
Zombie Overlord :Esquire

A lawyer accused of rape commits suicide and is transported to another world.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Book of Skins

The officials of the competition were looking for for Rubix Cube to award them. The widow had put a plan in place to kill Ryan. She had worked too hard to let Ryan cause set back.

Cynthia Mclouise know in the underground as Widow, was betrothed to her late husband Hughes Mcloiuse. At the age of fifteen her family practical gave her to Hughes. A year later her husband died and she married his brother, six months later he also died.

She ended up inheriting all their properties, she may have been married to nobles but she is not regarded as on. She somehow managed to become the CEO of Eternity. An organization over fifty years old.

" Hollow Witch was here and no one noticed. Or someone did and did not inform me."

Claire said and looked around, no one looked her in the eyes. They were all scared but no one moved. She entered the house, the house the smelt of ash and smoke. Other women who were already in the house, turned stuff over. Damaging the already damaged house.

Claire saw a hole in the floor board and took other boards out.

She saw something wrapped in a cloth, she picked it up and the cloth crumble. Leaving a book made of made of skin. The pages were stitched together with a thread.

"The book of skins, (chuckles) so this is where she kept it."

She said and opened a page, she then read from the book. Suddenly the thread that stitched the book, sew her lips shut.


She screamed and caught the attention of the other ladies in the room. They quickly ran to her, they tried to cut the thread but it wasn't possible. They cast spells at the book but it repelled them.

Claire hummed at them telling them what to do but they couldn't understand her.

"hmm hmmm hmmm hmm hmmm"

She said and pushed them, and walked out of there, holding the book in one hand.

Meanwhile, Ryan was still healing in the cocoon. Helton and Atta were socializing with the villagers.

"I heard this place is dangerous, why do you choose to live here"

Atta asked one of the villagers.

"The desert is really hot during the day and the opposite during the night. We will die if we stay there, the forest is safer. That is if we appease the spirits."

The man said and put his index finger between his lips and pulled away.

"Spirits, have you seen any of this spirits"

Atta asked.

"No, at least not physically but we normally see them in dreams"

The guy said and Atta's heart beat spiked.

"What does it mean when you see a spirit in your dreams?"

Atta asked not wanting to know the answer.

"it depends on the Spirit you see"

Helton was talking to someone else but was entriged by how Atta was interested in the spirits.

"What about one with goat legs and head"

Atta said and the man told her to tell him her dream. She did and she explained it to her.

"It seems a dream Witch wanted to sacrifice you to the underworld. Dream witches hide their faces in dreams. They twist and turn dreams to hide their intentions. "

The villager said and Atta was a little relieved. She didn't know why by she wasn't as worried as before.

" Don't worry, I have been chosen to be a sacrifice for the spirit. I keep moving from village to village. I'm not even sure this will be my last."

The man whispered to Atta and she laughed as loud as she could. The man looked around and sees she is drawing attention and immediately leaves.

Somewhere in mangoase, Burke was jubilating. He seemed to have found he was looking for. He had reanimated Ju as a zombie.

" I guess I'll make you my slave"

Burke created a transmutation circle around Ju and dropped a drop of his blood inside the circle. The circle decreased in size and rose, it wrapped around Ju's neck and disappeared.

Suddenly, a group of people entered the lab.

"We brought the ingredients, we lost three men in the forest."

Burke took out the stuff from the bag. There were brack's teeth, Adah mosquitoes proboscis and some other stuffs.

"Have you found the person, making the float.

I have done every test possible, I still don't know what is used in the preparation. Ever batch I prepare is a bust, now I cut the original but it still works. Very soon I'll be out, I need to find the cook."

Burke said to them but they were distracted by Ju.

" Okay, we will keep looking for the cook. "

They turned as they were leaving, Burke stopped them.

" Wait, and look for the zombie in that guild Rubix Cube. His master will be fine too, I need to know how he reanimated him."


One of them said and they all left.

Pencil was out of the hospital and she was with Hollow Witch. They were on a quest to find the other half of the Cardinal. The Cardinal is a group of four witches who act as a council to the grand Witch.

"Tell me more about my mum"

Pencil said as the crossed the desert.

"Your mother was Earth Witch, I'm a weather Witch, Apia is a light Witch and Dalia is a time Witch. We are, were Cardinal witches a coven within the coven. We were supposed to direct the Lenimscate Coven by keeping the head in check. The coven wanted to make Fay grand Witch. "

Hollow Witch said

" All you told me about my mum was she was an earth Witch. All the rest was nonsense. Cardinal this and Cardinal that, I don't care about the Cardinal. I want to hear more about my family. "

Pencil said her peace an the continued.