
Zombie Travel

Zombie Apocalypse has strike the world .30 people are tasked to survive it as long as possible but not for the reason you might think. they are tasked to survive so that they can entertain the God's. In this story we follow the life of " Khush" . A unlucky teenager forced to survive in this hell.

KH_R · Fantasy
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9 Chs


After making sure that there is no way the zombies can get inside, Khush tries to rest and thinks about how he got into this mess. 'It all started three tries ago,' thinks Khush.

As I was sleeping, someone started banging on the door unexpectedly. I initially didn't want to open it,

but after hearing the screams of the people living above me, I reluctantly opened the door only to see zombies attacking me before I even had a chance to think and were brutally devoured.

Despite that, I opened my eyes in front of that Deity who informed me that I had been chosen to play in this game to amuse the Gods.

According to him, the more time I survive in the zombie apocalypse, the more rewards I can obtain from the gods. After claiming the rewards, I will be sent back in time.

The Deity would send me back two days before the Apocalypse if I survived for a month. The rewards can be anything from money, strength and even S-' before Khush can finish thinking, he heard a loud bang coming from the outside.

Due to being locked inside a store, Khush wasn't able to see who made that bang. The Bang was a result of an electric pole falling on a car, which led to an explosion.

Due to the explosion, a fire had started which was making its way to the general store where Khush was. Khush, who had thought nothing of the bang, fell asleep. Little did he know he was about to be burned alive by the fire.

The stutters became extremely hot due to the fire that had engulfed everything surrounding the general store. But that wasn't the reason he was burned alive. Due to the electric pole falling, the voltage became unpredicted. Which caused an electrical fire.

Which then caused the oil in the general store to catch fire thus burning Khush alive. 'You died so early and that wasn't even caused by the Zombies ' The Deity chuckles. 'No worry, you will get as many chance's you want. Now go.'

Khush was relocated again, but this time it was not in his bedroom.