, which he used to satisfy his desires, many of them died due to the harsh treatment. 

Even now, as a third-year A-class student at the academy, he's still enjoying this 'hobby'. He forced some of his more talented slaves to enroll with him, serving him whenever he needed. He even carefully chose those who have a family, so that he could easily blackmail them if they try to run.

Now, taking one of his slaves to a blind spot near the gym, he is about to do what he likes the most.


''What about him?'' Anastasia asks curiously.

''There were rumors about him coercing female students into doing 'that' kind of thing with him. Despicable. Truly despicable.'' Christina replies, her eyes burning.

This... Is probably him with his slave. If I leave this alone now, that girl is most likely going to be violated. I don't want that.

It's time to sort out the trash again.

I stand up, escaping Emy's hug.

''I have a bad feeling, I'll go and see them.''

Immediately, Emy and Liana stand up as well.

''Wait, I'll go too.'' Christina says.

''E-Eh? I-I'll go too!'' Anastasia follows, her face confused by our sudden decision.

So we all go after the guy. As expected, he's taking the girl to a blind spot between two buildings.

Peeking out of the wall, I can see the girl being groped violently by the guy, her face terrified. 

Tch, fucking garbage.

But before I can do anything, Anastasia has already charged toward him, delivering a clean kick to his side, which the guy hastily blocked with his left arm coated in mana.

Still, the kick did some damage to him, evident in his shaking arm right now, and his pained expression.

''What the fuck did you think you were doing?!?'' Anastasia yells angrily.

''Hah! You stupid whore, who do you think you are to decide what I do?'' The guy sneers, glaring at Anastasia.

''I don't care who you are motherfucker.'' Says Anastasia, cracking her hands.

What a flip, jeez~

Anyhow, the girl seems confused, but she runs behind Anastasia anyway. 

''Puh- hahahahah, you really want to fight me?? Third year's top 1?''

Well, it's time for us to appear, I guess, I don't think I want to let Anastasia do this alone.

''Hey there, garbage.'' I say to the guy, who only now notices us standing beside Anastasia.

''Hoh~ What do we have here? Your Highness, where did you pick up these pretty elves?'' The guy tells Christina amusingly, his lustful eyes scanning our bodies, focusing on my breasts.


''Don't ignore people, stupid.'' I use telekinesis to slap him real hard at the back of his head.

Holding his head, the guy again glares at me.

''So you want to be killed too, huh?! Stupid bitch, I'll make you regret it soon-''


Before he can spit out more bullshit or do anything, I pin him down to the ground with telekinesis and shut his mouth as well.

Even if you pull out the head professor, you still couldn't win against me, idiot.

''Hey, girl, what did he do to you?'' Liana asks the girl, who had been shaking from before.

''H-He threatened to kill my family i-if I don't become his slave. P-Please help me, Your Highness!'' She pleads to Christina instead.

Hearing this, Christina clenches her fists ''I will. Don't worry.'' Then she turns to the guy.

''To think that it was even worse than the rumors... What excuses do you have before I tell this to my father?''

I release the telekinesis on his mouth.

''Puh- Hah! Hahahah! You don't know anything, Your Highness. His Majesty and your brothers don't care! Try whatever you want, you can't do anything against u-''


I kick him in the face.



Another kick.



Another one.

''W-Wait!'' The guy finally realizes that he could be beaten to death here.

Looking down at him, I calmly says—

''Care to answer some questions?''

''Y-You wouldn't want to make the Forbes family your enemy, release m-''


''Care to answer?''

''My father won't forgive-


''Care to yet?''

''F-Fine! Don't hit me anymore!''

''Good.'' I smile. ''So, how many slaves do you have?''

''A-Around 40, but as I said before, even the imperial family ignored this, so you can't do anythi-''


''Didn't ask you to speak more after the answer.''

Just in case, I turn back to Christina to see that all four of them are looking at me strangely. I guess I didn't show this side of me to them, well, it's just that I didn't need to be like this before.

''Is that true? Christina?'' I ask Christina, who is still dazing a bit.

''A-Ah, I don't know about that, I've been out of the competition for the throne since a long time ago, so nobody really cared to give me that information.''

''I see. That makes sense.''

Turning back to the guy, I continue to ask him.

''So, where did you leave all your slaves?''

''I-In the main estate of our Dukedom.''

''All of them? What about that girl over there?''

''I-I have 3 more in the academy.''

''I see, your father on this too?''


''Right, let me warn you this, if you don't release all the slaves at the academy, or if you continue to threaten their families after this... I will personally find you and give you the worst beating there is, and I will be watching your actions, understood?''


''And, don't bother to try and get back at me either, I'm sure the Emperor would want to slap you in the face for owning slaves rather than having to go to war with the elven kingdom because you attempted to hurt their crown princess, no?''




''Y-yes! I will release them, please let me go!''

''Have a nice sleep first, you're pretty hurt, you know?''


The guy loses his consciousness.

Turning back to my companions, I can see Emy smiling lightly, giving me a thumbs up, while the others are still stunned.

Finally, Anastasia snaps out. ''Y-You were the princess?? Why did I not know about that?!''

''Sorry, I just didn't tell you.'' I smile apologetically.

''Well, let's get this girl out first.'' Christina says with a sigh.

After helping the girl with her luggage, we sent her to back her family first for them to sort out their situation. Christina decided that we should go and inform the headmaster about this.

The headmaster Stephen was shocked, to say the least, when we told him about this. He said that he would do his best to protect the families of the three former slaves. Well, that's done, I guess.

But now I need to accelerate the pace, I can't let the slaves at the estate endure this anymore.

''Sorry, I think I'll go home first, see you guys around.'' I say, pulling my girlfriends to go home.

''Ah, see you later, Sylvia.'' Christina replies.

''See you later!'' Anastasia waves her hand.

Let's inform Isabella and Adam first.


Left behind by the three, Christina and Anastasia are now standing in silence, processing the horrible things that the man before had allegedly done.

''I'll have to ask my brothers about this...'' Christina unknowingly mutters.

''Um... Your Highness?''

''A-Ah, Anastasia, what's wrong?''

''Are you planning to save the slaves?''

''...How did you know?''

''Mhmm, you could say my intuition. I just have a feeling.''

''Hm... I see.''

''So, please let me join as well, my divine magic is very helpful! As a priest, I can't ignore crimes like this!''

''...I'll consider it.''

''Thank you very much!''

''...No problem.''

''Then, I'll see you later!''

Anastasia begins to walk to her dorm, waving at Christina, who also waves back.

''And somehow, I have a feeling that those three are going to be involved in this as well...'' She mutters.


3:26 P.M., July 2nd, 1753, Aragon Empire, Crimson Palace.

''I'm telling you for the fourth time now that it wasn't us!'' A middle-aged man shouts angrily, his usual benevolent face nowhere to be seen. This is the first time the church has been involved in one of these meetings, and what he got was a baseless accusation.

''And how can I trust you, Archbishop Henry? Clearly, the Marquis's guards were killed by the paladins, only with offensive divine magic can someone poke small holes through bodies like that.'' Another man refutes.

''Stop it, Duke Forbes, there is no evidence that the Church did it. But, the intruders were aiming to rescue the slaves, maybe the Marquis shouldn't have bought them in the first place. They have only targeted slave owners, you know? You of all people better be careful.'' A man presumably in his thirties replies sarcastically.

''Hah, are you implying that they will come for me next? Laughable, you underestimate me too much, Duke Spencer, there's hardly anyone who can match me in this empire. If those cockroaches dare to attack me, they'll know fear!''

''...We're going nowhere.'' The Emperor says annoyedly, besides him are his two sons.

He is exceptionally pissed off today, mainly because this morning, the brutally mutilated corpse of Marquis Eliot was found near the palace. And now he has to summon an emergency meeting with all the available high nobles and other forces to deal with this.

Just a few hours before, a report from the late Marquis's wife saying that unidentified intruders had raided their mansion and that the Marquis was missing came in as well.

There are only twelve Marquises in the empire, so losing one is obviously a pretty big deal. The Marquis's son, Derrick Eliot, who is shaking with a pale face at the end of the table, is also here, mostly to receive the title and resume the late Marquis's work as soon as possible.

After some hours of discussing to properly fill in the vacuum of the late Marquis, the meeting's topic has switched to the intruders.

''As I said before, I think these are the same ones who have been attacking our nobles for the last few years. Their motive is the same.'' A noble speaks up.

''But the group before this didn't use this kind of magic.'' Another noble says.

''Actually, assuming it wasn't the paladins, what kind of magic can drill such clean holes into the human bodies? It's even strong enough to pierce the barriers of two decent tankers as well.''

''Hah~ That's why I said, just don't buy slaves anymore, and you won't be targeted. It's that easy.'' Duke Spencer says with a frown. ''And Your Majesty, I plead, please make an effort to stop these kinds of crimes.''

''...I will think about it.'' The Emperor replies annoyedly.

In the end, the meeting ended with no clear answer as to who the intruders were. The son of the late Marquis got his title in a hurry, and now he has to come back to his mansion to resume the work.

It was decided that Marquis Eliot's death would be officially announced as an accident after a few days.

Walking in the hallway outside the meeting room, a young man in his twenties with a fierce expression seems very frustrated, the attendant beside him tried his best to calm him down earlier, but it didn't work.

''Those goddamn scumbags...'' William curses.

Born as the second prince of the empire, William is ambitious, he wants to sit on the throne, and he wants to see his country grow to be the very best. 

But definitely not like this. Corrupted nobles, ever-raging wars, and people being enslaved.

Although Duke Spencer, who is his biggest ally in his faction, has tried his best to prevent slavery across the capital and other territories, there are still some rotten bastards like Duke Forbes. Worse, the bastard is one of the best swordmen in the empire, so nobody can really touch him.

William is extremely frustrated because he couldn't win over the Emperor, no matter what he said. The Emperor is siding with the crown prince, and they only know wars and invasions, ignoring the corruption that is still growing, embedded in the roots of the Empire today.

''Hah... Whatever.''

Snapping out of his trance, he can see a girl walking towards him from the other side with a serious expression. It's his little sister.


''Brother William.'' Christina greets, looking straight at her brother's eyes.

William's image inside Christina is pretty good, although his appearance is a bit rough, and he likes to play around with women a lot, he is also kind and reasonable. Unlike her other brother, whose face is triggering this uncomfortable feeling inside her every time.

''What are you doing here?'' William asks.

''Brother, can we talk?''


Inside the guest room of Christina's mansion, she and her brother are sitting across from each other, sipping the tea that a maid bought earlier.

''So... Is it true that you already knew about Duke Forbes owning slaves?''


William widens his eyes. ''How did you know that?''

''I caught his son trying to do shady things with one of his slaves earlier today, after some interrogation, he said that his father is also in it with him.''

''...Even the son is this bad...'' William frowns. ''...Fine, there's nothing more to hide.''

After telling Christina about the whole situation, William smiles bitterly. ''I'm sorry, Christina, I'm not strong enough.''

Christina, who has an angry expression until now, relaxes her face when she sees her brother's state.

''...It's fine, brother William, at least you tried.''



''What's wrong?''

''The heir of Forbes also said that all of the slaves are in their main estate.''

''...Don't tell me...''

''I'm going to save them. Please lend me a hand.''

''...That... Is very risky.''

''I know, but I can't ignore this.''



''You know what? Fine, I'll contact Duke Spencer and the church to have them mobilize their forces. The archbishop seemed exceptionally pissed off today when he heard about Duke Forbes owning slaves, maybe I can get him to join. And I'm going as well.''

''Are you sure, brother?''

''I am, I can't let my sister charge in alone, no?''

''That's my brother.''

Christina chuckles.


''So, let me explain the plan once more. Firstly, we will wait for the moment when security is the most laxed, then we will infiltrate like the last time to find out the layout of the estate, as well as the exact locations of the slaves and Duke Forbes's bedroom.'' Adam says.

''Once we're done confirming the Duke's state, our members will report back the information, then, Her Highness will use the Hecate II with super AP rounds to hopefully shoot Duke Forbes to death while he is sleeping, and that will be the signal for us to all went in, prioritize knocking out normal workers, but shoot anyone on sight if they try to guard the slaves.''

It's nighttime, and we're now in the meeting room underground again, with our new information.

Our investigation team has also been verifying what the late Marquis said, and apparently, the information is very likely to be true, Combined with what we got out of the guy earlier in the morning, we decided to finalize our plan today and proceed as soon as possible.

''Yes, it would be better if the Duke wasn't there, but... He's already on his way back to his estate.'' Isabella complains. ''If only we knew this earlier...''

''Well, worst case, just run away first, we can always do another raid later.'' I chime in.

''You're right, Your Highness. We still need to rescue more people.'' Isabella sighs.

Well, we need to travel for a day to get to his territory, so better hurry up, I suppose.