
Reunion and Ancient Devil Fruit clues

The next day

We looked for informations about the Ancient Devil Fruit and Comphus and others where about. Of course we couldn't said we searched for Ace unless you wanted to be mocked and being said crazy looking for someone who's known as dead man.

Still they had a clue because they still have the vivre card and the place they're going to will be the same .

Even though they're weak , they should be able to fend off for themselves.

So we've set off to the other part of this place.

whenever i think about this place i remembered the place where Kuzan and Akainu had their fight.

There's just a difference where you can only feel them here and can't see.

while in Caesar's place you'll be able to see fire and ice very clearly.

We're going to another town in the direction of Thoump's Vivre Card.

We didn't give ace's own Vivre card because we're being careful.

He might accidentally exposed himself.

Actually , Ace that should've died going back to live.

The previous vivre cards that various people have would've burnt to ashes as Ace had practically died.

So the one that have his vivre card was none.

Even us didn't make one.

He just needed to stick together until we can get the Ancient Devil Fruit.

So the vacation continued........


..............Or not.

When we're walking to a restaurant in this inner city. I forgot the name. or maybe i didn't saw it.

Anyways , we sat down together and ordered the food after taking over the menu from the waiter. The waiter just stood there after taking our order , because his weird behavior , i moved my fixed eyes that stuck on the menu images, and looked up.

" Huh? You? " Diabsol surprised at this man appearance here.

" Bossssss! please save us! " A man begged and hold Diabsol's leg.

" Comphus? What are you doing here? " Diabsol asked.

" Hahahaha, working being a waiter definitely fit you." Sei said with tears of laugh appeared in the corner of her eyes. Jeanne just being as she is , silent if there's no need to talk.

At this moment ,many people noticed the ruckus. People bickering and gossiping about what happened.

" It's like this, when we're running away. ...

........( Omitted) anyway our journey was smooth even if many people tried to do something to us. But then we realized that ee didn't bring much money with us.

Vial tried to sell his poisons, Sieg tried to do mercenary job, at least he searched for it .

I and Ace stuck here to work, but as Ace ate more and more.... Boss must know what he capable of !".

" To sum it up, you and the others stuck because of debt? " Sei indifferently said it in high pitched voice.

" Yes! it is so. Second Commander really know us.....wait a se- ... " Comphus turned his head slowly , his face became pale and sweating his entire body.

Sei smile but her smile was giving out scary vibes.

Even the people who talked about us had stopped at this instant.

I'll just give him my condolences from my most deepest heart.


After the bashing and cruel episode ,

we're waiting for Vial and Sieg who were on their mission.

We've found Ace cutting the hard meat while sleeping.

He was mumblings many random things.

Most of them about Luffy,Grandpa garp, and the people on Shirohige crews then at last the people he met and interact with when he was at small dawn island.

I've explained the situation to the owner and paid the expenses of these two.

The owner thankful face with tears while saying " Please, take this two people away, especially this one , take him as far as you can. I'm really grateful you even pay for them."

was one that left me an impression about how notorious this brother of mine.

Then we took Ace away and check in to an inn nearby.

We explained the situation to Ace who hugged me at the moment he woke up.

At night , finally these two came back with wounds on their bodies.

( Note: Ace appearance had been modified by Diabsol as he became more neat and dashing)

They're surprised at my presence , nah... it's because of Sei.

Another episode of cruelty took place as i give my condolences.

Jeanne still not bothered to speak at all.

Maybe she is interacting with Sei who can use telepathic ability of her.

Anyway , we will go through the Ancient Ruins where many people took trials by fire to get that Ancient Devil Fruit.

From what we've gathered, mostly Vial, Sieg, and Comphus, The trial will be held each 3 months and 3 more days for the next trial will be held.

Some Authority obviously took advantage of this and set up a building for registration.

They needed to pay fees and test their prowess , as only people that have certain strength will be able to pass.

All people will have their strength being measured beforehand . It's very unfortunate for the people with high wisdom will be disqualified because of lacking in strength.

There's only one people succeeded to get to the second top. He gained a second rewards where he became instantly powerful in three days. But no one ever had reached the top.

Each people will have different tests and only when they reached Top 10 the rules changed.

The Ancient Ruins was a Reversed Tower where the more deeper you go, the more you're at the top.

It has 100 levels of different tests.

Wit, strength, braveness, luck, agility, and many other requirements needed to pass this.

Of course , there's also a rumour saying that a shortcuts exist in hidden floor.

There's also rumors that said " The real treasure is in the hidden chamber of hidden floor . "

At the start, people won't be in conflicts as the goal still far.

But as they neared the goals , competition was unavoidable.

As today they'll prepared themselves.

So they set off to the Ancient Ruins tomorrow.
