

Zoey, a reserved college girl learns of the devastating news that she may or maybe unable to make it to the future. Despite her fighting spirit, she has several fears, especially falling in love with the annoying college hunk who keeps on appearing wherever she goes. She thinks she's anything but worthy of his attention. She keeps denying her attraction towards him but why does she keep on thinking about his sexy body, deep low voice and the playful smirk on his face wondering if it's possible between them? Is it because she finds protection in his warm embrace or because he's secretly fulfilling every item on her bucket list? Ethan Hale is the hot college star who's every girl's perfect dream boyfriend. He suddenly has a crush on a certain girl he never thought he'd. He finds the shy girl with natural rosy cheeks cute. She brushes off his persuit so he might just have to up his game and take her to his house and make her his and his forever. Excerpt; As if she had seen a ghost, her face froze when their eyes met. ' Damn it! Why I'm I so unlucky? ' " Little honey, why do you keep avoiding me, are you afraid people might find out I'm yours? " With her puffed rosy cheeks, she threw him a sharp glare. " Why are you here? " " Lunch with my girlfriend!! " " Who's your girlfriend? " " You stole my first kiss, you should be responsible for me of course! " She rolled her eyes with a flushed face, ' that was my first too, okay?! ' " Shameless hooligan!!! "

author_sonni · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

A man's naked muscular chest

Zoey pondered trying to wave at her in puzzlement.

Turning her questioning gaze towards their friends, Avery signalled her with her eyes, to look behind.

Frowning in confusion, Zoey was about to turn back but got startled when girls around the area started shrieking.

Her head unconsciously jerked to the back only to be stunned when her nose hit a hard block of solid.

" Awww... !! "

She winced in pain rubbing her already reddened nose. The sharp pain was so intense that tears welled up in her eyes threatening to flow. She could have sworn she broke a muscle.

" What the hell? "

She cursed slowly opening her closed eyes.

What fell on her eyes astonished her.

A man's naked muscular chest came to her view.

She had unknowingly bumped on a man!

The man was tall, had well developed muscular curves, a slim waist and absolutely no fat on his body.

Zoey gawked at his eight pacs with a widened mouth.

Ethan Hale had been invited out for a party by his friends.

The party was being held at Green spring, a place only the distinguished people frequented. They had booked a whole private pool to celebrate one of their friend's birthday.

After a lot of swimming and drinking, he was bored to death, watching his drunk friends dancing to their heart's content.

Dressed in black swimming trunks, he was seated at the edge of the pool with a glass of expensive red wine on his hand when suddenly his eyes widened in surprise when they fell on the little kitten who had broken his watch.

He was surprised to see her in that place but when he saw the filming equipments they had, he guessed they were probably doing a shooting.

Her outfit was very alluring.

Her waist was tiny and slender and her fair legs were somewhat distracting.

He hadn't seen her since the day they met in class and actually didn't think they'd meet so soon.

He missed teasing the fierce little thing. His lips curled upwards in a sinister manner.

She was walking, her back facing him. Seeing her closing the distance between them, he stood up blocking her path but she was too engrossed to notice his presence until she saw her friend's reaction.

He wasn't expecting her face to bump into his hard chest.

He smiled devilishly and held her petite waist with his left hand.

Despite her slightly swollen red nose, her facial features were still stunning.

Her beautiful eyes seemed to exude a natural wildness and arrogance yet those same eyes were naturally beautiful and clear.

Those shining eyes held slight infatuation and curiosity.

Due to the difference in their heights, her head leveled his chest and her eyes were glued at his bare nipples.

" What are you staring at? "

Humor laced his voice as he soundlessly chuckled.

Zoey was taken aback hearing the familiar haunting voice. Her eyes widened as she hastily jumped back realizing that she had been in his embrace.

" Aahh... !!! "

She squealed in surprise when her camera slipped off hands falling into the swimming pool.

Why wasn't she using the camera strap?

Her heart sank, cursing her bad luck.

Fortunately, Ethan was quick enough to take hold of it before it fell into the water.

Seeing it in his hands, she heaved in relief thanking her stars. Serena would have swallowed her whole if anything had happened to it.

Zoey narrowed her eyes at the man's smiling face and without wasting another second, she grabbed the camera from his hands and dashed away dragging the unalarmed Ria on the process.

" Run!! "

" W... what... why?? "

" Just run!! "

Zoey shouted at the confused Ria while still on her heels.

Ethan Hale amusedly shook his head while picking a new glass of red wine from a passing by waiter. The little kitten never ceased to amuse him.

Jonas Hill, his friend, was part of the group having fun at the pool side. He had witnessed the whole drama unfolding.

He chuckled wrapping his arm around Ethan's neck.

" She's still running? "

His body shook in laughter. He was sure his childhood buddy was surprisingly getting hooked. It was his first time witnessing Ethan being attracted to someone. And the whole thing was somehow hilarious. Especially his awkward expression, confirming his suspicion.

" Back off. "

Ethan shoved him aside pursing his lips to control his laughter but couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out in laughter.

He slowly sipped the wine controlling the urge to carry back the little woman and tease her more.

Her red angry face was pleasing to watch.

Jonas joined him in the laughter his eyes glued to Serena's disappearing back.

Why would he suddenly find her silly expression cute?