

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


After a breakfast in which I bickered with Liana like normal, we moved on to the special training field in the forest near our castle.

This place, a roughly 50x50m clear ground was being used for training martial arts for the three of us, and the assassination squad as well.

Their official name is the Silent Death Squad, what a horrifying and cool name, I like it. They're assassins under the direct order of the royal family, their missions usually involve killing highly dangerous criminals, or just taking out enemies silently, if there is a war going on.

Throughout the years of their activities, they have used mostly melee weapons, martial arts, magic or poisons, and such to eliminate the targets. But then I came in, and now they have been trained to use guns as well.

Each one of the seventeen members is equipped with a Glock and an M41, of course, with silencers. It took me quite a while to make all of these, though, the result was quite satisfying.

I'm not sure if this is just the default setting, or rather, characteristic of elves, but our aim is phenomenal. It's on the level of like, that one dude in an FPS game2 who's just doing 360 no scope non-stop, and somehow they hit you every single time. It's something like that.

Anyway, in the past few years, I've been working on a bunch of different bullet types, and I made one of them specifically for assassination.

I call them Ghost bullets, because when we do eventually have to use guns to kill people in the capital of the Empire... That sounded wrong. But the point is, I don't want to give away anything related to our weapons by letting someone see our empty shells on the ground or even the tips stuck somewhere.

So the solution that I had was to make the bullet itself out of mana, By freezing mana in the air, basically forming lasting mana coats over nothing, with the shapes of the casings and tips, then make the structures of mana so that they shatter upon impact, pour some gunpowder in, and voila, we have ghost bullets that don't leave any obvious traces, with the power of normal bullets.

I didn't use mana to replace gunpowder because I wanted to preserve the durability of the guns, with magic as fuel those bullets became quite taxing for the guns, and not everyone can maintain mana coats over their guns for long enough.

Also, there's the problem of availability, it's not easy to make these, so far only I and several other Advance mages in our production team can make them, and they don't last forever. So we need to use it wisely.

But regardless, I think we're quite ready for our mission.

As I think about that while watching the squad train with their guns, the captain of the squad walks up to us and salutes.

''Good morning, Your Highness and ladies. What may I assist you with today?'' He's Adam, although he looks like a pretty young man with just a few unfortunate minor scars on his face, he's well over 200 and is the master of assassination himself. 

''Oh, I don't actually need anything, I just came here to observe you guys training. It looks like you guys are doing pretty good.'' I reply.

''It's an honor, Your Highness.'' He smiles back.

''Ah, we want to train our martial arts today, can we have a few matches?'' Liana raises her hand.

That's right, they wanted to train martial arts with the S.D. squad today, I'm not, my CQC techniques are quite miserable, and having a short figure and a pair of F-cup breasts doesn't help either. Sorry if that sounded like a flex, I know.

I'm here today to carry their lunches, and my lunch as well, having a meal outside sometimes is pretty nice. I had them in my inventory space, I'll have to heat them up later.

The inventory space doesn't freeze time for you, it's such a pity.

''Hey! Anyone want to be Lady Campbell and Lady Seymour's opponent? They're here to train!'' Adam shouts to the people shooting below, causing them to stop firing.

After a few seconds, 7 of them step forward.

''Good, let's clear out space for them.''

It's been a little while since I've started watching these guys fighting. Each one of my friends took on an opponent and fought separately. It's pretty close, actually, although these two are undoubtedly geniuses, without using mana, they still fell short of the well-trained veteran soldiers. This is why it's good to learn from the squad.

After a bunch of exchanges, a woman thrusts her hand towards Liana's throat, stopping just before they touch, both of them panting.

''...That was a good one.'' Says Liana.

''You've improved a lot, my lady.'' The woman smiles.

''Thanks.'' Liana turns her gaze to Emy, who's still fighting a middle-aged man fiercely, and then she turns to me.

''How long has it been?''

''Around 3 hours, it's 11:30 A.M now.''

''Hmm, I think I'll stop for now, help me with my lunch.'' Liana walks towards me while using water and wind magic to clean herself.

''Sure. Let Emy continue the fight for a bit, then.'' I reply, taking out our lunches. It's rice and roasted pork belly today, with scrambled eggs and a lot of veggies, I'm hungry.

I use fire magic to heat the metal boxes up while Liana flops down next to me on the bench I've been sitting on.


''...You know, sometimes I really think you would make a good wife.'' Liana suddenly says, propping up her chin on her hands, smiling gently.

Why suddenly? And what's that gentle face??

''...That's good then, that means whoever I marry in the future will be lucky.''

''Very true, I'm very lucky indeed.'' Liana moves her left hand behind my neck to pull me closer to her, uses her palm to fix my head facing her, then leans in and kisses my forehead.



I urgently force my head the other way while pushing the hot lunch box towards her. ''Just eat the lunch before it's cold again...!''

''My, I'm very tired from all that fighting I did, I wonder if there's anybody here that can feed me instead?'' She again pulls me closer to her and makes my face turn back to hers.

''F-Fine, I'll do it, so keep some distance.''

''Heh, sure thing.''


So I begin feeding this oversized baby. She happily eats the lunch.

After a bit, I see Emy come back and look at us intently.''...Feed me too, I'm tired.''

''....You lazy bunch.''

After the meal, we rested for a bit, and now we're flying in the air, towards a mountain range where I will be testing my new baby today.

The range is a little bit far, located outside our city. The reason why I have to go here is because of the special bullet I made a while ago, that one definitely couldn't be used anywhere near our castle or our city.

After one suffocating hour of flying, we landed in a clear spot. Before us is a pretty long and vast range with snow-covered mountains standing tall and proud, here I can shoot whatever I want.

Like before, I take out the table and chairs, plus some earplugs as well. I then take out my Hecate II placed in a case I made, together with the bullet box.

''You've been worrying about that bullet for a while now, is it that bad?'' Liana says while looking at one particular shiny bullet in my box.

''In theory, yes, I think it can blow up half of our castle. Even.''

''...That's dangerous, you sure you'll be alright?''

''Don't worry, it won't explode until I activate the spell.''


"Let me do the normal bullets first.''

So I take out 7 .50 caliber BMG bullets, load them in the magazine, and then spread out a blanket I prepared beforehand. I set the Hecate down, stabilize it with the bipod at the front and the monopod below the stock.

I lay face down on the blanket, the boobs provide pretty good cushion. Now increase the mana coat on my body, and let's do one on the gun as well, just for sure. Insert the magazine, pull the bolt back and push it forward, that was very satisfying.

I look into the scope, it takes a bit to get used to, but not bad, I can clearly see a few dead trees in the distance, around 1900m or 1950m from here, I think? 

''Wow~ I have a very good view here.'' I exclaim.

''Good view indeed.'' Liana whistles. Why do I feel like she's staring at my butt...?

Anyway, I steady my breath, aim carefully at the dead tree, and slowly pull the trigger.


Wow, that was a pretty significant concussion, but the recoil is good. Now for the target, looking into the scope again, I can see a sizable hole in the tree, mhmm, I shot just below my mark a bit, I can fix that.

Pulling back the bolt, an empty shell is ejected out of the right side of the gun. I'm ready for the next shot.

So I emptied my mag, and after the first shot, I pretty much bulleyed all of the remaining shots. Shooting this baby was so good.

Standing up and turning back to the table, I can see my friends each holding a binocular, looking at the targets.

''That's terrifying accuracy, and power, even at almost 2 km, this one is insane.''

''I agree.''

''Heheh, that was nice, but now onto the star today.''

I pull out a needlessly fancy-looking bullet in the box, the case is made out of diamond, and the tip is actually the highest quality Lapis Lazuli, shaped into a bullet tip. I call this one 'Gungnir'.

I had to infuse my mana into the tip for almost 5 hours for it to be done, I threw in a spell to make it explode with all the mana inside when I triggered it, and then I infused a layer of mana coat outside so it doesn't break when shooting.

The diamond casing? That's just for decoration. Don't blame me on it.

Anyway, I load in the bullet and lie down again. Now pull the bolt and push the bullet into the barrel, I'm nervous.

After aiming at the dead tree for a good minute, I finally pull the trigger back.


The bullet flies out, leaving behind a blue trail, hitting the dead tree, to trigger the explosion, I need to snap my finger-


I then witness an enormous blue explosion on the side of the mountain, blinding me for a second, after the initial explosion, smoke is gushing up from the spot, looking like a mushroom.

Exactly 5.5 seconds after the explosion, the sound hit us-


After a while, the smoke clears out, and I can see- 

Half of the mountain is gone.

''...My wife is scary.'' Liana mutters.


Right now, I, Emy, Liana, and my dad are standing at my previous shooting location.

''... Does that mountain over there usually look like that?'' Dad says after 15 seconds of silence, pointing at the mountain, now reduced half in size, still has the charring spots of the explosion.

''Probably not.'' I reply.

"What did you do?''

''I shot it.''

''With what?''

"This.'' I bring the empty diamond case up for Dad to see.

''So that was the one you were worried about. Hah... I think I understand why now.'' Dad takes the case and continues.

''How long does it take for you to make one of these?''

''A week, mainly because of the case, if I use normal case, then around 5 or 6 hours. It'll be quite ugly though. And I need high-quality Lapis as well.''

''Why do you care about aesthetics...?'' Liana mutters.

Let's ignore that.

Emy is just staring at the mountain with her never-changing expressionless face.

''...I think this will be very effective as an intimidation tactic, if we ever need one in the future, and as a trump card as well. You should hide this for now.'' Dad hands back the case to me.

''I was thinking just that too, I can't really fire one of these wantonly when I'm in the empire, else people would call me the Saint of destruction and madness.''

''That's true.'' Dad nods.

''But at least I didn't see, like, 10 more of those ridiculous bullets in your box, so you can't really destroy our kingdom by accident or anything.'' Liana interjects.

...I have 3 more of these tips in another box though.

Oh well, let's just dub this scene here as the aftermath of an asteroid or something and call it a day. It's been a while since I've gone to the hot spring with Emy and Liana, I'll have to get them to join as well.


People often say that my name is a little bit mouthful to say, and I think that's quite true.

Normally, people would just call me Lady Seymour, or if it's someone close, they'll call me Liana.

Yes, like my best friend Sylvie. Together with Emilia, we've been friends for 13 years now, we're really close, closer than even normal best friends.

Maybe it's because we're all high elves that we got along so well. I'm not sure.

Over time, I found myself wanting to be more than just a friend to Sylvie. She's beautiful, smart, and considerate, but also very naughty sometimes. She likes to do pranks from time to time and seems to enjoy it, but she's also surprisingly weak to teasing, every reaction of her is adorable. I love her.

I'm also attracted to her body, in a sexual way, of course. Her face I'm convinced is crafted by the goddess herself, sparking blue eyes like a night sky, small straight nose, rosy lips, beautiful jawline and long, graceful eyelashes, it's just perfect. That combined with her voluptuous breasts and her thick thighs. I almost get hard every time I imagine it.

But there's one problem. I know what kind of intention Emilia has towards Sylvie as well, it's the same one as me.

And actually, it's fine, I don't really mind Emilia joining in. Sylvie is a princess, and a Saint as well, it's okay if she wants more partners.

The core of this problem is I don't know if Emilia wants all of us to be in a relationship together. I hesitated for a long time, then recently I confronted her.

The result to my delight was very good, she also doesn't mind me being with Sylvie.

This was a huge success, now we only need an opportunity to officially seal the relationship with my dear princess. I'm pretty certain Sylvie has feelings for both of us, I can easily tell by her reactions.

So there we were, tip-toeing around to try to find good moments and tease her even more.

That was until she invited us to a hot spring in the castle. We haven't had one together for almost a year now.

I don't know if I can survive this.

Stepping into the bath with Emilia, I saw Sylvie already sitting on a small chair in the shower area, cleaning her body. She doesn't actually need to do that, she can use magic to clean yourself just fine anyway, but she prefers it, saying that the mood is important.

As we get closer, our vision gradually recovers from the fog of the hot bath. I can see her adorable face with her eyes closed, humming a song, and her plump, naked figure, bare for us to see. Her pink, rosy nipples dance together with her breasts every move she makes.

And I'm instantly hard.

This is not good, Emilia is here as well, I need to preserve-

Oh, she's also hard.

I don't think we can hold it anymore.


In the fairly spacious artificial hot spring that I begged my parents to make for me a while back, I'm currently cleaning myself while humming a random song.

Suddenly, I can feel something touching my shoulder. Startled, I turn back and-

''Oh, it's you guys, come her-''


Wh-why are those?! Are those cocks?? Why are they standing up!?

Before my face is two huge cocks the size of my forearm, rock hard and twitching. It's the first time I've seen them this close... And why are they so big?!



''What's w-wrong, Liana?''

''I'm sorry, but both I and Emilia can't seem to hold it anymore.'' Liana says, her eyes seem a bit cloudy. 

''Hold what?'' I reply nervously, though deep in my mind, I already know where this is going.

''Don't pretend.'' Emy adds, furrowing her eyebrow very lightly.

'''' ... ''''

I did notice that they've been trying to invite me into sex recently, but they always stopped right before I could jump in...

Did seeing me naked make them lose control or something...?

I mean, I think I like both of them. They're really fun and comfortable to be around with. And not to mention their godly appearances and dominant tendencies... Also, considering that I am a royalty, having two... Husbands? Wives? Is not that uncommon... Is it a feeling problem?

Either way, after letting my pussy dust for more than 30 years, I am dying to try sex now. And I have the option to do it with my crushes? A threesome, no less?

Count me in. Oh, wait.

''W-Wait, how about confession stuff?'' I ask.

''It is needed?'' Liana asks back.

''N-No... I love you. Both of you.''

''Exactly, we love you too. So? Do it or not?''

''We can wait if you want.'' Emy adds.

Of course, I want to. But the location...

''...Are we really doing it here...?'' I ask, looking up at them.

'''' Doesn't matter. ''''

Fine then.


I randomly kiss Liana's cock, mostly because I don't know what to do.



D-Did it just twitch?? I did something wrong...?

Oh, wait. I need to suck it. Stupid me. But would it even fit... Fuck it, I don't care anymore.


So I start to lick Liana's cock slowly, moving my tongue around the tip area. This... Strong smell and slightly salty taste are kinda addicting, actually...

''Hngh... That's good...'' Liana moans.



It tickles...

Emy meanwhile crouches down and dives straight into sucking my nipple, occasionally biting it lightly. Her naughty hands are wantonly playing around my inner thighs as well... This feels weird...

''Sylvie.'' Liana calls out while I'm kissing her meat rod.

''Mhn?'' I look up, my lips still stuck to her cock's glan.

''Want to suck it?''

''...Mm.'' I nod lightly.

I open my mouth and put out my tongue, then place the heavy cock onto it.

Slowly, I begin to move forward, wrapping the cock with my own mouth. I move my tongue around the cock, cocking my head from side to side, trying to feel it with all of my mouth.

This hard, hot, and delicious cock... I want more.


I grab Liana's thighs and pull her towards me. The long rod slides slowly into my throat, stretching it forcefully. 

This sensation of my throat being raped... I might get addicted...

''Agh... Cumming!''

The lovely cock starts to pulse, I can even feel it pumping the liquid inside out inside my throat. Finally, something extremely hot, dense, and sticky shoots out. 

The thick stream flies straight into my belly, dyeing my stomach with her piping hot cum.

''Hah... Sylvie.'' Liana strokes my head gently, a sweet smile blossoms on her face.

So you only treat me good when I suck your dick... Just kidding.


As if jealous, Emy spread my legs out and thrusts two fingers inside my wet pussy, rocking them rather roughly.

''Don't worry. As promised, I'll let you go first.'' Liana says while looking at Emy, moving her hand down to stroke my cheek.

Having this cock inside my throat actually feels nice...


Hey, why did you pull it out?!

''Already missing it?'' Liana switches to a devilish grin. ''What a slut.'' 


She crouches down and presses her lips against mine, her tongue breaks in dominantly, twirling and chasing around mine like a predator.

''Mhn... slurp... slurp...''

Ah... This is bad. Emy is strangely good at fingering... Or maybe I'm just too much of a slut... A-Ah, wait, what is this-

''Mhm~!" My body jerk violently, and tides of unknown origin shoot out of my pussy, drenching Emy's hand below.

This is the hardest I've cum yet...


Pulling out of the kiss, Liana lifts me up by my armpits and turns me around.

Looking below, I can see Emy has already taken my seat, her huge cock standing straight.

''Here.'' Liana says, handing myself to Emy, who also takes me by my armpits.

''Ready?'' She asks.


''W-Would that fit in my pussy...?''

That thing is massive...

''It will.'' She affirms me.

''Then... Please.'' I reply, spreading my legs and my pussy out for her cock.

Emy smiles lightly, she slowly brings me down, aiming her giant cock straight at my little pussy.

I could see Liana standing on the side, looking at us intently.


The hard cock kisses my hole gently, then slowly but firmly advances further in thanks to my pussy juice earlier, and just how strong Emy is.


''Agh...'' I frown, mainly due to the cock stretching my pussy a little too hard.

''Keep going?'' Emy asks.

''...Do it all at once.''

I don't know why I just said that. If that thing slams against my womb...



Fuck, it hurts. It hurts...


''You alright?'' Liana hurriedly comes over and kisses my tears away. Even Emy is stroking my belly while looking very apologetic right now.

So we stay like that for a minute, with the cock still rock hard inside my pussy. Actually, I think my womb is fucked... No, literally...

''M-Move.'' I say, feeling mostly better. ''Kiss me.'' I turn to Liana.


I close my eyes, anticipating.


First thrust of my life, it still hurts.

flap flap flap flap

Fifth thrust, not as much. But my womb feels uncomfortable...

flap flap flap flap

Ninth thrust, it doesn't hurt anymore...

flap flap flap flap

Thirteenth, it feels kinda nice...

flap flap flap flap

Enjoying the sensation of the cock invading my womb, I pull away from the kiss with Liana.

''Give me... Hgn~... your...Ngah~... cock.''

''...Sure thing, princess.'' Liana says, her voice somewhat sulky.

She then whips her cock on my breasts, it sinks on my milkers, then slowly inflates again, returning to its previous pristine state.

''Ah~" I open my mouth wide.


She angrily slams her cock down my throat, pulling out and pushing in repeatedly, not caring for anything at all.


Just in time, Emy's cock starts to twitch.


She slammed her cock real hard one last time, pumping her thick semen straight inside my womb.



Ah... I can practically feel my womb ovulating... I've been bred...

''My turn.'' Liana sighs, pulling her cock out of my mouth.

''Sure.'' Emy replies, pulling her own cock out of my pussy.

I still want to suck more... 

''cough cough...Maybe we can do spit roasting...?'' I speak up.

flap flap flap flap

So here I am, getting both my mouth and pussy fucked silly. Skewed like a pig from both sides.

This is bliss. This is just pure bliss.


''What a tight pussy, huh? Even after you've eaten that huge cock entirely!'' Liana slaps my butt lightly, thrusting her cock mercilessly.

I love angry cocks, too...

''Hgn...'' Emy moans quietly.

flap flap flap flap flap 

For a while, only sticky noises of pussy and throat being destroyed sounded in the room. 

I didn't think that sex was this good... Agh... Cumming again..!

Four orgasms later, I am still being pounded hard.


''I'm getting close.''

But finally, it seems like they've hit their limit, too.

Simultaneously, the two cocks pulse again, shooting their second loads all inside my body, not leaving a single drop to go to waste.

Cumming again~!


"Ngh... cough... Hah... Hah...'' I flop down onto the floor, semen mixed with pussy juice gushing out of my pussy.

God, it feels airy down there. It's not too loose now, right...? 

'''' ... ''''

''...Let's go wash up?'' I slowly sit up.

''Sure, we can continue later in Sylvie's room.''



What the hell is this stamina...?

The first part is a little bit sensitive. Be careful with that.


As I open my eyes, an unfamiliar ceiling greets me.

It's actually my room, I just wanted to say that once, like one of those main characters who got transmigrated into a video game about an academy that they somehow almost always addicted to, and they are the ultimate veteran of the community, then they proceed to get all the girls, defeating the final boss only to find out that some kind of bullshit regression thingy is going on in the multiverse or whatever.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked here. You may call me out for avoiding reality right now, but in fact, I am. That's why I ranted about those bullshits.

But it's time to face the truth. 

Looking at the clock right now, it's almost 11 A.M already. That makes sense, because these two bitches that are still sleeping beside me right now fucked me until 3 freaking A.M yesterday, well not yesterday, but you get the point.

Now I have a bazillion problems to solve.

First, my thighs are sore, my calves are sore, my lower back is sore, my jaw hurts a bit when I try to move as well. I have hickeys and bite marks all over my tits and thighs. My belly feels full. My body is absolutely wrecked right now.

Second, I need to explain to my parents now. This one is fine, I think.

And lastly, the most important one, I need to somehow prevent myself from getting pregnant. These two idiots just kept cumming inside me all the time, I bet I would have a quadruplet in 9 months if I do leave it alone.

I don't want to get pregnant yet, I still have to go to the Empire in 2 weeks or so, and I have a world to save. So I need to stop the semen now. Well, I guess that's too late already.

I don't think starting to look at how to make birth control pills on the Internet now is gonna solve it fast enough. I don't even know anything about the pills in the first place, why would I have cared about that when I was doing MMA with cancer all my past life.

Well, let's try asking the goddess-

[Hanako]: Hey, um...

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Hmm?

[Hanako]: So... I may have accidentally got creampied, for like, 10? 15? Times yesterday. Is there any way I can prevent myself from getting pregnant? Cause like, I have to save the world, and I don't want to do it while raising a child...

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]:...Sorry, what?

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Never mind that, well, in that case, I can do something about it.

[Hanako]: I knew it was a good idea to ask you! You're a goddess, Eva! But how would you do it?

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: I am a goddess, mind you. About the question, I have a little box that can basically stop time. I use them to store fresh food and stuff like ice creams, so if I take out your ovaries1 and store them inside the box, it'll be fine. I can give them back to you whenever you want.

[Hanako]:...And you won't accidentally eat my eggs?

[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: While I am a little bit curious about how they taste, I won't eat them, I promise you.

[Hanako]:...Then, please.

A light ball suddenly appears above my abdomen, it then flies inside my lower stomach, making it glow a little bit. Then it disappears quite abruptly, I feel like something is gone, like, there was something in my stomach before, but now it's gone.

Well, there goes my eggs. Wait, did I just give away my whole royal bloodline? Can I really trust her to not eat my eggs?

Wait, no, what am I talking about. My parents can still have another child, even my grandparents are still alive and kicking. Did losing my eggs make me dumber?

Whatever, I need to wake up first.

''Hey, you two idiots, wake up.'' I tap two of them under the blanket, we're all naked right now.

''Mhmm...'' As expected, Emy goes straight to my breasts, this time even sucking and licking them.

''Gmorning~'' Liana sits herself up, then she does a water magic spell to wash clean all of us together with the bed. Then she goes for my lips.

After exchanging tongues a bit, I pull away. ''Not again, it's the middle of the day already, we need to eat.''

''..Fine.'' Liana concedes.


This gal down here seems to be enjoying my breasts very much already, though.

Well, after that, we got dressed and now we are walking through the hallway to the dining room to eat our lunch. Yesterday we told my maid Sophia that we would skip breakfast to sleep in today, so I guess I won't get any questions about that.

Also, I'm not exactly walking, I can't really walk with my thighs and calves like this, so I'm using telekinesis to lift myself up, hovering above the ground.

Walking beside me are my two girlfriends, Liana has a look of satisfaction on her face, while Emy looks at me for a second and opens her mouth.

''I'm sorry.''


''About your thighs.''

''Ah~ that's fine, I have no problem using telekinesis anyway.''

''And I came inside you as well.''

How the hell can you say that with no embarrassment at all?!

''W-Well, it's fine. You guys can cum inside the next time as well, I asked the goddess to take care of it already. I won't get pregnant until I want to.''

'''' Really!? '''' Both of them have sparking eyes now, so bright.


Are they that happy...?

 Floating into the dining room, I see my parents, Marquess Beryl Seymour and Duchess Campbell sitting there in the chairs already.

''Good day, Mom, Dad, and the two of you as well.''

''Good day, Your Majesties, and Duchess as well, hi mama.'' Liana greets everyone.

''...Good day, Your Majesties. Marquess.'' Emy as well, she and the Duchess just nodded to each other, I guess they're really casual.

''You're all here, sit down. The food is almost ready.'' Dad says, holding a newspaper.

We go to sit next to each other at the round table, with me in the middle.

''My, why are you not walking, baby?'' There it is, my mom has noticed my flying.

''Why, it is all thanks to these two yesterday, now my whole lower body is very sore, Mom.'' I reply, glaring at the two culprits alternatively.

Everyone excluding Emy has their eyes wide open, bet they didn't expect this. Either way, I have no reason to hide, really.

'''' ... ''''

''...Congratulations, I'm rooting for you two, my future daughter-in-laws.'' Dad finally speaks up, nodding contently.

The Duchess and the Marquess have proud expressions as well, I guess I'm good enough for these two.

''I hope you can take care of my daughter, Your Highness.'' The Duchess speaks up.

''My wish is the same as well, Your Highness.'' Marquess follows her as well.

Emy and Liana are both smiling, this is good.

Then comes my mom with her hand covering her mouth. ''My my, when do I get to see grandchildren, my baby?'' She whispers.

''Mom, I have to save the world first.''

''Heheh, I guess so, but it's good that you now have new families, isn't that right?''

''I guess so,'' I shrug.

''Ah, and also.'' Dad raises the newspaper up for us to see ''The Empire has officially announced our visit already. You guys can depart 10 days later, is that alright?'' 

I see the article clearly, and the headline reads [The Everwood kingdom's official delegation team consists of high elves will visit Xeno in two weeks]

Well, I guess it's time for some assassinations.

There are only 2 days left until the departure. We've been preparing for this operation for over 4 years now.

By 'we', I mean the servants and officials of our kingdom. Really, the three of us have nothing to do except training and playing.

Most of the normal rescues and assassinations will be done by the S.D. squad and the combatants that are already in the capital.

From what Dad said I can probably guess that the three of us will need to take out Advance or even Master level individuals.

We all got our combat abilities measured around a month ago. The criteria for each combat class are different, for mages like me they evaluate everything related to mana: Control, casting speed, release capacity, affinity to different magic types,... My most powerful magic is telekinesis, as expected.

I barely got 1-star Master, which means I can legally call myself an Archmage, yay. Dad told me that it's going to get much harder to advance further from here though, but I got enough time on my hand, no worries.

For melee classes like Emy's or Liana's though, most of the time their CQC skills and how they utilize mana into combat will be evaluated.

Emy and Liana are now 3 and 5-star Advance, respectively. Apparently, high elves are all this strong, Liana is on the high end of her level as well, which means she'll be a Master soon enough.

Well, aside from that, now we're sitting here in Dad's office. We came in a little bit earlier.

After the intense threesome a week ago, they had to go back to their home to prepare their own things, like clothing, spare weapons, spare gemstones, etc. 

They only came back 2 days ago and have since stayed here in our castle. Through 2 whole nights of fucking, I realized that they really love deepthroating and cumming inside me, and Liana somehow really got into paizuri as well. I guess I'm glad I can use my breasts for something now.

Anyway, the reason why we're here is because Dad called us for some final plan checks and to make sure everything is right.

Sitting on one of the couches with my girlfriends, I take a look at the opposite couch over the antique wooden table.

There I can see Dad, Adam - the captain of S.D, and one more middle-aged man I've only met a few times.

He's the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Count Julius Nixon. This man had been working for the royal family even before Dad ascended the throne. He's a veteran.

This time, he will be accompanying us to the capital as well. Because we're just barely adults and inexperienced, he'll be the one who actually negotiates all the trades and policies.

After sipping the tea a bit, Dad opens his mouth: ''So you all will be traveling by cars, I've prepared a few of them already. You girls will ride one car, I'll let Justia drive it for you.

The squad will have 3 more cars and they will go together with you for a while, then when all of you get out of the elven territory, they will break up with you guys and go for another route, just so there's no suspicion.

Remember that Adam, Justia, and a few other S.D. members will act as your bodyguards, so treat them appropriately.''

Three of us nod to his words.

''Try to settle in the capital first, your targets will need to be investigated for a while more and we need more planning as well. Just focus on finding out more about the powers of the Empire for the time being. You can enjoy the academy experience as well.''

''Mhmm, what are we really supposed to do in the academy though?'' I ask, I honestly don't know what am I supposed to do in the academy, do I just become a student there?

''Well, first of all, your official positions will be temporary exchange students, but in reality, you'll have the freedom to do whatever you want. You can attend whatever lectures you want, and you can access most facilities as well, you have no obligation either.''

''That's great, I don't think we're weak enough to actually learn from those humans anyway.'' Liana says with a small nod.

''That's right, you guys are not weak enough for that, there's practically no human of your age that can match a high elf's strength anyway. There's just, a lot more of them compared to us.''

''On that note, most of the students there are sons and daughters of noble families, so maybe try to befriend some of the good ones, you can get information out of them as well. But of course, you don't have to.''

''That's fine by me.'' I reply.

After that, we talked some more about the plan and checked the preparations for the 4 days long journey.

Another two nights of fucking passed, and today's the day. 

I'm not complaining, but I really wonder why they are this horny all the time. When I asked that, they told me that they're almost always horny every day, just, usually they would jerk off alone, but now they have me so they just use me instead, fair enough. Those are insane libidos though.

Wait, how are they gonna endure it while traveling then? It's 4 whole days. I'm worried.

But regardless, we're now in the back seat of a black car parked in front of our castle gate. This time it's not a roofless car anymore, and the engine is now running on gas, thanks to all the blueprints I gave the researcher almost a decade ago, it still uses some magic, though. The car we're in now has been modified for traveling, so the seats we're sitting on right now are adjustable, they can be lowered to create a flat surface, almost like a bed.

The windows are open, on one side is my mom and dad, another side is old Abe and Marchioness Seymour. They're seeing us off right now.

''Remember, your safety is the most important, I trust you can judge for yourself when to fight and when to run away, baby. I want to see my grandchildren.'' Mom says, raising her index finger.

"Hm, hm.'' Dad nods along as well.

''I won't do anything reckless, don't worry.'' I smile in response.

After a lot of naggings and goodbyes, everyone in the operation got into their car, Justia climbed into our driver seat, and we're now off to the capital.

While the wheels are rolling, I want to check all my guns again before we reach the capital, so I turn the switch to lower the adjustable seats behind us and start to take out my guns.

I've made a lot of guns throughout the years. The first one I made is the .357 revolver right here, and then the Desert Eagle I made when I was 13.

Next is the Glock, an MP7 and an M14 as well. Then I have the beautiful Hecate II. I don't have a whole lot of guns, because it took me quite a lot of time to mass-produce guns for my friends and family, as well as the squad. 

I'll have to make more guns when I'm in the capital. Let's see, I don't have a shotgun yet, or a machine gun. Hmm, but I think I want to make the Kriss Vector1 next, I like the idea of dual wielding it with the MP7.

Then I move on to ammunition, I have around a thousand normal bullets of different calibers, 110 rounds of super AP, 70 rounds of explosive, 200 rounds of ghost, I gave a lot of these to the squad already, and a number of some weird experimental tips that I made, and finally, 3 tips of 'Gungnir'.

I wonder if I can shoot the Gungnir again somehow in the capital...

 ♫ I could never find the right way to tell you ♪

 ♬ Have you noticed I've been gone ♩

 ♭ Cause I left behind the home that you made me ♬

 ♪ But I will carry it along ♭1

It's day two of our little journey, I am now sitting in our car, which is still moving steadily at around 60km/h, according to Justia. And I'm currently singing to provide my girlfriends and my driver some sort of entertainment. We passed the elven border with the Empire a while ago, and now we're driving through a grassland, which is really beautiful, and refreshing. Combined with the sunset, this scene is straight-up picturesque. Because the squad has already separated from us, we are at this moment down from 5 cars to 2 cars.

At first, it was pretty normal, then some hours later we got really bored, so we started to play chess and other games together, I was right about bringing these board games along.

But because we're in a moving car, there are only so many games to play, almost all of them require brain cells as well, so they're pretty exhausting, mentally.

I'm fine, really, because I can just regress back to my baby period and go into hibernation, pretending to sleep 18 hours a day while actually watching some dumb shit on Youtube or something. But I don't want my girlfriends to be bored, so I am trying my best to entertain them.

Having girlfriends is great, it feels so good to cuddle with your lovers.

Right now, as I just finished singing, Emy is curling up on the seat and using my thighs as pillows, hugging my waist, and Liana is leaning her head against my shoulder, one hand behind my back, her other hand stroking Emilia's head.

But there's a slight problem, Emy's face is directly facing my nether region, and her breath tickles me in a very bad way. Meanwhile, Liana is groping my butt cheeks behind me. And I can somewhat catch glimpses of their erect cocks below our big blanket right now.

What the hell are you guys doing?! There's Justia here, you know?

I was a bit skeptical when they told me that they have to release a few loads every single day, but now I'm convinced. These gals are about to hit their limit.

Eh... I can't have them like this while traveling, I fear they might just attack me randomly during the trip.

But what do I do? The only time Justia is not here is when she goes out to sleep outside. It will not be nighttime anytime soon...

Wait, the blanket is fairly thick... I might have an idea.


Sylvia digs her hands below the blanket, her right hand goes slowly towards Emilia's crotch, while her left hand touches Raeliana's hard cock under the skirt right away due to the shorter distance.

This causes Raeliana to flinch, but shortly after that, she returns to a seemingly normal state. Sylvia then pulls up the skirt lightly, making Raeliana's huge meat rod touch her hand directly.

Moving up to the very tip of the pillar, Sylvia's hand encounters the cock's precum, which she immediately spread on her palm to use as lubricant, then she started to slowly move her soft and delicate hand, wrapping the cock around with her fingers, moving downward and upward, repeating the motion gently.

Sylvia's other hand finally reaches her other destination, the cock was pitifully held by the short pants that Emilia is currently wearing, sticking out of the pants, pointing towards her upper body, almost half of the cock was exposed, grinding against her own belly.

Sylvia strips the pants down Emilia's thighs, releasing the cock. She notices Emilia's breathing against her pussy getting rougher. But she doesn't care. Grabbing the glan drenched with precum, she spreads it over her right palm by moving her hand around the tip and then grabs the cock like how one would grab a sword's handle, moving back and forth slowly.

For a while, there are only three young elves in the back of the car with slightly flushed faces, thankfully, the sticky and lewd noises are overwhelmed by the sound of the car engine.

Two noble ladies' breathing gets rougher and rougher as they reach their climaxes.

''Hgn...'' Raeliana moans quietly.

Raeliana cums first, and as soon as Sylvia feels her lover's cock twitch, she blocks the semen from spurting everywhere with her own palm. She is drowned in the afterglow, panting lightly and burying her head deep into Sylvia's huge and infinitely soft bosom, her two hands now on the other's shoulders.


Emilia's erect cock starts to tremble with her body after a bit as well, sending pulses through even the other two's bodies. Sylvia also uses her palm to block the semen, she doesn't want to waste even one drop.

'''' ... ''''

Now that Raeliana has recovered a bit, she moves her head away from the lovely breasts and looks down to see Emilia, who is still burying her face in Sylvia's crotch, inhaling and exhaling quite intensely. 

Then, Emilia rotates her head to look up, eyes meeting with the other two's.

The three look at each other for a few seconds in silence, then Sylvia retreats her hands drenched in semen, brings them near her face, and uses telekinesis to lift up all the cloudy and sticky greyish liquid, merges all of them into a large drop and directly throws it into her mouth.

Under the surprised eyes of her two girlfriends, she chews a few times before frowning lightly and swallows them.

Seeing this scene of their princess, the other two immediately get hard again.


''Shh, hold on until tonight, I'll let you guys do whatever you want.'' I whisper to the two horny girls, they somehow instantly got hard again.

I've never actually tried tasting semen before, they always shove their cocks all the way to my throat when they're cumming, and because their cocks are so long, they just shot it straight down my stomach, so this is the first time I got to taste semen, it was bitter.

The two hesitate for a bit then obediently return to our previous cuddle position. It's good that their sanity is back a bit now. Although I want to do it as well... I'm wet already, urghhh.

Our dinner for today has just ended, we stopped near a tree on the road to rest for tonight. Justia likes to sleep outside in the wind, so she has a sleeping bag ready.

Almost immediately after Justia finishes her meal, Liana speaks up: ''Sorry, Justia, can we rest early tonight? We're kinda tired.''

Seeing Liana and Emy's impatient eyes, Justia gets a bit intimidated and hurriedly excuses herself out of the car.


The door shuts closed.

Instantly after that, in swift motions, Liana presses the device to lower the seats to gain space, while Emy strips my clothes down and throws them to the side.


Before me are my two beautiful girlfriends, and their rock-hard giant cocks staring at me.

....I probably won't get much sleep tonight.