
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 88: The week off (R-18)

After a tense battle, the three finally surrendered to Xiaoyun as they admits defeat.

Although its a victory for Xiaoyun, he looked extremely tired as the three happily carried Xiaoyun to the shower together.

When the four finish and got out of the shower, it was already three o'clock midnight.

Instead of sleeping in Xiaoyun's messy bed, they four slept in Yanyan's bedroom.


When Xiaoyun woke up, it was already ten o'clock.

The three were all over the bed laying on top of him, with Xiaoqi on top of his left arm while Yunyun on top of his right arm. With Yanyan sleeping on top of his chest and all three of their legs tangled between his leg.

"Wake up! It's already ten!" Xiaoyun tried to wake the three up but they doesn't show any sign of waking up.

"Wait... its a week off for Chinese New Year." Xiaoyun realized they didn't have to go to work, so he gave up waking up the three.

However the three being on top of Xiaoyun was giving him having a hard time falling back asleep.

Especially as Xiaoqi's thighs and Yunyun's thighs are both on top of his hand, combined with Yanyan's entrance right on top of the his morning wood.

Suddenly the two on Xiaoyun's side moved a little, moving his hands right below their entrance.

Xiaoyun finally got fed up with the two still on top of his arm so he used his finger rub the entrance while their lingerie fabric is still covering it.

The two started moaning out a little, but still haven't wake up yet.

Xiaoyun adjusted his body to finally free his hand, coincidentally also moving Yanyan entrance directly on top of the rod.

As Yanyan slowly sink down, Xiaoyun's rod kept rubbing her entrance through the lingerie fabric, making Yanyan moaned out a little as well.

Xiaoyun decided to continue as she moved Yanyan's lingerie to the side to allow the tip of the rod to go inside a little.

Then Xiaoyun used his hand to move aside the two's lingerie to allow his finger move inside the entrance.

Eventually, Yanyan woke up first as she could feel something is trying to enter inside her.

"Honey what are you doing... Hm!" As Yanyan moved down to adjust her leg, it allowed Xiaoyun's rod to go inside her completely.

"Honey you!" Yanyan realized what had just happened.

"Shh, the two is still sleeping." Xiaoyun warned as he continued moving his finger under the blanket inside the two.

Finally the two woke up as Xiaoyun could feel the two becoming soaking wet inside.

"Xiaoyun what are you doing?" Xiaoqi and Yunyun both looked as if they haven't slept enough yet.

"N-nothing." Xiaoyun immediately withdraw his hand away.

"Y-you were touching both of us weren't you?" Xiaoqi and Yunyun both noticed their lingerie was completely wet underneath.

"W-what? Yunyun I didn't do that right?" Xiaoyun moved inside of Yanyan a little.

"Y-yeah, Xiaoyun hand was on leg the whole time, y-you guys are probably just having a wet dream." Yanyan helped Xiaoyun shift the blame away.

"R-really? M-maybe you are right." The two looked embarrassed, but then noticed Yanyan's face all red as she laid on top of Xiaoyun.

"Mom what are you doing?" Xiaoqi noticed something is off.

"Your face looking a little red." Yunyun noticed as well.

"N-nothing... hm! I-I'm coming!" Yanyan couldn't hold it anymore as she reached climax, with Xiaoyun being unable to hold it either and release it all inside of her.

Xiaoqi flipped the blanket over only to see the two were doing it.

"Hmph! Mom was doing it the whole time! That's not fair!" Both looked jealous at the Yanyan.

"Fine fine, I'll get off. I'm going to go take a shower." Yanyan looked all satisfied as she got off of Xiaoyun and walked toward the restroom.

"My turn." Xiaoqi got on top of Xiaoyun and starting riding it.

After a while, both climaxed at the same time as Xiaoyun still very sensitive from earlier.

Xiaoqi moved to the side with her face all satisfied for the morning and went toward the restroom.

Yunyun nervously moved on top of Xiaoyun and started riding it as well.

Both of them took a little longer but eventually climaxed at the same time.

Yunyun looked satisfied now as well and went to the restroom.

"What a morning..." Xiaoyun thought to himself as he himself entered the restroom.


After doing it few more time in the shower, the four finally walked downstairs at noon.

"What took your four so long? Actually don't tell me that." Xiaomi was already in the living room with Lily.

"I already went outside and brought breakfast." Xiaomi pointed at the kitchen as the two went back to watching TV.

The four walked inside the kitchen and started eating.

After Xiaoyun finished eating, he decided to ask a question.

"What you guys want to do for the week off?"

"Um, I just want to relax at home, I just don't have the energy." Xiaoqi replied first.

"Same here." The two both replied.

"I don't mind staying at hom——"

"No, you are not staying home." All three of them pushed Xiaoyun out of the house as if he was going to do something awful to them.

"Whatever." Xiaoyun started aimlessly walking.

Ever since the town had grown to two thousand people, the road has expanded twice now.

As Xiaoyun walked, he eventually ended at the new zones that he had planned around two month back.

There were many houses alongside the two way road, with all of them looking the same one story tall building.

Originally Jingming tried to convince Xiaoyun to build apartment as it would be more space efficient, however Yiming advised Xiaoyun not to do it.

The reason why was due tall building too stand out to the forest in the front entrance. As some of the zombies horde had shown sign of someone leading them, Xiaoyun agreed with Yiming's advice.

After walking pass the residential district, Xiaoyun was now at the new commercial district.

There is much less store than the first commercial district, but it still has more space to expand unlike the old one which is completely full.

Xiaoyun noticed one of the store with people walking out of it holding ice cream.

"Man I haven't ate ice cream for so long." Xiaoyun went inside to order his.

After waiting for five minute, Xiaoyun walked out with a vanilla ice cream cone.

"Its so nice to eat this in a hot day." Xiaoyun continue walking as he ate the ice cream.

Eventually, he finally arrived at the last district as he finished his ice cream.

It was the only industrial district in the town.

As Xiaoyun expected, the two government own factory was empty as its week off. However one of them still had the lights on.

Xiaoyun got a little confused why the lights is on so he went inside to check it out.

As Xiaoyun stand next to the window, he could see Anna with the three Russian alongside Kate.

The four seem to be competing with each other as they built held their newly designed guns that Xiaoyun never seen before and started shooting at the test range.

After the two group finished shooting, Kate seem to had marked something down and revealed it to the four competing.

The three Russian looked a little downed while Anna seem to be very happy.

"What going on here?" Xiaoyun asked in English as he walked inside the factory.

"They are competing which gun can shoot more ammo in five second using only WW2 weapons." Kate replied back.

"Look like Anna won then?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yep, her MG-42 beat their DP-27. Who would of thought? Even I know what the outcome is like when they are so long apart in time. Anyway this DP-27 is built for fun." Kate explained.

"Now here they go again, yelling at even thought they can't understand each other at all." Kate turned around to look at Xiaoyun.

"Anyway, what brought you here?"

"Um, let just say I got a break from staying at home... Anyway is there any new weapons?"

"The Russian had built their RPK prototype, with true Russian fashion, it can take the same ammo as the AK.

This MG-42 with the bi-pod and ammo belt is more built for wall defense than this drum magazine RPK." Kate pointed at one of the table.

"Meanwhile, Anna had built MP-40 for the submachine gun that Yezi asked for... From what I seen, both these gun take a lot of bullet." Kate pointed at the other table.

"Its fine, material is not a problem." Xiaoyun reassured her.

The four finally stopped arguing as they walked toward the two, then spoke in their own language.

"What are they saying now?" Xiaoyun asked.

"They want you to decide which one look better... just from the look." Kate translated.

"Um, MG-42 look intimidating, and the DP-27 look more stand out. Both are great designs." Xiaoyun avoided picking a side.

Kate translated to the four, which doesn't look happy from the answer.

"Oh look like I'm need to go now."

Xiaoyun immediately turned around and left the factory before they can asked again.

Thank you Meemoo for the golden ticket.

Well not much in this chapter, imagine this chapter more of a cutscene to the next one. And lay some background for the next thing.

Bonus Chapter Counter: 4

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