
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 85: Chinese New Years

In the afternoon, Xiaoyun left the office early to go attend Yiming's class.

When Xiaoyun came back home from the Yiming's class, Yanyan was already at home cooking, with Xiaomi and Lily watching anime at the living room.

Xiaoyun went upstairs to go take a shower.

By the time he finished and walk downstairs, Yanyan had just finished cooking dinner.

Xiaoyun sat down and started eating as everyone was already eating.

"What took you so long? Me and Yunyun took a shower faster despite us coming home later than you." Xiaoqi asked.

"I was just thinking about something... anyway, Yanyan how do you want to celebrate the new year?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Um, usually we just clean the house, then buy food and celebrate it at home. Sometime my parent come over to celebrate with us but most of the time they go to my brother's house to celebrate." Yanyan replied.

"I see... how do you guys wants to celebrate it in your mind?" Xiaoyun looked at the other three.

"I think just celebrating it with food is fine." Xiaoqi agreed with Yanyan.

"How about we get some firecrackers! And maybe even go watch a lion Dance? I heard some of the stores are getting together to make a event themselves." Yunyun suggested.

"Yeah! Yunyun idea sound amazing! So many of the customers I had today were talking about it." Xiaomi immediately jumped on board with Yunyun's idea.

Xiaoyun looked at Lily who had been silent the whole time.

"Lily do you have any suggestion?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Um... I'm fine with whatev——" Xiaomi interrupted Lily before she can finish.

"Lily want to go see it too! Right Lily?" Xiaomi tone changed a little threatening.

"Y-yeah of course I do." Lily changed her answer to Xiaomi's choice.

"Well then, its three to two. Unless Xiaoyun you have a idea?" Yunyun asked.

"Nope, I fine with either." Xiaoyun folded.

"Well then we had decid——" Both Yunyun and Xiaomi looked very excited.

"Not so fast, no firecracker. The smoke can be harmful." Yanyan interrupted the two's celebration.

"Fine, we still get to see the lion dance at least." The two still look very excited.

"So childish..." Xiaoqi facepalmed at the two.


As the night settled in, the four were cuddling on the bed.

"Yanyan... can the hospital handle childbirth?" Xiaoyun suddenly asked.

"Yeah of course, several people that you guys rescued were pregnant and even had to go through C-section. Don't worry about it, they did this all without my help." Yanyan knows what Xiaoyun was trying to ask.

"Beside, we still have around two more month." Yanyan added.

"Yunyun, what do you want to name your child?" Xiaoqi suddenly asked.

"Um, I haven't decided yet. Xiaoyun you got an idea?" Yunyun looked over to Xiaoyun.

"I can't think of one right now." Xiaoyun brain was blank.

"Well mine is Lianrong for boy and Huarong for girl... mom how about you?" Xiaoqi gave her idea.

"Yongyi for boy and Jingxiu for girl." Yanyan replied.

"Hm... how about Qiaolan for girl and Yueshan for boy?" Yunyun suggested.

"Sound good to me." Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.

"Anyway lets go to sleep now." Yanyan yawned as she pulled up the blanket.

"Goodnight." The four said to each other.


Soon the days went by as it was finally Chinese New Year.

The six of them walked to the lion dance that was advertised all over the town.

After finishing watching it, the six walked toward the commercial district to go shopping.

"That lion dance was impressive." Xiaoqi commented.

"Yeah, I can't imagine someone can move that fast at those steps while being behind someone." Yunyun added.

"Oh there's another one that side." Yanyan pointed at the other side of the street.

After watching that one, the six finally got tired and decided to go inside a nearby restaurant for lunch.

"That one was so playful, it even interacted with me." Xiaomi commented.

"Yeah, I think its two different style, probably northerner's lion dance are slightly different." Xiaoyun replied.

"Anyway I'm kind of hungry, what do you guys want to order?" Yanyan asked.

After everyone ordered their food and, the six waited.

"What are we doing in the afternoon?" Xiaomi asked.

"Going back home to prepare for new year dinner." Yanyan replied.

"Why don't we just eat outside?"

"Because its always had been a tradition, now stop asking so many question." Yanyan patted Xiaomi's head.

"Whatever." Xiaomi moved Yanyan hand away from her head.

The food was finally served and the six of them started eating.

"Hey Yanyan!" Lili and Banli noticed Yanyan at the restaurant as they were just walking pass outside

"Oh hey Lili and Banli, what you guys doing here?" Yanyan waved back as the two walked inside the restaurant.

"We're just doing some new year shopping. A lot of things is getting cheaper you know." Lili replied.

"True, that is a smart idea." Yanyan nodded in agreement.

"Anyway we get going now. See ya." Lili and Banli left the restaurant.

When the everyone finished eating, the three of them wanted to go shopping, overriding Xiaomi and Lily's wish to going back home.

"I thought we suppose to prepare for dinner, instead of going to shopping." Xiaomi poked fun of the hypocrisy by Yanyan.

"We can prepare it later, just a change of plan." Yanyan seem unaffected at all.

After shopping for three hour straight, they finally went home.

It was already five o'clock as they entered the door.

"I don't get why would you guys buy so much cloths that doesn't fit you." Xiaomi commented.

"It will fit after later. Beside, we are just stimulating the economy with purchases." Xiaoqi blushes as she replied back.

"Yeah yeah, totally." Xiaomi doesn't seem to take it at all.

"Hey Xiaomi, didn't you buy some cloths too?" Yunyun tried to look inside Xiaomi's bag, only for Xiaomi to immediately ran upstairs with the bag, with Lily following right behind her.

"Hm, what is she hiding?" Yunyun watched Xiaomi ran upstairs.

"Anyway Yunyun what did you brought?" Yanyan walked over to Yunyun's bag.

"Just a dress, it look very nice on the store so I brought it." Yunyun took it out to show to Yanyan.

"Oh my god, it look so nice!" Xiaoqi chimed in as she looked stared at the dress.

"I'm going to prepare dinner." Xiaoyun got bored looked at the three comparing their cloths and left to the kitchen.

Two hours later...

The four of them were sitting at the dining table, with Yanyan inside the kitchen helping Xiaoyun cooking.

The two finally finish cooking as they carried the dishes out onto the dining table.

"Wow, the roasted goose smell so good!" Yunyun and Xiaomi immediately started digging in before Xiaoyun or Yanyan even finish putting all the food down.

Xiaoqi knocked on both their head to stop them from eating.

"Wait for them first, even Lily here have more manner than you two." Xiaoqi warned.

"Okay okay." The two obediently put down their chopstick and waited.

After a short moment, all the food were finally on the table as Xiaoyun and Yanyan sat down.

As Yanyan and Xiaoyun moved their chopstick, the rest finally moved in and started eating.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Let me go answer it." Xiaoyun stood up from his seat and walked toward the door.

Xiaoyun opened the door only to see Kate and Anna standing outside.

"Oh hey what up? You facing a problem?" Xiaoyun asked in English.

"N-no, w-we forgot to buy propane so our house didn't have any gas to cook food. And when we went to the stores, all of them are already closed early today." Kate paused for a second, then continued.

"Then we went to restaurants to see if we can eat there, but all of them are full or reserved." Kate explained her situation.

"Oh right, probably because today is Chinese New Year, people left early probably to go home early and all people eating outside probably made an appointment a week in advance." Xiaoyun realized her issue.

"Here, come in. We got extra seats if you want." Xiaoyun invited the two for dinner.

Kate explained it to Anna in German, then the two both bowed down in gratitude.

"Thank you!"

"N-no problem." Xiaoyun look away immediately this time.

As the three walked toward the kitchen, all of them noticed the two.

"Um, they forgot to have gas at home to cook, and you know all the places are full so they don't have anywhere to eat." Xiaoyun explained.

"Uh-huh." Yunyun and Xiaoqi both looked suspiciously at Xiaoyun.

Yanyan doesn't seem to be bothered at all as she brought out two chairs for the two to sit down.

"Let me go get rice for you."

Yanyan left then came back with two bowl of rice and two pair of chopstick.

"I forgot to ask, do you know how to use chopstick?" Yanyan asked in English.

"Yeah we know." Kate replied.

Yanyan gave the two the bowl and the chopstick, then sat back down.

Everyone resumed back to eating, but the table was silent until Xiaoyun decided to speak up.

We finally at four. I need to finish bonus chapter before school start by next week. Tomorrow is going to be the day... okay let not be over ambitious, three day should do it.

Anyway these two chapter is going to be relaxing. As usually I completely awful at planning the pace of the story. Ok its not my fault that the holiday just coincidently matched up with the timeline. (Totally)

Bonus Chapter Counter: 4

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