
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 56: Introduction Of The Town

Fortunately on the way back, there wasn't an zombie horde waiting for them like last time.

When the bus arrived at the gate of the town, it was already pass noon.

"What took you guys so long?" Yezi asked as Xiaoyun and Lili got off the bus.

"Had to go refuel the bus. Xiaoqi already planned for them to go?" Xiaoyun asked

"Yeah, we still got an entire afternoon left. Xiaoqi told me give them a tour, then to the training field where they will hear from her. Anyway where's their luggage?" Yezi looked at the crowds standing with most of them empty handed.

"Um... I told them to throw everything away because the bus was way too cramped. You know I didn't want to do another trip. The bus is way too risky." Xiaoyun scratched his head.

"Whatever, I need to go lead them now." Yezi took out a megaphone out of his backpack.

"Hello everyone! Please follow me, I will be your tour guide today! I will explain everything and all the rules of the town." The crowd followed Yezi as they looked around the town.

Xiaoyun who has nothing else to do decided to follow them.

"This is the first mansion, you might wonder how can I live in it. Well its for soldiers only since its the closet to the entrance. Fun fact, it used to be my old house. Anyway beside the point. Join to be a soldier and you will be able to live in one." Yezi was pointing at 301.

Between 301 to 302, there were a lot of wood cabins.

"Those wood cabin you just saw are houses that some of you are going to live in temporary. It only has a bed inside and a light inside." The crowd started to chatter among themselves as soon as Yezi mentioned the quality.

"But before you complain, its better than sleeping on the outside in the city outskirt. Think about it, do you want to sleep knowing that there's always a risk of zombies or stranger attacking you while you asleep?" The crowd finally quiet down as Yezi mentions this.

"Remember this is an apocalypse, I'm sure you guys all already witness the harsh environment on the outside. This wood cabin is a perfect for a single family to themselves. All the privacy you need for the low price of ten food stamp per month after a week of living in there for free." Yezi continued to walk to the next place.

After a five minute walk, Yezi arrived at 302.

"This is an grocery store where you can buy food with food stamps. The cheapest food are canned food, while the most expensive food are freshly grown in the farm." The crowd seem extremely excited as if they haven't eaten anything for days.

"Please do not enter the store right now. You guys will have the chance to see inside it later." Yezi warned toward several kids who wanted to go in.

The parents of those kid quickly pull them back before they went to the store.

After fifteen minute walk with more wooden cabin between the gaps of the mansion, they finally arrived at 303.

"This is the mayor's house. There nothing else to talk about. Let move on." Yezi didn't say much and kept moving.

Walking for five minute from the 303, they arrived at the administrative building.

"This is the where the civilian management is located. The second floor is the management that you don't need to care about. What matter to you is the five booth below it. You will get your salary here every three days." Yezi pointed at the booths.

"Now next to this is a general good store, where you can get your needs such as cloths, spoons, any basic items that you need. It also has a grocery section like the one at 302."

Yezi continued walking as they walked passed even more wooden cabin.

"You might be tired from walking this much, but don't worry. Every day there will be a bus at designated time driving to pick you up to work and off work. It the same bus you guys just took." Yezi explained.

After introducing the rest of the mansions and seeing all the wooden cabin between the mansions, they finally arrived at the training camp at the back entrance side. The first three group who already toured the town were already there.

"Congratulation, You guys have just toured the whole town. Now its for the co-mayor to talk about the rules of the town and the work of the town. Everyone please take a seat." Yezi walked toward the backstage.

Xiaoqi walked upstage and picked up the microphone as everyone sat down.

"Hello everyone, I'm the co-mayor of the town. My name is Xiaoqi." Xiaoqi looked a little nervous but stood behind the podium firmly.

"I am here to explain the rules of the town. Please remain silent until I finish explaining. I will take question at the end." Xiaoqi flipped to the next page.

"First rule, no harming in any shape or form against another. Any violation of this would be immediately kicked out of the town."

"Second rule, all land and property are leased. This mean both the mansions and wood cabin cannot be owned. Renting it is the only option as of now. In the future this may be expanded upon."

The crowd seem to slightly disappointed, but didn't vocally disagree with it.

"Third rule, everyone above the age of sixteen is required for a mandatory one hour training everyday until a month pass. Then it will be only on the weekend. This training will be physical fitness as well as learning how to use an firearm. This is for the sake of an attack, every able adult is required to defend the town."

The crowd seem excited rather than worried, perhaps due to being able to use an firearm.

"Fourth rule, intentional committing fraud against someone or theft of public property will result banishment from the town."

"Fifth rule, during martial law, which is declared during a zombie attack, everyone must obey their superior's command. Refuse to do so will allow your superior to execute you on sight. This is depending on the severity of the result from disobeying the order." As Xiaoqi read this out, the crowd started chatter among themselves.

"Please be quiet."

The crowd doesn't seem to listen to Xiaoqi at all.

Xiaoqi gave a signal to Yunyun as she lead the militia up to the stage.

Everyone immediately got quiet as they got up the stage.

"Thank you. Now sixth and last rule, the mayor have the final say on the town's rule."

"When did she added that rule?" Xiaoyun was completely confused.

The crowd immediately went ballistic as soon as Xiaoqi finished speaking.

"Isn't this just a dictatorship?" One of the person yelled from the crowd.

"Is he really trying to be a king in this small town? Nepotism? Cronyism? Where's democracy?" Another person yelled from the crowd.

"Why should he be the leader? How can we be sure he isn't going to abuse his power?" The crowd erupted into chaos.

"Everyone please be quiet." Xiaoqi asked again.

But the crowd kept talking as some even stood back up.

Yunyun pulled out her pistol to fire a blank shot as all the militia member turned off safety with an click sound.

The crowd immediately went back to silent.

"Thank you. Please remain seated. Now we will talk about food stamp and work. Jingming will be explaining the biggest work department of the town."

Xiaoqi passed the microphone to Jingming who looked extremely nervous as he kept shaking while walking on stage.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jingming. I am the head of the construction department. We offer two food stamp for a day of work. With bonuses at the end of the week for people working the hardest. We accept everyone who's looking for work. Thank you." Jingming rushed it out as fast as he could speak and ran off stage.

"The next depart is the office department. We are currently hiring people who has experience with accounting and management. The starting salary is four food stamp. However we do not offer bonuses."

"Now lets welcome the third department, the agriculture department. Mrs.Yiyi will be explaining the next part." Xiaoqi handed the microphone to Yiyi.

"Um, hello everyone... I-I——" Yiyi stood there as the crowd staring at her made her froze.

Yezi rushed upstage and grabbed the microphone.

"Sorry my wife is a little nervous in front of the crowd. But she is the head of the agriculture department. Currently its full and have no plan of expanding. However we had set up for future expansion." Yezi held Yiyi back down stage.

"The next department is the last department of the civilian government. This is still in formation and isn't completed yet. Mrs.Yanyan will be introducing it." Xiaoyun handed the microphone to Yanyan as she walked upstage.

"Hello everyone. My name is Yanyan, I'm just the temporary head nurse. We are currently building an hospital and looking for doctor and nurses. The starting salary is six food stamps with bonuses. However night shift and overtime may be required in this job." As Yanyan finished, two people suddenly stood up from the crowd.

"Yanyan! Is that you!" Lili and Banli waved toward Yanyan.

"Oh hey! Let's talk later okay?" Yanyan gave back the microphone Xiaoqi and walked downstage.

"Now for the two department of the military branch of the town. We have the Mr.Yezi who leads Foreign Affair. This department focuses outside exploration and trades with the outside. Currently you cannot join it directly." Xiaoqi spoke for Yezi as Yezi was still calming down Yiyi.

"To join that department, you must be apart of the military department, which will be explained by Major Yiming." Xiaoqi handed the microphone to Yiming.

"Hello everyone. I am a former officer. As you heard, I used to be a Major but I hope everyone just call me Mr.Yiming. I am the head of town's force. I will let my two assistance explain." Yiming handed the microphone to Jixi.

"Hello, I'm Corporal Jixi."

"And I'm Private Gantian."

"I'm here to explain how the military in the town work. As you know, the town has an one hour mandatory training you will be going through. There is also an three hour version for people who wanted to be militia, which is paid one food stamp per day on top of your normal work." Jixi handed the microphone to Gantian.

"There's also the option to be a soldier which requires full time. After being a soldier, you have the option to either become on duty to patrol on the wall or join Yezi's exploration team. The salary is ten food stamp a day, with five food stamp on off duty days." Gantian passed back the microphone to Xiaoqi as both of them step back downstage.

"Now for the final person to talk, mayor would you mind getting up here?" Xiaoqi seem extremely frustrated at Xiaoyun who still sitting among the crowd.

The crowd started chatter among themselves, until Xiaoyun stood up.

"Wait he's the mayor?" The crowd started chattering even louder.

Xiaoyun walked pass the crowd and all the way up to the stage.

Xiaoqi passed the microphone to Xiaoyun as she angrily step on him behind the podium.

Xiaoyun held a straight face despite the pain, as Xiaoqi walked downstage.

The crowd fall into silent as Xiaoyun tapped the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I assume everyone had already seen me when we are still in the city. Some may had seen me when we were at the hotel fighting that casino ring. Or maybe you saw me throwing explosive out of an bus. I know I'm not your tradition mayor who just sit in the office all day with wrinkle on their faces."

The crowd seem a little shock from Xiaoyun being the mayor.

"I know you guys are upset about some of the rule, particularly me having the final say. To be honest, I didn't even know that rule existed. But I swear here to everyone, if I broke any of the rule myself, I will punish myself as if I'm just a normal citizen of the town, and I will not abuse my power."

The crowd suddenly clapped and cheered.

"I'm fine with our hero being the mayor!" One of the person yelled out as all of them cheered in agreement.

"Thank you everyone for the support. To reassure everyone, I will have Miss Lili, to be the judge of the town. She will have the authority to start a vote that can kick me out if I broke any rules or abused my power."

Lili looked shock from the announcement out of nowhere, but the crowd is ecstatic from this announcement as they feel represented with Lili in position of power.

A little bit longer as this chapter was more of an recap. In case you lose track what happening in the town. This is a fresh start of how everything is working in the town.

One bonus chapter down.

Bonus chapter count: 15

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