
ZOEY'S FATE: fated to a vampire lord

Zoey, an eighteen year old smart adventurous and curious girl wants to live life outside her grandmother's boundaries, she fell in love with a vampire who betrayed and deceived her into the claws of slavery, Zoey got sold to a young vampire lord and in his abode, she discovered she had mysterious powers, she found out her own powers which she never knew she had which pushed her to start searching for her roots with the help of the vampire lord who guided her on how to use her powers. Along the line, she figured out a lot of other mysterious occurrences. How did she get her powers?, Is it hereditary?...Who exactly was her mother? And where is her father? Why did her grandmother not tell her about her powers? Read this novel filled with suspense, mystery and romance.

Riz_senpai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



"I'm sorry Scarlett, I wish I could extend my stay and help you search further for Zoey " Kristine said, she stood in front of a carriage and a young human man was holding the carriage door open for her.

" No, of course you have to go back to work Kristine, thank you for your help and for the ingredients " Scarlett said with a smile, she held a medium sized sack filled with a lot of expensive ingredients that Kristine had given her.

"Maybe after I find Zoey, I will come join you " she added.

Kristine nodded and entered into the carriage, "good luck".

Scarlett stood back and waved the moving carriage goodbye.

" Ah, I should probably go there".... She watched the moving carriage get far and farther away from her, getting lost in her thoughts



It was now late night and the auction was already starting, people who had come a little bit earlier booked seats and left to return later in the night along with many others.

"Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen or should I say vampires and vampiresses", a man said with a wide smile, he was standing on a stage, facing multiple vampires sitted on their respective seats.

The vampires cheered with a hint of excitement in their tone, some of them came from far and wide just for this special auction today, they were all loaded and ready to go on a spending spree.

"Tonight, as you probably all know, every end of the third week of the month we have special items on sale, and most of you already know but for those who are new, this is the human slave trade night!" the man grinned as his voice echoed out the speaker to the audience and they all clapped and cheered with excitement, most of them already knew but they were still excited since it was a once in a month thing.

Almost every vampire wanted to get their hands on a human of their own, their personal juice bag and entertainment. It was also a sign of wealth and prestige in the vampire world.

"While we are still cheering and clapping, let us welcome our host for tonight's auction, the sexyyyy Lady Gigiiiii!!!" he called and pointed towards the right side of the stage as a pretty and petite woman strutted proudly towards the presenter, her heels making a "konk" sound as she walked.

The presenter dramatically got on a knee and kissed her hand while the latter blushed and collected the microphone.

"Thank you so much Mike " she said with a pretty smile as Mike walked away from the stage.

"Yeah, that's one of my men" she jokingly whispered into the microphone, chuckles and giggles came from every corner.

"I would love to continue making you all laugh like this but there's only so much time.

I, Lady Gigi will make sure you have a good time and will surely ensure you let your pockets loose" she winked after she said the last statement, and everyone went into a round of light laughter again.

"Alright, I know you all are excited for the main event but main events always come last, you know, just to keep you all on your toes"

"Okay! Sip on your red teas and have some blood crackers while I present the first item"

A man wheeled an unknown item on to the stage, it was covered with a white fabric.

"Okay, the first item here is a rare item, we worked hard to get this, it is an item more efficient for infighting, against other vampires who oppose you and seek to make an enemy of you. Made from the hannyas' blood sweat and tears, it is the 'NIGHTMARE POTION '!!!" she said, unveiling the item, The audience went wild, there were four small pots set on a tray, four pots! These things were so rare and hard to get so they all went wild seeing this.

This could help them when fighting against other vampires even though the enemy was stronger, this could change the potential winners into losers.

"Bid starts at two hundred golds. Let the bidding begin! May the richest man win"

She said as she watched with a grin, the vampires, raising up their bidding cards at every amount she was calling.

"And the item goes to Miss.Geraldine as the highest bidder, bidding seven hundred golds. The transaction will go on after the show and the item will also be given to you "

" On to the next item. It is a..."



"I'm off to the auction house, I need some slaves around here, but I'm a little scared, what if you fall in love with the girl slaves when they are here." Yasmin said to Xavier while buttoning up her coat.

"Hmm, maybe I should get boy ones, but wouldn't that make you jealous?"

Xavier already moved into Yasmin's house after she released him and they were already making marriage plans, actually she was, Xavier has no choice but to agree with everything she says.

Xavier was sitting on a couch, staring at her back when he suddenly thought of something "c-can I come with you?" he asked, Yasmin cocked her head towards him with a creased brows.

"Oh, do you think Zoey would be on sale? She is not, she's new and I haven't gotten to have a meeting with her yet so she can't be auctioned now...and if she was, I would definitely buy her and let you watch her suffer and die a slow painful death " she grimaced as she looked at Xavier dead in the eyes.

"Nevermind" Xavier gulped as she sat back on the couch.

"Hahahaha, so you really wanted to go because you thought she'd be there? Aww poor Xavi " she mocked and left the house with her laughter echoing after her.

Xavier didn't even care at that point, he was busy having flashbacks of Zoey calling him by that name- Xavi.




Scarlett was returning home from the black market, she went to search for Zoey in there but it was futile, she couldn't exactly go too deep into the black market so she called it a day and planned to return the next day, she took off her invisibility cloak and sunk into a couch.

"Zoey, Zoey... Where? Where are you? What are you doing right now? Are you okay? Have you been kidnapped? The vampires probably have you right? You probably went to the black market even after all the warnings." she was soliloquizing as she stared into space in their living room.

She went straight to kitchen and started bringing out cauldrons and sticks and herbs and a whole other things, getting ready to use a strong spell that would tell her the location of the person she was thinking about all through the process. As long as the person was in the same town as the caster.



"We're so late" A man said walking out of the door after another man who was adjusting his sleeve button.

"We have probably missed all the good stuff, let's hurry, we should catch the slaves at least " he repeated as he quickly walked into the carriage.

"Come on, Matteo, you wanted to come with me, don't fucking slack off " he called the other with a frown.

"Alright, relax" the man entered the carriage with a small chuckle.

"I just need me some nightmare potions, I'm not a psycho who just wants a female slave like you" he added while shaking his head.

"Unlike you, I do not have the gift of self control.

I just broke up with Carissa last week and I haven't gotten laid since then. All these vampire women don't interest me anymore, I need something more, what else can be better than a personal juice bag and bed warmer. And the best thing? Vampires cannot impregnate humans! And even better? They can never leave you because of the slave contract hehe" he said with a crazy lewd look.

"You're a gone man. This is a potential weakness, it could be used against you in the future " the other guy said, looking out the window of the carriage. The moon reflecting on his defined pretty face.

"Matteo, you're just overthinking, Bloodfangs are currently laying low, best to enjoy life while it lasts" the other shrugged and patted the pretty Matteo on his shoulder.

"That's probably what they want us to think, and by the looks of it, it's working " Matteo said and eyed the other, faking a disgusted look.

