
Zombie Overlord :Esquire

A lawyer accused of rape commits suicide and is transported to another world.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
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108 Chs

The Valley of the Drowned

Ryan set out to look for the valley of the drowned. He was worried what will become of him, if he doesn't find the valley. He kept walking and wondered, how he would be able to tell if he found the valley. After sometime, he wasn't moving as fast as he use to. He saw a house in a distance, it was the only house around. Ryan tried to get there, but on his way, he lost consciousness.

Ryan woke up hours later in a grave, he dug himself out. The moment he got out, he knew he was at the valley of the drowned. The sand looked dry, water came out of the sand when he walked. The whole place was fluffy and when he passed the sand immediately dries.

Just when he was wondering how strange the place was. The ground began to shake, there and then three Mourmen arrived. The ground was still shaking, Ryan knew more were coming. He was scared, they've come to avenge their master, he thought. The first three stood there in front of him. He made no effort to excape, he knew he couldn't out ran them.

Four more came to join the other three, Ryan stood there for them to strike him. They knelt before Ryan, he didn't know what was going on. One of the first three growled and Ryan understood him. Ryan thinking of what the Mourman said he repeated it. The same Mourman growled back at Ryans growl. He understood they were calling him master, but didn't know why.

Ryan realized they were sinking, the Mourmen s weight had made the sand give in. Ryan tried to climb out but, it was like running on a treadmill. One of the mourmen, pick up Ryan and threw him onto solid ground. He watched, as they sank and sand from above, filled the cavity that swallowed them.

Ryan went back to Heltons and told him everything. They knew who or what was draining Ryan. They decided to sever the connection, but to be on a safer side Helton performed the ritual. After the ritual was complete, Ryan felt a wait being lifted off him. It sounded great, but Ryan felt like he had lost a piece of himself. He didn't feel as good, as he thought he would feel.