
Zombie Apocalypse: The Fallen

Groomed from a young age into a killer. Used only as a weapon. Having the world system as his only companion as he treks a path of death. Zombies and humans alike killed by him. All fear his name as all rejoice for his death once heard. Yet what if death was only the beginning into a similar world for our protagonist?

PurpleLove · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First New Day

Sarah Woods and John Woods. A famous celebrity and actor while the other is a very successful businessman...and they are my parents. While I may have mentioned that I wouldn't care if my parents are rich, this is beyond me I thought to myself as I stare at my new home.

A beautiful gated mansion with even bodyguards at the front gate. As they let us pass with the utmost respect, I can't help but marvel at the beautiful colorful scene of flowers and trees among the front entrance leading to the mansion.

Reaching the front gate, my parents tug me along as I'm still in my thoughts. As they lead me to my room, I can't help but tilt my head in confusion at them as they look at me with expectant looks. I then remember that I'd always stay in my room unless called for otherwise. I giggle out loud as I grab my parents hands confusing them as I lead them downstairs.

"I think I'll help with cooking dinner" I cheerfully say surprising them. Not looking behind me anymore to see my parents look at each other in surprise before happily smiling at each other. In retrospect, my parents actually enjoy living as much of a normal life as me despite their careers. So my mother and father have always tried their best to make time to cook dinner at home and eat as a family.

Smiling to myself even more as I think over that, me and my parents get to cooking. As time flies by as we make chicken stew, I can't help but grin like an idiot for the entire day. As we finish eating dinner and clean the dishes, I'm sent upstairs to shower and get ready to sleep.

Throwing a towel over my shoulder, I head to the washroom to strip and glance at my appearance. I nod to myself before I do a double take and stare at myself in the mirror. Black silky hair with emerald green eyes. A petite and pale body from not ever leaving my room. I can't help but stare at the lack of muscles and the pale flawless skin I have.

Internally I'm crying and flipping off God for putting me into this body. What ever happened to all my manly scars from my victories in battles? I could've sworn I heard an old man laughing his ass off too faintly somewhere and somehow. Shrugging it off as I have no way of changing it, I head to the shower.

Scrubbing my head filled with shampoo, I can't help but close my eyes in pleasure as the rubbing on my scalp feels heavenly. Washing off my body and hair, I lazily dry my now sleepy self as I pull out a onesie that I was given by my parents although I never wore it until now. Not at all ashamed as I've decided to live my life even as a child, I wear it and glance at myself in the mirror to somehow manage to sigh and smile at the same time.

I'm just too damn cute not to look at I thought to myself while nodding narcissistically to myself. Deciding to head back downstairs, I surprise my parents by giving them kisses on the cheeks while informing them that I'll be heading to bed now. Getting smiles and nods from them, I head to my bed as I collapse and fall in a state of sleeping and yet being aware of my surroundings. Habits die hard I suppose.

Waking up at exactly six in the morning as I lay there waiting for the sun to rise. Heading downstairs, I continue to surprise my parents as I usually never exit my room unless asked to. While my mother is cooking breakfast, I'm talking to my father about what his favorite dinosaur is which would catch the attention of adults and children alike.

As breakfast is served and I happily enjoy a cooked meal by my mother for the first time, I compliment my mothers cooking. As we finish it and they announce that they're not going to work today, I hastily claim that they shouldn't miss work. We go back and forth before they give up as I convinced them that we have all the time in the world...well sorta. We exchange hugs and I wave them off as they drive past the front gate with a bodyguard driving for them.

So now I'm left at home with nobody but myself. As caring and loving as my parents are, they might've forgotten the fact that I'm all alone and I'm more human now. So loneliness sits in as I decide to workout to build up my strength and speed again as vitality only grows dramatically by breaking through to becoming a tier 2 being.

Finishing a quick workout as my frail body can't handle much, I decide to explore out of childish curiosity for finally having the freedom to relax and do such simple actions.

Finally growing bored of seeing different rooms, I open seeming the last door in the mansion to squeal in joy. Quickly catching myself and composing myself, I desperately try to forget the odd sound I just made. "I am manly" I repeatedly mutter and tell myself.

The sight of different kinds of swords and blades are displayed around this room. Not at all questioning why they're even here as the rich tend to buy odd things when bored or so I've seen from the other rooms.

Quickly grabbing a dagger, I expertly spin it around my hand as I pretend to look around in good humor before tucking it under my shirt as I take it for myself. Ah I smile to myself as my body relaxes just a slight. The knowledge of having a weapon on you will always soothe your soul when growing up in the apocalypse.

Deciding that I've had enough of the mansion, I decide to head outside as I'm forced to bring along one of the bodyguards guarding the front gate. Quickly bringing the man into a car to drive for me while talking to him, I learn that his name is James as he's been a bodyguard for the Woods family even before I was born. This being the first time to ever have interacted with me and to see me so lively, he happily answers all my questions.

Happily hearing that he's been guarding my family all this time, I decide to say out loud "Thank you for all your service Uncle James. I hope we can continue guarding my parents together" as he chuckles in good nature hearing that. Pouting at how he doesn't think I can protect them, I challenge him like any other child would.

"Hmph Uncle how about a spar? I'll show you how dangerous I can be" I say proudly. Already deciding in my head that it'll be best to expose myself to be good at fighting at a young age. Having him agree half heartedly, we head to some where grass is before I see him lazily standing with his arms by his side.

Frowning, I decide to make him serious by ordering him "Uncle I'm ordering you if you don't think I can handle your attacks after I attack you, then at least defend yourself" to which he laughs explaining that this is his normal stance.

Confused before recognizing it at a closer look that it must be a neutral stance for Krav Maga, my thoughts go racing as I wonder what his background is. Deciding to brush it off with pure confidence, I rush out towards him. I stab out with my sharp nails aiming for his eye. Surprising him with my ruthlessness, he quickly brushes it to the side before gripping my arm tightly. Deciding to use his grip against him with my small body, I attempt to pull away as he pulls closer.

Grinning internally, I surprise him by jumping in the air setting my foot up against his stomach to hold myself while sending my other foot straight to his other eye. Leaning away and dodging it, Uncle quickly gets serious as he quickly decides to reset by throwing me across the grass. I quickly catch myself rolling into a backflip as I straighten my posture. As he sends a fierce hawk like stare at me now, I giggle out loud as I show a time out sign.

"Eh?" Uncle James exclaims out of surprise before realizing that I have a weak body after doing nothing with it. On top of me working it out before, my body is filled with nothing but exhaustion. We both chuckle at the thought as he decides that we should stop for now.

Walking to the car again, Uncle James decides to speak out loud after seeming in thought. "I was in one of the most elite units in this country kid. Team unit Black Panthers. To catch me off guard so extensively even if I underestimated you is a feat itself. But to be able to make such ruthless and brutal actions at a young age to even be able make me take you seriously is..."

I patiently wait for him to say the rest of his sentence as I lean in. "is...awe inspiring!" he seems to exclaim excitedly. "You're not so bad yourself Uncle" I say making both of us chuckle. As he seems to become more used to being around me, we slowly become more comfortable with each other as we drive around the city with no destination.

"Hey kid..." to which I respond back "Mhm?" "How would you feel if I introduced you to my old unit? To be quite honest, I just want to show you off." Uncle James roars out with laughter. Chuckling at that, I decide that I got nothing better to do and it should be fun, so I agree.

sorry if my writing isn’t top tier. just an ordinary high school student who happens to be failing all his classes lol. anyways comment about how adorable i am or maybe how you felt about the chapter. author signing off <3

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