
Zombie Overlord :Esquire

A lawyer accused of rape commits suicide and is transported to another world.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Fay Returns

Kemi and Lawhey were ran into Ryan and the others as they hurried off the desert.

"Hey are you guys off to?"

Helton asked when he met them.

"Let's get into the forest I'll tell you everything"

Lawhey said to them and Kemi took the lead.

"We just got out of the forest."

Atta said to herself in a low tone.

Kemi shifted to human form and Atta turned away. Lawhey gave Kemi his clothes he kept in his bag. Atta kept sneaking a peak until Kemi was dressed.

"What happened?"

Ryan asked as they all sat down in the grass.

"There are monsters in the desert, we just fought a giant worm. This place is dangerous. "

Lawhey said to them.

"Oh my God, you guys saw a desert death worm. I'm so jealous right now. I have read about them, gaint desert worm in the sand. That may mean the Desert King may also be her."

Helton mumbled on like he usually does and the rest let him.

"Can we just find Shoto and Pencil and get out of here?"

Atta said and Lawhey looked at the vast emptiness.

" How do we get out of here, the forest it dangerous and now so is the desert."

" I'll never called the gate keepers useless again."

Lawhey said and sat back on the grass.

" We go back the same way we came, through the Forest. First we get Shoto and Pencil from the hospital. "

Ryan said and started their journey. They walked all day, when they got the hospital, it was getting dark. They asked at the reception about Pencil and Shoto and they were told, they have been dischareged.

" Did I hear you say Shoto, I know we're he is"

Lilium said to them when she overheard Shoto's name. Shoto had been staying with her for day and was getting on her nerves.

They waited for her to finish her shift and she took them back to her apartment.

She opened the door and they all entered the room.

"Lilium, this is amazing"

Shoto's voice was all over the room. They looked to their right and saw him wearing food on his face. He laid on the bed, with a towel around his waist.

Atta walked over and took a piece of the sliced fruit on his face. Helton collected it from her and looked at it. Atta took another one.

"Stop ruining my facial"

Shoto said and opened his eyes. He saw Atta and Helton and sat up quickly, simultaneously slapping the sliced fruit of his face.

" If you are all healed we need to go"

Atta said chewing then she picked another slice off Shoto's face. He sat still as Atta picked off his face.

"Do you know where pencil is?"

Ryan asked from behind Helton and Atta. Lilium went round serving drinks. Shoto reached for a drink on the tray, and Lilium pulled it back.

"Ooh, none for you"

She said and let Atta and Helton have the last two glasses. Shoto got up and momentarily he covered his whole self with scales.

Meanwhile Pencil had been learning to use magic. Hollow Witch had been teaching her but he has yet to do any spells. Apia even tried teaching her some magic but Pencil showed no results.

"Holie, she has no affinity for magic."

Apia said to Hollow Witch as the looked at Pencil strangle with a spell.

"She is the daughter of Fay, she has a magic in her. She is just a little rusty (Apia glared) okay a lot rusty.

Just a spark and she would burn like a Phoenix. Let her siphon a bit of your magic for a little practice. "

Hollow Witch said and Apia went to grab Pencils arm. A streak moved from Apia's arm to Pencil's. The streaks started to fill the hour glass, Apia let go of her arm. The remaining mana trickled into the hour glass.

Then the poison ivy wrapped around the hour glass turn it. The mana from the glass trickled, filling Pencil with power.

" Okay now visualize a drop of water"

Apia said and Hollow Witch cupped her hand under hers. Allowing Pencil to do same.

Pencil focused hard, she held her position for about two minutes and dropped her cupped hand. She walked out of the room, a drop of water hit the ground seconds after she removed her hand.

Hollow Witch went after her and Dalia took the grimoire, she look at the ivy siphon spell in the book and closed it.

In two towns over a woman with coal black hair was standing in a meadow. The wind blew her green silk handkerchief dress. With her black boots planted in the ground, she stared down the hill.

Suddenly, a dust devil passed by and left a 5 foot 2 woman in the meadow.


The woman on the hill said and ran to her. Fay turned around, her dirty brown coat caught the attention of the wind. Revealing a portion of her peach ball gown. She ran towards the woman dragging the already dirty pit in the grass.

"Dalia, how long had it been?"

Fay hugged Dalia and asked.

" It's...it's been fifteen years"

Dalia said stammering.

"No, no it's been too long. (she pulled away) How is May, she would be what, nineteen... twenty? Please take me to her right now."

Fay said rumbling as she paced.

"Fay.... Fay I don't know where May is."

Dalia stopped her by grabbing her shoulders.

"it will be fine the rest may know, we just have to ask them"

"Where are the rest?"

Fay stopped pacing and asked.

"Apia was in Melonase the last I heard. I think Holie was in Starase, she moves a lot. Even with Claire's eyes constantly on us, I am not sure she will be there."

Fay walked back down the hill.

"Where are you going"

Dalia asked following her.

"Starbase of course"

"At least, eat something and rest"

Fay ignored hair, she pushed the hair the wind blew onto her face to the side.