
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 78: New Year Reflection

"Hello everyone! I'm Xiaoyun, the mayor of the town..." Xiaoyun gave his entire speech for twenty minute, where the crowd clapped and cheered several time during it.

When the speech was over, the crowd gave a loud applause.

"Together we'll create a better future!" As Xiaoyun finished speaking, the clock hits midnight.

"I hope everyone had enjoy tonight's events!" Xiaoyun finally put down the microphone as the crowd gave one last applause and cheers.

Xiaoyun walked toward the backstage then appeared back at the front tables.

"How was it?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Pretty good, the crowd seem very motivated and genuine about their future." Yezi replied.

"That was so cool too!" Xiaomi added as Lily nodded in agreement.

"It's certainly impressive." Lili and Banli chimed in.

"What do you three think?" Xiaoyun looked at the three who had been silent the whole time.

"So so, could do better." Xiaoqi replied coldly.

"Yeah, I think it can be improved upon." Yunyun replied coldly as well.

"What? I though it was very good." Yanyan looked confused at the two who seem to be united against Xiaoyun.

"You wouldn't think so if you know what he did to both of us. Let's just say we have been sharing information with each other." Xiaoqi replied.

"What?" Yanyan looked even more confused.

"Um, I'm going to go get something eat!" Xiaoyun grab a plate and went to the buffet.

Both Yiyi and Yezi laughed as if something funny had happened.

"Why you guys laughing?" Yanyan asked.

"The two are upset about something that Xiaoyun did. We just laughing because it funny to see it happen in real life, an real infighting like those drama show." Yiyi replied.

Both Yunyun and Xiaoqi's face blushes.

"Huh?" Yanyan seem to understand something, but still a little loss.

Xiaoyun was back with foods in his plate as he sat back down.

"Xiaoyun, what did you do to the two of them?" Yanyan asked.

"Um... we can explain it at home." Xiaoyun responded by delaying it.

"Okay then." Yanyan went back to eating her food.


As everyone had finished and people started had leaving, some like Yezi and Yiyi as well as Banli and Lili decided to stay to help with the cleanup.

Despite Xiaoyun wanting to stay for the cleanup, Yezi and Yiyi pushed Xiaoyun out to go back home with rest of them.

After Xiaoyun got home, Xiaoqi and Yunyun went to Xiaoqi's room and locked their doors.

"So what did you do to them to be like this?" Yanyan asked as the two sat down on the bed in Xiaoyun's room.

"C-can I use my wish, please just don't get mad." Xiaoyun pleaded.

"Fine, I won't get mad. Just tell me." Yanyan asked.

"I-I accidentally caused a scandal at the office with Xiaoqi."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I was just too horny and I remember she gave me a wish,so I used the wish to let me do it... inside the office with her."

"You what! The office! Those walls are thinner than paper!" Yanyan looked shocked at Xiaoyun.

"W-well it was fine at first, we were able to hide it in secret. B-but I accidentally went overboard and caused Qiqi to snap a-after I unloaded all over her face."

"Snap? Like get angry?"

"No, she simply couldn't hold it anymore and kept doing riding on it while moaning out loud inside her office." Xiaoyun got more nervous.

"W-wait, why didn't you didn't stop her? You know how much she cared about her reputation as a boss. She's going to have super hard time trying to rebuilt her character." Yanyan yelled out.

"I-I just couldn't resist her, s-she was almost like a completely different person and I fell to temptation." Xiaoyun tried to defend himself.

"You better wish that the office forget about it soon or she going to keep giving the cold shoulder from now on." Yanyan warned.

"B-but they wasn't like this when we were walking through the festival booth. I thought both of them moved passed." Xiaoyun brought it up.

"Both? What did you do with Yunyun?" Yanyan realized Yunyun was also on Xiaoqi's side earlier.

"Um, I-I got distracted looking at other women when I was with Yunyun. Like a split second. Then s-she was worried about her look not being attractive enough. So dragged me to the public restroom and asked me to prove that I still love her."

"And how did you prove it?"

"She took off my pants and asked me to get hard, so I got hard and suddenly she starting riding me." Xiaoyun started to get a little nervous.

"Okay, doesn't seem that bad. Beside you looking at other women and a bit of an odd place for sex. But why would she be upset over something she did herself?" Yanyan felt like the story wasn't complete.

"Um... after we climaxed she asked me to put her down because she had to... pee. But my brain was not thinking right. I-I used the wish she gave me to p-pee while we did it again." Xiaoyun finally spilled the bean.

"You... are sick in the head. No wonder why they both are giving you the cold shoulder." Yanyan voice changed to coldly as she replied.

"They probably talked to each other and realized they aren't the only one who had deal with your ridiculous perverted behavior." Yanyan stood up.

"How can you do this to our daughter? They trusted you and granted you a wish thinking that you won't abusing it.

Only for you to coerce them to satisfy your own urges? They are second trimester pregnant for fuck sake. You are a sick man." Yanyan turned around one last time standing at the doorway.

"I know they will forgive you at some point just like me, but try to do something to compensate them rather than just waiting it out." Yanyan slammed the door closed on her way out.

"I-I... really fucked up big time." Xiaoyun laid down onto the bed.

"How does it always go wrong? I-I didn't even lie this time or anything... I just used the wishes they granted me." Xiaoyun rolled on the bed couldn't think of an answer.

"No, Yanyan's right... I did betray their trust. They asked me to stop but I-I just continued despite them asking me to stop multiple time. I need to change." Xiaoyun covered his head with the pillow.

"But how? I'm rotting living like this." Xiaoyun suddenly have a idea.

"The town can sustain itself now, maybe I should join the rescue team." Xiaoyun realized why Yezi always wanted to go out.

"But first I also need to find a way to make it up to them. Wait I got it!" Xiaoyun got out of the bed and walked toward the kitchen.

After arriving at the kitchen, Xiaoyun started creating the ingredient in his hand.

"I need to make the dough first, have to be fresh and not handmade..." Xiaoyun thought back to his part time job in high school.

After preparing for the ingredient and made it all by hand for the entire night, Xiaoyun finally moved onto cooking as the clock hits six.

"Time to cook the best breakfast in the world!" Xiaoyun started started cooking.


Yanyan was finally awake as she went to the restroom to freshen herself. Then she walked downstairs toward the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Hm? Who's there?" Yanyan noticed someone already inside the kitchen.

"I'm cooking breakfast today. Just a nice change of pace for you guys I hope." Xiaoyun has been cooking for a hours nonstop.

Yanyan noticed all the food already on the table.

"Hmph! You think we will just be brought out by these? I'll be back later." Yanyan walked backstairs.

After another hour, the clock finally hits eight as everyone woke up, including Yanyan.

"Why does it smell so good?" Xiaomi and Lily was the first to walk downstairs and toward the kitchen.

"Because a professional chef here is cooking it." Xiaoyun puts the final food onto the plate.

"Wow! Xiaoyun you really woke up early to cook breakfast? W-what are you trying to do? Bribe someone?" Xiaomi guessed.

"Um maybe. Don't start eating yet! Wait for them to come down first." Xiaoyun warned.

"Okay okay." Xiaomi immediately stopped.

The three walked down next as they could smell the food coming from the kitchen.

"Wait mom you are here. Who's cooking then?" Xiaoqi noticed Yanyan standing behind her.

"You'll see." Yanyan left a cliffhanger.

When the three got to the kitchen, they saw all the food on the table.

"Wow, this reminded me of going for dim sum! I haven't eat that for so long!" Yunyun excitingly sat down and started eating.

Yanyan along with Xiaomi and Lily excitedly started eating as well.

"Um, Xiaoyun you cooked this?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Yeah, I just want to apologized to you two so this is my first compensation."

"Hmph! You think us two will be so easily sway by this? It's just food." Xiaoqi still haven't started it as she refused to budge.

"This is so good! I-I accept your apology as long as you do this everyday!" Yunyun just kept eating as she tried every single one of them.

"Yunyun! Y-you can't fall for this so easi——" Yunyun shoved a dumping to Xiaoqi's mouth before she can finish.

"Try it, its super good!" Yunyun replied as she continue eating.

"Hm! This is so good!" Xiaoqi started digging in the food.

Xiaoyun slowly fell asleep watching as the five of them finished all of the food.

Karma bite Xiaoyun on the back. Remember action have consequences.

Sure, he didn't lie or hide it, but telling half truths or hoping its going to go away won't solve any problems. Action speak louder than words.

Don't give up and run away when facing a problem. There's always a solution, you just need to work for it.

Why am I writing random motivational words as this late at night (1am). I need to go to sleep.

Bonus chapter counter: 6

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