
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 58: Night Talk Between Friends

After thirty minute, Yanyan finally finish cooking dinner.

As everyone beside Xiaoyun sat down on the dining table and starting eating.

"Who's this little girl?" Lili asked.

"She's Lily, what a coincident that your names are so similar." Yanyan introduces her.

"Foreigner name?" Banli looked Lily.

"M-my mom is from United Kingdom." Lily replied nervously.

"I see..."

"Anyway how did you guys got back down south here? I thought you guys are working at the capital?" Yanyan asked.

"Well me and Banli was on a trip back to visit our parents. As you can see, it didn't go so well." Lili looked a little down.

"B-both our parent was caught in the outbreak... we had to go through different survival groups for three months until we settled with one that looked friendly." Banli answered it for Lili.

"Oh sorry to hear that... But how did you became the leader of an group if you just joined?" Yunyun suddenly chimed in.

"The original leader died after shoot out with the casino ring. We lost several of our people and had to retreat. During the retreat, many of them got impressed with my fighting skill so they decided to elect me as the leader." Lili explained.

"Lili used to be a black belt in Taekwondo if you didn't know." Yanyan added.

"Wow that very impressive! C-can you teach me?" Yunyun looked Lili with admiration.

"Y-yeah sure, I got nothing else better to do now." Lili replied.

"Miss Banli, I heard you used to be a teacher right?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Yeah, I used to teach kindergarten and middle school. And I was planning to teach high school if it wasn't this outbreak."

"Do you want to be principal? We already got several teachers but they are all new. We need someone with experience like you to manage the school. The school will be for children between the age of six to sixteen."

"Um, what do you mean by will?" Banli noticed the way Xiaoqi said it out loud.

"Well the school is still under construction, so it isn't set in stone what children its planning to take in yet." Xiaoqi clarify the confusion.

"Sure, I don't mind it. Sound like a fun new job experience for me." Banli accepted Xiaoqi's offer.

"That's perfect! Your job will be starting next week i believe." Xiaoqi seemed excited from having a problem solved.

Banli thanks Xiaoqi for the job opportunity.


As everyone finish dinner, Yanyan introduces the rooms upstairs and gave the two her room to sleep in.

"I-I can sleep in Xiaoyun's room toni——" Lili interrupts Yanyan before she can finish.

"We can just sleep together! Just like in the good old days in the dorm!" Lili suggested.

"Um sure. But wasn't it in a bunk beds? We never really sle——"

"Come on this bed is so big, all three of us can definitely fit on it. Look like Yanyan still as shy as the day we met her." Lili patted Yanyan on the back.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You guys should go take a shower. This room its own shower over there." Yanyan pointed at the restroom.

"Oh my god a shower! We haven't taken a shower for so long!" Lili and Banli rushed to the restroom.

Xiaoyun let out a sigh as she sat down on the bed thinking about something.


"Banli, you body look so much younger!" Lili stared Banli as she took off her cloths.

"Y-your too." Banli stared back at Lili's body.

"He really is a miracle worker... wait, h-have you check below?" Lili suddenly asked.

"Hm? What about it?" Banli looked confused.

"Y-you remember w-we both accidentally b-broke it f-few year ago." Lili face blushed as she stuttered.

"Y-yeah, w-we broke it when we were training Taekwondo." Banli face blushed.

"Wait let me checkyours." Lili slowly moved down and and carefully opened the entrance.

"Its..." Lili looked shocked.

"What is it? Just tell me." Banli gets impatient from Lili's cliffhanger.

"It's there." Lili stood back up.

"What! Wait let me check yours then." Banli got down to check Lili's entrance.

"I-its there." Banli stood back up as her face looked just as shock as Lili.

"W-we—— whatever, let's just go take a shower." Lili thought for a second, but just moved on.

"Y-yeah lets take a shower." The two stepped inside the shower and started showering.

After the two finish taking a shower, they completely forgot they didn't have any cloth to change into.

Lili peeked her head out and noticed Yanyan who already taken a shower sitting on the bed.

"Hey Yanyan, do you have any spare cloths?"

"Yeah, let me go get it." Yanyan took out few cloths and handed it to Lili.

When the two got out, they were all in Yanyan's cloth. The cloths barely fit them at all as Yanyan is much taller than the two.

"Um... Yanyan do you have anything underneath for us?" Banli embarrassingly asked.

"Oh I almost forgot. Here's two panties. They should fit you. And about the bra... sorry I don't think any of them fit you two." Yanyan took out two pairs of underwear and bra to them.

"Yanyan, when did you got so big?" Lili and Banli put them on and realized a slight gap inside it.

"Well um... maybe because I-I gave birth to four kids already. Yeah that it, a-and I also inherited from my m-mom." Yanyan nervously replied.

"Xiaoyun must be real lucky then. Anyway lets go sleep now!" Lili and Banli got inside the bed as Yanyan sleep in the middle.

The room fall into darkness as Lili turned off the light.

"Hey Yanyan, why do you have a room if you are already married with Songming—— I mean Xiaoyun?" Banli suddenly asked.

"I-I just like have room to myself." Yanyan made up an excuse on the spot.

"I see..." Banli fell back into silence.

"Had he gotten over that you are his mom and wife? Are you really fine being both?" Lili asked.

"Y-yeah, we both don't mind as long as we love each other." Yanyan nervously replied back.

"That's good to hear... look like his worried in the past was just him worrying about the present him." Lili laughed as she thought back the time she punched him in the face.

"H-how about you two? How was life in the capital?" Yanyan decided to go change the conversation away from herself.

"Oh us? Well I was working in a office job for the whole time that my parent got for me. I hate office job. I am never going back to working in the office." Lili answered.

"I-I was still a teacher. I just moved to the capital b-because I got an job offer there. Yeah, a job offer." Banli seem a little nervous responding to this.

"How about you two's love life? You guys still haven't found a boyfriend or husband?" Yanyan curiously asked.

The two faces both blushes, and stays silent until Lili finally spoke up.

"W-we are still s-single. w-we were too busy with work. Yeah too busy with work right Banli?"

"Yeah, we got no time to date anyone."

"Oh I see. How about now then? You two look so young now, I'm sure when your group sees you two like this, they will be all over you."

"They already all chasing both of us..." The two mumbled in their head.

"W-well maybe later, we want to focus our career first right Banli?"

"Yeah, I still need to be a principal for a school. It's going to be very busy."

"Whatever... wait, are you two lesbian? You two are always so close and even went to the capital together... come on be honest with me, I won't shame you guys or anything."

Yanyan suddenly remember the two during the wedding night and how close they had been since high school.

"What! That's ridiculous. We are just close friend. Right Banli?" Lili spoke up as if she wanted to hide something.

"Yeah, we are just close friend. Yanyan are you reading those novel again? Those novel are going to rotten your brain." Banli knocked on Yanyan's head.

"Hey! I'm just asking geez. Not my fault that you two are always next to each other. Anyone would of think the same thing too if they see two women still single in their forty." Yanyan covered her head with her hand.

"Ah, so Yanyan is making fun of us being leftover women. Really trying to show off how she married early and have four kids?" Lili and Banli started tickling Yanyan as punishment to show off.

"ha ha hey stop. I-I am sorry okay?" Yanyan started laughing uncontrollably.

"Banli, lets teach a lesson to this married women why she shouldn't show off."

"Hey stop, t-that too far." Yanyan tried to resist but the two kept tickling her belly.

"Hmph!, that what you get." The two finally lets go .

"I-I swear I won't ever show off again." Yanyan apologizes sincerely.

"Good, you better keep that promise." The two both said at the same time.

The three trio meetup! Don't worry, there won't be actual yuri written in the story if you are wondering... Its only going to be purely character joking around each other or to make Xiaoyun a little bit more excited.

Oh, you wonder if Lili and Banli is actually together or not? They said it themseleve the best, they are just close friend.

First chapter down of the day.

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